An Outlook About Using Artificial Intelligence in Mental and Behavioral Healthcare

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An Outlook about using Artificial Intelligence

in Mental and Behavioral Healthcare


Obando, Andriel Jhay M.

Matanguihan, Renz Dominie

Ferranco, Clint Justin

A Research Proposal

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Science, Technology, and Society

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Mindoro State University - Calapan Campus

January, 2023





Obando, Andriel Jhay M.

Matanguihan, Renz Dominie

Ferranco, Clint Justin

Approved by:

Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….. iv

Chapter 1

Background of the Study …………………………………………………………….. vi

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………………. viii

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………………. viii

Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………………………. xi

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………. xiii

Chapter 2 : Review Related Literature

Literature Review Related to Key Concepts and Variables ……………………………. xiv

Related Legal Basis …………………………………………………………………… xvi

Literature Search Strategy …………………………………………………………….. xxi

Foreign Literature Review ……………………………………………………………. xxii

Local Literature Review ………………………………………………………………. xxvii

Chapter 3 : Research Methodology

Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………….. xxx

Methodology and Approach …………………………………………………………… xxxi

Research Design ………………………………………………………………………. xx

Scope and Delimitations ……………………………………………………………… xxxii

Limitations …………………………………………………………………………… xxxii

References …………………………………………………………………………… xxxiii


Research on artificial intelligence in the last two decades has greatly improved performance of

both manufacturing and service systems. Currently, there is a dire need for an article that

presents a holistic literature survey of worldwide theoretical frameworks and practical

experiences in the field of artificial intelligence. This paper reports the state of the art on artificial

intelligence in an integrated, concise, and elegantly distilled manner to show the experiences in

the field. In particular, this paper provides a broad review of recent developments within the field

of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications. The work is targeted at new entrants to the

artificial intelligence field. It also reminds the experienced researchers about some of the issues

they have known.

Megatrends continue to disrupt the way we do business and generate value. From offshoring to

outsourcing, to robotic process automation (RPA), these megatrends have been challenging

businesses to seize opportunities from various frontlines.

For instance, enterprises are now seizing opportunities in automation and other advancements in

technology to be more agile and competitive. At a glance, there seems to be no escaping a future

where robots and artificial intelligence (AI) get to perform more and more jobs, as sci-fi films


Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are

programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any

machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem solving.

The ideal characteristic of Artificial Intelligence is its ability to rationalize and take actions that

have the best chance of achieving a specific goal. A subset of Artificial Intelligence is machine

have the best chance of achieving a specific goal. A subset of Artificial Intelligence is machine

learning (ML), which refers to the concept that computer programs can automatically learn from

and adapt to new data without being assisted by humans. Deep learning techniques enable this

automatic learning through the absorption of huge amounts of unstructured data such as text,

images, or videos.

Artificial Intelligence is also based on the principle that human intelligence can be defined in a

way that a machine can easily mimic it and execute tasks, from the most simple to those that are

even more complex. The goals of Artificial Intelligence include mimicking human cognitive

activity. Researchers and developers in the field are making surprisingly rapid strides in

mimicking activities such as learning, reasoning, and perception, to the extent that these can be

concretely defined. Some believe that innovators may soon be able to develop systems that

exceed the capacity of humans to learn or reason out any subject. But others remain skeptical

because all cognitive activity is laced with the value of judgments that are subject to human

experiene.AI is continuously evolving to benefit many different industries. Machines are wired

using across disciplinary approach based on mathematics, computer science, psychology, and




Artificial intelligence in healthcare is an overarching term used to describe the use of machine-

learning algorithms and software, or artificial intelligence (AI), to mimic human cognition in

the analysis, presentation, and comprehension of complex medical and health care data.

Specifically, AI is the ability of computer algorithms to approximate conclusions based solely

on input data.

The primary aim of health-related AI applications is to analyze relationships between clinical

techniques and patient outcomes. AI programs are applied to practices such as diagnostics,

treatment protocol development, drug development, personalized medicine, and patient

monitoring and care. What differentiates AI technology from traditional technologies in

healthcare is the ability to gather data, process it, and produce a well-defined output to the end-

user. AI does this through machine learning algorithms and deep learning. These processes can

recognize patterns in behavior and create their own logic. To gain useful insights and

predictions, machine learning models must be trained using extensive amounts of input data. AI

algorithms behave differently from humans in two ways: (1) algorithms are literal: once a goal

is set, the algorithm learns exclusively from the input data and can only understand what it has

been programmed to do, (2) and some deep learning algorithms are black boxes; algorithms can
predict with extreme precision, but offer little to no comprehensible explanation to the logic

behind its decisions aside from the data and type of algorithm used.

As widespread use of AI in healthcare is relatively new, research is ongoing into its application

in various fields of medicine and industry. Additionally, greater consideration is being given to


the unprecedented ethical concerns related to its practice such as data privacy, automation of

jobs, and representation biases.

