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It may be true that in India most of the people would marry and prefer arranged
marriages. India is a culturally diverse country. People of different cultures come
together, interact with each other through a medium of various social interactions.
Sometimes during the course of these interactions they may fall in love and
propose to get married to each other. The next step here would be to seek approval
of the family and then if everything goes well the marriage of the couple is
arranged by the family where a lot of people grace the occasion and bless the

An arranged marriage is not the one where a potential groom does not know the
potential bride, it is just that the family after the communication fixes a meeting
where a boy meets a girl, they get to talk to each other, ask a few questions and
if they feel that the person is compatible they are engaged. They then are allowed
to meet a few times and finally after some months the marriage happens.
Sometimes even before the engagement the two people meet a couple of times to
develop an understanding of each other and then make a decision for themselves.
After all, marriage is a big deal.

An arranged marriage is not where a man or a woman is blindly married to

anyone. An arranged marriage also gives scope for a person to choose for himself
or herself. For most of the people in India the consent of their parents in choosing
a life partner is very important. This may be described as a person's unconditional
love for his or her own family.

People do have the right and freedom to choose their partners. It's not that in old
India it was not permissible but people held very strong cultural values and strong
love and bond with their family because of which they would not marry anyone
against the will of their parents. On the contrary there have been instances where
people have crossed boundaries and have married their loved ones.

There sometimes maybe other reasons for people to get married they may be sad
but that is how maybe things in reality are. People may marry for their family
someone that the family approves of, sometimes the reasons may be hidden, but
90 % of marriages we feel are because of LOVE.

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