Important Learnings For Startups

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• Game Of Mindset 2
• Self – Analysis 4
• Stages Of Business 7
• Finding A PSP 10
• Testing Your Idea 15
• Naming Your Company 19
• Creating Few Important Plans 22
• Finding Distributors And Retailers 49
• Hiring Best Manpower 55
• Customer’s Satisfaction Rate 68
• Expansion Of Your Company 72
• Getting Funds 83
• Marketing Plans 94
• General Business Steps 104
• Few Terms Related To Startup 108
• Important Learnings 111
Game Of Mindset
Mindset Of Poor People
• Always think positive .
• Always prefer doing hard work only .
• Never take risk .
• They run before money .
• They think , that they know everything and so no one can
teach them anything as it hurt their “ego” .
• They prefer Netflix over learning .
• They learn from their mistakes and several times repeat that
same mistake
• They believe in satisfaction .
• They want to become rich .
• They think that :
a. Job is the best thing to do
b. It is the worst thing to do
• They think that
a. Getting degree is everything or
b. It is totally useless , as several billionaires are college
• They think that everything can be purchased with money or
money is not important .
• They only have 1-2 sources of income and that’s also active .
• Their make headache is their huge EMI , which they have
created just for looking rich .
• They think starting and scaling business , making products
and selling it in market , raising funds , etc. are easy .
Mindset Of Wealthy People
• Most of the time they think negative only , as negative
thinking is the source of stronger , smarter as well as great
plans + backup plan too . But they never let their negative
thoughts to control their life .
• With hard work they always prefer doing smart work .
• They take risk , but always calculated and with backup plan ,
so that even if they fail then also what will be their exit
strategy .
• They believe in solving problems of their customers or clients ,
and so they easily get money .
• No matter what is their current net worth , whether in 9 , 10
or even 11 figures , they always think that they are fool and
keep on learning new things .
• No Netflix , no useless drama , only knowledge and its
execution .
• They always want to become wealthy , i.e. , they build
systems and processes in their business with which they can
easily get time to enjoy with their family and do other
activities too .
• They always learn from other people mistakes and
experiences and if they do any , then they never repeat it
• They never believe in satisfaction , instead they believe in
getting more and achieving more .
• They never treat job as the best thing or the worst thing to do
, they believe that doing job and working under someone is a
great thing for getting practical knowledge and experience .
• They know that our education have 1000s of loopholes and it
produces only employees that is also barely any skill and so
they believe in getting practical knowledge , but with that
they also know that for surviving in such toxic environment
degree is necessary (sometimes as a backup plan) .
• They value money , but they know that if they have
everything which can be purchased from money , then they
are the poorest person in the world . As now anyone who is
more richer than them , will easily destroy them easily just
with money only .
• They have 6-7 sources of income (or even more) and that also
passive (source which provide you income with less efforts
and time as compare to other sources) .
• They live simple life , and if they want to purchase any type of
liability , then also they check that whether they purchase it
easily without any problem or not , and so they never get
trapped in personal loan or EMIs .
• They know the dark reality of business or startup world , i.e. :
a. 1000s of failures
b. Struggles
c. Sleepless nights
d. Financially broke
e. High level of stress , demotivation and tension
f. No result even after doing very hard work
g. Huge no. of failures , etc.
So for doing any business you have to change your thinking from
poor mindset to rich mindset , otherwise it would be impossible for
you to start and grow any of your startup .
Self – Analysis
Before thinking to start your business , the very first step is to
analyze yourself , that whether u are ready enough to start ??
Self analysis have 2 categories :
a. Mental analysis
b. Financial analysis
Mental analysis – it contains very important skills or abilities which
every entrepreneur should have , like :
• Strong determination and will power
• Confidence (but not overconfidence and ego)
• Long term thinking and great vision
• Ability to face 1000s of rejections
• Patience
• Leadership , sales and people management skill
• Knowledge related to finances and other crucial things
related to business , especially your industry
• Huge passion , interest and money in the work which you
are thinking to start
• Habit of learning and executing new things
• Risk taking capacity , but calculated
• Believe in facts and logics , rather than in emotions or any
belief (like Marwari always have great business mind , etc.)
• High level stress and frustration tolerance ability
• Power to accept your mistakes
• Problem seeking and solving ability
• Ability to work hardly and smartly
• And power to accept the dark truth of this journey (which I
have told you in above red points) .

Financial analysis – this include financial analysis of an

entrepreneur , so as to reduce the chances of getting broke due to
any loss in business .
1. You should have health and life insurance , sp that if you suffer
from any health problem , then you don’t have to waste your
money which you have collected for your business .

2. Keep some amount in liquid fund which will cover your 4-5
months expenses , so that if your business fail then also you will
have some money to either start another or to find a new job .

3. Don’t leave your job just after getting any idea , instead it as a
side hustle , and once if you start getting profit which exceed your
income from your job , then only think to leave your job and give
full focus to your business .
4. You have to calculate all your business related expenses
(which you have to bear even if there will be no sale) and multiply
that amount with 10 . So that you will have sufficient with which
your business can even survive for 10 months without earning any
profit .
By fulfilling all these things , you will by mentally & financially
prepare yourself for the unexpected business failure .

Stages Of Business
Now under the stages of business :
1. Fully self employed – at this stage you will have to do all your
work by your own , like :
• Planning
• Executing
• Selling
• Managing finances • Taking feedbacks , etc.
Overall your business will be earning very low profit or it may be at
breakeven point (profit = expenditure) , here you are the only
employee and owner of your business .
This is the common stage for all the business owners , here you
have to work very hard and you will also not get any time or family
or other things .

2. Manager – once your business start earning good profit , then

you start hiring people , and you can give several small and non
– core tasks , like :
• Showing products to your customers
• Managing stocks
• Accounting
• Managing finances , etc.
, so that now you will become free and focus on doing other core
activities or tasks of your business .
3. Top Manager – at this stage with great profit , you will also
have several people which will manage different important task
seven without you , like :
• Sales
• Finances
• Production , etc.
(Work may differ from business to business)
At this stage with great models , strategies and processes your
majority of the work will be done by your team . Now your main
work is to think for your organization’s future growth and also to
check all the report of other departments .

4. President – at this stage you make specific targets and goals for
each departments for a specific time and give those target
documents to their respective departments . Here you will also
build a team of few people who will solve the problems of other
departments .
With the help of that specific planned document of target all the
people will work according to their assigned tasks without any
problem and if they face any then also they have team of people
(assigned by you) to solve their problems .
So finally at this stage you will just check and compare monthly or
quarterly results and give rewards or improvement notice to the
respective department’s heads .

