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APPENDIX A - Conversion Tables

A.1 Metric System Conversions

From To Multiply by:

ounces grams 28.349
pounds kilograms 0.454
short tons metric tons 0.907
grams ounces 0.035
kilograms pounds 2.205
metric tons short tons 1.102
Volume cubic metres cubic feet 33.31
°F °C 5/9 (after subtracting 32)
°C °F 9/5 (then add 32)
inches millimetres 25.4
feet centimetres 30.48
yards metres 0.914
miles kilometres 1.609
millimetres inches 0.039
centimetres inches 0.393
metres yards 1.09
kilometres miles 0.62
square inches square centimetres 6.5
square feet square metres 0.092
square yards square metres 0.836
square miles square kilometres 2.6
Area acres hectares 0.404
square centimetres square inches 0.16
square metres square yards 1.195
square kilometres square miles 0.39
hectares acres 2.47

A.2 Heat and Energy

1 kilowatt-hour = 1 000 watt-hour

1.3410 HP-hour
3 600 000 joules
3 413 BTU
860 kcals
3.518 lb water evaporation from and at 212°F
22.76 lb of water raised from 62 to 212°F
1.595 kg of water evaporation from and at 100°C
9.907 kg of water raised from 20 to 100°C
1 atmosphere = 14.69 lb per sq in = 1.02 kg per sq cm
1 calorie = 0.003968 BTU
1 BTU = 252 calories (gramme) (15°C)
1 BTU = heat required to raise 1 lb water 1°F
1 BTU = 0.00039 HP-hour
1 BTU per min = 17.6 watts
1 cu in = 0.01639 litres
1 watt = 0.00134 HP
1 joule = 1 watt-sec
1 HP = 746 watts
p= 3.1416

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