Ninomiya, 2004 Lithologic Mapping With Multispectral ASTER TIR and

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Lithologic mapping with multispectral ASTER TIR and SWIR data

Yoshiki Ninomiya
Geological Survey of Japan, AIST

ASTER, launched in December, 1999, composed of three subsystems, each of which multispectrally observes the
reflected or emitted radiation from the surface of the earth to space in VNIR (visible and near infrared), SWIR
(shortwave infrared) and TIR (thermal infrared) wavelength regions, respectively. ASTER-VNIR has three spectral
bands with a spatial resolution of 15m, and the one of which in near infrared has an along track stereo observation
capability to produce high quality Digital Elevation Model (DEM). ASTER-SWIR has six spectral bands with a spatial
resolution of 30m, which are mainly designed for discriminating altered minerals bearing hydroxyl. ASTER-TIR has five
spectral bands with a spatial resolution of 90m, which presents us a powerful tool for identifying quartz and carbonate
minerals as well as discriminating types of silicate rocks. The author have successfully developed a robust method for
detecting quartzite and carbonate rocks as well as classifying type of igneous rocks with ASTER TIR radiance data
without atmospheric corrections (Level-1B data). Here in this paper, a new vegetation index that stably works on
Level-1B data is defined for masking vegetation pixels. Then, reflectance spectra of minerals in SWIR region measured
in the laboratory are analyzed to define calcite index, OH-bearing altered minerals indices and alunite index for
discriminating each mineral by ASTER-SWIR. The defined indices are applied to SWIR data of ASTER Level-1B
radiance at the sensor data observing Cuprite area in Nevada, USA, and the discussions are made on the results by
comparing the well-known geology of the area. Also, the result of calcite index is compared with the result of applying
well-characterized carbonate index defined for ASTER-TIR to clarify the strong point of each index.
Keywords: geology, quartz, calcite, dolomite, silicate, igneous rock, SiO2 content, hydrothermally altered minerals

Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER1) sensor obtains multispectral image of
earth not only in visible to near infrared (VNIR; ASTER has 3 bands in 0.5 to 0.9 micron with 15m resolution, with a
stereoscopic capability for the band in near infrared) and in shortwave infrared (SWIR; 6 bands in 1.6 to 2.5 micron for
ASTER with 30m resolution) spectral regions, but it has 5 bands in thermal infrared (TIR) region with 90m resolution
and less than 0.3K noise equivalent delta temperature (NE∆T) for the blackbody at 300K. The radiometric resolution
(NE∆ρ) of the bands in VNIR is equal or lower than 0.5%, and the one of the bands in SWIR is at most 1.3%, except for
band 6 is 0.5% and band 8 is 1.0%. The center wavelength of each band is shown in Figure 1 for VNIR and SWIR, and
in Figure 2 for TIR. A scene of ASTER covers about 60 x 60 square km area.
ASTER observes more than 500 scenes everyday in average, and basically all of the observed data are processed to
generate Level-1A data. All the Level-1A data satisfying a condition of detected cloud coverage ratio are processed for
nominal radiometric and geometric corrections to generate Level-1B radiance at the sensor data product. Then, a series
of Level-2B data products of physical parameters including reflectance data with nominal atmospheric corrections are
generated on the basis of user request. Also, DEM is generated under the user request with the along track stereo
observation in the near IR channel (band 3) of VNIR, and distributed as a series of Level-4 data products, then, a
geometrically well corrected orthorectified Level-3A product is generated, which is radiometrically equivalent to the
Level-1B radiance at the sensor. The conversion of the Level-1B (or Level-3A) DN data of ASTER band i to the
radiance (w/m2/sr/microns) at the sensor is accomplished with the next equation.

Rad i = coef i × ( DN i − 1) , (1)

where coef1=0.676, coef2=0.708, coef3=0.862, coef4=0.2174, coef5=0.0696, coef6=0.0625, coef7=0.0597, coef8=0.0417,

coef9 =0.0318, coef10 = 0.006882, coef11 = 0.006780, coef12 = 0.006590, coef13 = 0.005693, and coef14 =0.005225.; phone 81 298 61-3975; fax 81 298 61-3788;; Geological Survey of Japan, National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AIST7, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 3058567 Japan

180 Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VII, edited by Roland Meynart,
Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda, Joan B. Lurie, Michelle L. Aten, Proceedings of SPIE
Vol. 5234 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004) · 0277-786X/04/$15 · doi: 10.1117/12.511902

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Here in this paper, the method is applied to the Level-1B data, but it is simply extendable to the Level-3A data with the
ASTER driven DEM for easy fusion with GIS.

