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Louise John Ordiz

Tunga-tunga Pob.
Maasin City, 6600


(Professor Snape Story)

A novel


Chapter One

My head snapped up from my drawing as the professor stood over my desk. I

hadn’y realized she had been talking at all, let alone speaking to me directly
- “Well,Miss Malfoy?”
- “uhm…”
She raised her eyebrows before crossing her arms, folding her robes neatly accros
her chest. Snickers erupted from several sears behind me and I fekd my cheeks
- “I don’t know”
I replied after realizing she had been waiting for a response
- “Ten points fro Slytherin”
Was all she said befire continuing on with her lesson. A groan escaped the lips of
those who shared my house but I just internally shrugged, oops.
- “Again?”
My brother asked severely, though not surprised, when I told him. We made our
way to the middle of the table before taking our usual seats, it was our lunch time,
but I didn’t have an appetite.
- “She just hates me”
I said simply while poking at the food that had appeared on my plate.
- “well how many pints did she take?”
My brother’s girlfriend, Pansy asked, half listening while she shoved spoonfuls of
food into her mouth. I ser my fork down to the right of my plate and pretend to
- “About fifty”
I replied with a sheepish grin, I could feel the disappointment oozing from my
brother. I was the reason we never ever won the House Cup. I noticed my brother’s
two slaves, so to speak, drop their jaws and look at me.
- “What?”
I asked innocently before they looked down and continued eating. I picked up my
fork again as my eyes flickered up and down our table. Students were chewing and
laughing, dringking and joking, eating and eating.
- “I’m really not hungry.”
I said suddenly, replacing the utensil on the wooden table.
- “You know what father said.”
Draco warned sternly, looking away from his girlfriend who rolled eyes
- “Who says that dad need to know everything?”
I replied crossing my arms
- “Allyson.”

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