ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 03 (2019-2020)

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________________ NĂM HỌC ………………………….

ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 03 Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề)
Part 1. You will hear an interview, with a woman called Rachel, who is talking about the shows
she puts on for children. Choose the correct answer for each question.
1. Before her children were born, Rachel worked as ________.
A. an art teacher. B. a painter. C. an actor.
2. Who first thought of doing a show at a party?
A. Rachel's husband B. Rachel's children C. Rachel's parents
3. Rachel's neighbour, Lena, helps by ________.
A. making some dolls for the shows.
B. performing in the shows.
C. writing the music for the shows.
4. When Rachel did a play about a lion ________.
A. the children laughed too much.
B. the children were frightened.
C. the children's parents complained.
5. How do Rachel's daughters help her?
A. They show new dolls to their school friends.
B. They think of ideas for new stories.
C. They give her their opinions on her new plays.
6. Rachel thinks her shows are successful because ________.
A. she enjoys doing them so much.
B. she does a show daily.
C. they are suitable for all ages.
Part 2. You will hear a radio programme about a boy called Michael who crossed the Atlantic
in a sailing boat. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.
Sailing solo across the Atlantic
* To achieve his record, Michael had to sail a total of (7) 5600 kilometres without any help.
* Michael helped to design his boat which was called Cheeky (8) Monkey
* Michael and his father were concerned in case any large (9) ships came too close to them.
* All the food that Michael took on his voyage was in (10) tins bought at the supermarket.
* The type of food which Michael missed most on the trip was hot (11) toast
* Michael enjoyed using his (12) binoculars to keep track of what his father was doing.
* Michael's favourite pastimes on the boat were using his sister's I-Pod and reading.
* Michael got a fright when a (13) flying fish landed on him.
* The name of the charity that Michael is raising funds for is (14) Children in Need
* When Michael sails round the world, he plans to take (15) photos / photographs with him in
case he feels homesick.
Part 1: Questions from 16 to 35. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each)
Choose the best answer to each question.
16. My supervisor is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I ______ last week.
A. should have done B. may have done C. need to have done D. must have done

Page 1
Should have Ved/ V3: đáng lẽ ra nên
May have Ved/ V3: chắc có lẽ đã....
Must have Ved/ V3: chắc có lẽ đã
Người giám sát nổi giận với tôi.
Tôi đã không làm tất cả những công việc mà đáng lẽ ra tôi nên làm tuần trước.
17. She is very absent-minded: she ______ her cellphone three times!
A. has lost B. loses C. was losing D. had lost
Thì hiện tại hoàn thành khi trong câu có “ several times”
S + have/ has + Ved/ V3
Cô ấy rất đáng trí: cô ấy đã mất điện thoại 3 lần
18. He always ______ the crossword in the newspaper before breakfast.
A. writes B. makes C. works D. does
do crossword [ chơi trò chơi ô chữ ]
Anh ấy luôn chơi trò chơi ô chữ trong tờ báo trước khi ăn sáng.
19. Not until the end of the 19th century ______ become a scientific discipline.
A. plant breeding has B. did plant breeding
C. plant breeding had D. has plant breeding
Not until + thời gian trong quá khứ + did + S + Vo [ mãi cho đến khi...thì...]
Mãi cho đến cuối thế kỷ 19 thì trông cây đã trở thành một quy tắc khoa học.
20. This factory produced ______ motorbikes in 2008 as in the year 2006.
A. twice as many B. as twice as many C. as twice many D. as many as twice
Kiến thức: so sánh gấp bao nhiêu lần số lần + as + tính từ + as
Nhà máy này sản xuất xe máy năm 2008 nhiều gấp hai lần năm 2006.
21. In many big cities, people have to ______ up with noise, overcrowding and bad air.
A. keep B. catch C. face D. put
Keep up with: đuổi kịp/ theo kịp = Catch up with: theo kịp
Face up to/ be faced with : đối mặt
Put up with: chịu đựng
Ở nhiều thành phố lớn, mọi người phải chịu đựng tiếng ồn, quá đông đúc và không khí ô nhiễm.
