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Worksheet 2.6


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Write codes in Jupyter notebook as required by the problems. Copy both code and output as screen grab or screen shot and paste
them here. Be sure to apply the necessary customizations.

1 Import gdp_china.csv. Use matplotlib to show the increase in GDP each year.
Code and Output

2 Use the previous import to prepare another plot (in yellow) showing only the years 2006 to 2015. Customize the plot so
that more detail can be obtained from it.
Code and Output

3 Import ‘degrees-women-usa.csv’. Prepare a 2x2 subplot to visualize the % degrees awarded to women yearly in
Computer Science (green), Education (yellow), Foreign Languages (blue) and Social Sciences and History (red).
Code and Output

4 Import gapminder.csv. Use matplotlib to show how life expectancy varies with GDP.
Code and Output

5 Improve the previous visualization by including population.

Code and Output

6 Refer to the gapminder import. Use seaborn to show the relationship among all numeric data. Group the data according to
Code and Output

7 Import auto.csv. Use seaborn to show how horsepower varies with weight. We also want to see the distribution of both
variables in the same plot.
Code and Output

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