Artificial intelligence continues to expand in its abilities to diagnose more people accurately in

nations where fewer doctors are accessible to the public. With the increasing capabilities of AI

over the internet, advanced machine learning algorithms can allow patients to get accurately

diagnosed when they previously have no way of knowing if they had a life-threatening disease

or not.

Using AI in developing nations who do not have the resources will diminish the need for

outsourcing and can improve patient care. AI can allow for not only diagnosis of the patient in

areas where healthcare is scarce, but also allow for a good patient experience by resourcing

files to find the best treatment for a patient. The ability of AI to adjust course as it goes also

allows the patient to have their treatment modified based on what works for them; a level of

individualized care that is nearly non-existent in developing countries.

AI technology and machine learning have evolved to influence how healthcare is delivered

profoundly. This advanced technology has evolved beyond biological sciences, where it began

and now applies to medical specialties, including: Radiology, Screening, Psychiatry, Primary

Care, Disease Diagnosis, and Telemedicine.

Upended by a global pandemic, the healthcare sector is finding new ways to adapt quickly and
safely. For many, technology has been the key.

In the field of mental health, 84% of psychologists who treat anxiety disorders say there’s been

an increase in demand for treatment since the start of the pandemic, according to a survey by

theAmerican Psychological Association. That’s up from 74% a year earlier.


Already used in many industries, it is becoming clear that the use of AI within mental health

services could be a game-changer for providing more effective and personalized treatment

plans. The technology not only gives more insight into patients' needs but also helps develop

therapist techniques and training.


This research would be beneficial to everyone who seeks information about the Uses of

Artificial Intelligence in Mental Healthcare and especially to those persons who are suffering

from different mental illnesses. Also, this would benefit the teachers and administrators

because they will be able to understand the engagement of mental healthcare to Artificial

Intelligence that can help their students who are suffering from mental illnesses and problems.

To the parents and to our fellow students and classmates to raise awareness about mental

healthcare. And lastly, to the future researchers who might be able to get some pieces of

information or data that they will need to answer some of their questions regarding the given


Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to mental healthcare could expand access and reduce

costs, but the field has several challenges to overcome before it can realize different benefits.

The central question in this study is: Could an AI be your psychologist in the future?


This study had three ( 3 ) hypotheses and three ( 3 ) null hypotheses associated with the

research questions.

Question 1: How can we coexist with machines that inherently lack human values?

Alternative hypothesis: Machines only take some of our jobs

A variant of the first argument is that even if new jobs are not created, people will shift their

focus to those aspects of work that intelligent systems are not equipped to handle. This includes

areas requiring the creativity, insight and personal communication that are hallmarks of human

abilities, and ones that machines simply do not possess. The driving logic is that there are

certain human skills that a machine will never be able to master.

Null hypothesis: Machines take our jobs, new jobs are created.

Some arguments are driven by the historical observation that every new piece of

technology has both destroyed and created jobs. The cotton gin automated the cleaning of

cotton. This meant that people no longer had to do the work because a machine enabled the

massive growth of cotton production, which shifted the work to cotton picking. For nearly

every piece of technology, from the steam engine to the word processor, the argument is that as

some jobs were destroyed, others were created.

Question 2: What role could Artificial Intelligence play in Mental and Behavioral Healthcare?
Alternative hypothesis: With the advent of digital approaches to mental health, modern

Artificial Intelligence (AI) (machine learning in particular) can play a key role in predicting,

detecting, and treating mental health care solutions.


Null hypothesis: Chatbots for cognitive behavioral therapy, intelligent virtual worlds and

artificial companions, augmented reality applications, therapeutic computer games, and

electronic medical records are some of the ways AI improves mental health. These

opportunities, however, come with a slew of issues, including user privacy, data security, bias,

consent, governance, and regulation. With so many AI solutions available, psychologists and

psychiatrists must choose the best technology for their goals, resources available, and ease of

application. There is a need to develop, test, and validate indigenous unique mental health

technology. Over time, a balance between conventional and technologically based treatment

will be achieved.

Question 3: How does Artificial Intelligence improve the quality of healthcare service to


Alternative hypothesis: Medical practitioners and facilities are utilizing Artificial Intelligence

in healthcare to generate valuable insights, deliver better patient care, and speed up treatments

for terminal illnesses. The biggest benefit of AI and healthcare technologies is that it helps to

deliver accurate results, faster.

Null hypothesis: AI and Machine Learning are giving healthcare providers an unprecedented

ability to efficiently organize patient care, automate contracts and payments, and accelerate

diagnostics and the treatment development process.


Understanding intelligence and the brain requires theories at different levels, including the

biophysics of single neurons, algorithms and circuits, overall computations and behavior, and a

theory of learning. Advances have been made in many of these areas from multiple

perspectives in the past few decades. In fact several major contributors to these advances are

members of our team. This theoretical foundation provides a common framework for fields as

diverse as computer science, cognitive science, and neuroscience. Recent successes in

intelligent systems applications would not have been possible without these developments. For

the first time, we have the beginnings of a unifying and useful mathematics of brains, minds,

and machines with rigorous foundations, demonstrated applicability in almost every area of

cognitive and neural science, and real practical value for building intelligent systems.