22. Had she worked harder last summer, she ______.
A. wouldn't have been sacked B. wouldn't have sacked
C. wouldn't sack D. wouldn't be sacked
Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 3
Had + S + Ved/ V3, S + would/ could have Ved/ V3 =>loại C và D
Nếu mùa hè năm ngoái cô ấy làm việc chăm chỉ hơn, cô ấy sẽ không bị sa thải.
23. Nobody’s got to stay late this evening, _______?
A. is it B. have they C. isn’t it D. don’t they
Câu hỏi đuôi Thể phủ định ( nobody), trợ động từ + S?
Tối nay không ai ở lại muộn, phải không?
24. With hard work and study, you can ______ the goals you set for yourself.
A. establish B. succeed C. achieve D. increase
achieve goal [ đạt được mục tiêu] succeed: thành công
establish: thành lập increase: tăng
Với sự học tập và làm việc chăm chỉ, bạn có thể đạt được mục tiêu đã đề ra.
25. I accidentally ______ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. kept an eye on B. caught sight of C. lost touch with D. paid attention to
keep an eye on: theo dõi catch sight of: bắt gặp
lose touch with: mất liên lạc pay attention to: chú ý
Tôi tình cờ bắt gặp Mike khi đang băng qua đường ở thị trấn hôm qua.
26. ______ entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him.
Page 2
A. With B. On C. At D. During
Rút gọn hai mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, khi câu mang nghĩa chủ động
On + Ving = When S + V
Khi bước vào hội trường, anh ấy phát hiện ra rằng mọi người đang chờ anh ấy.
27. I would really ______ your help with this assignment.
A. respect B. take C. appreciate D. than
would + Vo => loại D respect : tôn trọng
take : cầm/ nhận lấy appreciate : đề cao/ cảm kích
Tôi sẽ thật sự cảm kích sự giúp đỡ của bạn vời bài tập này.
28. I am considering ______ my job. Can you recommend a good company?
A. to move B. changing C. to change D. moving
consider + Ving [cân nhắc/ xem xét việc gì ]
change: thay đổi move: di chuyển
Mình đang cân nhắc đến việc thay đổi công việc. Bạn có thể đề xuất cho mình công tay nào tốt
được không?
29. Can you keep calm for a moment? You ______ noise in class!
A. are always made B. always make C. have always made D. are always making
Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn đi với trạng từ “always” dùng để diễn tả thói quen xấu của ai đó làm người
khác khó chịu.
Bạn có thể trật tự một lúc được không? Bạn lúc nào cũng làm ồn trong lớp học!
30. These measures have been taken with a _______ to increasing the company's profits.
A. goal B. view C. reason D. reason
Cụm từ with a view to + Ving = in order to/ so as to + Vo với ý định
Những biện phát này đã được thực hiện để tăng lợi nhuận cho công ty.
31. Anyone _______ scholastic record is above average can apply for the scholarship.
A. who has B. whose C. with D. has
Đại từ sở hữu “whose” + danh từ
Bất cứ ai mà thành tích học tập trên trung bình có thể nộp đơn xin học bổng.
32. You feel so _______ because there's nothing you can do to make the child better.
A. unhelpful B. helpless C. thoughtful D. helpful
unhelpful: vô dụng/ không giúp ích được gì helpless: muốn giúp nhưng không có khả năng
thoughtful: suy nghĩ thấu đạo helpful: giúp ích/ hay giúp đỡ
Bạn cảm thấy bạn thật vô dụng vì bạn không thể làm gì để đứa trẻ trở nên tốt hơn.
33. I must tell you about my_______ when I first arrived in London.
A. incidents B. happenings C. experiences D. events
incident (n): sự cố happening (n): sự kiện, việc xảy ra
experience (n): kinh nghiệm event (n): sự kiện
Tôi phải nói với bạn về những kinh nghiệm của tôi khi lần đầu tiên tôi đến London.
34. We have bought some_______.
A. German lovely old glasses B. German old lovely glasses
C. lovely old German glasses D. old lovely German glasses
Opinion (quan điểm) – lovely (đẹp, đáng yêu)
Age (tuổi) – old (cũ) + Origin (xuất xứ) – German (Đức) + Noun
Chúng tôi đã mua một vài chiếc kính Đức cũ rất đáng yêu.
