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On August 22, 2013 6:31 pm Don Pollauf from Bowhunting Addiction TV sent me a message which stated: We got a
guy in the mcu (CWMU) next to us, red truck pushing deer and honking horn to scare all deer! Just screwed my
hunt on a big muley, Red Toyota I drove over to the Spring Creek Area, property taken care of by Craig Halls and
the Washburn property taken care of by Barry Simpson that was the area that Don was hunting, as I turned off
Highway 191 to spring creek road heading west, I saw a red truck coming east on the spring creek road. I rolled my
window down and stuck my arm out to stop the vehicle and moved my truck over to the center of the road. The
truck stopped before I reach it. I pulled beside the vehicle and I asked the driver (now known to be Bruce Adams) if
he was the one honking and chasing deer. The driver of the red Toyota said I fucking know you, you’re from
Arizona and you should fucking go back. I said I stopped you to tell you that it is illegal to harass deer and hunters.
The driver said I can do what the fuck I want on my own property. I said, no you can't do that.

I said If you don't stop I will call the Utah Game and Fish and the police. The diver said I will call the police and took
off. I turned around on spring creek road to follow the truck to get the license plate number of the vehicle, I called
Barry Simpson and told him Of the incident while I was driving behind the vehicle and if he could write the license
number down for me. I followed the vehicle to the edge off the north side of Monticello, I finished the license plate
number to Barry Simpson at that time. A few hundred yards after entering the town, I saw 2 or 3 Police vehicles
coming down the road and the Toyota making a U-turn. I pulled over and waited for the Police to stop and talk
about the incident. At this time the driver of the red Toyota was identified as Bruce Adams. The Police asked me if i
knew who he was, I said no the Police Officer then told me he was the County Commissioner. I gave the Sheriff
Officer Michael Palmer the number of another Toyota that was scaring deer away from the property we were
hunting. The Vehicle a red Toyota with a strip down the sides license plate number Utah B36 3VT, the vehicle
showed it was owned by Jell Nelson, The officer told me that Jeff Nelson was Bruce Adams Son-in-Law. I told the
Police that the incident was on camera as the TV show was filming at the time Bruce Adams entered the CUMU
field honking his horn and chasing deer (video attached).

The police said he told them he was herding his horses. The hunters in the area stated there was no horses in the
area he was driving only deer. Note when I asked Bruce Adams he said he can do whatever he fucking wanted on
his property, never said anything about herding horses.

On Sunday August 18, 2013 Jerry Vogel, James Blankenbeckler, and Scott Brewer was parked on Grayson Redds
property and observed a red Toyota truck with a strip on the side license number Utah B36 3VT (This vehicle is
owned by Jeff Nelson) the vehicle pulled up to the metal gate on the south west corner of Grayson Redds property
by spring creek, west of the old airport. The truck honked it's horn several times and the herd of deer started
running east toward the old airport.

On 2 days during the beginning of the Archery Bow Season a white truck with a flat bed drove the entire fence line
inside the CUMU property that boarders the Washburn property at spring creek on the east side of Washburn's
fence and Grayson Redds property fence on the west side of Redds property this was during the peak hunting
hours (around 6:00 pm).

Jerry Vogel

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