5. Growth/Diversifying – at this stage you will start :

• New products in your product portfolio
• Adding new and different categories of products
• Entering into new business
Here you can also add external funding which you may required to
scale , as now you have converted your small business in a strong
profitable organization , so investors will also give you the funds .

6. Investor – at this stage you will not work only on your business ,
but also invest into different startups as a angel investor to get
multibagger returns .
Mainly every business have these stages (it can be explain in very
deeply but here we will just learn about the basic level) , and
crossing all the levels require very hard work and in this e-book
you will learn few concepts which are very crucial for any
businessman to increase their level .

But before moving forward , I want to tell you one important thing
, business is a very big concept , and in it 100s of sub-topic are
there . So it will require years to learn several things about it . And
in this e-book we will few but crucial things and concepts which
will help you in creating base knowledge regarding it .

Finding A PSP (Problem Solving Product)

The very first step is to find a big problem that everyone is facing
and then create a best solution for it , as every successful business
began with finding a great solution for a great problem and with
that idea your business will become profitable . You can take
example of any startup , like :
• Amazon
• Google
• Reliance • Zerodha , etc.
They all have started to solve a great problem which they were
facing at that time . There are several startups which have failed
and got bankrupt just because they have started their business
just to earn profit and not to solve any problem .

There are several ways through which you can get help in finding
business idea , like :
1. Go out and look in your surrounding and observe carefully , that
what is the biggest or most common problem which lot of
people are facing , and how you can solve it . It is easy to do and
with this it will become easy for you to find ideas in either low or
0 investment .

2. If you have ever worked in any industry for long time , then with
your experience you can search for anything or any work in that
specific industry which other people find it difficult to do or what
is gap which is getting ignored by the companies , and according
to it you can make your product , as several ex – employees of
Flipkart have started their companies like :
• Udaan
• Rapido
• Navi
• PhonePe
As by working in a specific industry you will get great amount of
knowledge and experience related to that industry and so you can
also find problems in that and solve it by starting your startup .

3. Checking 3 things :
• Which skills you have developed ?
• From those skills what you love to do or in which one you
have huge passion ?
• How that skill can solve the problems of the people and for
that they will pay you ?
By getting the answers of these 3 questions , you will get to know
about 1 skill (or even more) which can help you in starting your
business , like :
• Video editing
• Coding
• Digital Marketing
• Graphics Designing , etc.
4. Read a lot , as by reading more books , business or market
related magazines , newsletters , etc. will increase your
knowledge in several sectors and so your knowledge base will
increase and so you can easily think for new and better ideas .

5. A best way to find idea is to solve your own problem , because in

this case you know that what is the exact problem and what
should be done to solve it , but it should not only your problem ,
instead it should be the problem that so many people are facing

6. Sometimes product or process is already made but there are

some problems in it , like :
• Lack of great features
• Lack of availability
• Hard to use
• Very outdated design or technology , etc.
So these product or process can be innovated and then launched in
market , like :
• Several times ago we use post letters for messaging , then by
facing several problems ,
• E-mail is created and by facing problems in email ,
• WhatsApp have created and today with it doing messaging
has become very easy .

Yes it is 100% possible that you will not ideas instantly or some
your idea may be bad , but once if finding ideas become your habit
, then definitely 1 day you will get a good idea .

But finding ideas doesn’t mean to find any problem and start
working on it , as this will increase the chances of failure .There
are some important things which you have to check before start
working on your idea , like:
a. It should come in or related to those sector which will boom in
future like :
• A.I.
• Robotics
• Virtual Reality , etc. (also called sunrise industry)
But if it is related to those industry which have no future after 10
years (also called sunset industry) , then change your idea ,
because you will be doing business for several years and so your
ideas should also be valid for at least 8-10 years .
b. It should have high market size , like if your targeted customer
is just some people of a particular :
• City
• Small town
• Language
• Place
• Ethnic group , etc.
, due to which it will remain in some specific market or a specific
limit , then it is risky to start such idea because these types of idea
don’t have high growth in future .
c. Idea should solve the problem of so many people or you should
create something which give benefits to so many people and
which can’t be failed because of any small barrier like of :
• Place
• Language
• Culture and tradition , etc.

d. The customers should pay money for getting their problem

solved , as just catering a big population and making product for
them is useless until they pay you .

e. Who can be your competitors or your current existing

competitors , and what are their strategies with which they are
running their business .
Testing Your Idea
Write down all your ideas (if it is more than 2) in some pages , in
such a way that individually 1 idea can be written on 1 page , write
everything about it like :
• What it will do in customer’s life ?
• What problem will be solved by your idea and is it required
to be solved or not ?
• Price of your product or service
• Total Addressable market size
• Your targeted customer and are they paying or not • How
you will differentiate yourself from your competitors
• ROI on ur investment and risk involved in it .
• Future growth of that industry
• Competitors analysis
• Prioritize your passion and interest , etc.
Overall you have to do a market research of your industry (in
which you are thinking to work) .
(But don’t spend too much time and resources in just doing market
research , get relevant and important information and start some
work , with the time you will get more knowledge and experience
and by using that continuously innovate your product/service) .
Writing all the important information will automatically give you a
clear picture that on which idea you should work on .
For testing any idea there are mainly 2 types methods :
a. Offline method
b. Online method
Offline Method – under this methods there are several ways for
validating your idea in offline market or not on internet , like :
1. If you have find a solution of your problem , then just look that
whether other people are also facing the same problem or is it
your only . Also the problem should be faced by a huge number of
people which can pay money for solving it . And if it is a genuine
problem then just look that what main advantages or extra
features you are giving to your customers over your competition .

2. Tell your idea to any mature person , any of your relative who
is involved in business , or any of your friend who understand
business , as they can give you better advices and feedbacks which
can help you in making your idea more stronger . Also don’t think
that your idea will be stole by someone , as idea is no one’s
monopoly but execution is .
3. Tell your idea to that person who is working in that industry or
sector for years , as with their experience and knowledge they can
give you useful advices related to your business idea .

4. Read credit reports (of brokerage companies) and annual

reports of those companies which is involved in that sector , as
they give informative data about the industry , which help you in
understanding your customer’s :
• Buying behavior
• Per capita income
• Choice
• Future growth , etc.

5. Use common sense while testing idea , several time just

thinking any stupid idea excite us , give yourself 3-4 days time to
observe that should you really work on that idea .

