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‘certian secure computer ner cama ‘narocuetion to Date Security increasingly easy for criminals to find their prey. Simple information like where will you be ‘spending your evening, if posted onling, can be used! in the most dangerous ways by stalkers. Personal information has reacquired its meaning in this millennium. itis supposed be just that, personal. Sharing of personal information with strangers or online is nothing short of inviting ‘trouble. There are many ways in which you can protect your personal details (which will be ciscussed later in the course), but the most effective of them all is keeping your information to yourself. Importance of Organizational Data Data belonging to commercial entities, if leaked, can wreak havoc on them. A commercial data breach has much more implications than just the obvious financial one. A company may be ‘working on a new product thatiit is about to launch in the market. If the information about the product is leaked ta a competitor who ends up launching the same praduct, the repercussions can be never ending. The company may lose market share and all the potential profits for years to come. Something that happened between Apple and Microsoft is a classic example of that. A data breach, although a low-tech one, which happened decades ago, still makes Microsoft the money which should be Apple's market share. ‘Apart from this, the company which loses information also loses credibility in the market. People are more hesitant to do business with them as they are scared for the safety of their own information. Anather implication is the amount of rework that goes into generating the same information again. The victim business loses time, money, and market share every single day that they spend on the rework. Losing customer data may also lead to lawsuits translating inte a huge monetary loss for the affected organizations. ‘The reason why industrial espionage is'a thriving business today is because no longer do people have to go and physically steal information fram companies. Data thefts can be done remotely by targeting the weak links in the cyber security chains. Often these weak links turn out to be ‘the low- or micHevel employees who are the end users of a company’s digital infrastructure. Companies, even governments are investing in cyber security like never before as it is more of, an investment for them in their business than just security. Threats to Data Since data has become so important in today's world, threats to it also have risen significantly. Loss of data can cause great emotional distress apart from financial troubles. There are multiple threats that our data faces today. Some of them may be from natural forces, against which we are helpless as mere mortals, and some from humans themselves, regarding which we can da something about Natural Threats Natural disasters or accidents can physically damage or completely destroy data. An earthquake \can collapse @ building which may have computers with important data on them. Similarly, a fire can wipe out huge amounts of data in a matter of minutes. Not all data need to be Moise ot Pages Certed Secure Computer User Copyright © ay E-Caunell “A sigrtr Rarer. eprecuon esr Praises,

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