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Published 09/24/2012
Copyright © 2012 SAE International

A Review of Reynolds Number Effects on the Aerodynamics of

Commercial Ground Vehicles
Richard Wood
SOLUS-Solutions and Technologies LLC

A review of Reynolds number scaling and high Reynolds number simulation for commercial ground vehicles is
presented. The supporting data was extracted from published wind tunnel tests, coastdown tests and computational studies
for complete vehicles and vehicle components. For complex vehicles the data suggest that the use of forced transition for
higher Reynolds number simulation is a viable test technique however various component specific schemes may be
required to replicate the aerodynamics of a full-scale vehicle. The Reynolds number sensitivity of; boundary layer
transition control, surface curvature effects, bluff base flows, wheel/tire aerodynamics, and complete vehicle aerodynamics
is presented. The data show that the width-based transcritical Reynolds number for commercial vehicles is between 1 and 3
million with the averaged values for edge radius, wheels and full vehicle data sets between 1.6 and 1.8 million. A
minimum width-based transcritical Reynolds number value of 3 million is recommended for simulating the aerodynamics
of full-scale commercial vehicles operating at a width-based Reynolds number greater than 3 million. If the dominant
aerodynamic and fluid dynamic features of the vehicle are well established the minimum width-based transcritical
Reynolds number value that may be used is 2 million. To ensure an accurate simulation of full-scale vehicles operating
below the 3 million transcritical value future studies should be performed at the vehicle full-scale Reynolds number.

CITATION: Wood, R., "A Review of Reynolds Number Effects on the Aerodynamics of Commercial Ground Vehicles,"
SAE Int. J. Commer. Veh. 5(2):2012, doi:10.4271/2012-01-2045.

INTRODUCTION vehicle design principles and governs the use of testing and
analysis tools. A review of the literature [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Over the past decade there has been a growing acceptance 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
of aerodynamic drag reduction as a viable fuel economy 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
improvement technology for commercial vehicle. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
Aerodynamic vehicle shaping and aftermarket drag reduction 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
technologies appear regularly on light, medium and heavy 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
trucks and trailers. Supporting this growing interest is the 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
increased use of aerodynamic testing and computational tools 105, 106, 107] indicates that despite the rapid increase in the
by all sectors of the industry. Typically commercial vehicle use of aerodynamic technology the industry has not fully
wind tunnel test use scale models with vehicle boundary embraced Reynolds number scaling and simulation methods
layers that fail to represent the critical characteristics found as a critical testing or analysis criteria. A factor affecting the
on a full-scale vehicle. Computational studies of
slow adoption may be the 0.7 ×106 minimum Reynolds
representative vehicles may also fail to accurately represent
number claimed in SAE J1252 Recommended Practice [105].
the critical boundary layer characteristics found on a full-
Though SAE J1252 does not provide a reference for the
scale vehicle. Additionally full-scale coast down testing used
minimum Reynolds number value it is most likely based on
to obtain high-speed aerodynamic data are performed over a
legacy data sets from the 1960s and 1970s. These data sets
broad range of test speeds without an understanding of the
are for aerodynamically sharp-edged (i.e. small edge radii)
change in the off-body and on-body flow conditions.
bluff body vehicles that are known to have aerodynamic
For aerodynamic technology to mature it is critical that
forces and moments that vary little with Reynolds number,
the use of all tools is based on the governing fundamental
see Anderson [2], Buckley [13, 15], Cooper [20, 23] and
aerodynamic and fluid dynamic criteria. In aerodynamics the
Watkins [92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97].
most critical criteria is Reynolds number which guides

