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Lesson-9: Reproduction in Animals

Reproduction - The process by which living beings produce offspring of their own kind.

Importance of reproduction:

• For continuation of species

• Variation in species

Fertilisation – The process of fusion of male and female gamete to form a zygote is called
• Internal fertilisation – Fertilisation which takes place inside the body of the
female is called internal fertilisation e.g. Humans, Cows, Dogs etc.
• External fertilisation – Fertilisation which takes place outside the body of the
female is called external fertilisation e.g Frogs, Fish etc.
Viviparous animals – Animals which give birth to young ones are called viviparous e.g.
Humans, cats etc.
Oviparous animals – Animals which lay eggs e.g. Fish, Frog etc.

Male reproductive system

• Testes is an endocrine gland and produces sperms .

Sperm duct is a narrow duct which helps to transport sperms from the testes.
• Testes work more efficiently at a temperature slightly below the body temperature,
so they are held outside the body in the scrotal sacs.

Female reproductive system

• The female reproductive organs are a pair of ovaries, oviducts (fallopian tubes) and
the uterus. The ovaries produce female gametes called ova (eggs).

• In human beings, a single matured egg is released into the oviduct by one of the
ovaries every month.

• Uterus is the part where development of the foetus takes place.

• Asexual reproduction – The type of reproduction in which only one parent is
• Budding – A type of asexual reproduction in which new individuals are produced
from buds (bulges) on the body surface e.g. Yeast, Hydra
• Binary Fission – A type of asexual reproduction in which an animal reproduces by
dividing into two individuals is called Binary Fission e.g. Amoeba

Q1. Give one word for the following:

a) Sex cells are known as-gamete

b) Gametes fuse to form- zygote
c) Male gamete-sperm
d) Female gamete- ovum
e) Place where development of baby takes place- uterus
f) Organ where sperms are produced- testis
g) Another name for oviduct- fallopian tube

Q2. Differentiate between the following:

S.No. Sperm Ovum

1. Produced by testis Produced by ovary
2. Millions produced at a time. Only one egg produced every month.
3. Male gamete Female gamete

S.No. Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction

1. Involvement of male and female gamete. No gametes are produced
2. Both parents needed for reproduction. Only one parent needed.




Lesson-9: Reproduction in Animals

Q1. Two very small organisms X and Y both reproduce by the method of budding.
Organism X is industrially very important because it is used in making alcohol from
sugar. It is also used in making bread. Organism Y is a tiny animal having tentacles which
lives in water.
a) What is organism X?
b) Name the process by which X converts sugar into alcohol.
c) To which class of organisms does X belong?
d) What is organism Y?
e) Out of X and Y, which organism is multicellular and which one is unicellular?

Q2. A unicellular organism P lives in pond water. The organism P has no fixed shape, its
shape keeps on changing. It moves and catches its prey with the help of Q which keeps
on appearing and disappearing. The organism P reproduces by a process R. Another
organism S also reproduces by this process. Name P, Q, R and S.

Q3. An animal A which is classified as an amphibian lays eggs in pond water. The
hatching of its eggs produces a tailed form B which looks very different from the animal
A. The form B then undergoes a change C and gets converted into animal A.
a) Name animal A and form B.
b) What is the change C known?
c) Name the breathing organs of A.
d) What are the breathing organs of B?

Q4. The production of an exact copy of an animal by asexual reproduction is known as:
(a) Budding (b) Breeding (c) Cloning (d) Hatching
Q5.The offspring formed as a result of sexual reproduction exhibits more variations
a) sexual reproduction is a lengthy process
b) genetic material comes from two parents of different species
c) genetic material comes from two parents of same species
d) genetic material comes from one parent.


1. (a) Yeast (b) Fermentation (c) Fungi (d)Hydra (e) Multicellular:Y Hydra;
Unicellular X Yeast
2. P –Amoeba; Q-Pseudopodia; R –Binary fission, S-Paramecium
3. (a) Animal A – Frog; form B - tadpole (b) Metamorphosis (c) Lungs and Skin (d) gills
4. (c) Cloning
5. (c)

Weblinks for reference Ch 9 – Reproduction in Animals

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