The core CBMM challenge provides a critical focus for the diversity of theoretical approaches.

The models for answering the sets of questions in the challenge will need to encompass behavior,

macro circuitry and individual neural circuits. They will need to be plausible and testable at all

these levels. The theory platform will connect all these levels: for instance face identification
algorithms to answer the question “who is there” should perform well but also be consistent with

known fMRI and primate physiology. In general the theory platform will inform the algorithms

that will be implemented within Vision and Language which will take the lead on the

engineering side. The modeling and algorithm development will be guided by scientific

concerns, incorporating constraints and findings from our work in cognitive development

(Development of


Intelligence), human cognitive neuroscience (Social Intelligence), and systems neuroscience

(Vision and Language). A core mathematics of intelligence comprising learning, inference, and

neural computation that has emerged in the past few years will provide the tools for the theory


Learning theory is the modern synthesis (due to work by Vapnik, Valiant, and Smale among

others) of diverse fields in modern mathematics such as high dimensional probability and

empirical process theory, computational harmonic analysis, computational geometry and

topology, optimization theory, and convex analysis (Amit et al., 1985; Bousquet et al., 2004;

Cucker & Smale 2001; Devroye et al., 1996; Poggio & Smale, 2003; Seung et al., 1992; , Smale

et al., 2009; Steinwart & Christmann 2008; , Valiant 1984; Valiant 2000; Vapnik 1998; Vapnik

1995). Hierarchical “deep” architectures for learning represents a promising area for theoretical

work leading to a new learning theory inspired by the basic organization of the cortex.
Probabilistic modeling and inference are central tools for acting intelligently in a complex world

with pervasive uncertainty. Probabilistic graphical models are our starting point, casting

perception, reasoning, learning, prediction, and planning in a unified framework as Bayesian

inferences about unobserved variables (latent causes or future outcomes) conditioned on

observed data (effects). Hierarchical and nonparametric Bayesian methods and probabilistic

grammars extend the approach. Probabilistic programs generalize all these methods, marrying

Bayesian probability with universal computation (Goodman et al., 2008.) Neural Computation

comprises several complementary modeling approaches that have been developed to link

intelligent behavior and the brain


mechanisms underlying it (Rao & Ballard 1999). Work is planned on neural circuits that may

implement probabilistic inference (including representations of constraints and priors) [Beck et

al., 2011; Beck et al., 2008; Burak et al., 2010).


Artificial intelligence is defined as the “capability of machines to imitate human cognitive

functions in doing simple to complex tasks”. Commentaries and features heralding “the coming

of robots”, replacing mundane human tasks, are everywhere in the web.

Machine learning is a field of inquiry devoted to understanding and building methods that

'learn', that is, methods that leverage data to improve performance on some set of tasks. It is seen

as a part of artificial intelligence.

In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is a finite sequence of rigorous instructions,

typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation. Algorithms are

used as specifications for performing calculations and data processing. More advanced

algorithms can use conditionals to divert the code execution through various routes (referred to

as automated decision-making) and deduce valid inferences (referred to as automated reasoning),

achieving automation eventually.

Anxiety disorders are more than just feeling nervous or stressed. They are mental health

problems that cause persistent and overwhelming fear and worry.





Artificial intelligence (AI) technology holds both great promise to transform mental healthcare

and potential pitfalls. This article provides an overview of AI and current applications in

healthcare, a review of recent original research on AI specific to mental health, and a

discussion of how AI can supplement clinical practice while considering its current limitations,

areas needing additional research, and ethical implications regarding AI technology. Mental

health professionals are using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the accuracy of diagnosis
and treatments. Therapists are turning to AI to help with stretched workloads. 84% of

psychologists have seen a rise in demand for anxiety treatments. The technology is helping

with the quality control of treatment and the training of therapists.

Another avenue where AI is improving mental health therapy is wearable technologies. In

conjunction with in-clinic sessions, therapists are using technologies like the Fitbit to determine

ways to improve treatment. For example, mental healthcare providers can monitor a patient’s

sleep patterns with a Fitbit instead of relying on them to give accurate reports.

The long-term efficacy of AI in mental health therapy is yet to be thoroughly tested, but the

initial results appear promising. While the use of AI within the mental health ecosystem offers

opportunities to improve systems, it also opens up the potential for misuse and mistreatment.


As a way of guarding against this risk, the World Economic Forum launched a toolkit to

provide governments, regulators and independent assurance bodies with the means to develop

and adopt standards and policies that address the ethical concerns relating to the use of

disruptive technologies in mental health.

“In mental health, trust is more than the mitigation of risks of unethical and malicious uses, it is

working with communities to act responsibly,” Stephanie Allen from Deloitte and Arnaud

Bernaert, the Head of Global Health and Healthcare at the Forum wrote in a report.

