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AR 441-444D MODULE NO.

01: High-Rise Building

Architectural Design VIII 2ND Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

• To gain knowledge on different techniques, processes, structural innovations, trends,
and considerations in the design development of high-rise buildings
• To learn how concepts are applied to complex structures
• To learn how to analyze the effectiveness and practicality of the design solutions applied
in the case being studied

1. Background
• Project name
• Project details
a. Developer/owner
b. Location
c. Building function/type
d. Total area
e. Number of storeys
f. Height in meters
g. Capacity
h. Unique features/amenities/characteristics
i. Other details
2. Overall design concept
• Concept development
• Translation – application of the concept to the design (space planning, zoning,
aesthetic, etc.)
3. Form Concept
• Inspiration
• Design strategies applied to building form
4. Structural concept
• Structural design
• Details
5. Major considerations
6. Innovations and other features

Drawing Requirements:
1. Concepts used (overall, form, structural)
2. Major floor plan/s
3. Main façade
4. Section
5. Details
6. Major perspectives

Analysis: Answer the following questions.

1. How practical or logical are the solutions used and applied in the building design?

Arch. Ralph S. Intal 1|Page

AR 441-444D MODULE NO. 01: High-Rise Building
Architectural Design VIII 2ND Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

2. Did the design meet the needs and requirements of the project? How?

1. All drawings should be manually drawn, scaled, and rendered
2. Freehand drawing is allowed
3. Use 15x20 bristol board or A3 paper
4. Write your student number, name, section, subject, and activity title (Minor Plate 01:
Case Study of High-Rise Buildings)
5. All boards should be submitted in a single PDF using the file name format: MINOR
PLATE 01_AR441-444D_SURNAME First Name
6. Submit the file in the assignment posted in the MS Teams
7. Deadline of submission is on April 05, 2022.

Grading Criteria
1. Content 50%
2. Presentation 20%
3. Analysis 30%

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