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Purchasing Contract -Condition types (Header level)

Price strategy is essential part of the Material Management. Price makes the value of material.
Price strategy cover all of purchasing documents.

Pricing procedure is one of the most difficult part of the Material Management. As we
mentioned Price condition must be covered not only purchase order but also contract
management. So we can maintenance pricing procedure in contract management ,
Firstly we can show customizing path
SPRO>>Material Management>> Purchasing >> Conditions>>Define Price Determination
Process >>Define Access Sequence
In here there are standard access sequences , we need only one of them

If we choose this one and press Accesses option,

As above we can use this access sequence in appropriate Condition type. So we continue for
assigning condition type. According to SAP standards , automatic pricing doesn’t take header
conditions into account .Header conditions are entered manually in order processing . The SAP
system allow condition types below:
Percent discount (HA00)
Absolute discount (HB00)
Freight (HD00)
Order value (HM00)

These are can only use header condition but there are some condition types which can be used
both at header and item level . This includes

Percent from gross (RA01)

Absolute discount (RB00)
Weight discount (RD00)

We can use one of them

SPRO>>Material Management>> Purchasing >> Conditions>>Define Price Determination
Process >>Define Condition Types
We select RA01

After that some fields must be filled . I mark this fields in below
In here as you can see KB01 is our contract header access sequence. Other important thing is
Pricing Procedure . System realize and fetch condition types which are assigned this pricing
So we can create new contract
It can be also see that RA01 is our fixed condition type and others are condition types included pricing

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