Recent Findings

We reviewed 28 studies of AI and mental health that used electronic health records (EHRs),

mood rating scales, brain imaging data, novel monitoring systems (e.g., smartphone, video),
and social media platforms to predict, classify, or subgroup mental health illnesses including

depression, schizophrenia or other psychiatric illnesses, and suicide ideation and attempts.

Collectively, these studies revealed high accuracies and provided excellent examples of AI’s

potential in mental healthcare, but most should be considered early proof-of-concept works

demonstrating the potential of using machine learning (ML) algorithms to address mental

health questions, and which types of algorithms yield the best performance.


As AI techniques continue to be refined and improved, it will be possible to help mental health

practitioners re-define mental illnesses more objectively than currently done in the DSM-5,

identify these illnesses at an earlier or prodromal stage when interventions may be more



and personalize treatments based on an individual’s unique characteristics. However, caution is

necessary in order to avoid over-interpreting preliminary results, and more work is required to

bridge the gap between AI in mental health research and clinical care.


AI Regulation: Present Situation And Future Possibilities. Governments and companies use

artificial intelligence to make decisions that can have a significant impact on our lives. AI must

be regulated to protect ourselves, and to use technology without manipulation or bias.

Why is AI an emerging issue in the world?

The artificial intelligence (AI) industry is growing at an incredible speed. Nations around the

world are competing to win the “AI race”. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the

nation that will come out on top will be “the ruler of the world”. Companies are investing

billions of dollars to secure the largest market share. Simulations show that by 2030 about 70

percent of companies will have adopted some sort of AI technology. The reason is simple.

Whether modeling climate change, selecting job candidates or predicting if someone will

commit a crime, AI can replace humans and make more decisions quicker and cheaper.

Yet, AI systems are threatening our fundamental rights. For example, algorithms that moderate

content on social media platforms can restrict free speech in an unfair manner and influence


public debate. Biometric mass surveillance technologies violate our right to privacy and

discourage democratic participation. Algorithms rely on massive sets of personal data, the

collection, processing and storage of which frequently violates our data protection rights.

Algorithmic bias can perpetuate existing structures of inequality in our societies and lead to

discrimination and alienation of minorities. This is exemplified by hiring algorithms, which are

likely to prefer men over women and white people over black people because the data it is fed

with tells them that ‘successful candidates’ are often white men.
These challenges are exacerbated by the fact that AI is so complex. We still do not have a good

understanding of the possible risks AI systems can pose to our societies. Jenna Burrell, a

researcher from the University of California, has distinguished between three types of AI

system opacity. Those that are intentionally kept opaque, because businesses or states want to

keep secrets. Those that result from technical illiteracy, because they are too complicated to be

understood by the general public. And those that arise from the complex characteristics of

machine learning algorithms. In other words, those that even the programmers do not really


To prevent and protect us from these threats, AI must be regulated. Legislators across the globe

have to this day failed to design laws that specifically regulate the use of AI. This allows profit-

oriented companies to develop systems that may cause harm to individuals. Some of these

systems already exist and are being used. Because of the authorities' lack of transparency, we

often just don’t know about it. Police forces across the EU deploy facial recognition



and predictive policing systems. As we explain in another article, these systems are inevitably

biased and thus perpetuate discrimination and inequality.

Why is AI regulation necessary?

We need to regulate AI for two reasons. First, because governments and companies use AI to

make decisions that can have a significant impact on our lives. For example, algorithms that

calculate school performance can have a devastating effect. In the UK, the Secretary of State
for Education used an algorithm to determine the final exam grade of students across the

country. The result: almost 40 percent of students received lower grades than grades previously

issued by their teachers. In addition, the algorithm was not only inaccurate, but it also favored

students in private schools over those in public. AI has also shown its limitations in the private

sector. In one case, a credit card introduced by tech giant Apple offered lower credit limits for

women than for men. AI systems that calculate the likelihood of recidivism and determine

length of prison sentences of defendants can also significantly alter a person’s life. Without

proper rules, the systems are more likely to be inaccurate and biased as companies have less

incentive to invest in safety measures and assure the quality and unbiased nature of its data.

Second, because whenever someone takes a decision that affects us, they have to be

accountable to us. Human rights law sets out minimum standards of treatment that everyone

can expect. It gives everyone the right to a remedy where those standards are not met, and you

suffer harm. Governments are supposed to make sure that those standards are upheld and that

anyone who breaks those standards is held accountable - usually through administrative, civil

or criminal law. That means everyone, including corporations and governments, have to follow

certain rules when


they make decisions. When people don’t follow agreed standards and this ends up hurting

someone, the perpetrator has to answer for it. But there are already signs that the companies

behind AI may escape responsibility for problems they cause. For example, when in 2018 an

Uber self-driving car killed a pedestrian it was at first not clear who would be responsible. Was

it the car manufacturer, Uber or the person in the car? Although investigators found that the car
had safety issues (it did not consider jaywalking pedestrians), Uber was found “not criminally

liable”. Instead, it was the person behind the wheel who was charged with negligent homicide,

as she was streaming an episode of a television show.