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The continued acceptance of the 0.7 ×106 minimum SAE Recommended Practices [104, 105, 106, 107]. The
Reynolds number value is surprising given that the validity of remaining sections of the paper will discuss the Reynolds
this value has been challenged by leading ground-vehicle sensitivity of boundary layer transition control, curvature
aerodynamicists beginning in 1978. In 1978 Hucho [50] effects, bluff base flows, wheels and complete vehicle. The
raised the initial concern, in 1981 Gilhaus [42] suggested a final section of this paper summarizes the Reynolds number
minimum width based Reynolds number value of 1.6 million, data into a single chart to define a width based transcritical
Cooper suggest 1.0 million in 1982 [20] and then 2.0 million Re value for commercial vehicles.
in 1985 [25], Drollinger supported a value between 1 and 2
million in 1987 [33], and Olson offered 1.7 in 1992 [64]. Background
Storms in 2004 [84] executed a sub-scale model study in a Reynolds number is used in aerodynamic studies to
NASA pressure wind tunnel that was able to obtain full scale characterize critical on-body and off-body flow features such
Reynolds number data on a 0.125 scale model. Storms test as the vehicle boundary layer state, boundary layer thickness,
data clearly suggest that the minimum width-based Reynolds flow separation, flow expansion, shear layer stability and
number is greater than 1 million and may be as large as 3 flow reattachment. Each of these fluid dynamic
million. These differences in the recommended minimum characteristics plays an important role in guiding both
Reynolds number may be attributed to differences in the test experimental as well as computational studies. Specific
facility, the characteristics of the specific vehicle in question aerodynamic design and analysis areas of interest are wind
or may be dictated by a specific component on the vehicle. tunnel testing, coast down testing [107], computational
To address each of these possible factors the current study design, advanced surface shaping, flow control technology
used a large data sample for the full vehicle as well as several and time dependent atmospheric effects.
vehicle components that have the potential to impact the The first step in understanding the impact of Reynolds
behavior of the total vehicle. The study reviewed the number in vehicle design is the determination of the
available literature to develop an understanding of Reynolds minimum test Reynolds number for wind tunnel testing [20,
number scaling and simulation methods on the aerodynamics 42, 50], also known as the transcritical Reynolds number
of the total vehicle, leading edge radius, bluff base and tires/ [69], see figure 1. The terminology of Roshko [69] is used to
wheels. The information presented in this paper has been describe the relevant Re regions. Figure 1 shows
extracted from published works and where available accepted representative variations in CD with Re for a simple bluff
correlation parameters and summary data plots are presented. body (sphere), see upper graph, and a typical bluff body
The evaluation of complete vehicles made use of references vehicle, see lower graph. The variation in CD with Re for a
6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 33, bluff body has the following characterisitics; 1) the highest
36, 37, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 64, 70, 73, 74, 77, 80, drag occurs at subcritical Re values where the boundary layer
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100. Edge and all separations are laminar, 2) the start of the abrupt drag
shaping analysis is based on the work of Copper [25] in reduction is noted as the critical Re (Recr) and coincides with
addition to references 1, 3, 7, 16, 32, 42, 50, 54, 55, 63, 64, the start of boundary layer transition from laminar to
65, 66, 72, 76, 78, 90, 101, 103. Bluff base evaluations turbulent, 3) the transitional range of Re covering the large
focused on boattail effects as documented in references 11, variations in drag reflects the progression in the extent of the
12, 17, 25, 35, 36, 39, 47, 61, 62, 67, 68, 84, 90. The boundary layer transition from laminar to turbulent, and 4)
investigation of wheel aerodynamics is based on references 4, transcritical Re (Retr) is the point at which a majority of the
5, 19, 31, 38, 46, 53, 57, 58, 59, 71, 80, 88, 92, 98, 102. In boundary layer has transitioned to turbulent flow on the body
support each of these vehicle and component studies a review and the drag level becomes invariant with further increase in
of boundary layer forced transition effects made use of Re. It is important to note that the drag level in the
references 2, 8, 10, 14, 25, 26, 28, 34, 37, 40, 41, 43, 47, 60, transcritical range may exhibit small variations, with
75, 89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, and 99. increasing Re, due to changes in boundary layer state, flow
DISCUSSION separations, and flow reattachment.
Vehicle aerodynamic design and/or analysis studies
Reynolds number (Re) is the most critical parameter for should be performed at Re values in which the vehicle
the aerodynamic study and design of commercial vehicles [8, aerodynamics as well as on-body and off-body flow
9, 49]. However the supporting data and information guiding conditions match those of the full-scale vehicle under
the application of Reynolds number scaling criteria for operational conditions. This may require the representative
ground vehicles is limited compared to that available to the Re to be greater or less than the transcritical Re value, this
aircraft and watercraft communities. The Reynolds number point is graphically depicted in figure 2 [32]. Presented in
data used in this study was extracted from a published wind figure 2 is a portion of the data obtained by Delaney [32]
tunnel tests, coastdown tests, and computational studies for which show variations in CD with Re for two-dimensional
complete vehicles and vehicle components. To provide cylinders of different edge radii. Depending on the
context, the data analysis presented is compared to relevant operational speed of a full-scale vehicle (see shaded vertical
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630 Wood / SAE Int. J. Commer. Veh. / Volume 5, Issue 2(October 2012)

