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ELC 501


Determining the right human-animal interaction

By Mohammad Mustaqim Malek

Hilmy Mohd Nasir (2022856468)

Muhammad Fateh Bin Fakhruddin (2022838688)
Based on the article “Determining the right human-animal interaction” by Mohammad
Mustaqim Malek which published in October 14 th 2022, the issue is the use of animals in
scientific experimentation, specifically in the context of medical research. The author argues
that determining the right human-animal interaction is crucial for balancing the advancement
of scientific knowledge and the protection of animal welfare. The author suggests that current
procedures, such as animal testing, may expose animals to harm and pain, and can raise
concerns about animal cruelty. The author notes that while some academicians argue that
animal testing is necessary for protecting human safety, others suggest that alternatives
should be sought. Based on article, the author suggests that the use of animals in
experimentation is a complex issue that raises ethical, moral, and religious considerations.

The author's position in the article is to provide an objective and informative overview of
the history and current debate surrounding the use of animals as experimental subjects. They
present information on the history of animal testing, the current concerns about animal cruelty,
and the "Principles of 3Rs" as a way to balance the advancement of scientific knowledge with
animal welfare. Additionally, the author also presents the religious perspective and the ethical
considerations on the use of animals in experimentation. The author does not appear to take
a specific stance or position on the use of animals in experimentation. They present the
historical and current information on the topic, as well as the various perspectives and ethical
considerations, but do not advocate for one position over another. Instead, the author presents
the information in a neutral and informative manner, leaving it to the readers to form their own
opinions on the issue.

There are a few types of supporting details that the authors provided to support their
arguments. The author first supporting detail is introduces the "Principles of 3Rs" proposed by
William Russell and Rex Birch in 1959 as a way to balance the advancement of scientific
knowledge with animal welfare. The 3Rs are: Replacement, which emphasizes seeking
alternatives before using live animals; Reduction, which stresses reducing the number of
animals used to the minimum necessary; and Refinement, which highlights the need for test
methods that minimize suffering to animals. The author notes that the 3Rs are widely
accepted, but also heavily criticized for failing to reduce the number of animals used and
invasive experiments performed. The author also mentions that some religious perspectives,
such as Islam, view animal welfare as an important moral consideration. The author cites
teachings in the Islamic tradition that prohibit cruel treatment of animals and require humane
treatment of Allah's creations. The author also notes that Muslim scholars have provided
ethical considerations for scientists involved in animal research, such as assessing the
necessity of the experiment and its importance in protecting human interest, and rethinking
the necessity of experiments in cases where diseases are self-induced. The tone of the article
is informative and objective. The author presents historical information about the use of
animals in experimentation, as well as the current debate surrounding it. They provide
information on the history of animal testing, the current concerns about animal cruelty, and the
"Principles of 3Rs" as a way to balance the advancement of scientific knowledge with animal
welfare. Additionally, the author also presents the religious perspective and the ethical
considerations on the use of animals in experimentation.

The argument presented by the author is valid in the sense that it accurately reflects the
complexity of the issue of animal testing and the various perspectives and considerations that
are involved. The author's argument is also valid in the sense that it is supported by the
scientific and historical facts. The author's mention of the 3Rs principles, the religious
perspective and the ethical considerations are well-established and widely accepted in the
field. The author’s argument can be supported by many article such as The 3Rs and Humane
Experimental Technique: Implementing Change which published on September 2019 by
Robert C. Hubrecht and Elizabeth Carter, Alternatives to research using animals by european
animal research association and How Islam Views Animal Welfare and Animal Cruelty by
crescent wealth. The author is a researcher at the Centre for Science and Environment
Studies, Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) which prove the article’s authority.
His purpose is to educate the readers about the historical context, current debate and the
various perspectives on the use of animals in experimentation, and to provide a balanced and
informative overview of the issue. The author does not take a stance on the issue, but instead
presents the information in a neutral and informative manner, leaving it to the readers to form
their own opinion on the issue.

In conclusion, animal testing has been used for a long time in scientific research to
establish the efficacy of new medical treatments and protect human safety. However, it raises
ethical concerns over animal cruelty and welfare. The 3Rs (replacement, reduction, and
refinement) have been introduced as ethical guidance for scientists, but have been criticized
for failing to reduce the number of animal subjects and invasive experiments. Islam, as one of
the religions that are compassionate towards animals, teaches that animals must be treated
humanely and those guilty of animal cruelty will receive repercussions in the Hereafter. Muslim
scholars have pointed out that animal testing must be thoroughly assessed for necessity and
that alternatives must be considered before resorting to using animals as subjects. In cases
where animal testing is genuinely indispensable, the general prohibition is lifted according to
Islamic teachings.

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