What do we know about regional and national regulations at present?

As previously mentioned, there is currently no legislation specifically designed to regulate the

use of AI. Rather, AI systems are regulated by other existing regulations. These include data

protection, consumer protection and market competition laws. Bills have also been passed to

regulate certain specific AI systems. In New York, companies may soon have to disclose when

they use algorithms to choose their employees. Several cities in the US have already banned the

use of facial recognition technologies. In the EU, the planned Digital Services Act will have a

significant impact on online platforms’ use of algorithms that rank and moderate online

content, predict our personal preferences and ultimately decide what we read and watch – also

called content-moderation algorithms.

National and local governments have started adopting strategies and working on new laws for a

number of years, but no legislation has passed yet. China for example has developed in 2017 a

strategy to become the world’s leader in AI in 2030. In the US, the White House issued ten


principles for the regulation of AI. They include the promotion of “reliable, robust and

trustworthy AI applications”, public participation and scientific integrity. International bodies

that give advice to governments, such as the OECD or the World Economic Forum, have

developed ethical guidelines. The Council of Europe created a Committee dedicated to help

develop a legal framework on AI.

However, the most ambitious proposal yet comes from the EU. On 21 April 2021, the EU

Commission put forward a proposal for a new AI Act. The draft suggests making it illegal to


AI for certain purposes considered “unacceptable”. These include facial recognition

technologies, AI systems used for social scoring which rank people based on their

trustworthiness, and systems that manipulate people or exploit vulnerabilities of specific

groups– for example a toy that uses voice assistance to manipulate children to do something

dangerous. The proposal takes a risk-based approach: the bigger the risk that a certain use of AI

creates for our freedoms, the more obligations on the authority or company to be transparent

about how the algorithm works and report to regulators on how it’s been used. While this

sounds like the European Commission is serious about regulating harmful AI systems, the

proposal is in reality putting business ahead of fundamental rights. The Commission likes to

claim that it has prohibited facial recognition technology, but the proposal offers loopholes that

allow corporations and authorities to use it. Further, the transparency obligations for high risk

systems have a significant flaw: The job of checking whether AI is risky is left to the

businesses that create the AI systems themselves. As profit-oriented businesses have an interest

in seeing their products on the market, they are likely to downplay the risks.


What should AI regulation contain?

An effective, rights-protecting AI regulation must, at a minimum, contain the following

safeguards. First, it must prohibit technologies that violate our fundamental rights, such as
biometric mass surveillance or predictive policing systems. The prohibition should not contain

exceptions that allow corporations or public authorities to use them “under certain conditions”.

Second, there must be clear rules setting out exactly what companies have to make public about

their products. Companies must provide a detailed description of the AI system itself. This

includes information on the data it uses, the development process, the systems’ purpose and

where and by whom it is used. It is also key that individuals exposed to AI are informed about

it, for example in the case of hiring algorithms. Systems that can have a significant impact on

people’s lives should face extra scrutiny and feature in a publicly accessible database. This

would make it easier for researchers and journalists to make sure companies and governments

are protecting our freedoms properly.

Third, individuals and organizations protecting consumers need to be able to hold governments

and corporations responsible when there are problems. Existing rules on accountability must be

adapted to recognise that decisions are made by an algorithm and not by the user. This could

mean putting the company that developed the algorithm under an obligation to check the data

with which algorithms are trained and the decisions algorithms make so they can correct


Fourth, new regulations must make sure that there is a regulator to check that companies and

the authorities are following the rules properly. This watchdog should be independent and have

the resources and powers it needs to do its job.


Finally, an AI regulation should also contain safeguards to protect the most vulnerable. It

should set up a system that allows people who have been harmed by AI systems to make a
complaint and get compensation. And workers should have the right to take action against

invasive AI systems used by their employer without fear of retaliation.


A search of the relevant literature was conducted from December 2022 to January 2023. The

search method used was Google Scholar and the search engines of Northeastern University and

Utica College. The following databases were used: IEEE J Biomed Health Informatics, The

fourth Industrial Revolution p. 192, IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng, The New York Times, and

Comput Mach Intell.


In the 21st century artificial intelligence (AI) has become an important area of research in

virtually all fields: engineering, science, education, medicine, business, account ing, finance,

marketing, economics, stock market and law, among others (Halal (2003), Masnikosa (1998),

Metaxiotis et al. (2003), Raynor (2000), Stefanuk and Zhozhikashvili (2002), Tay and Ho (1992)

and Wongpinunwatana et al. (2000)). The field of AI has grown enormously to the extent that

tracking proliferation of studies becomes a difficult task (Ambite and Knoblock (2001),

Balazinski et al.

(2002), Cristani (1999) and Goyache (2003)). Apart from the application of AI to the fields

mentioned above, studies have been segregated into many areas with each of these springing up

as individual fields of knowledge (Eiter et al. (2003), Finkelstein et al. (2003), Grunwald and

Halpern (2003), Guestrin et al. (2003), Lin (2003), Stone et al. (2003) and Wilkins et al. (2003)).

