Guidance Keil U Vision Simulation

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Install and configure Keil MDK for using Cortex-M3/LPC1768 microcontroller

1. Download the Vision 5 installation package at

2. Install the Keil Vision according to default path and settings.

3. Upon completion the installation, invoke Keil MDK software, open the “pack installer” to
install the LPC1768 microcontroller pack, Project  Manage  Pack Installer.

4. In the “Devices” tab, browse to NXP and search LPC1700 Series in the pull down list.
Select the “LPC176x”.

5. In the “Packs” tab, search for Keil::LPC1700_DFP under “Device Specific”. Install/Update
the selected pack in “Action” column.

6. After finishing Pack installation, click “Yes” to reload the installed packs.

Create and Configuration of the Keil MDK project using LPC1768 microcontroller
1. Create a new project by selecting Project  New Vision Project. Define project name and
save the project file in a folder.

2. Click “OK” to proceed to page “Select Device for Target”. Select “Software Packs” in pull-
down list and browse to ARM/NXP in the device list. Select LPC1768 in the designated list
and click “OK”.

3. In “Manage Run-Time Environment” page, tick the box of “CORE” under “CMSIS” and
“Startup” under “Device”. Simply tick the repspective box to select any other libraries.
Selecting “Startup” would automatically add all the necessary startup/boot files required for
LPC17xx device to import from external sources. The selection of libraries can be changed
at any time. Click “OK” to end the project creation.

4. A project folder with the dedicated name would appear in Project navigator Window.

5. To configure the project, right click on “Target 1” and select “Option for Target ‘Target
1’...” and the window for “Option for Target ‘Target 1’” pops up.

6. At the “Output” tab, tick “Create Hex File”.

7. At the “Linker” tab, tick “Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog”.

8. Finally, at the “Debug” tab, tick “Use Simulator”. Type “Dialog DLL” box, type
“DARMP1.DLL” in “Dialog DLL” box and “-pLPC1768” in “Parameter” box. Click “OK”
to finish the setting.
9. To create project source file, right click on “Source Group 1” in Project navigator, then
select “Add New Item to Group ‘Source Group 1’…”. Choose ASM file (.s) for assembly
program or C (.c) file for C program. Define a file name and click “OK”.

10. Now the project files are ready for debugging under Debug  Start/Stop Debug Session.

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