6. You should genuinely solve the core problem of a specific

group , that can be any specific community , gender , age group ,
etc. and just take feedbacks from your targeted customers only or
do a survey with those people only , and check that will they
accept your product or not , and also if yes then what innovations
they need .
The useful feedback should only be promoted . This will also help
you in validating your idea because now you are just taking
feedbacks from the end users .

b. Online Method – under this method validation is done through

online platforms or on internet , here you make a attractive post
and post it on Instagram or Facebook with a link attached with it ,
and in that website you ask people several important questions
related to your business , like :
1. What product/service you are giving and its uses .
2. Images or videos of your product .
3. Some free material in exchange of relevant feedbacks or
ideas .
4. Discount for first 100 people who register or sign up .
5. Give them free e-book in exchange of contact details , etc.
• After some time check the relevant data , like :
• How many people have clicked on the website ?
• What is the buying behavior of the people ?
• Feedbacks of the people
• Time spent on that website , etc.

If you get validation , then start working on your idea , but if your
idea doesn’t work then don’t feel demotivated because no matter
how much developed our country become new problems will arise
every time and one day you will find a great product .
Naming Your Company
Naming your company is a very important thing , as this will give
you a specific brand and give your company an identity . Some
points to remember while keeping the name are :
1. Simple , short and unique – in the sake of unique name , some
people keep name very hard which is tough to learn or pronounce ,
so keep unique but rare name which separate you from your
competitors , like :
2. Related to your industry or sector – the name should relate to
your industry , like :
• Policy

3. Spelling should match with its pronunciation – some

companies keep spelling different from its pronunciation this
creates confusion among people which should be avoided , like :
• Cook (spelling) > Kook (company name)
• Cloud (spelling) > Kloud (company name)
• Life (spelling) > LYF (company name)

4. Easy to pronounce and read – the name should be easy to read

, learn and pronounce , avoid tough names as this will reduce your
recall value , like :
• Givenchy
• Fjallraven
• Yves Saint Laurent

5. It should be meaningful – if your brand name have meaning

then it’s a great thing , like :
• SAMSUNG – 3 stars
• NIVEA (Niveus) – snow white • Volkswagen – people’s car ,
6. Font , color , design and its related logo , all should be very
attractive but simple .

7. It should be copyright free – if you keep a name which any

other company also have kept , then it will become a huge
problem in future , like Pay Pal have filed a case against Paytm
because of same color (by the way both are payment company so
this is the way to create a hurdle in your competitor way) .

8. It should not be restricted to any specific category – if name is

restricted to a specific category , then it will become problem for
the company to sell other products , like assume a business name
Jaipur di kachori , now this will restrict that business to sell any
other thing like sweets , snacks , etc .

9. Domain of the name should be available – try to give first

priority to domain names , as several times after choosing the
name we won’t find the domain for that , or sometimes we have
to purchase it at higher price .

It is not compulsory that startup name should cover all the above
points , but if you follow maximum points (but according to your
need) , then the chances of getting a perfect name will increase .
Creating Few Important Plans
1) Finding a co – founder -
Having a co-founder is not mandatory , it depends on your skills
and need that should you have one or not . Also if you need one
then remember few important points , like :
a. They will be like your lifetime partner , so if you once choose
them then do it very carefully , just because someone is your
old friend or his/her thinking are same with you , doesn’t
mean that you both can become partner .
b. Don’t get confuse in between employee or co – founder , as
you can fire a employee after sometimes if they perform very
bad (even after giving them all the necessary training) , but
you cannot do this with co – founder .
(Also make clear even with your co – founder that what will
you do if the he/she will not do their work properly) .

c. You should know the exact reason for working with a co –

founder or what is the main reason that you need one ? Once
you get the satisfying answer then only search for one
otherwise start individually , as several times individually a
person can also establish great business .

d. You have to give some ownership to some other person and

so you have to
• Share your profits (in the decided ratio) .
• Listen to their plans and strategies too .
• You have to ask from them without taking any decision
related to business .
Pros of having co- founder –
• All the profit will be yours only .
• You will the head and you can take all the decisions quickly .
• As you are expert in your core skill and know several things
about business then you will just need employee (which you
can hire after earning great profit) .
Cons of having co- founder –
• As you don’t have any partner , so you have to do all your
work by your own , this reduces your efficiency and the power
of thinking more creative and innovative ideas . Also you will
start becoming frustrated very frequently .

• You will think ideas and take decisions by yourself , there are
the chances that a co-founder help you in getting more
different and impactful idea and can stop you from taking
wrong decisions .
• A great co-founder also bring new ideas , tricks , knowledge ,
experiences , network , etc. which is the key to business
success .
So I always prefer to work with a co-founder , as this increase your
efficiency and indirectly your company’s too .
Due to our worst education system and lack of The Great Gurukuls
, finding intelligent manpower has become very difficult . But there
are few methods to find co-founder :
1. The basic and primary way of finding one is to get selected in
one best college of your favorite niche , and it’s a basic assumption
that best colleges will have majority of best students which you
will need , so by learning a great skill you can have network with
other great person and start your business .

2. There are the chances that the company in which you are
working , have employees who also want to start their business ,
so with great communication skills you can analyze them and start
with a capable person .
3. You can attend business seminars , as there you will mainly get
people related to business , so entrepreneur of non-tech startup
can get benefits from such seminars .

4. The best method for finding great people is to increase your

network , as more people you meet , more the qualitative people
you can get .

Once you found people , then you can’t just talk about starting
your business , instead there are several characters which you
have to find in that person , like :
• Ethics and values
• Risk taking ability
• Positive and growth mindset
• Intelligence (especially for the skill for which you are
making him/her your co-founder , like if you have business
skills and you need a tech person , then the person with
business skills is not useful for you) .
• Visionary
• Long term thinker
• Honest and loyal
Also spend a lot of time with them , so as to check that whether
both of you can start and grow your business to next level or not ?

2) PSP with extra features -

Only making PSP is not enough , means you product should be very
good looking and should contain all the necessary features for
which you are launching it , like :
a. Its presentation – it should be the best (like if you look a stone
on a beach then it is useless but if you keep that same stone
in the museum then it will automatically become valuable) .

b. Highly innovative - like if you see any high tech products then
it will attract you towards itself , so in that way if possible
then make your product a high-tech one .

c. Easy to use - it should be very easy to use , that a 10 years old

child can also understand it’s features and can use it very
easily .

d. According to your targeted customers – the product should

not be made for all the people , it should be made only for a
specific or targeted group based on gender , age group ,
profession , etc.