bar) the representative Re value may be either in the Forced Transtion

subcritical range (sharp edge bluff body upper curve),
The on-body flow, off-body flow and the aerodynamics of
transitional range (middle curve) or transcritical range
a vehicle can change significantly with changes in Re. The
(smooth bluff body lower curve). Note the transcritical Re for
Re for a specific vehicle will vary with a change in the
the sharp edge bluff body (upper curve) would occur at a Re
velocity of the air stream (or vehicle speed) and/or by a
value that is greater than shown on the figure. These data
change the density of the air (fluid) passing over the vehicle
show that the transcritical Re may vary over a broad Re range
surface. It is known that the critical and transcritical Re can
for small changes to these simple shapes.
occur at lower values by forcing boundary layer (BL)
transition with the use of either roughness elements placed on
the surface of the body [8, 10, 25, 26, 37, 40, 41, 43, 47, 60,
89] or by introducing turbulence into the air-flow upstream of
the body [2, 14, 28, 34, 75, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99].
Representative forced boundary layer transition test results,
showing the impact of forced transition on the CD, are shown
in figures 3 and 4 for generic vehicle components and in
figure 5 for a combination vehicle.
The chart shown in figure 3 is from a report by Cooper
[25]. The test program investigated leading edge radius
effects on generic bluff body models over a broad Re range
for both free BL transition and the use of grit roughness
elements to force BL transition. Test data is for non-
dimensional radius values (η=r/A.5) of 0.025, 0.050 and
0.063. The data for η =0.063 show that the use of grit reduces
the critical and transcritical Re values by 50%. In contrast,
the forced transition data for the relative sharp edge body (η
=0.025) varies little from the free transition data indicating
that the sharp edge body is insensitive to Re over the test
Figure 1. Representation of the variation in CD with Re range.
for a sphere and a typical bluff vehicle.

Figure 3. Effect of boundary layer transition on ReA

dependent CD for 3D cylinders.

An alternate approach to surface roughness is to increase

the free stream turbulence. The increased free stream
Figure 2. Variation in CD with Rel due to edge radius for turbulence structures interact with the BL flow to promote
2D cylinders. early transition. Shown in figure 4 is a plot from a boattail
study by Morel [61] in which free stream turbulence was used
to successfully force early BL transition. The data show that
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the change in BL transition location impacts both the drag The data presented in figures 3, 4 and 5 highlights the
levels and the slant angle at which the base flow separation benefit and complexity of using forced transition techniques
occurs. to simulate higher Reynolds number flow conditions.
Successful use of forced transition requires an understanding
of the desired boundary layer conditions as well as the
expected aerodynamic characteristics at higher Reynolds
number conditions. The data also suggest that the use of
forced transition [10, 45] on complex vehicle shapes with
multiple components may require the use of multiple forced
transition treatment scheme on a subscale vehicle in order to
obtain results that are consistent with full scale Reynolds
number conditions. Although the commercial vehicle
industry does not routinely use forced boundary layer
transition to replicate higher Reynolds number flows it is
suggested that future test programs develop and implement
these methods in order to correct current limitation of
existing facilities.

