National Camp Prepared Motion 1

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“This house supports civil rights activists using disruptive or violent civil

disobedience as a tool of protest (e.g. the Stansted 15, Gilets Jaunes/Antifa

Good evening, dear respectful chair, panelists and fellow debaters my name is
Advaith Reddy and I am proud to stand on the government’s side of this debate. I
will be coming to that later on in the debate however I’d like to start by giving a
brief setup on what I’ll be covering in my speech.
1) Defining key words in the motion
2) Posing to why I am proud to be on the government’s side
3) Setting up and flushing out my arguments which are : 1) write to be heard
2) corruption
3) more Public, outheard, popular
4) And finally answering POi’s and wrapping up my case

THe key terms: 1st) civil rights activist - a leader of the political movement
dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority
2nd) disruptive: causes harm or break down effect
3rd) civil disobedience = not following laws
Now coming to why I am proud to stand on this side of the house and why on our
side of the house a better outcome is achieved.
● Write to be heard - for the people by the people
● Corruption
● More popular
● Black rights movement and many more
● We understand that there might harms caused but look at how majority of
the times a better future is brought forth by these protesters
● Not in gandhi’s time - even though at what cost
● Better society - brings things to light
● A society where protester kids and the new generation get a more better
● All we ask is to consider this tool’s effectiveness
Good evening, dear respectful chair, panelists and fellow debaters my name is
Advaith Reddy and I am proud to stand on the opposition’s side of this debate. I
will be coming to that later on in the debate however I’d like to start by giving a
brief setup on what I’ll be covering in my speech.
5) Defining key words in the motion
6) Posing to why I am proud to be on the government’s side
7) Setting up and flushing out my arguments which are : 1) economy - gdp -
fire on roads - disruption in daily activities - set back in the nation
2) irradical and unstable people
3) other non-violence ways - ways into peace - the flag of india has white
for a reason - to make a country of peace
And finally answering POi’s and wrapping up my case

THe key terms: 1st) civil rights activist - a leader of the political movement
dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority
2nd) disruptive: causes harm or break down effect
3rd) civil disobedience = not following laws
Now coming to why I am proud to stand on this side of the house and why on our
side of the house a better outcome is achieved.
● Write to be heard - for the people by the people - but how far can you go -
limit- bloodshed, loss and lockups - think of kids and families broken
● More popular - sometimes just for the the sake of that
● Gandhi peace movement
● Understand the HARMS! On our side of the house you will not only get a
better future but also a more peaceful one
● Not in gandhi’s time
● Better society
● A society where not only protester kids and family and the new generation
get a more peaceful life with no lockups and blood splatter.
● All we ask is for you to consider the mass implication, irradicality, and
dreadful affect of the government’s proposition.
● Rest the case

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