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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus
CPG North Avenue, Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premier S&T university for the formation of word-class and virtuous human resource for the sustainable development in Bohol and the country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences as well as in the professional and technological fields; undertake research
and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.


RES 2 Technology Research 2 and EL 110 B Language Education Research 2

Name: Sale, Preche Mae I. Score: __________

Directions: Recall all the process you did in your research this term. Answer the questions below briefly.

1. What are the pieces of advice your panel experts gave for the improvement of your research?
Narrate what necessary actions you did upon revising your paper.

Our panelists provided ideas for how to improve our research after reviewing our research proposal, including
the proper formation of our theoretical and conceptual framework to demonstrate the relationship between our
variables, a more specific and clearer statement of the problem, a more precise justification for our choice of
participants and environment, the stating of a specific scenario that motivated us to conduct our research, the
improvement of the Definition of Terms for it to be more accurate, and the rewording of our problem statement.
The first thing we did was modify the problem statement, which is the foundation of our research. Our research
revealed the precise components of speaking abilities, which we later reduced from five to four in order to make it
compatible with the Google Meeting platform we used for our research. Second, we browsed the BISU school
paper's Facebook page in search of preexisting scenarios in our research environment and revised our rationale
accordingly. In order to demonstrate the association between our dependent and independent variables, we thirdly
reorganized our theoretical framework. Fourth, in the section on research methodology, we went into further detail
about why we chose our environment and participants and described how we went about collecting our data.

2. Narrate how you conducted your pilot testing or research instrument validation. What ethical
standards did you observe?

In order to formally request permission, we wrote letters to the respondents' campus director, fellow
respondents, and class adviser for seven (7) BSEd-English 3-1 respondents who weren't among our real
respondents. For the pilot testing, we had a Google Meeting, but each respondent took thirty (30) minutes to
complete. Therefore, in order to save time, we informed the respondents via Facebook Messenger in advance
about how to complete our assessment. The student's level of speaking proficiency in terms of fluency,
pronunciation, comprehension, and grammar was determined by the assessment test conducted in a Google
Meeting and consisting of a poem reading and question and answer session. Additionally, we adhered to
ethical norms in our research, such as truthfulness, anonymity, and confidentiality of the information provided
by our respondents. Our adviser and Dean both signed a letter that we delivered to our respondents. We also
used the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) protocol, and we managed our data collection through a Google
Meet Session.

3. How did you analyze the pilot testing or research instrument validation? What important points did
you gather for the improvement of the research instrument? What techniques or parts of the
research instrument seem to work less? What might happen if you insist to apply them although
they seem not to work well?
Our research analyzed previously conducted pilot tests based on respondents' feedback and evaluation
results. Their feedback led us to change the poem we were using from 'O Captain My Captain' to 'An African
Thunderstorm'. Also, the evaluation we conducted in Google meetings took a long time, so we decided to change
the evaluation style. Instead of explaining the evaluation direction at a meeting, we discussed it in advance via
Facebook Messenger, saving the respondent's time and her mobile data. Save money during meetings. We also
found that if respondents were able to take the time to answer comprehension questions during the meeting, they
would take more time to answer them. So I let them ask questions before starting the meeting. If we hadn't changed
the rating style, respondents might have found our rating intimidating, so we might not have collected enough

4. How did you revise your research instrument based on the results? What measures did you follow
in doing the revision for the improvement of your research? How did you arrive at a consensus on
the way you are to revise your research instrument?
After pilot testing, we improved the survey as follows assessment tool process, followed by a reading of the
poem, an appropriate rubric that measures the student's fluency and pronunciation, a comprehension question, and
a rubric that reflects the respondent's grammar and comprehension. We also used another poem that the
respondents were familiar with. In this revision, we have improved the survey according to respondents' comments
and suggestions. Consensus was reached on revising research instruments to streamline the data collection
process, save time on both sides, collect the data needed more systematically, and have the means to measure the
actual data needed and did for the necessary academic success.

5. Narrate how did you conduct the actual data gathering. What ethical standards did you observe?
What did you do to research instruments for them to help gather reliable results? How did you
handle the participants of your research?
The actual data collection involves first creating a group chat on Facebook Messenger to
reach out to your respondents and find out when they are available so that you can conduct Google Meet
sessions easily and distraction-free. All researchers were assigned to conduct her Google Meet session
face-to-face with each respondent. Second, we sent a letter to the respondents, sending a letter of
communication that, as researchers, we could conduct the research in their classrooms. Previously, a
letter was also sent to the class advisor. Third, we assured our respondents that the information they
provided was kept strictly confidential. Finally, we treated respondents with formality, respect, and
professionalism throughout the Google Meetings session.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
CPG North Avenue, Tagbilaran City

Vision: A premier S&T university for the formation of word-class and virtuous human resource for the sustainable development in
Bohol and the country.
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences as well as in the professional and technological
fields; undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

RES 2 Technology Research 2 and EL 110 B Language Education Research 2


Areas of Total
5 4 3 2
Assessment Points
Presents ideas in an original Presents ideas in a Ideas are vague or
Ideas Ideas are too general
manner consistent manner unclear
Some organization;
Strong and organized No organization;
Organization Organized beg/mid/end attempt at a
beg/mid/end lack beg/mid/end
Writing shows strong Writing shows a clear Writing shows adequate Writing shows little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Sophisticated use of nouns
Nouns and verbs make Needs more nouns and Little or no use of
Word Choice and verbs make the essay
essay informative verbs nouns and verbs
very informative
Sentence structure Sentence structure is Sentence structure is No sense of
enhances meaning; flows evident; sentences limited; sentences need sentence structure
throughout the piece mostly flow to flow or flow
Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous errors

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