Radius of Curvature
Figure 4. Effect of boundary layer transition on Boattail Aircraft design technology and edge shaping techniques
angle dependent CD for a simple bluff body. found their way into ground vehicle design beginning in the
1930s [65]. However associated with any edge shaping there
is an increase in the complexity of the aerodynamics of the
The two previous examples of forced BL transition were vehicle resulting in greater sensitivity of the drag force to
for simple bluff body shapes at zero yaw angle. Shown in both the Re and the direction of the onset flow (yaw angle).
figure 5 is a data plot by Cooper [29] for two combination Edge shaping on commercial ground vehicles has historically
vehicles over a range of yaw angles. Results are presented for used fixed radius shaping on the side edge of the tractor,
free transition and three levels of free stream turbulence. trailer, and freight box. Recent design trends show an
Compared to the free transition data the forced transition data increase in the use of complex three-dimensional shaping
show significant changes in the CD level and the variation in where changes in the local radii of curvature will become the
CD with yaw angle for each free stream turbulence level for figure of merit in the evaluation BL transition and Re
the two combination vehicles. sensitivity. The importance of this parameter will continue to
increase as the front of trucks and trailers adopt more
complex shaping strategies in the design process.
The work by Cooper [25] serves as the basis for this
portion of the paper. A number of additional papers [1, 3, 7,
16, 25, 32, 42, 50, 54, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66, 72, 76, 78, 90, 101,
103] were reviewed and their findings were evaluated in the
context of the Cooper summary charts [25]. Of note is the
work by Buckley [16], Delaney [32], Gilhaus [42], Hucho
[50], Lindsey [55], Pawlowski [65] and Polhamus [66].
One of the earliest data sets and one that is often cited is
the 1930 paper by Pawlowski [65], based on the thesis by
Frank Wyszynski, see figure 6. The plot of figure 6 is
constructed by plotting the Pawlowski data as a function of
Re based on the edge radius. The plot indicates that the
critical Re (Recr,r) value for the bodies with an edge radius is
less 0.05 × 106 while the Recr,r value for the sharp edge body
is greater than .25 × 106. The CD data for bodies with radius
values 0.167, 0.250, and 0.333 is in the transcritical Re range.
In contrast the data for the 0.083 radius body indicate it is in
the transitional Re range. A review of the full data set suggest
Figure 5. Effect of boundary layer transition on Yaw that the transcritical Re (Retr,r) value would occur above
angle dependent CD for two combination vehicles.
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0.125 × 106, corresponding to a width based Retr,A of 1.5 ×


Figure 8. Coopers front edge radius design boundaries,

figure 25 of reference 25.

Figure 6. Variation in CD with Rer and edge radius for

3D cylinders.

Figure 9. Comparison of front edge radius data sets with

Coopers design boundaries, figure 25 of reference 25.

The sample of the edge radius test data of Cooper [25] is

presented in figures 7 and a summary of the data is shown in
figure 8. The data of figure 7 show a variation in CD with
Figure 7. Variation in CD with Rer and edge radius for ReA for several blunt edge bluff bodies. As discussed
3D cylinders. previously for figure 3 the edge radius data is presented as a
non-dimensional radius value (η =r/A.5). The data of figure 7
show that increasing edge radius reduces both the Recr,A and
Retr,A values proportionally to the change in radius value.
Cooper extracted the Recr,r and Recr,A values from the data of
reference 25 and presents these values as front edge radius
design boundaries, see figure 8. The vertical design boundary
on the left of the figure show that the Recr,r value is .13 × 106
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for moderate edge radius values typically found on base area size compared to the boundary layer thickness. The
commercial vehicles. On the right side of the figure is the relationship between boundary layer thickness and the size of
companion Recr,A design boundary. To further evaluate the the base area determines the extent that corner flow will
design boundaries presented in figure 8 several additional introduce three dimensional flow features that may interfere
data sources [42, 63, 65, 72, 90] were analyzed and plotted with the optimal boattail flow characteristics.
against the Cooper design boundaries in figure 9. Note, a 6-
inch radius front edge on a full scale trailer (η = 0.063) would
have Recr,w value of approximately 2.0 × 106.