This work grew out of the challenges that AI possesses in view of the rise and growing nature of

information technology worldwide that has characterized business and non-business

organizational development (Barzilay et al. (2002), Baxter et al. (2001), Darwiche and Marquis

(2002), Gao and Culberson (2002), Tennenholtz (2002) and Wiewiora (2003)). The necessity for

research in AI is being motivated by two factors that are (i) to give the new entrants into the AI

field an understanding of the basic structure of the AI literature (Brooks (2001), Gamberger and

Lavrac (2002), Kim (1995), Kim and Kim (1995), Patel-Schneider and Sebastiani (2003) and

Zanuttini (2003)). As such, the literature discussed here answers the common query, “why must I

study AI?” (ii) the upsurge of interest in AI that has prompted an increased interest and huge

investments in AI facilities.

Interested researchers from all disciplines wish to be aware of the work of others in their field,

and share the knowledge gleaned over the years (Rosati (1999), Kaminka et al. (2002), Bod

(2002), Acid and De Campos (2003), Walsh and Wellman (2003), Kambhampati (2000) and

Barber (2000)). By sharing AI knowledge, new techniques and approaches can be developed so

that a greater understanding of the field can be gained. To these ends, this paper has also been

written for researchers in AI so they can continue in their efforts aimed at developing this area of

concentration through newly generated ideas. Consequently, they would be able to push forward

the frontier of knowledge in AI.

The first major area considered here is that of reasoning. Research on reasoning has evolved

from the following dimensions: case-based, non-monotonic, model, qualitative, automated,

spatial, temporal and common sense.

For an illustrative example, the case-based reasoning (CBR) is briefly discussed. In CBR, a set of

cases stored in a case base is the primary source of knowledge. Cases represent specific

experience in a problem-solving domain, rather than general rules. The main activities when

solving problems with cases are described in the case-based reasoning cycle. This cycle proposes

the four steps: relieve, reuse, revise and retain. First, the new problem to be solved must be

formally described as a case (new case). Then, a case that is similar to the current problem is

retrieved from the case base. The solution contained in this retrieved case is reused to solve the

new problem with a new solution obtained and presented to the user who can verify and possibly

revise the solution. The revised case (or the experience gained during the case-based problem

solving process) is then retained for future problem solving. Detailed information on

“dimensions” or how they are related could be obtained from the relevant sources listed in the

references (Debruyne and Bessiere (2001), Halpern (2000), Halpern (2001), Renz and Nebel

(2001), Singh et al. (2002) and Straccia (2001).

The theory and practice of reasoning in artificial intelligence has extensive documentation

(Atkinson and Bench-Capon (2007)). Researchers have worked in terms of: (i) development of

axioms that give sound and complete axiomatization for the logic of reasoning; (ii) the

theoretical properties of the algorithms used for qualitative temporal reasoning; (iii) what is

relevant to a given problem of reasoning (independence); (iv) and methods for qualitative

reasoning. A study on axomatising causal reasoning is credited to Halpern (2000). The author

axiomatized causal models

defined in terms of a collection of equations as defined by Pearl.

Axiomatization are provided for three successively more general classes of causal models (i) the

class of recursive theories (those without feedback); (ii) the class of theories where the solutions

to the equations are unique; (iii) arbitrary theories (where the equations may not have solutions

and, if they do, they are not necessarily unique). It is shown that to reason about causality in the

most general third class, we must extend the language used by Galles and Pearl. In addition, the

complexity of the decision procedures is characterized for all the languages and classes of

models considered.

The concept of reasoning in Artificial Intelligence has been discussed under some general areas,

which include complexity of reasoning, reasoning about minimal belief, axiomatising, sampling

algorithm, conditional plausibility, efficient methods, logic and consistency, fuzzy description

logics, backbone fragility, diagnosis, independence, domain filtering, and fusion. The literature

on complexity of reasoning relates to spatial congruence and expressive description logics.

Cristani (1999) introduces a novel algebra for reasoning about spatial congruence, thus, showing

that the satisfiability problem in the spatial algebra MC-4 is NP-complete, and present a

complete classification of tractability in the algebra, based on the individuation of three maximal

tractable sub classes, one containing the basic relations.

The work by Tobies (2000) studies the complexity of the combination of the description logics

ALCQ and ALCQI with a terminological formalism based on cardinality restrictions on

concepts. These combination can naturally be embedded into C∧2, the two variable fragment of

predicate logic with counting quantifiers, which yields decidability in next time.

In another work, Cheng and Druzdzel (2000) develop an algorithm for evidential reasoning in

large Bayesian networks. An adaptive importance sampling algorithm, AIS-BN that shows

promising convergence rates even under extreme conditions is developed. It seems to outperform

the existing sampling algorithm consistently. This provides a better substitute to stochastic

sampling algorithms that have been observed to perform poorly in evidential reasoning with

extremely unlikely evidence.