1.2 Spectral property of rocks, minerals and vegetation

As shown in Figure 12 (g), the diagnostic spectral feature of vegetation is very steep change of the reflectance between
red and infrared spectral regions, that is, very high reflectance in ASTER band 3 region and very low in ASTER band 2
region. Also, it has higher reflectance in green (ASTER band 1) spectral region than in red. Altered minerals bearing
hydroxyl (OH), represented by montmorillonite, is characterized by a spectral absorption feature at ASTER band 6
region, as shown in Figure 1 (b), resulting in high reflectance in ASTER band 4 and 7 regions and relatively low
reflectance in band 6 region. A part of altered minerals bearing OH, for example pyrophillite though not shown in Figure
1, have rather strong absorption feature in band 5 region. Kaolinite and alunite have absorption features both in band 5
and 6, as shown in Figure 1 (a) and (c). Additional absorption feature is observed at band 8 for alunite, as shown in
Figure 1 (c). For calcite, a strong absorption feature is at ASTER band 8 spectral region, and a weak one is at band 5, as
shown in Figure 1 (d). Calcite as well as dolomite also has an absorption feature at band 14 spectral region in TIR, as
shown in Figure 23 (a). Quarts as well as unaltered igneous rocks composed of silicate minerals typically do not show
any absorption features in VNIR to SWIR spectral region, as shown in Figure 1 (e) and (f), however, they have very
prominent spectral features in TIR. Quartz, the most common mineral on earth, shows absorption features in ASTER
bands 10 and 12 regions, resulting in higher emissivity in band 11 than in bands 10 and 12, as shown in Figure 2 (b). The
series of alkali feldspars, which usually coexist with quartz in felsic igneous rocks, have a strong spectral peak at band 12
spectral region, resulting in much lower emissivity in band 11 than in band 12. For silica and silicate minerals and rocks,
it is known that the roughly estimated spectral trough in TIR emissivity shifts to longer wavelength as the bulk SiO2
content be less4. After this property, the ratio of the emissivity at band 12 to the one at band 13 for silicate rocks
(typically, igneous rocks) increases as the bulk SiO2 content decreases (i.e., as the rock type changes from felsic to
mafic), as shown in Figure 2 (c) to (f). Additionally, the most common sulfate mineral, gypsum, has a very strong
absorption at band 11 region, resulting in much lower emissivity in band 11 than in bands 10 and 12.

1.3 Study area

The study area is a region around Cuprite (Latitude: N32∫ 31.5í, Longitude: W117∫ 11í) in Nevada, U.S.A., and Stonewall
Mountain southeast of Cuprite with relatively dense vegetation. Here, four scenes of ASTER Level-1B data acquired on
5th August 2000, 1st August 2001, 24th August 2001 and 21st April 2002 are used. A set of the false color images of the
ASTER VNIR data, shown in Figure 3, suggests sparse vegetation in the Cuprite region, on the other hand, relatively
dense vegetation in the Stonewall Mountain region. The area pointed by a red rectangular in the study area in Figure 3
(b) (hearafter, referred as ì main study areaî ) is the target area for the lithologic and mineralogic indices applied here.
The hills NNE of Cuprite (hereafter, refered as ì Eastern Hillsî ) are covered with Tertially volcanic rocks. A part of the
Tertially volcanics is hydrothermally altered, and they are divided into three zones5,6. The most heavily altered ësilicified
zoneí occurs in the central part of the altered area, which is surrounded by a moderately altered ëopalized zoneí. Slightly
altered patches around the fringe of the ëopalized zoneí are mapped as the ëargillized zoneí. The hills NW to SW of
Cuprite (hereafter, refered as ì Western Hillsî ) are covered with Cambrian carbonate and quartzite (major) and Tertially
volcanics (minor), and a part is also hydrothermally altered, mostly classified as opalized zone with limited extent of
silicified and argillized zones. The major mineral in silicified zone is quartz, and the major minerals in opalized zone are
OH bearing altered minerals represented by alunite, montmorillonite and kaolinite. The compiled geological and
hydrothermal alteration maps5 are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively.