Boattail Aerodynamics

Figure 11. Effect of boundary layer thickness on Boattail

drag reduction.

Based on the above arguments, boundary layer

characteristics were chosen as the correlation parameter for
Figure 10. Effect of Reynolds number on optimum boattail performance. This approach is supported by the work
Boattail angle. of Hoerner [47] who suggest a relationship between vehicle
base drag, forebody drag and boundary layer transition. The
The trailing edges and bluff bases of commercial vehicles data analysis focused on vehicles with forward body sections
can vary considerably resulting in large variations in that have minimal pressure gradient, such as a box trailer [17,
separation patterns and base flows making the study of drag 20, 25, 30, 35, 62, 67, 77, 86]. This allowed the use of flat
trends a challenge. To simplify this analysis boattail data sets plate analysis of boundary layer transition and boundary layer
were selected for evaluating this focus area. However, the thickness estimates. Presented in figure 11 are analysis results
correlation of boattail aerodynamics with Re is not as straight showing the variation in the fractional change in CD with
forward as the analysis presented in the previous section. increasing non-dimensional boundary layer thickness. The
Boattail aerodynamics is influenced by the boundary layer non-dimensional boundary layer thickness parameter (δA) is
condition and thickness, vehicle base area, turning angle and the ratio of boundary layer thickness, immediately upstream
wake characteristics. To support this analysis a number of of the boattail, to the square root of the base area. The
relevant papers [11, 12, 17, 20, 25, 26, 30, 35, 36, 39, 47, 61, boundary layer thickness calculation is for a flat plate BL and
62, 67, 68, 77, 84, 86, 90] were reviewed. Data from the assumes a BL transition Re (Reblt,x) value of 1 million. Note;
subject references showed inconsistent trends with Rew, as all data presented are for conditions in which BL transition
represented by the data shown in figure 10 [11]. Figure 10 occurred within the first 30% of the test article length.
shows results from three subscale wind tunnel tests for Rew Results are presented for sub-scale wind tunnel test, full-scale
values of 1.5, 2.3 and 5.0 million in which the drag reduction wind tunnel test, and coast down tests [107]. Figure 11 show
and optimum boattail angle vary randomly with Rew. The that boattail performance decreases with increasing δA. Noted
observed variation is not surprising given that boattail on the figure are values of δA for a 53-foot trailer at speeds of
performance requires that the flow transitioning from the 60 and 15 mph, representing full scale Re values of 4.6 and
upstream portion of the vehicle onto the angled boattail must 1.2 million respectively. These reference conditions indicate
remain attached. The ability of the flow to negotiate the boattail effectiveness will reduce by 50% during a typical
expansion onto the boattail surface is a function of the coastdown test or for a subscale wind tunnel test compared to
boundary layer state, thickness of the boundary layer and the full scale Reynolds number testing. These data highlight the
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challenge associated with low Reynolds number base drag known about the state of the boundary layer on the full-scale
studies that require full scale modeling of both the BL state reference vehicle to allow an accurate simulation of relevant
and BL thickness. Also shown are reference points for 42 and flow features in the computational analysis. Coast down
26-foot trailers at 60mph. These data show that the thinner testing has a different challenge due the variation is Reynolds
boundary layer, due to the shorter vehicle length, could number during the test run which alters base flows. separation
increase the drag reduction benefit of a boattail. characteristics and will impact the CD values resulting in an
increase in the data uncertainty. An overarching challenge in
Wheel/Tire Aerodynamics defining the Reynolds sensitivity for a complete vehicle is
The variation in wheel/tire CD with Re was viewed as a accounting for the differences in Reynolds sensitivity for the
parameter of interest due to the exposure of commercial various components of the vehicle. To address the large
vehicle wheel/tire to the free stream flow resulting in variation in Reynolds sensitivity for complete vehicles an
potentially large drag values. Unfortunately the body of extensive review of the literature [6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18,
relevant data for this component is limited to isolated wheel/ 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 33, 36, 37, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49,
tire studies (without the presence of a vehicle) [4, 5, 19, 31, 50, 51, 52, 56, 64, 70, 73, 74, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,
38, 46, 53, 57, 58, 59, 71, 80, 88, 92, 98, 102]. A majority of 87, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100] was conducted to determine
these data is for large-scale isolated wheel/tire test articles an appropriate transcritical Reynolds number value.
where full-scale Re sensitivities have been defined. The
published data show that the variation in drag with Re is
equivalent for static and rotating wheels. For the current
investigation the original test Re values have been converted
to Re values based on the width of a typical commercial
vehicle. Presented in figure 12 is representative data from
Cogotti [19] showing the variation in CD with Rew for two
isolated wheel/tire configurations. These data show a Retr,w
of approximately 2 million, consistent with the edge radius
data presented previously.

