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When I was in high school, I was enthralled by and excelled in advanced

mathematics, physics, and chemistry courses. At the time, my career
advisor suggested civil engineering and architecture as a field of study
that would allow me to develop and fulfill my passion for understanding
the real-world applications of my favorite courses. That's when I started
looking into civil engineering and architecture, and I was immediately
struck by how large and fascinating the field is. My parents encouraged
me to pursue a career in the profession and let me live with my uncle, a
practicing civil engineer. When I joined him to work, the first structure he
explained to me was a simple bridge truss. I was impressed by the basic
arrangement of beams that could hold cars, trains, and trucks across huge
distances of water. The ability to examine the loads on the truss piqued
my interest in structures even more.

I am currently completing the last semester of my bachelor's degree in

civil engineering at Beibu Gulf University,expected to graduate in July
2022,my current GPA is 3.03 out of 4.00 (before thesis credits).
Throughout my education, I was an active and sometimes indulgent
student who was frequently involved in numerous cyclical and
co-curricular activities. I took an engineering mechanics course in the
second year of my bachelor's degree program, and it was then that I
decided structural engineering was the path for me. The lesson took off
from there: we studied frames, distributed loads, and friction, essentially
bringing real-world factors into structural elements. I enjoyed the field's
practical, problem-solving components.Now I see that while I've learnt
some excellent structural analysis tools, my "toolbox" is still insufficient.
My final year thesis was on 'seismic isolation in structures,' a topic that
piqued my interest right away.
During my thesis research, I discovered how civil engineers can preserve
people's lives, property, and economies by designing structures that can
withstand or mitigate the damaging effects of earthquakes and other
naturally occurring loads. Working on this project instilled in me a strong
desire to pursue graduate education and research in structural
engineering.Although I enjoyed my classes and research programs, my
internship experiences solidified my interest in structural engineering
because I was required to demonstrate good communication skills,
effective teamwork, and leadership experience. This encouraged me to
believe in myself and motivated me to pursue my goals, one of which is
to pursue a Master's degree in structural engineering so that I can
contribute to the development of my country upon my return.

Civil Engineering today is dynamic and extremely different from Civil

Engineering in the past. China has made significant investments in civil
engineering research and development. Images of the Great Wall and
contemporary sophisticated constructions like the Beijing Daxing airport
may come to mind when you think of China. However, China's ingenuity
continues to this day, with gigantic inventions and engineering marvels
visible in many of the country's world-renowned and economically
wealthy cities. That is why, in comparison to other parts of the world, the
quality of education, particularly in Civil Engineering, is very
competitive and qualitative. So, my ambition is to conduct additional
research and build the necessary abilities for a successful profession.I'd
like to learn about the most recent theories, technologies, and practices. I
wish to gain more practical knowledge and then devote myself to the civil
engineering sector in Zambia. China is the world's top country in the
subject of civil engineering, with a number of famous universities (this
one being one of them) which are highly ranked and internationally
recognized providing high-quality education to its students. Studying in
China will therefore help to close the gap between Zambia and China, as
well as enhance their relationship, allowing my nation to grow
economically and academically as more students acquire the best
education facilities. As a result, I am excited to learn and am confident
that this program will satisfy my desire to continue my education.

I know I want to design structures after I finish my civil engineering

degree. That has piqued my interest ever since I took an engineering
mechanics class. However, I am aware that developing structures of a
complexity that appeals to me necessitates the addition of "additional
tools to my toolbox." Those are things I can only get through continuing
my education. I'll need a master's degree to be competent and competitive.
After finishing my degree, I want to work for an engineering consulting
firm, where I may design complicated structures and tall buildings,
possibly focusing on seismic design issues. My long-term ambitions are
to return to Zambia and establish a consulting engineering firm there.

Structural engineering will allow me to pursue a career in which I may be

creative in problem-solving and designing practical structures, such as the
simple truss bridge that grabbed me when accompanying my uncle to
work. Since my first glimpse at the engineering mechanics textbook in
my second year of studies in China, my classes, research, and internship
in civil engineering have improved my knowledge of and interest in
structural engineering. A master's degree will provide me with the most
current tools and information need to be competitive and competent.
As seen by my recommendation letters, I feel I possess the excitement
and genuine interest in structural engineering that will qualify me for this
degree program.
Thank you for considering my application, looking forward to hear from
you soon,

Yours sincerely

Nathan Vlahakis

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