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Culture Of Germany: The

Best Places to Visit culture of Germany has been shaped by
major intellectual and popular currents in
Europe, both religious and secular.
Historically, Germany has been called Das

 Wartburg Castle
Land der Dichter und Denker. German
 Hanstein Castle ruins culture originated with the Germanic tribes,
 Trusetaler Waterfall the earliest evidence of Germanic culture

dates to the Jastrow culture in Northern

Germany and Denmark. The first extensive
writing done on Germanic culture can be
seen during the Roman Imperial Period with
Germania by Tacitus.

History: German culture has been the

pinnacle of Europe for thousands of years.
Germany has been the centre for various
important phenomena such as the Migration

Period, the Carolingian Empire, Holy Roman

Empire, the Medieval renaissances,
Scholasticism, the Hanseatic League, the
German Renaissance, the Printing

Revolution, Protestant reformation, Prussia,

Romanticism, Kaiser Reich, Weimar and
National Socialism. There are several public
holidays in Germany.
Some Good Hotels:
 Pierdrei Hotel Hafencity
 Hotel Metropol
 Karl August
 Grand Hyatt
 Das Koing Ludwig

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