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Agile Assignment

Submitted to
Prof. Anil reynold D’Souza
Sam benedict M
1)Why are senior executives leaving BharatPe to start their own enterprises? Reflect
and explain using brief bullet points.

 Avira Gupta, Head of Investor Relations and Financial Planning, Pavan Pathak,
Senior Vice President, Products, and Subhasis Beura, Head of New Brands and
Commerce, are leaving the two-year-old start-up, only months after a string of senior-
level appointments and departures.

 According to sources, some of the key leaders wanted to leave so badly that they
didn't even bother to wait for their ESOPs to vest, the minimum time period after
which they can be sold.

 While Gupta has been with BharatPe for almost two years, Beura and Pathak have
been there for almost 18 months.

 A few team members have left in the past to pursue opportunities at higher levels of
authority or to launch their own businesses.

 In fact, spending 18 to 24 months at a company with rapid growth like BharatPe

greatly aids professionals in developing their skill sets.

 As a result they become highly sought-after assets for businesses.

 However, one former employee and one current employee disputed the appraisal
narrative and claimed that only a small percentage of workers actually received pay
increases in April, with the remaining ones receiving information on the COVID-19
pandemic and the value of saving money.

 BharatPe encourages leaders and teams to make their own decisions and has a culture
of experimentation.
 This effective decentralisation of power is a major factor in the company's rapid
growth to become one of the largest fintech companies in just 2.5 years.
 However, one worker acknowledged that Grover is attempting to take a back seat and
has hired a number of C-Suite executives, some to fill vacant positions and some to
take on new responsibilities.
 In the past six months, it has hired a Chief Business Officer (Nishant Jain), a Chief
Operating Officer (Dhruv Bahl), and a Chief Product Officer (Ankur Jain).
 In order to fully capitalise on the growth the company has already experienced,
current and former employees, as well as investors, say the company needs to fix its
 An investor in the sector who wished to remain anonymous said, "Even if BharatPe
thinks becoming less aggressive as an organisation will hit growth a little, maybe they
should consider it because start-ups and their employees need to play the long game,
and not burn out fast."
2)Examine the growth opportunities for the payment gateway business looking
at growth in India, amongst its peer group and for the next 5 years?

Because of increased internet usage and awareness of how simple online

transactions are, consumers are changing their preferences for making payments
online. The convenience of online transactions encourages users to switch over. The
quick adoption of online payments is accelerating the growth of India's payment
gateway market. India's payment gateway industry has grown thanks to a rise in
digital payment trends. Government initiatives are emphasising the transition to a
cashless society and improving digital payment options.
For instance, the government of India wants to transform India into a
country where everyone has access to the internet through its flagship programme,
Digital India. Transactions will increase as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak,
according to the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) of the National Payments
Corporation of India. In a post-COVID world, the umbrella organisation for running
India's retail payment and settlement systems predicted that UPI's usefulness would
increase in the "phygital" world, which combines the physical and digital worlds.
The government announced the exclusion of Merchant Discount Rate (MDR)
fees on transactions made via UPI and RuPay payment modes in an effort to increase
payments through domestic real-time payment systems. To enable tax payments
using UPI, NPCI intends to work with the Indian Income Tax Department. The
adoption of payment gateways in India is anticipated to rise as a result of all these
initiatives.The adoption of different payment gateways in India is growing as e-
commerce transactions increase. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, businesses will
start taking and managing orders digitally while also requesting payments online
remotely in order to prevent crowding in shops and neighbourhood stores. The
number of payment gateways used in the nation will increase as new vendors enter
the e-commerce market.
3)Construct a prototype of an enterprise / organization structure which these satellite
start-ups will need to create, using a relevant organizational model using the concepts of
sociocracy, holocracy and networked organizations.
Holacracy aims to replace the rigidity of a traditional command structure with a system
of flexible positions, each with broad authority within their own area of responsibility. In
contrast to the traditional pyramid-shaped structure, a holacracy is defined as a series of
nested rings, each of which represents an autonomous team with multiple roles. Instead of
having fixed job responsibilities, people employed in a holacracy may hold multiple
positions, each with a unique goal and one or more "domains" and "accountabilities." Since
each person can play a variety of roles, the CEO of a company might serve in a leadership
capacity on one team while serving in a subordinate capacity on another. Conflict resolution
takes place inside each circle during ongoing governance sessions. The power to make
significant decisions without consulting the management hierarchy is granted to role leads.
Out of this, the "golden rule" of holacracy is derived, which states: "To perform your duty,
you have the full authority to make any decision or take any action, so long as there's no rule
against it. Under the holacracy style of corporate governance, members of a team can create
independent, symbiotic teams to complete tasks and advance the company's goals. The
concept of a corporate hierarchy is dropped in favour of a flexible organisational structure
that does not limit people to making decisions only related to their areas of responsibility.

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