2.1 Indices by ASTER VNIR
2.1.1 Vegetation index
The most widely acknowledged vegetation index is NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), defined as

NIR − red
NDVI = , (2)
NIR + red

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where NIR, the datum in near infrared, corresponds to ASTER band 3, and red corresponds to ASTER band 2. In
ASTER case,

band3 − band 2
NDVI = ,
band 3 + band 2
where bandi corresponds to any kind of data related to ASTER band i, for example, the Level-1B registered radiance at
the sensor data, the Level-2B01 surface radiance data or the Level-2B05 surface reflectance data, but here in this study,
Level-1B data are applied. The result of NDVI on the four ASTER data scenes observing the study area is shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6 suggests the instability of NDVI when it is applied to the data without atmospheric corrections. Another
vegetation index (stabilized vegetation index; sVI) is newly defined here as

green NIR band1 × band 3

sVI = × = , (4)
red red band 2 × band 2

by utilizing the spectral property of vegetation described in the former chapter, for the purpose of somewhat stabilized
functioning against atmospherically uncorrected data. The applied result is shown in Figure 7. The newly defined
vegetation index is compared with NVDI, and a technique for more stabilized detection of vegetation pixels is
considered in the next chapter.

2.1.2 Possible other indices

Iron oxide minerals show a prominent spectral feature of the absorption in NIR region7, as shown in Figure 8, although
the spectral arrangement of the ASTER VNIR bands is not optimized for detecting the kind of minerals. Here in this
paper, the detection of iron oxide minerals is not considered because the kind of minerals is not so widely distributed in
the study area.

2.2 Indices by ASTER SWIR

2.2.1 Calcite index
As displayed in Figure 1, calcite shows a prominent spectral property in SWIR region, that is, it has shallow absorption
at ASTER band 5 spectral region and deep and wide one at ASTER band 8 region. Contrastively, it has rather high
reflectance at ASTER band 6 and 9 regions. The spectral features introduce to define calcite index (CISWIR) as

band 6 × band 9
CI SWIR = . (5)
band 8 × band8

The applied result of CISWIR to the ASTER data scenes observing the full study area is shown in Figure 9.

2.2.2 OH bearing altered minerals index

Figure 1 (b) shows that a typical altered mineral bearing hydroxyl, montmorillonite, has a deep and sharp absorption
feature at ASTER band 6 region in SWIR. Another hydroxy mineral, mica, has the similar spectral feature. To detect
this group of the minerals, the first OH bearing altered minerals index, OHIa, is defined as

band 4 × band 7
OHI a = . (6)
band 6 × band 6

The second group of the altered hydroxy minerals including pyrophillite, although not shown in Figure 1, has a deep
and sharp absorption feature at ASTER band 5 spectral region. To detect this group of the minerals, the second OH
bearing altered minerals index, OHIb, is defined as

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band 4 × band 7
OHI b = . (7)
band 5 × band 5

The third group represented by kaolinite and alunite has absorption both at ASTER band 5 and 6 spectral regions. OHIa
and OHIb would be useful in discriminating hydrothermally altered minerals into the three groups.
The applied result of OHIa and OHIb to the ASTER Level-1B data scenes observing the main study area is shown in
Figure 10 and Figure 11, respectively.

2.2.3 Alunite index

Alunite, which is a sulfate mineral although most of the other altered hydroxy minerals are silicate, has a unique
spectral feature. As displayed in Figure 1 (c), only alunite has a sharp absorption feature at ASTER band 8 spectral
region in the altered minerals bearing hydroxyl. Considering that the reflectance of alunite diminishes as the wavelength
in ASTER band 9 region, and that the data reliability of band 9 is not so well in the SWIR bands, alunite index (ALI) is
defined as

band 7 × band 7
ALI = . (8)
band 5 × band8

The functioning of ALI is not yet analyzed well, but predictably, using (not just replacing) ì band4î instead of ì band5î
(i.e., band4*band7/band8/band8) would possibly improve the performance of separating alunite in the third group of
altered minerals, however, equation (6) is adopted as ALI here. The applied result of ALI to the ASTER Level-1B data
scenes observing the main study area is shown in Figure 12.

2.3 Indices by ASTER TIR

Lithologic indices for ASTER TIR were proposed3, theoretical and practical analyses were accomplished on the indices
to clarify the effect of atmospheric thickness and surface temperature8, and they were modified to achieve improvement
on the stability against the surface temperature condition9. They are summarized in the sections below.