Here the important thing which you have to remember is that ,

don’t invest huge time , energy and money just for making your
product highly innovative and perfect looking , as by doing this you
will waste a lot of time . Instead make it better looking with
important features and with time keep on innovating it .
Once if you made such product then don’t delay in launching it as
there are the chances that your competitors may launch
something like you or better than you , which help them in getting
your market share .
But first do a test and launch trial method (under this method first
you do a survey and check that whether people will like your
product or not and if not then also check reason for not liking the
product and if yes , then you can make it’s higher quantity) , this
will reduce the chances of bearing loss at huge level .
If your product is genuine and a real problem solver then it will
definitely make huge profit for you , but if it get failed then make it
perfect by again researching on it and after reanalyzing if you
think that product is not helpful then leave it and work on second
product and if the product is correct then innovate it and re-launch
it .
After your 1 product become hit and profitable then don’t get
stick to it instead start researching new problems and make
products according to it (but also keep focus on your existing
product and keep on updating and innovating it) .
Also focus on increasing product variety in your existing product
(like Samsung have other models under it) or make new product
(like Parle have Hide and Seek , Monaco , Parle-g , etc.) so with this
your customers will not get bored from your products (but these
should also be done by test and launch trial) .
Your all products and companies should have positive and great
brand which will generate a trust in your customer’s mind .

3) Location –
A specific location is very important for any business man because
a perfect locations helps you in increasing your profit or
decreasing your expenses . Factory selection have several
parameters , like :
a. It should be in a factory area or near the market , so that :
• You can easily bring raw materials for making your
products ,
• Sell your product to the market in low cost and less time .
b. Electricity supply should be for 24 hrs and infrastructure
should be best .
c. Presence of good quantity of unemployed people or labor .
d. Low tax rates or higher subsidies , by selecting SEZ or any
backward area (if possible) .
These will help you in reducing expenses .

4) Doing S.W.O.T. analysis – this analysis mainly include checking

all the :
• Strength
• Weakness
• Opportunity
• Threat analysis
, related to your company and your competitor’s company , so if
any solar manufacturing company do its S.W.O.T. , then it can
include :
Strength –
• Low price and best quality panels
• Strong distribution
• Tie up with foreign tech company Weakness –
• Huge competition
• Low margins Opportunities –
• Government subsidies
• Sunrise industry Threats –
• Entrance of foreign brand in domestic market
• Emerging technology of green fuel
(These are few points only , so that you will get the idea of how it
is done) .
Before entering in telecom industry Mukesh Ambani have checked
their competitors and their product :
Competitors like :
• Vodafone
• Idea
• Aircel
Their product :
• Slow and expensive 3G internet
• Expensive call rates
• Lengthy process in sim activation
• Lack of availability of internet in tier 2 (at some
places) , tier 3 and village areas .
So after checking this Mukesh Ambani had brought Jio which have
launched 4G network and today it is the market dominating
company .

5) Your competitive advantage/entry barrier –

This is the thing through which you will create a monopoly in your
business and easily defeat your competitors or make your business
so strong that no one can copy it , no matter how much great :
• Team
• Business model
• Patents or copyrights
• Cash
• Trade Secret
• Network
• Distribution
• High margin products
, you have but if you don’t have any competitive advantage then it
will very difficult for you to run your business with for long term .

Without this you cannot differentiate your organization with other

organizations of your sector . There are so many startups and
businesses which have become giant businesses just because they
have also focused on competitive advantage , like :
a. Facebook have created by expanding its reach to so many
people .
b. Patanjali have created by selling ayurvedic products in
modern way and in low price .
c. Apple have created by selling high quality devices with high
price .
d. D-Mart have created by selling general household items at
very discounted price .
Competitive advantage is not limited only to your product , it can
be your :
• Team (highly intelligent)
• Service (fastest and cheap)
• Machines (highly updated that produce high quality
• Products price (high price or reasonable)
• Network (large network)
• Strong trust (TATA)
There are so many companies which make soap , cream , deo , etc.
but we generally find Lifebuoy , AXE , Dove in every shop and
always promoted by every retailer . This is because HUL also
brought innovation :
a. In margin of retailers (by giving highest margin as compare to
other companies) .
b. By creating high brand pull with their great marketing
strategy .

6) Asset light model –

It doesn’t matter if you are increasing your profit with increasing
expenses as your then it show a poor performance of management
of the company . To overcome this problem there is a model called
“Asset Light Model” .
Under this model you don’t have to invest your all money in
business , instead you just focus on main things which is core of
your business , and remaining other things is done by other people
, like :
• WhatsApp don’t have any server of its own just but it is
one of the biggest messaging app in this world .
• Airbnb don’t have any property but it have so much
property to give on rent .
• OLA don’t have any car of their own but they are one of
the biggest taxi service provider in the world .
• Apple focus on making their software and their operating
system and its body is manufactured by Foxconn .
So this all can possible just because they have focused on main
thing which is their strong app , A.I. and software and another
things they have taken on rent from other people or companies or
outsourced their work to other companies and so in low budget
they have reached to so many people .

7) Your brand identity or USP (Unique Selling Proposition) –

USP is that one thing that makes your business better than your
competitors . It is the answer of the question ‘what you known for’
, it means that why people chose your product over your
competitor’s product , like :
• If I say noodle then the first thing which will come to your
mind is Maggie .
• If I say toothpaste then the first thing which will come in your
mind is Colgate .
• If I say burger then the first thing which will come in your
mind is McDonald .
Brand equity/USP is very useful and important for business , as it
create a answer in your customer’s mind that why should they buy
your products .
For finding USP , just answer these 3 questions :

• What your customers want ? • What your competitors lack ?

• What your business do well ?
USP is closely related to competitive advantage , or USP is a part of
it .
• C.A. – how your business is more powerful than your
competitors .
• USP – what is that feature of your product which make
customer to choose you instead of your competitor’s one .

It can only be created when you design your product for disrupting
whole industry and then doing your marketing in such a way that
whenever people think for a specific product then they
automatically get the name of your brand in their mind .
8) How will you earn ‘extra’ profit –
Earning profit is important for every business , but you should look
that how will you ‘extra’ profit from your product , like :
a. Flipkart , which earn money by selling products to the people
this the simple way of earning but it also earn ‘extra’ profit , like
when it sells item to the people then they collect all the data in
their server and by using their data they check that :
a. At which time
b. In which place
c. Which products have high demand .
And by getting this , they manufacture those specific products by
using their Billion brand & sell those products in those specific
areas .

b. Paytm which earn money from ads and transactions but it also
earn ‘extra’ money like by giving your money (which is in its Paytm
wallet on FD) , and therefore they give cash back offers for
encourage us to pay every bill like of gas , electricity , etc.
And its cash back offers also promote everyone to use only paytm
so that after some time it will charge 1%-2% on every transaction
which will done by every paytm user .
I know that these are loss making companies , but their models are
good to study and apply , also there are several companies which
are following such models but those are not popular , so I have
took the examples of those companies which are popular ones .