On the issue of efficiency methods, Renz and Nebel (2001) analyze the theoretical properties of

qualitative spatial reasoning in the RCC8 framework. They demonstrate that the orthogonal

combination of heuristic methods is successful in solving almost all apparently hard instances in

the phase transition region up to a certain size in reasonable time.

In a paper, Rosati (1999) conceptualizes the minimal belief and negation as failure (MBNF) in its

prepositional fragment as introduced by Lifschitz. The concept can be considered as a unifying

framework for several non-monotonic formalisms, including default logic, autoepistemic logic,

circumscription, epistemic queries and logic programming. The application of soft computing

theory is vast in the reasoning literature. One of such studies was carried out by Straccia (2001)

on reasoning within fuzzy description logics. The paper presents a fuzzy extension of ALC,

combining Zadeh’s fuzzy logic with a classical DL. The work supports the idea of managing

structured knowledge with appropriate syntax, semantics and properties on constraint

propagation calculus for reasoning in it.

Singer et al. (2000) introduce the backbone fragility and the local search cost peak. The authors

introduce a temporal model for reasoning on disjunctive metric constraints on intervals and time

points in temporal contexts. This temporal model is composed of a labeled temporal algebra and

its reasoning algorithms. The computational cost of reasoning algorithms is exponential in

accordance with the underlying problem complexity, although some improvements were


Studies on applications of AI are diverse (Andrew, 2001, Basu et al., 2001, Bui et al., 2002, Peral

and Ferrandez, 2003, Plenert, 1994 and Scerri et al., 2002). In the following subsections, we

present application-based studies.

In recent years, research in the planning community has experienced a wide variety of studies

(Boutilier et al., 1999, Brafman and Domshlak, 2003, Cimatti and Roveri, 2000, Hauskrecht,

2000 and Howe and Dahlman, 2002). Research is increasingly moving towards application of

planners to realistic problems involving both time and many types of resources. Some of the

several planners developed include PDDL2.1, SHOP 2, CRAPU PLAN, NADL, POMP, GRT,

FF, PBR, TALplanner, AltAltp, MIPS, Metric- FF Planning System, and SAPA (Refanidis and

Vlahavas, 2001, Hoffman and Nebel, 2001, Kvarnstrom and Magnusson, 2003, Sanchez and

Kambhampati, 2003, Hoffman, 2003 and Edelkamp, 2003).

In the manufacturing field prominent research has been carried out in a number of areas,

including quality monitoring and production scheduling, among others.

In a study, Stefanuk and Zhozhikashvili (2002) carried out an analysis of the production and

rules in the way they are used in AI systems. The proposed new definition for productions refers

to a large number of types of production that may be found in the literature on AI systems. This

definition emphasizes in the most general way those production components that are important

both for theory and for practice and which for some reasons remained unnoticed by many

researchers. These components are supplemented in a theoretical formalism that concludes the


In the area of manufacturing, Toni et al. (1996) proposed an artificial, intelligence- based

production scheduler. The production scheduler utilizes a hybrid push/pull approach to


and exploits the expert system technology in order to obtain satisfactory solutions. The scheduler

is applied to a multi-stage production and inventory system, managed by make-to-order, with a

large variety of incoming orders. The search for solution is made in respect of the due-dates and

under efficiency constraints (minimum lot maximum storehouse levels e.t.c.). The work

considers order aggregation, both a portfolio and production level. Provides a dynamic

rescheduling mechanism. It outlines theoretical arguments in favor of the scheduler and notes

practical advantages as a consequence of the application of the scheduler in a firm, which utilized

a traditional dispatching system.


Undeniably, the use of AI technology is wide-ranging and may range “from medical diagnosis,

stock trading, robot control, law, remote sensing, scientific discovery and toy making”. This is

according to the Philippine Department of Science and Technology.

What is the state of artificial intelligence in the Philippines and who are the pacesetters of this

megatrend in the country?


A research completed by the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Artificial

Intelligence Systems Spending Guide in September 2019 estimates that nearly USD 97.9 billion

will be spent on AI-related applications globally by 2023.

According to IDC, spending on AI systems will be led by the retail and banking industry, with

each seen to invest more than USD 5 billion in 2019.

Half of the retail spending will go to automated customer service agents, expert shopping

advisors, and product recommendation systems. On the other hand, the banking industry will

focus its investments on automated threat intelligence and prevention systems and fraud analysis

and investigation.

“The AI market continues to grow at a steady rate in 2019 and we expect this momentum to

carry forward,” says David Schubmehl, Research Director of the Cognitive/Artificial Intelligence

Systems at IDC.

A wide range of use cases will continue to drive investments in AI. “The three largest use cases –

automated customer service agents, automated threat intelligence and prevention systems, and

sales process recommendation and automation – will deliver 25% of all spending in 2019,” says

the report.

AI is also being considered to augment customer service and to streamline backroom processes.

This is a program already set in motion at the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI), BDO
Unibank Incorporated, and brokerage firm BDO Nomura Securities Incorporated which are all

driving investments into chatbots and AI to augment customer service and streamline backroom


Retail firms, on the other hand, are using AI to create personalized shopping experiences for

customers and at the same time analyzing a shopper’s spending history, mood, and expressions.