35. I_______ to see Chris on my way home.
A. dropped back B. dropped in C. dropped out D. dropped off
drop back: tụt lại sau drop in: tạt vào
Tôi tạt vào gặp Chris trên đường về nhà.
Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence.
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36. Parents should discourage their children from smoking. (courage)
37. It’s hard to buy meat on the island but fish is plentiful. (plenty)
38. She refuses to work on Sundays because of her religious belief. (believe)
39. We must all help to stop the destruction of the ozone layer. (destroy)
40. The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes. (danger)
41. The damage caused by the earthquake cannot be imagined. It was indescribable. (describe)
42. I could see some movements in the trees. (move)
43. Some designers have modernized the ao dai by printing lines of poetry. (modern)
44. These clothes are attractive but entirely impractical. (practice)
45. If you are unsensitive, you might hurt someone’s feeling. (sense)
Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50. (1 points - 0.2/ each)
Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them.
46. The air that surrounds our planet is colourless, odour and invisible. odourless
47. It would be both noticed and appreciating if you could finish the work before you leave. appreciated
48. Harry, alike his colleagues, is trying hard to finish hart work early. like
49. Stand up straight, breathe deeply, hold your head up, and no look down! don’t
50. The rings of Saturn are so distant to be seen from the Earth without a telescope. too
Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
51. My anger at him has died down since he apologized to me.
52. She knew that society would condemn her for leaving her children
53. This section of motorway will be under repair until January.
54. Luckily, my parents were tolerant of my choice of music.
55. She has worked for ten years in this fields, so she is very experienced in marketing.
Part 1. Questions 56 to 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
Speech is one of the most important (56) ________of communicating .It consists of far more
than just making noises . To talk and also (57) ________to by other people, we have to speak a
language ,that is, we have to use combinations of (58) ________that everyone agrees to stand for a
particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own
language. Learning a language properly is very (59) ________. The basic (60) ________of English
is not very large, and not only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite (61) ________.But the
more idea you can (62) ________the more precise you can be about their exact meaning. Words are
the (63) ________thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we (64)
________the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and (65)
________whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
56. A. reason B. tests C. rules D. ways
57. A. be spoken B. be examined C. be understood D. be talked
58. systems B. sounds C. languages D. talks
59. A. easy B. important C. simple D. expensive
60. A. grammar B. word C. vocabulary D. structure
61. A. fluent B. good C. perfect D. well
62. A. need B. grow C. express D. pass
63. A. main B. certain C. full D. most
64. A. talk B. say C. pass D. send
65. A. show B. ask C. understand D. know

35. Đáp án D Way of Ving = cách thức làm gì đó

36. Đáp án C Understand = hiểu. Speak = nói. Talk = nói. Examine = kiểm tra
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37. Đáp án B Sound = âm thanh. Language = ngôn ngữ. System = hệ thống.
38. Đáp án B Important = quan trọng. easy = dễ dàng. Simple = đơn giản. expensive = đắt đỏ
39. Đáp án C Vocabulary = từ vựng. grammar = ngữ pháp. Word = từ. structure = cấu trúc
40. Đáp án D Well (adv) = khá. Trạng từ (well) đứng sau động từ (speak) để bổ nghĩa cho động từ
đó: speak well = nói tốt, thành thạo
41. Đáp án C Need = cần. grow = phát triển, trồng. express = diễn đạt, thể hiện. pass = trôi qua, vượt
42. Đáp án A Main = chính, chủ yếu. certain = chắc chắn. full = đầy đủ, no. most = hầu hết
43. Đáp án B Talk (something) to somebody = nói chuyện. Say = nói. Pass = vượt qua, trải qua.