2.3.1 Bulk SiO2 content index

As described in section 1.2, the roughly estimated spectral trough in TIR emissivity shifts to longer wavelength as
the bulk SiO2 content in igneous rock be less4, as suggested in Figure 2 (c) to (f). This introduced the definition of
bulk SiO2 content index as3

SI = . (9)

SI surely correlates to the bulk SiO2 content in silicate, typically igneous rocks, but also it is somewhat sensitive to
carbonates. To eliminate the unexpected property of SI, bulk SiO2 content index separated for carbonates, SI-i, is
defined as

− band12 band12 ⋅ band14
SI i = = i +1
. (10)
band13 ⋅ CI i

A theoretical and practical analysis on the indices clarified that SI-3 is stable to temperature and atmospheric variations8.
Generally, ì 0.9î of SI-3 is a good boundary between mafic/ultramafic and felsic/intermediate igneous rocks.

2.3.2 Quartz index

From the spectral emissivity property of quartz shown in Figure 2 (b), quartz index (QI) is defined as

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band11 × band11
QI = . (11)
band10 × band12

The practical stability of QI is proved by a theoretical analysis against atmospheric and temperature conditions8. It
should be noted that QI is not an identifier of quartz content in the rock. For example, typical felsic plutonic rocks
represented by granite usually contain relatively much both in quartz and alkali feldspars; however, QI is rather low for
them. This occurs because alkali feldspars indicate very low QI. It is primary sensitive to pure quartz or quartzite, and
secondary sensitive to siliceous rocks (usually sedimentary ones) that contain relatively much quartz with less feldspar.
Generally, ì 1.05î for primary threshold and ì 1.035 to 1.045î (case by case) for secondary threshold function well in
detecting quartz and siliceous rocks. Additionally, the most common sulfate mineral, gypsum, indicates especially low
QI, so that it would be useful as an identifier of gypsum.

2.3.3 Carbonate index

From the spectral emissivity property of a carbonate rock composed of calcite and dolomite, the two major carbonate
minerals on earth, shown in Figure 2 (a), carbonate index (CITIR) is defined as

CI TIR = . (12)

The application result of the index to a set of multi-temporal ASTER Level-1B data suggested the correlation to the
temperature7, as the correlation of CITIR with the brightness temperature derived from the ASTER data by the Planckís
law with the equation

BT13 = , (13)
 c 
λ13 × ln 5 1 + 1
 λ13 × Rad13 

where c1 = 1.1911 × 10 , c 2 = 1.439 × 10 , and λ13 , the center wavelength (µm) of ASTER band 13, = 10.6
8 4

To improve the heavy dependency of CITIR against the surface temperature, it is proposed to apply CITIR to the
normalized ASTER Level-1B data by setting the brightness temperature of band 13 to a fixed temperature, and
approved that this normalization process is very effective9. The normalized ASTER Level-1B data (nRad) at band i is
calculated after the Planckís law as

 λ  c 
exp  13 ⋅ ln 5 1 + 1 − 1
 λi  λ13 × Rad13 
nRad i = Rad i × , (14)
 
 c2 
exp  −1
 λi × nT ε 
 a13 

where λi is the center wavelength (µm) of ASTER TIR band i, ε a13 is assumed emissivity in band 13 spectral
region, and nT is the fixed temperature (K) to be normalized. Here in this study, ε a13 is adopted as 1.0, and nT is
adopted as 300.
The applied result of CITIR to the normalized ASTER Level-1B data, Figure 13, suggests the effectiveness of the

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radiance normalization process in improving the high correlation of CITIR with the temperature. QI and SI-3 are not
affected much by the variation of the temperature, so that this normalization of the radiance does not make any
prominent effect, however, it seems no problem applying the normalization process for QI and SI-3 if a consistent
procedure in the data processing is preferred. QI, CITIR and SI-3 applied to the normalized ASTER Level-1B data are
expressed as nQI, nCITIR and nSI-3. The ones applied to the original Level-1B data are expressed as just QI, CITIR and
SI-3 here in this paper. Generally, ì 1.05î for primary threshold and ì 1.035 to 1.045î (case by case) for secondary
threshold function well in detecting carbonate rocks. Additionally, it should be noted that CITIR and nCITIR are very
sensitive to clouds even if they are difficult to detect with VNIR image. It is better to apply the indices to
multi-temporal data for further reliable result.
Color composite image of the indices, assigned red for nQI, green for nCITIR and blue for nSI-3, is very useful to grasp
the spatial expansion of each rock unit. Typically, siliceous rocks represent reddish to yellowish color, carbonate rocks
do greenish color and silicate rocks do bluish to purplish color. However, the represented color in the composite image
of the indices is scene dependent. Therefore, combined use of the image of each component index (QI, nCI and SI-3)
with the color composite image is necessary for a detailed geological analysis using the indices.