Figure 13. Effect of Reynolds number on Yaw angle

dependent CD for a combination vehicles.

In addition to the variation in Reynolds number sensitivity

for each vehicle component this class of vehicle has a
significant Reynolds number sensitivity with changes in yaw
angle. An example of the yaw sensitivity is clearly seen in the
Storms data [84] shown in figure 13. The oval shaded regions
on the right side of the figure highlight the increasing
Figure 12. Variation in CD with Reynolds number for increment in CD due to increasing Rew for yaw angle of 0, 5
two isolated wheels geometries. and 10 degrees. A detailed analysis of the data is presented in
figure 14 where the fractional change in ΔCD, with Rew is
shown for the three yaw angles. The figure shows that
Vehicle Aerodynamics increasing Rew from 0.5 to 6.4 million results in a 4%
Aerodynamic similarity requires the matching of reduction in CD at 0° yaw, 7% reduction in CD at 5° yaw, and
Reynolds number and geometric details for the test article 11% reduction in CD at 10° yaw. Associated with the drag
compared to the operational conditions for the full-scale reduction is an increase in the transcritical Re value with
vehicle. In practice this is extremely difficult for wind tunnel increasing yaw angle. The Retr,w value varies from 3×106 at 0
testing, computational studies as well as coastdown testing degrees yaw to 5×106 at 10 degrees yaw. These observations
[107]. Although Reynolds number can be matched in underscore the importance that Retr,w for wind tunnel test or
computational work there is typically little information
computational study should be determined at the maximum
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Figure 14. Variation in CD with Reynolds number for two combination vehicles.

Figure 15. Summary of vehicle and vehicle components transcritical Re values.