Send = gửi
44. Đáp án A Show (v) = thể hiện. ask = hỏi. understand = hiểu. know = biết
Part 2. Questions 66 – 75 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question
Global warming could cause drought and possibly famine in China the source of much of
Hong Kong's food, by 2050, a new report predicts. Hong Kong could also be at risk from flooding as
sea levels rose The report recommends building sea-walls around low-lying areas such as the new
port and airport reclamations. Published by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the report,
which includes work by members of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, uses the
mostrecent projections on climate change to point to a gloomy outlook for China.
By 2050 about 30 to 40 per cent of the country will experience changes in the type of
vegetation it supports, (1_with tropical and sub-tropical forest conditions shifting northward and hot
desert conditions rising in the west where currently the desert is temperate. Crop-growing areas will
expand but any benefit is expected to be negated by increased evaporation of moisture), making it
too dry to grow crops such as rice. The growing season also is expected to alter, becoming shorter in
southern and central China, the mainland's breadbasket. The rapid changes make it unlikely that
plants could adapt.
"China will produce smaller crops. In the central and northern areas, and the southern part,
there will be decreased production because of water limitations," Dr. Rik Leemans, one of the
authors of the report, said during a brief visit to the territory yesterday. Famine could result because
of the demands of feeding the population - particularly if it grows - and the diminished productivity
of the land. "It looks very difficult for the world as a whole," he said.
Global warming is caused by the burning of large amounts of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil,
which release gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. World temperatures already have increased this
century by about 0.6 degrees Celsius and are projected to rise by between 1.6 degrees and 3.8
degrees by 2100.
Dr. Leemans said China's reliance on coal-fired power for its indus-trial growth did not bode
well for the world climate. "I think the political and economic powers in China are much greater than
the environ-mental powers, and [greenhouse gas emissions] could accelerate," Dr-Leemans said.
"China is not taking the problem seriously yet, although it is trying to incorporate this kind of
research to see what is going to happen."
The climate change report, which will be released tomorrow, focused on China but Mr David
Melville of WWF-Hong Kong said some of the depressing scenarios could apply to the territory.
Food supplies, for instance, could be affected by lower crop yields. "Maybe we could afford to
import food from elsewhere but you have to keep in mind that the type of changes experienced in
southern China will take place elsewhere as well," he said. Sea levels could rise as glaciers melted
and the higher temperatures expanded the size of the oceans, threatening much of developed Hong
Kong which is built on reclaimed land. Current projections are that sea levels worldwide will rise by
15 to 90 centimetres by 2100, depending on whether action is taken to reduce greenhouse gas
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"Hong Kong has substantial areas built on reclaimed land and sea level rises could impact on
that, not only on Chek Lap Kok but the West Kowloon Reclamation and the Central and Western
Reclamation – the whole lot," Mr Melville said, adding that sea-walls would be needed. Depleted
fresh water supplies would be another problem because increased evaporation would reduce levels.
Mr Melville said the general outlook could be helped if Hong Kong used water less wastefully and
encouraged energy efficiency to reduce fuel-burning. He also called on the West to help China
improve its efficiency.
66. Overall, what sort of picture is painted of the future effects of global warming?
A. disastrous B. potentially disastrous
C. relatively optimistic D. on balance things are going to be satisfactory
67. What is this passage?
A. a report B. a preview of a report
C. an article describing a response to a report D. an article previewing a report
68. Mr. David Melville suggests that in future more food could be imported into Hong Kong. He
thinks these measures could be ________.
A. efficient B. sufficient C. insufficient D. inefficient
69. The main point of paragraph 3 is to describe ________.
A. effects of changes in the climate of China on food production
B. future changes in the climate of China
C. effects of changes in the climate of China on the growing season
D. projected future changes in the climate of China
70. The main point of paragraph 4 is to describe ________.
A. global warming B. the effects of global warming
C. the causes and projected effects of global warming
D. the causes and effects of global warming
71. Why does the writer add the information in square brackets in paragraph 5?
A. because the quote is from a second language user whose com mand of English is not perfect.
B. because, although they are not part of the original quote, the additional information given is
necessary to understand the statement.