3.1 Vegetation index
Comparing the result of a new vegetation index proposed here (sVI; Figure 7) with the NDVI (Figure 8) applied to
atmospherically uncorrected ASTER radiance at the sensor data, the same tendency is found, that is, brighter for the
data of 5th August 2000 and 1st August 2001 than the other two data. This is expected that atmospheric effects cause this
artifact. Looking the details, the darkest pixels in the bright two scenes still have higher brightness level than the
brightest pixels (vegetation pixels) in the other two scenes for NDVI. This means it is impossible to detect vegetation
pixels with just a single threshold for multi-temporal scenes if NDVI is applied to radiance at the sensor data. On the
other hand, although the average brightness level is affected by the atmospheric effects, the brightness for the vegetation
pixels show especially high intensity for all the scenes for sVI. This means just a single threshold for sVI would be
applicable as the indicator whether the scene includes vegetation area or not. For more stable detection of vegetation
pixels, a standardization of the index by the average of the full scene, i.e.,

sVIs = , (15)
mean(sVI )

is effective, as shown in Figure 14. This technique of the standardization is effective only if the target material (in this
case, vegetation) is the minor material in the study area, however, for the purpose of detecting vegetation in
arid-semiarid region, this would very useful.

3.2 Carbonate index by SWIR and TIR

Comparing the result of CISWIR (Figure 9) with nCITIR (Figure 13), basically same region is detected as carbonate rocks.
One big difference is in the vegetated Stonewall Mountain region, that is, carbonates are detected in the mountain
region only by SWIR. It needs further discussion, however, it seems artifact occurs in vegetation region for CISWIR.
Another difference is in the stability. The brightness in CISWIR is not so stable affected by the atmospheric parameters,
on the other hand, is very stable even though the atmospheric condition is different scene by scene. The advantage of is
its spatial resolution. The 30m resolution of ASTER SWIR enables to detect fine structure compared to the 90m
resolution of ASTER TIR. Combined use of CITIR and CISWIR would achieve more reliable detection of carbonate rocks.

3.3 OH bearing altered minerals index and alunite index

Comparing the result of OHIa and OHIb, the result is almost same. This indicates that the most of the hydrothermally
altered minerals exposed in the study area have absorption in the reflectance spectra both at ASTER band 5 and band 6,
suggesting the third group (represented by kaolinite and alunite) is dominated here. This agrees to the known geology5.
Looking the details, a part of the main study area, especially in the south western region, OHIa is much brighter than
OHIb. It needs further discussion to clarify, but the first group of altered hydroxy minerals represented by
montmorillonite and mica is expected to be distributed in the region. A part of the altered region is detected as alunite

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by ALI. ALI and both OHI are stable against atmospheric variations.

3.4 Lithologic mapping with the indices

A lithologic mapping with the indices for the data acquired on 24th August, 2001, for detecting quartz by QI > 1.05
(assigned as red), carbonate by CITIR > 1.05 (assigned as yellow), OH bearing altered minerals by OHIa > 4.05 or OHIb
> 3.5 (assigned as cyan) is shown in Figure 15. Comparing with the hydrothermally alteration map5 shown in Figure 5,
the derived lithological map with the indices agrees very well with the published map.

A vegetation index which works stably for radiance at the sensor data without atmospheric correction in arid-semiarid
region and several mineralogic indices for ASTER-TIR and SWIR data are defined from the spectral emissivity and
reflectance property of the respective target materials. The indices are applied to the multi-temporal ASTER Level-1B
radiance at the sensor data scenes observing the study area in the Cuprite mining district in Nevada, U.S.A. It is shown
that a standardization of the indices with the mean value of the full ASTER scene is effective in achieving further
stability of the mapping. The results agree well to the well-known geology of the study area. It is suggested that the
proposed indices will work generally in any arid-semiarid region, and will function well as a preprocessor of a more
detailed lithologic mapping that will not work generally. The concept of lithologic mapping with ASTER radiance at
the sensor data presented here has advantages over the ones proposed so far assuming the input as emissivity or
reflectance data, as follows: 1. Applicability to the Level-1B data makes it highly productive mapping concept. 2.
Applicability to the Level-3A data enables it for combined analysis with DEM data in GIS system easily. It would be
possible to obtain preliminary lithologic information at a standardized specific basis with the nominal threshold values
for each index to detect the rock types using just only ASTER data all over the world with sparse vegetation and well
exposed rocks, which would contribute on achieving lower cost and higher accuracy in geological mapping.