9) Reduce expenses –
There are several fixed expenses in every business , like :
• Salary
• Rent
• Minimum electricity bill , etc.
But there are also several expenses which can be reduced , as by
reducing them you can increase your profit too , as profit can be
increased through these 2 ways :
• Increase your sales , margin , revenue and income streams
• Reduce your expenses
There are several ways to reduce expenses , like :
• Bringing fully automated machines to increase product
quantity and quality in less electricity , time and cost and
even reduce labors needs .
• By purchasing raw materials at negotiated price , to reduce
raw material cost .
• By making it easy for your employees to work from home .
• Categorizing your stock in :
a. Non-moving
b. Moving
c. Fast-moving products
Now with this data you can :
a. Eliminate non-moving stock
b. Reduce moving stock
c. Increase fast moving stock
This will increase your cash flow (because now you will only make
or keep those products which sell at faster) and not fill your
warehouse or showroom with useless products .
Not only this you can reduce all the extra efforts (physical and
mental) of your employees by providing them best softwares ,
tools , machines , etc. This reduction of useless efforts , time and
money and will increase their productivity and your profit .
But there is a catch , as several times we classify a activity as a non
– revenue activity , which is not directly contributing in our profit ,
but it can be a wrong decision .
As customer care and support department can be a non – revenue
department , but it is a non – revenue pillar of the company , as
with this your customer will become more loyal to you and they
will always give more preference to you as compared to your
competitors and even generate more leads to your business .

10) Backup plan –

It is one of the most important plan to make while doing or before
starting any business , because no one knows that whether your :
• Product
• Strategy
• Model , etc.
, will work or not , and so you have to make one extra plan so that
if 1 fail then you will have another one .

11) Differentiate between your targeted and non targeted

customers –
Sometime people try to sell their products to each and everyone
without realizing their true and potential customers , and so they
end up in bearing huge losses . Identification of customers is very
important because through this only , you will :
• Manufacture
• Design
• Market
• Package your product
Identification not only means to categorized your customer under :
• Children
• Age group
• Per capita income
• Profession (lawyer , doctor , plumber , etc.) .
• Culture and tradition
But also to categorize them under :
• Influencer – who influence other people to purchase
• Decider – who only decide to purchase
• Consumer – who consume the product
• Action taker – who take action to purchase the product
So in case of Byjus – They mainly focus on selling their products to
parents because here :
• Decider and action taker - parents
• Consumer – children
• Influencer – parents friends (sometimes children and their
friends also become influencers) .
Finding your targeted customers is as important as finding who is
not your customer . So there will be 4 types of customers :
1. Money + Interest – Main Customer
2. No Money + No Interest – No customer
3. No Money + Interest – Customer which need financial
4. Money + No Interest – Customer whose interest need to be

12) Standard Operating Process – these are the well written plans
or process of performing any specific task , like :
McDonald – you must have seen that burgers of McDonald are
made in 3-4 minutes as compared to other burger making
companies , carts , etc. also the taste is also consistent in their all
outlets , this is because of SOPs of McDonald , like :
• Exact temperature for frying the burger
• Exact quantities of sauce and cheese in burger
• Frying time of patty (of the burger)
• Specific size of vegetable (while chopping them) , etc.
The strategies are made by top management of the companies ,
but its execution is done by middle and bottom level people , i.e.
workers and managers . So if you make SOPs of all the tasks , then
it will become very easy for all your execution staff . SOPs can be
made for all the departments , like :
• Production dept.
• Logistics dept.
• HR dept.
• Finance dept. , etc.

13) Supply Chain Management – for understanding this concept ,

let’s take an example of a soap manufacturing factory , so it
will :
a. It will bring all the raw materials from other factories , like
different chemicals , colour , paper (for packaging) , etc.
b. After procuring all the raw materials , it will process them and
make the final one (i.e. soap) .
c. Then it will be sent to all the wholesalers , distributors and
retailers for selling it to the customers .
So this whole process (instead b.) from procuring raw materials to
providing goods to the customers , is known as supply chain .
You have to check your supply chain , as several times due bad
supply chain management the production cost of the factory
increases , which indirectly affect their margins .
14) Business model –
It refers to the company’s strategic plan for making profit , it
mainly determines :
a. What product or services your company sell ?
• Everything about your product or service very deeply .
• Its USP or how it will be different from your competitors ?
• Why your customers will choose only your one ?
• Any license or government certification .
(Overall write all the things related to them) .

b. How it should be promoted ?

• What will be your sales and marketing strategies ?
• What promotional tactics you can use , like offers ,
discounts , etc.
• What will be your main channel offline or online ?

c. Who are its potential customers ?

• Identification of targeted and non-targeted customers .
• Analyzing your Influencer , decider , consumer , action
taker ?
d. What will be the revenue model of the company ?
• How exactly the company will earn and its other sources
or extra profit ?
• What will be your minimum margins which you have to
earn ?
• How much you have to earn for coming at break even
point (situation where revenue = expenses) and how
much time it will take ?
e. All your expenses :
• Investment to start your business (with interest) .
• Your fixed and variable expenses .
• How you can reduce them ?
• Capex (Capital Expenditure) and Opex (Operating
Expenditure) , etc.
So by getting answers o these questions you will get the exact
numbers , that :
Money required to start your business ? How
much time you will take to come

Business Canvas – it is a strategic management tool that enables

you to visualize and asses your business idea and its related
concepts . Business canvas is a 1 page chart which mainly includes
these 9 boxes:
a. Customer segments – these are the groups of people (for B2C
and B2B) to whom you will sell your products or services and to
whom you will not , and who is the most important customer and
who is not . Under this , the customers are segmented into
similarities , such as their :
a. Interest
b. Behavior
c. Gender
d. Age
e. Geographical area
f. Per capita income

b. Customer Relationships – under this , you need to establish the

type of relationship you will have with your customers or once they
purchased your product or service , then how will you interact with
them throughout their journey with ur company . Example – after
sales service , discount on next sale , referral code , etc.