Healthcare, discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing, and professional services are other

industries that will make significant investments to AI systems the forecast says.

AI in healthcare focuses on rapid diagnostic tools for X-rays and MRIs. AI in healthcare is

primarily beneficial due to AI’s promise of accuracy and accessibility. Of course, trust and the

human element remain key challenges to AI taking full root in the healthcare sector.

It is noteworthy that AI is among emerging technologies in the Philippine Development Plan

2017-2022. The AI component in the Philippine Development Plan is primarily focused on the

manufacturing industry as the government pushes for its “build, build, build” infrastructure


While the government is aware of the dangers artificial intelligence poses to the BPO industry,

the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) has been tapped to develop an AI program

in the Philippines to optimize mass production, particularly in the country’s manufacturing


Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) chairman

Lito Tayag acknowledged that AI presents new challenges to the industry as automation may

wipe out lower-end jobs.

In fact, a Pew Research Center survey of 1,896 experts found that they expect robots and digital

agents (collective: artificial intelligence), which cost only a third of the pay of employees in

offshore locations such as India and the Philippines, will replace a large number of BPO workers

by 2025.

In the IT-BPM Roadmap 2022 of the IBPAP, automation and artificial intelligence is one of the

identified major digital trends that will significantly impact the sector. The rest are big data and

analytics (BDA), the internet-of-things (IoT), and cloud computing.


It’s important to note, however, that while AI use is undoubtedly growing worldwide, the speed

of adoption would be much faster in more developed countries.

The IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) is already reviewing its

recently released roadmap for 2022 to consider not just resources but also new technologies.




The purpose of this quantitative study was to survey an individual’s perception about using

Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) in mental and behavioral healthcare. Specifically, the intent of this

study was to explore different ideas and share it to others at the same time and explore its
importance and down sides.

This research aims to answer different questions about the uses of Artificial Intelligence. For this

purpose, competitive strategy tools that fit for the investigation are sought and critically




Due to the seeking for feasible strategy tools to answer different questions about using Artificial

Intelligence ( AI ) in mental and behavioral healthcare, secondary data from books and articles

connected to Science and Technology were used. To approve the gathered information about

using Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) in mental and behavioral healthcare, a case segment of

academic papers were chosen to validate the datum, and the chosen respondents were

interviewed through a scaled questionnaire to get valid primary data.


In this research, a survey was used because it involves respondents and questionnaires to provide

quantitative and qualitative answers related to the uses of Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) in mental

and behavioral healthcare, by searching, analyzing, and interpreting the gathered information. A

survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that are given to the chosen respondents.


Delimitations help define what the researcher has control over while conducting this study. In

this exploration, an example of a delimitation was the decision to use a google form survey

composed of both quantitative and qualitative questions. That means, a choice in the design of

the questionnaire is to have both open - ended ( qualitative ) and closed - ended questions

(quantitative). Although the survey questions had some open - ended questions, this research is

primarily quantitative.



One of the observations that can be made from a google form survey is the haste of

thoughtfulness the respondents gave in filling out the questionnaires. Even though it was clear

that participation was optional, some responses were seen as hurried and random as evidenced by

their responses appearing exaggerated and “messy” as if they had a little interest in participating

in the survey. On

the other hand, others appeared to have given the survey thought and full of deliberateness, and it

seems that their responses were calmly made.







5. ABS-CBN News. (2017). Artificial Intelligence in PH: Threat or tool?. Retrieved from

6. IBPAP. (2018). Accelerate PH: Future-ready Roadmap 2022.



8. International Data Corporation. (2019). Artificial intelligence software platforms.

Retrieved from

9. International Data Corporation. (2019). Worldwide artificial intelligence spending guide.

10. Retrieved from



Personal Information

Name: Andriel Jhay Obando

Alias: The “Leader ng Odnum”

Date of Birth: December 02, 2003

Place of Birth: Santiago, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Address: Pinagsabangan II, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09515600799


Elementary: Juan Luna Memorial Elementary School

High School: Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy

Senior High School: Luna Goco Colleges, Inc.

College: Mindoro State University, Calapan Campus


Name: Matanguihan Renz Dominie A.

Alias: The “Boy Pancit Canton”

Date of Birth: January 12, 2003

Place of Birth: Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Address: Leido Victoria

E-mail Address:

Contact Number: 09085811747


Elementary: Pakyas Elementary School

High School: Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School

Senior High School: Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School

College: Mindoro State University, Calapan Campus


Name: Clint Justin Ferranco

Alias: The “Go Team”

Date of Birth: May 6, 2003

Place of Birth: San Andres, Baco, Oriental Mindoro

Address: San Andres, Baco, Oriental Mindoro

E-mail Address:

Contact Number: 09452849034


Elementary: Tabontabon Elementary School

High School: Baco National High School

Senior High School: Canubing National High School

College: Mindoro State University Calapan Campus

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