yaw angle for the investigation. Of equal importance to the vehicle behavior at Re values greater than the Retr,w value.
change in CD is understanding the change in boundary layer Note, the data values presented in figure 15 are conservative
conditions and off-body flows with changing Rew. The data Retr,w values. For example, the Retr,w value shown in figure
may also be used to define the minimum test velocity, based 15 is 3 million for the Storms 2004 [84] data despite the fact
on expected wind conditions, for a coastdown test [107]. figure 14 show that the Retr,w value varied from a low of 3
million at 0° yaw angle to a high of 5 million at 10° yaw
Transcritical Reynolds Number Summary angle.
The previous sections of the paper outlined and discussed Shown in figure 15 are the width based transcritical
the critical Reynolds number trends associated with Reynolds number calculated from the vehicle, edge radius,
commercial bluff base vehicles and their components. This and wheel reference data sets. Also presented is the average
section will summarize and discuss these data in the context of the Retr,w values for each of the three data sources (see
of establishing a commercial vehicle Retr,w value (i.e. dashed lines). In addition three reference boundaries are
minimum test Reynolds number). Test and analysis studies indicated on the figure; the 1979 “SAE J1252 Min. Value”
below this value would introduce significant variations in the [105], a “Transitional” Re boundary and a “Transcritical” Re
aerodynamics and flow field characteristics of the subject boundary (see solid lines in figure 15). A minimum Retr,w
vehicle and these results could not be used to represent the
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value of 3 million is recommended (Transcritical Boundary) the Retr,w for wind tunnel testing or computational studies
for simulating the aerodynamics of commercial vehicle should be determined at the maximum yaw angle for the
operating at a width-based Reynolds number greater than 3 investigation.
million. For these same vehicles, a test/analysis Retr,w value A summary of all data show that Retr,w for commercial
as low as 2 million (Transitional Boundary) may be used if vehicles fell between 1 and 3 million with the averaged
the dominant aerodynamic and fluid dynamic features of the values for edge radius, wheels and full vehicle data sets
vehicle are well established. The chart show that all Retr,w between 1.6 and 1.8 million. A minimum Retr,w value of 3
values fall between 1 and 3 million with the averaged values million is recommended for simulating the aerodynamics of
for edge radius, wheels, and full vehicle sets in the range of commercial vehicle operating at a width-based Reynolds
1.6 to 1.8 million. It is encouraging to note that these data number greater than 3 million. A Retr,w value as low as 2
support the findings of Hucho [50], Gilhaus [42], Cooper [20, million may be used if the dominant aerodynamic and fluid
25], Drollinger [33], Olson [64] and others. It is discouraging dynamic features of the vehicle are well established. To
that the study was unable to determine the source for the 0.7 ensure an accurate aerodynamic simulation of full-scale
million value suggested within the 1979 SAE J1252 vehicles operating below the 3 million transcritical value
document [105]. future test/analysis studies should be performed at the full-
As noted previously there are large variations in the scale Reynolds number. These findings support those of
aerodynamic forces for Reynolds numbers below the Hucho [50], Gilhaus [42], Cooper [20, 25], Drollinger [33],
transcritical value. To ensure an accurate simulation of full- Olson [64] and others. The study results do not support the
scale vehicles operating below the 3 million transcritical minimum Re value of 0.7 million value suggested within the
value future test/analysis studies should be performed at full- SAE J1252 document [105].
scale Reynolds numbers.
CONCLUDING REMARKS 1. Alam, F., Watkins, S., Zimmer, G., and Humphris, C., “Effects of
Vehicle A-pillar Shape on Local Mean and Time-Varying Flow
The variations in Reynolds sensitivity with boundary Properties,” SAE Technical Paper 2001-01-1086, 2001, doi:
layer transition control, surface curvature effects, bluff base 10.4271/2001-01-1086.
2. Anderson, J., Firey, J., Ford, P., and Kieling, W., “Truck Drag
flows, wheels and complete vehicle have been reviewed and Components by Road Test Measurement,” SAE Technical Paper
summarized. For complex vehicles the data suggest that the 640794, 1964, doi: 10.4271/640794.
3. Arcas, D., Browand, F., and Hammache, M., “Flow Structure in the Gap
use of forced transition is a viable test method but the Between Two Bluff Bodies,” AIAA 2004-2250, 2004.
technique may require unique treatment schemes for specific 4. Axon, L., “The Aerodynamic Characteristics of Automobile Wheels -
CFD Prediction and Wind Tunnel Experiment,” PhD thesis, Cranfield
vehicle components in order to obtain results that are University, 1999.
consistent with a full scale vehicle. Although the commercial 5. Axon, L., Garry, K., and Howell, J., “The Influence of Ground
Condition on the Flow Around a Wheel Located Within a Wheelhouse
vehicle industry does not routinely use forced boundary layer Cavity,” SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-0806, 1999, doi:
transition to replicate higher Reynolds number flows it is 10.4271/1999-01-0806.
6. Baker, C. J. and Humphreys, N. D., “Assessment of the Adequacy of
suggested that future test programs develop and implement Various Wind Tunnel Techniques to Obtain Aerodynamic Data for
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Wood / SAE Int. J. Commer. Veh. / Volume 5, Issue 2(October 2012) 639

Rel - Reynolds number based on model/vehicle length

Rer - Reynolds number based on radius (r)
Ret - Transition Reynolds number
Retr,x - Transcritical Reynolds number based on length (x)
Rew - Reynolds number based on model/vehicle width (w)
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
U - Free Stream Velocity
w - width
WT - wind tunnel
δ - boundary layer thickness
δA - boundary layer thickness parameter (δ / (AB).5)
η - non-dimensional edge radius, r/A.5

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