c. Revenue streams of the company – these are the sources from

which a company generates money by selling their product or
service to the customers . It mainly have 2 categories :
a. Transaction Based Revenue – this is made from
customers who make one time payment .
b. Recurring Revenue – this is payment which will keep on
coming till the customer continue your service . There are
several ways of revenue generation , like :
• Charging subscription fees from the customers for
regular usage of the service provided .
Ex - Netflix , Amazon Prime , etc.
• Giving something on rent or on lease .
Ex – OYO , Airbnb , etc.
• Charging customer for acting as a broker or simply
brokerage fees .
Ex – , Zerodha , etc.

d. Channels – this refers to the medium through which customers

can communicate with you and how they will receive your product
or service .
This can be :
a. Physical channels – retail stores , your company’s
showroom , etc.
b. Digital channel – mobile , website , application , etc.

e. Key Activities – these are the activities that need to be

completed for fulfilling the primary goal of your business . Simply :
• To meet the value proposition
• Achieve its customer segments
• Sustain a customer relationship
• And finally creating a revenue stream .

f. Key Resources – under this section , all the main inputs will
come through which you can achieve your key activities to create
your value proposition , like :
• Cash
• Building
• Machinery • Patents
• Copyrights
g. Key Partners – these are important HR which will help your
company to carry out key activities , like :
• Joint Venture
• Employees
• Distributors
• Investors

h. Cost Structure – under this section , all the costs associated

with operating your business model will come . With this you can
able to check that where you are investing and wasting your
money , and so after evaluating and reducing wastage you can
easily your profit .

i. Value Proposition – this refers to that particular feature of

your product or service , which promotes your customers to
purchase your products instead of your competitors , like :
• Low cost and high quality product
• Advance technology
• Fast service
• Highest discounts

Few common business models –

There are more than 50 models which companies use to grow ,
disrupt the market and make them stronger , few of them are :
(These companies have implemented several other strategies
which help them in becoming successful , but here we will only
discuss about their B.M.).
1. Huge Discount – buy something in bulk at great discount and
sell them to the customers at high discounted prices or in sale ,
like D-Mart , here the products will be same as in other shops
but due to high discount it become very easy for people to
purchase more item in the same amount , due to huge discounts
. So more the products will sold , the better discounts D-Mart
will get (from sellers) and so higher the discounts can be given
to the customers .

2. Reasonable quality and price – manufacturing reasonable and

best featured items like of :
• Mi
• Oppo
• Vivo
• Xiaomi
They have manufactured reasonable and affordable 4G mobile
phones due to which every person can buy a good quality 4G
internet phone even at reasonable price .

3. White labeling - if you manufacture clothes and you have

expertise in making good quality clothes at low rates but you
don’t want to use your money for :
• Branding
• Research and Development
• Marketing
, then you can do partnership with other company who focus on :
• Branding
• R&D
• Innovation
• Designing
, but don’t want to focus on manufacturing , then you can sell
them clothes according to their demand , like of :
• Type
• Design
• Quality of fabric
• Packaging
So here both will earn by doing the work in which they have their
expertise . In the same way , the body of iPhone , BlackBerry ,
Nokia , etc. is manufactured by Foxconn , and so Foxconn don’t
have to use their money in marketing and innovation and these
companies (BlackBerry , iPhone , Nokia) don’t have to use their
money in manufacturing .

4. Assembling - buying some raw materials from different

companies and make a final product by combining all of them ,
like Maruti do , they purchase several parts from different
companies , like :
• Tyre
• Gear
• Steering wheel
• Engine , etc.
, and then they make a final car by combining all of them . Or
doing reverse of it by buying a specific product in large quantity
and then pack in small packets or in small quantity and then
selling it in market .

5. Big investment and recurring returns - investing a huge amount

of money in business and get profit slowly , like of Jio , it has
invested 2 lakhs crore in 4G technology and after making that ,
Reliance have given free Jio sim cards , with unlimited calls and
data for 1 year to the people .
For that 1 year it was not earning any profit , but after 1 year ,
using 4G data become the habit of people and then after 1 year Jio
start charging money for data and call at very low cost compare to
others companies .
People’s addiction , best data quality at low cost also make people
to buy Jio plans and today Jio is contributing a lot in generating
profit for Reliance and with this great model other telecom
companies like Vodafone , idea , BSNL , etc. have either left this
sector or their profit have become very low as compare to their
past profit . This model can also be implemented in real estate
business , where purchasing cost of property can be higher , but
you will start getting monthly returns with low risk in the form of
rent .
6. Working on Trade Secret - making a secret process for making a
product , like of :
• Coca Cola
, which have made such a recipe and syrup which no one knows,
and so no one can copy it and this make very hard for other brands
to compete with these brands .

7. Vertical and horizontal integration –

a. Vertical integration - under this model you will make a chain of
making a product from its starting to its ending , like of Amazon
and Flipkart , when they find any product which is in demand on
their app , then they also manufacture it and sell it with their
own brand in cheap price and so they can easily sell more
products as compare to others .
b. Horizontal integration – under this model there can be 2 things :
• Category of 1 product is increased , like selling only tea , but
with more than 50 tea varieties .
• Categories of products is increased , like of any
supermarket , complex , big retail stores , etc. where the tea
can be available in one variety , but with tea they also have
biscuits , coffee , snacks , etc.

15) Questions analysis -

In life as well as in corporate world , you always have to do a
question analysis , which include :
• What exactly I have to do ?
• Why I am doing it ?
• What can be my opportunity cost ?
• Who will do it ?
• What will be the technique , tools , softwares , etc. the person
can use ?
• How the doer will do it ?
• What is the time limit and budget ?
• What is the risk and success ratio ?
• What is my back – up plan if I fail ?
Once you get the answers of these questions , then you can start
your work . Also these questions will be for all the managers of all
their respective departments .
There can be more questions which can vary according to your
task or work , so you can change or add accordingly .
All these are very basic plans related to business and I have told
you only this much so that you can able to create a base
knowledge regarding these topics , as with the time I will write
more books on particular topics which will provide you more
deeper knowledge related to these concepts .
Also as I have told you that business is a very big concept and for
learning more about it , you have to read and take more
knowledge and execute them to get both practical and theoretical
knowledge .
Finding Distributors And Retailers
Before starting any business or setting up any factory or machine ,
the most important thing which you need is distributors or
wholesalers or retailers with you , and for finding them there are
several steps like :

a. A simple and easy way to get wholesaler or distributor is to do

research on Google about your nearby distributors or wholesaler
and then talk to them and convince them to sell your products at
their shops .

