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An Introduction

What is meant by “sacred geometry”? Well, in its simplest terms it is the geometry which underlays all
creation. There are repeating geometric forms which can be seen in all existence from the atomic to the
cosmic. They range from the simple and familiar such as circles, squares, triangles, spheres, cubes to the
more complex such as hexagons, pentagons, spirals, toroids, fractals, helix to fourth dimensional forms
such as the hypercube and the hypersphere. These forms make up all of our visual reality and their
repetition and their combinations speak to the nature of reality and the underlying symmetry and order
of the universe which may be at first indiscernible to the naked eye.

Once we have learned to recognize these forms and to understand a bit about the mathematical
relationship between them a whole new world dawns for us. You’ll recognize these patterns everywhere.
You will see them in the arrangement of atoms within a crystal. In the forms of the virus and cell. In
flowers, seeds and leaves. In the structure of an insects eye. You will see them in the cream in your
coffee and in the shape of geological structures on the broad face of the Earth. You will see them in
clouds and weather patterns. You will see them in the structure of planets, their orbits in galaxies and in
the fourth dimensional shape of the universe itself.

The shapes are a language. They speak of relationships and patterns and those patterns are meaningful
no matter what the scale. The spiral in your coffee cup has the same relationship as the spiral of the
galaxy. You see these patterns are not “things” as we are accustomed to think of things that exist in our
three dimensional realm. A baseball is a “thing” it approximates a sphere but it is not a sphere. A sphere
is an ideal that exists independently of the crude world of our perception. However, because a baseball
approximates a sphere we can use what we know of the ideal of a sphere to predict how a baseball will
act in three dimensional space and in the fourth dimension of time. This is the world of ideals and their
relationship to the outward world of forms.

☯ Samsaran ॐ

“To understand is to perceive patterns.”

— Isaiah Berlin

“The mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s must be beautiful; the ideas like the
colours or the words, must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no
permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics.”

— G. H. Hardy

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