1. H. Fujisada, Design and performance of ASTER instrument, Proceedings of EUROPTO/SPIE, 2583, 16-25, 1995.
2. Y. Yamaguchi et al, Overview of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER),
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36, 1062-1071, 1998.
3. Y. Ninomiya and B. Fu, Quartz index, carbonate index and SiO2 content index defined for ASTER TIR data, Journal
of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 22, 50-61, 2002. (in Japanese with English abstract)
4. G.R. Hunt and J.W. Salisbury, Mid-infrared spectral behavior of igneous rocks, Air Force Cambridge research
Laboratories, Technical Report TR-74-0625, 1974.
5. R.P. Ashley and M.J. Abrams, Alteration mapping using multispectral images, Cuprite mining district, Esmeralda
Country, Nevada, USGS Open File Report 80-367, 1980.
6. Y. Ninomiya et al., Comparison of TIR emissivity spectra measured in situ, in the laboratory, and derived from TIMS
data in Cuprite, Nevada, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18, 1571-1581, 1997.
7. S.A. Drury and G.A. Hunt, Geological uses of remotely-sensed reflected and emitted data of lateritized Archaean
terrain in Western Australia, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10, 475-497, 1989.
8. Y. Ninomiya, Mapping quartz, carbonate minerals and mafic-ultramafic rocks using remotely sensed multispectral
thermal infrared ASTER data, Proceedings of SPIE, 4710, 191-202, 2002.
9. Y. Ninomiya and B. Fu, Extracting lithologic information from ASTER multispectral thermal infrared data in the
northeastern Pamirs, Xinjiang Geology, 21, 22-30, 2003.

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ASTER band number
10 11 12 13 14


8 9 10 11 12
wavelength(µ m)

Figure 1 Reflectance spectra1 of (a) kaolinite, Figure 2 Emissivity spectra2 of (a) carbonate
(b) montmorillonite, (c) alunite, (d) calcite, (e) rock, (b) quartose rock, (c) granite, (d) diorite,
granite, (f) andesite, (g) vegetation, with the (e) gabbro, (f) peridotite, with the convolved
bandpasses of ASTER VNIR and SWIR. data to the ASTER TIR bandpasses.
Eastern Hills
Western Hills

a in
a ll
n ew
Cuprite S to

(a) 5km

(c) (d)
Figure 3 ASTER VNIR false color images of Figure 4 Geological map of the study area after
the study area, (a) 5th August, 2000, (b) 1st Ashley and Abrams (1980). Green region in the
August, 2001, (c) 24th August, 2001, (d) 21st western hills is Cambrian sediments, and bluish
April, 2002. Red rectangle in (b) shows the and reddish in the eastern hills is Tertially
main study area. volcanics.

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Figure 5 Hydrothermal alteration map after Figure 6 NDVI for ASTER Level-1B data
Ashley and Abrams (1980). Red is silicified, without atmospheric corrections, scaled ñ0.5 to
cyan is opalized, pink is argillized and the other 0.1.
region is unaltered.

Figure 7 A newly proposed vegetation index Figure 8 Reflectance spectra of iron oxide
(sVI) for ASTER Level-1B data without minerals, by Drury and Hunt (1989).
atmospheric corrections, scaled 0.5 to 1.0.

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(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Figure 9 Calcite index for ASTER SWIR Figure 10 The first OH bearing altered
(CISWIR), scaled 1.03 to 1.37. minerals index (OHIa), scaled 3.0 to 5.0.

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Figure 11 The second OH bearing altered Figure 12 Alunite index (ALI), scaled 1.1 to
minerals index (OHIb), scaled 2.6 to 4.5. 1.5.

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(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Figure 13 Carbonate index for ASTER TIR Figure 14 A standardized vegetation index
(CITIR), scaled 1.03 to 1.05. (sVIs) by the average of the full scene, scaled
0.85 to 1.6. The pixels sVIs > 1.3 is assigned as

Figure 15 A lithologic mapping with the

indices for the data acquired on 24th August,
2001, for detecting quartz by QI > 1.05
(assigned as red), carbonate by CITIR > 1.05
(assigned as yellow), OH bearing altered
minerals by OHIa > 4.05 or OHIb > 3.5
(assigned as cyan).

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