b. Visiting to your near by trade shows where you will get all the
people like :
• Vendors
• Wholesalers
• Retailers
• Distributors
, related to your industry and also related to other industries ,
here you can do deals with them either for make products for
them or giving orders to make products for you . For checking any
nearby trade show search it on Google .

c. You can also make your own website where you can tell about
your :
• Product
• Their profit margin
• How they contact you like through e-mail or phone no.
• Some offers for them like fastest delivery , more credit period
, etc.
, and then promote it on social media apps like :
• LinkedIn
• Facebook
• Instagram , etc.
You can also do newspaper , pamphlets , bill board or other types
of advertisement with useful information by looking at which
retailers and distributors can contact you for further details .

d. You can also take help from channel sales executives which
will take a little bit commission and in return he will help you in
making distributors for you .

e. Taking reference from your family or friends , as there are the

chances that they know some people who are working as a
distributors . But those people whom you will ask should be in
some different industry or not your competitors , because if they
are , then there are the chances that they will not tell you , as it
will increase their competition .

f. You can give some free samples of your products to few but
big retailers as they have a large no. of customer base and after
some time take feedback about your product , if you have chosen
right product and market for selling then there are high chances
that at least 1 or 2 retailers will become ready to buy your product

g. If you have done any job in any company then you also try to
contact its salesman or the person who deliver the products to the
shops and from them you can easily get the data for your
distributors .

There are so many other ways to find any distributors or retailers

and it all depend on your :
• Communication skills
• Confidence
• Product Demand
• Packaging
• Sales skills
, that how you convenience them for buying your products , your
research for the market , etc. and this all can be improved when
you keep on going market for dealing . There are high chances
that 90% retailers will deny you to take your product , so at that
time don’t feel demotivated , instead try to give them :
• Best services
• High margin
• Best offers , etc.
, and keep on increasing your reach in local market as with the
time you will definitely get retailers .
Once you get then give them your 200% , and if they start earning
profit then by looking at that them other will also start
approaching to you .
There is great competition in every sector of market and for
creating a monopoly you also have to make your network strong
and for that you have to increase your customers base , which can
be done by giving them best product and a great service , but for
doing that , you have to build a great number of distributors ,
which will create the availability of your product in every place ,
and this can only be done by giving your distributors and retailers
some those things which others are not giving , like :
• By giving them high margins .
• Fastest delivery services .
• Give them payment faster as compare to your competitors .
• Make a good website to make it easy for the distributors and
retailers to buy the product from you .
• Sometimes giving them extra product more than they have
ordered or some extra discount and offers .
• Give some incentive if they pay on delivery so as to promote
them to give you fast payment .

Overall keep them so much happy from you so that retailers will
try to sell your product first to the customers and not your
competitors products , it will become harder for your competitors
to compete with you and also if there is the problem of late
payment then you can resolve it very easily because of your great
services and your company’s good reputation .
Now days everything is moving online from offline , and for
capturing online market you can do 2 things :
a. Selling on your website
b. Listing your product on different online stores , like :
• Amazon
• Udaan
• Meesho
• Flipkart , etc.

Pros of selling on own website :

• You can take feedbacks .
• You can track your customer’s buying behavior .
• You can track your customer’s data and cross sell (it means
selling something extra , like belt with jeans , laptop bag with
laptop , etc.) or up-sell (selling 40k Rs. mobile to the
costumer who want to purchase 38k Rs. mobile) using A.I.
• You don’t have to give any commission to any 3rd party ,
which you have to give on other platforms .
• Several times other e-commerce platforms take 60 days (or
even more) to pay your profit which affect your working
capital , this can be solved with own website .
Cons of selling on own website :
• Limited market size and no. of customers , which can be
increased by using 3rd part seller .
• You have to promote your website for generating higher
• You have to manage your own inventory , which in case of 3rd
party seller can be managed by them only .
But now in these cases if your product have great demand then
you can sell in the whole world .
But for shifting to online you have to make your company’s
website or a good software for , so for that you can contact to
companies , like Marg which will create a great website or
software for your organization which will help you to grow your
company from anywhere in the world .
Also if you want to sell online , then it is better to have a perfect
social media account , which should have engaging content and
related to your industry . Because of attractive and engaging
content your followers and buyers will start growing and it will act
as a great marketing lead generating channel for your company .
If you are earning good profit , then I recommend you to hire a
social media manager , so that he will make your account strong
and more professional with his/her knowledge and experience and
you can also focus on your core strength .
Don’t think it as a expenditure , instead think it as a investment ,
that will generate leads for you and help you in growing your
business .
Generally the first focus should always be on penetrating your
nearby offline market and then online market , so as to get
feedbacks from local users and then with innovations you can sell
on internet (as if there is any problem in your product , then it can
be solved immediately , otherwise you may lose your brand image
if you sell product directly on without any experience .

Hiring Best Manpower

Manpower is a very important thing in any business , as this is the
only resource which will :
• Make best products , models and strategies
• Design and make a great product
• Value your customers
• Grow and make you and your business stronger • Enable you
to spend time with your family , etc.
But making team doesn’t mean to hire people only on the basis of
their intelligence , yes team should be intelligent but with
intelligence every team member should be :
• Honest and loyal
• Creative
• Problem solver
• Positive and long term thinker
• Their vision should match your vision
• Strong and smart minded people
Hire only those people who have these qualities in them , because
they will always think :
• About your company
• Its profit
• Its growth
• Increasing its brand value , etc.
, and overall they will try to grow and make company strong ,
whereas the person with only intelligence can have several
problems which will negatively affect your company’s growth , like
• They can do scam in company .
• They keep on thinking about their salary only , but not about
the company .
• They can leave your company just for some more salary ,
which will waste your hiring and training cost and indirectly
increase your losses .
So the conclusion is this , if you want your business to keep on
growing , then presence of strong team is very important in
business as it will run your business even in your absence , because
as a business man you have to unlock your time for taking higher
decisions and enable your team to do other work .
Yes , finding these type of people is very hard , but once if you get
such people , then it will become very easy for you to expand your
business and making it strongest . You can take example of the
great kings , like :
• Shivaji Maharaj ji
• Maharana Pratab ji • Guru Gobind Sing ji
• Ashoka ji , etc.
All they have bravery , intelligence and humanity but with these
they also have ministers who have all these great qualities in them
and so it become easy for these great kings to fight with any other
king and to defeat them .
There are several points which you have to remember while hiring
any employee :
1. One of the most simple way of hiring is to give your company’s
ad in :
a. Newspaper
b. Pamphlets
c. LinkedIn
d. Instagram
e. Facebook , etc.
, and in description always tell about the job for which you want a
person , like :
a. A clear and brief description about the job that what exact
work the person have to do .
b. Gender of the candidate
c. How much salary they will get ?
d. What are your qualifications needs or what skill you want
from the person ?
e. Experience level
f. To whom and where the person will give interview ?
g. About promotion map , like from a employee which will his
next designation from home or group work , which thing in
the company will give him comfort , etc.

