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Hang On
I am afraid
It’s up to you
May/Might as well
My bad
Speak of the devil
To be up for
What are you up to?
What do you do?
Ripped off
I better
Cheesy (don’t be cheesy)
Don’t mind / don’t care
I couldn’t care less
Chill / chill out
I can’t make it
Down to earth
Don’t worry about/ no worries/ no problem
Dude / Man / Bro
Easy going
Municipality (used mostly in writing task 2 writing)
Long term
Short term
Back to back
Down to earth
At the end of the day
Stay at it
Plethora – Many
Stint – a period of Ex: I would like to volunteer for a stint of 3 weeks
Commencing – starting
Come in handy

Based on
Before all else (can be used in body 1)
Conspicuously (means obviously)

Complex sentence types: Although _____, _____

when _____, _____ 

before______, ______ 

while______, ______ 

until______, ______ 

for______, ______

if______, ______

since______, ______

because______, ______

as______, ______ 

due to______, ______

considering______, ______

based on______, ______

whether______, ______ 

given that _____, _____

Gloomy (dark place) Ex: Gloomy weather, I didn’t go outside today because it
was rainy & gloomy, John seemed gloomy at the meeting yesterday
Ecstatic (overwhelming joyfulness) Ex: I was ecstatic to get the new job.
Cautious (careful) Ex: I am a cautious driver.
Indifferent (carless, uninterested) Ex: everyone is gossiping about celebrities
these days, but I am indifferent.
The king was indifferent to the suffering of his people.
Bashful (shy, quite, does not want a lot of attention) Ex: She was kind of
bashful, she had a lot of impressive achievements but nobody talked about
Sympathetic ( feels or shows care) Ex The nurse was sympathetic to her
patients she listened to them & tried to help them.
Anxious: Worried nervous Ex: I was anxious about my exams but not
anymore as I have practiced well!
Deplete: (to use up/consume something) Ex: I eat cereal on a daily, so by
Friday my supplies of cereal have depleted.
Working all day made me tired, it depleted my energy. I did not get a lot of
sleep last night so my energy is depleted.
Chronic: (goes on for a long time, always happening) used mostly in medical
context. Ex: you have a chronic health problem. She had a chronic headache
her head always hurt. She was a chronic liar, I never hear her tell the truth.
Scruffy: (dirty, messy, untidy) Ex: the child was outside playing with the dirt
all day, he came in and he was scruffy.
he looked really scruffy, he hadn’t showered in a few days.
John was looking a bit scruffy, he hadn’t shaved his face in 2 weeks.
Disembarked: (to get off huge vehicles) Ex: The airplane passengers
disembarked as soon as they arrived at their distination. The people on the
cruise disembarked when they reached the island.

Disillusion: (noun: feeling of disappointment when surprised) Ex: his

excitement became disillusion when he realised the video game was not as
good as expected.
(verb:an idea is false) Ex: the doctor disillusioned the patient when he told
her there is no cue for her illness. I felt disillusioned when I realized my
favorite shirt didn’t fit me anymore.
Unearth: (verb : to find something hidden underneath the dirt/something
else) Ex: the scientist unearthed a dinosaur skeleton in the dirt.
The lawyer tried to unearth the truth.
I tried to unearth the meaning of this word by looking up in the dictionary.
Devalue : ( verb: to reduce or underestimate the value of something) Ex: I
feel upset because the people devalue the work that I do.
Withdrawn: (someone who doesn’t want to talk or spend time with other
people) Ex: In my house all the time, I like to read a book by myself I don’t
like going out with people, as I am withdrawn. When she was a kid she was
always quiet and withdrawn but now she is very social.


Callous ( disregard less of others ) ex: he had very callous comments about
his employer
Cognizant (aware of ) Ex: I am cognizant of what is happening right now in my
Construe (interpret) Ex: I construe that the weather will get better due to the
fluffy clouds.
Disparate ( different) Ex: Bob and jack had 2 disparate ideas.
Denigrate (criticize harshly) Ex: I didn’t like being denigrated by my boss.
Multifarious ( diversity) Ex: The thinking among the people sitting in the
room is multifarious
Phlegmatic ( show no emotion ) Ex: John is a phlegmatic person.
Fruitfulness (usefulness) Ex: The fruitfulness of this project will show up
when this project starts making money.

Kickback ( casual way of saying relax) Ex: I usually kickback on long weekends
and enjoy some R&R. (rest & relaxation)

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