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NAME: Belleza, Eunice Ann M.


1. What do you think is the meaning of the story?

I think the meaning of this story about “karma” because in this story the
coyote showed how coward he is and how selfish he is. in this stories its shows how
brutal the coyote. He beat the opossum and he even just leave him to die lucky the
opossum was only fooling him, but what if he really die so the coyote will just let him
died. Also, another scenario that show how brutal the coyote is were he also beat his
own son just because the turkeys flew away. I know what the youngest son did was
wrong but the coyote should also consider it because he was his son and his son are just
curious. In this story it shows that karma is real because the coyote fooled the turkey so
he can have a good dinner by himself because of that the karma he get by fooling the
turkey is he become so paranoid he thought he saw a man standing just behind him
with a big stick ready to strike him. He became so frightened because he thought that
what he did on turkey will also happen to him. He was afraid on his own karma.

2. What do you think is the lesson of the story?

The lesson of this story is that every action we did has a consequence. So, if we
have a chance to do a good thing, we should not hesitate to do that. Also, in this story I
remember the saying “Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you”
because in this story the coyote become paranoid because he was scared that what he
did to turkey will also happen to him. So, in this story it teaches us that we should treat
others the way we would like to be treated. If we don't want to be hurt, treated unfairly,
or ridiculed, don't do those things to other people. This story taught us that being
coward and being selfish doesn’t help us to has a better life it can only give us a hard
time like what happen to coyote he just receive his karma for being coward and selfish,
So like what I said earlier always try to be a good one, be a good one in the world that
full of bad guys. Also always think our own action, Sometimes we only thinking about
our self and we forget how others will feel in our own action.

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