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Week 11: Geocentricity Today - ARG


Make a research, and then write a two-page reaction paper regarding the rising movement of
Geocentricity in the modern world. Be sure to be as objective as possible, and cite references
used in the reaction paper.


The geocentric model, derived from the words "geo" (earth) and "centric" (center), is earth-
centered, with the earth in the center of the solar system rather than the sun. The Sun, Moon,
planets, and stars all orbited Earth according to the geocentric model. Many ancient
civilizations, including those of Aristotle in Classical Greece and Ptolemy in Roman Egypt, used
the geocentric model to describe the cosmos. This theory was discovered by Ptolemy. It was
widely accepted until the 16th century, when it was supplanted by heliocentric models such as
Nicolaus Copernicus'. Astronomers believed in geocenticity during the medieval period, and it
dominated ancient and medieval science. Many people seemed to find enough evidence to
back up their claims. Nothing seemed to cause the Earth to move, so it seemed reasonable to
assume that it was stationary. Day after day, the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars could be seen
moving around Earth in circular paths. Furthermore, the fact that objects fall toward Earth was
perceived to provide support for the geocentric theory.

The scientists have included that this theory is correct due to certain observations made in the
night sky. It is very easy to believe that the earth is at the center of the universe based on the
movement of the stars. Where the stars and moon move around, and if we can observe it, it's
real. Despite numerous claims that this theory is correct, it is still incorrect. The heliocentric
model is more widely accepted in modern science. Everything revolves around the sun, which is
at the center of the solar system. Many scientists, including Galileo Galilei, have proven it.
Numerous studies are conducted to strengthen their evidence for their claim. The two theories
made us consider the origins of the universe. The scientists who developed these theories put
in a lot of time and effort. Although it is not very dear to the people's minds, we should still
respect their own claims because a change may occur in the future and life-changing
information may be the subject of our own research.

It stated that the ability of special relativity to successfully explain many non-intuitive physical
phenomena manifested by atomic particles when moving faster than one-tenth the speed of
light appears to corroborate this assumption. The only failure is that modern science
understands any motion of the earth through space in terms of relativity rather than
geocentricity. It also stated that it is impossible for a human observer to determine whether
any material body is at rest. It asserts that only the relative motion of two material bodies can
be physically detected.

According to the study, the geocentric and heliocentric viewpoints are both equally valid
representations of reality, and it makes no scientific sense to call one true and the other false.
Although modern science has rejected geocentricity, the geocentric theory, which held that
Earth was the center of the universe, dominated ancient and medieval science. Early
astronomers perceived that the rest of the universe revolved around a stable, motionless Earth.
According to the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato, all celestial bodies move on spheres
around the earth, with the moon on the innermost one and the fixed stars on the outermost
one. The relationship between these theories is reduced to a simple coordinate transformation,
and it is a central tenet of Einstein's theory that any two ways of looking at the world that are
related to each other by a coordinate transformation are physically equivalent from a point of

In the modern world, we cannot say that the Copernican theory is 'right' and the Ptolemaic
theory is 'wrong' in any meaningful physical sense, in my opinion. Geocentricity is a theory of
astronomy that describes the universe. Which places the earth at the center of the universe
and describes other subjects through the eyes of the earth. As a result, I conclude that we need
to understand geocentricity in order to understand the movement of the universe. We should
also learn about geocentricity so that we can apply it in our daily lives.


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