C. because the writer is quoting from another source.
D. because the writer wants to emphasize the meaning of these words.
72. In paragraph 7, which point is Mr Melville NOT making?
A. suggesting that there is a potential disaster in Hong Kong
B. suggesting that reclamation areas are at risk
C. criticising current safeguards D. making a call for action
73. How would you describe the Dr. Leeman's attitude towards China?
A. mainly favourable B. critical C. supportive in theory D. admiring
74. In paragraph 2 "negated" is closest in meaning to________.
A. made possible B. made ineffective C. reduced D. paid for
75. In paragraph 7 "depleted" could be replaced by which of the following?
A. reduced B. poor C. decaying D. decimated
Part 3: Questions 76 – 85. (2.0 points- 0.2/ each).
Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap.
My home town
I was born in one of (76) the most interesting cities in Malaysia. It has a rich, colourful
history and many parts of the city have hardly changed at (77) all during the last five centuries.
However, nowadays, it is (78) no longer the trade centre that it (79) used to be. It is difficult to
imagine that at one time its harbour used to be visited by over 2,000 ships a week, and hat the huge
warehouses along the quayside would have (80) been full of spices and silks, jewels and tea.

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The old city centre is small, which (81) makes it very easy to explore (82) on foot. A river
neatly divides the town, not only physically but in spirit too. On one side, you find many grand
houses, but on crossing the river, you find yourself in ancient Chinatown, where you really take a
step back into the past.
It is great fun to wander through the colourful, noisy backstreets. As (83) well as having
shops that sell a wide range of clothes and shoes, some of these streets are also famous (84) for high-
quality antiques. Unfortunately, most of the bargains disappeared many years ago. However, (85) if
you look around carefully, you can still come across an interesting souvenir.
Part 1: Questions 86 – 95. (2 point- 0.2/ each)
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
86. In spite of the heavy rain, my father went to work.
 Although it rained heavily, my father went to work.
 Although the rain was heavy, my father went to work.
87. You may be very intelligent, but you should be careful about this.
 No matter how intelligent you may be, you should be careful about this.
88. Immediately after his arrival home a water-heater exploded.
@ Hardly had he arrived home when a water-heater exploded.
89. People say he was dismissed last week.
 He is said to have been dismissed last week.
90. I'm sure they didn't plan this project.
 They can't have planned this project.
91. I really think she should stop ignoring me in meetings
 It's about time she stopped ignoring me in meetings.
 It's about time she stopped giving me the cold shoulder in meetings.
92. If you changed your mind, you would be welcomed to join our class.
@ Were you to change your mind, you would be welcomed to join our class.
93. Success depends on hard work.
 The harder you work, the more successful you are/ will be.
 The harder you work, the more success you (will) get.
94. I regret not going to the airport to say goodbye her.
 I wish I had gone to the airport to say goodbye her.
95. Although he was very tired, he agreed to play tennis.
 Tired as / though he was, he agreed to play tennis.
Part 2: Questions 96 – 105. (2 point - 0.2/ each)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
96. The TV programme was so complicated that none of the children could understand it. (too)
 The TV programme was too complicated for the children to understand.
97. Luke knocked over the old lady’s bicycle by accident. (mean)
 Luke didn’t mean to knock over the old lady’s bicycle.
98. I’ve already planned my next holiday. (arrangements)
 I've already made (the / my) arrangements for my next holiday.
99. They say the ice in Antarctica is getting thinner all the time. (said)
 The ice in Antarctica is said to be getting thinner all the time.
100. We didn’t enjoy our walk along the seafront because it was so windy. (prevented)
 The strong wind prevented us from enjoying our walk along the seafront.
 The strong wind prevented our enjoyment of our walk along the seafront.
101. It looks as if Susan has left her jacket behind. (seems)
 Susan seems to have left her jacket behind.
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102. A newly qualified dentist took out Mr Dupont's tooth. (taken)
 Mr Dupont had his tooth taken out by a newly qualified dentist.
 Mr Dupont got his tooth I taken out by a newly qualified dentist.
103. Antonio only lost the 100-metre race because he fell. (not)
 If Antonio had not fallen, he would have won the 100-metre race.
104. The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods. (agreement)
@ There was an agreement among the teachers to introduce the new methods.
105. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.(vain)
 The fox tried in vain to reach the grapes.

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