2. Try to get employees who have retired from your competitor’s

company , hiring these types of employees will give you 2
benefits :
a. They have good experience about that field and this
matters a lot , because a well experienced person help you
to deal with those problems which may occur in future .
b. As he had worked in your competitor’s company so he
know several thing about it , this will help you to
understand your competitor’s strategies .

3. You can even launch free courses (related to the work for which
you are hiring) and by promoting it you can get several students
which will enroll in it , and according to their score you can
select from those students only . It may be not possible for some
companies , but it is a good method for hiring .
4. You can hire some ‘more than average people’ from some ‘more
than average colleges’ , because here you will get good
manpower easily which will take low salary because in these
types of colleges , colleagues have to work little harder , so in
low salary if they get job in 3rd or 2nd year then they will
become ready easily .
Hiring can also be done from top colleges but there a average
student will also take more salary as he is studying in an excellent
college .

5. You can also hire people on contract basis , it may be from

• Freelancer
• Fiverr
• Upwork , etc.
But just checking the reviews is not sufficient (as it can be fake one
too) , you have to check :
• Their old projects (I they have done any)
• Their old client’s reviews
• Any sample project related to your work , etc.
Once you get this , then compare the price and work quality with
other freelancers too , and with each freelancer your knowledge
regarding to your project (which you want to give to them) will
increase , and after 7-8 meetings you will become much
experienced and so you can easily check the quality of 9th or 10th
freelancer , and then negotiate with them and you can hire it for
long term .
Points related to interview
Before starting remember one important thing , interview should
be taken by the respective department hear , life :
• Hiring (for finance dept.) should be done by head of finance
• Hiring (for sales dept.) ,should be done by head of sales dept.
• Hiring (for production dept.) ,should be done by head of
production dept. , etc.

a. According to you what is the exact definition of the work for

which you are hiring , it should be crystal clear in your mind and
in your hiring document . With this you can clearly and easily
prioritize all the candidates according to your needs .

b. Write your hiring criteria of people which you will not require
, like if you require :
• Male , then reject applications of female
• Full stack developer , then reject front end or back end people
• Experienced , then reject fresher , etc.
By making such criteria , most of the efforts and time wastage will
be eliminated .
c. Be prepared with questions , you should write all your relevant
questions which you will be going to ask from the candidate .
Preparing such question paper , you will have several benefits ,
• You can compare all the applicants easily (because of same
questions) .
• You can reduce wastage of your time (which can get waste in
asking some out of the topic questions) .
• You will not forget any relevant question .

d. At the interview time ask relevant questions according to the

department for which the person is applying and some practical
questions , like :
• Why they are applying for this company ?
• Why should you hire them ?
• How they can help your company to grow ?
• Which is the biggest problems faced by them in their life and
how they have solved them ?
• Where he was working before applying for here , and why
they left ?
• Strength and weakness of the candidate , etc.
By asking such questions you will get the potentials and thinking
level of the candidate .
Also check their body language , their talking style , hand gestures
, etc. this will also help you in analyzing the candidate .
e. Check other important inform. of the candidate , like :
• Verify the candidate legally as if there is any criminal case on
the person , then it can be a risky thing to keep that person in
your company .
• Health status of that person , a healthy person will do its work
very effectively , whereas a person with bad health status
may not complete the assigned work or duty effectively and
efficiently .

Now days some companies have started their business in hiring

people according to your choice and in return they will take 10% -
12% commission depending on which type of employees you want
. Some companies which hire employees according to your choice
• Kelly services
• A.R. Consultant • A.J. Placement , etc.
Once if you have acquired these types of people then don’t just
start giving them the work , instead train them and sign a contract
with them that you will train them well for free and in return they
can’t leave your company for 5 years , and within these 5 years
you have to do those things which make your employees feel that
leaving your company and joining your competition can be a
regretful decision .
Mindset of employees :
• They believe in spending more time in doing work .
• They prefer doing hard work instead of smart work .
• They don’t get any appraisal if they do good thing , and if
they do any mistake , then they scolded by their boss .
• They fear from giving any idea , because for doing this their
boss will always become angry on them .
Mindset of owner :
• They believe in getting highest output , and not on just
spending the time .
• They give more preference to smart work instead of hard
work .
• They think that their employees are useless , as they don’t
have the potential to give any new ideas , or if they give any ,
then also it will fail .
Just because of such mindset the efficiency of the firms decreases .
To reduce such problems we will discuss few steps , like :
1. Tell them to never fear of doing any new innovation or
experiments and try to do new things , like :
a. If they help in increasing profit or decreasing loss of the
company .
b. If they make new PSP product .
c. If the innovate existing product which increase its demand .
d. If they do anything which make company profitable , then
they will be definitely rewarded .
And if by chance they do any mistake or not become successful in
doing that task , then also don’t become angry on them instead
praise them to do new things and if they achieve success , then
praise them in front of whole office and appreciate them by
giving :
• Trophies
• Rewards
• Paid holidays • Gifts , etc.

2. If they do any serious mistake then don’t get angry on them in

public , instead call them in cabin , discuss about the problem
and help them in solving it . This will leave a positive effect on
the employee and also he will try his best to not to repeat that

3. You can give them several important expensive courses , free ,

which related to their respective departments (but in advance
sign a contract so that he will not leave your company for 5
years) , which increase their productivity and stop them from
switching to other company .
With training you should also provide them several tech tools and
software , so as to reduce their extra time and efforts and increase
their productivity .

4. Make a progression planning of each employee in which it

should be clearly written that what they have to do for getting
promotion or bonus , so that due to getting goal clarity they
will do their work more efficiently .

5. Call all the employees (from their particular department) in the

meeting of particular department , like of HR , finance ,
marketing , etc. to get variety of ideas and if any particular
idea don’t work , then don’t get angry on the employee ,
instead praise him/her for taking initiative .

6. Never compromise in giving good salaries to the employees

also it should be given on the specified time , as low salary or
delay in salary are the biggest reasons that why employees
leave the company .
Also give them more payment if they work for late hours , or you
can even give them bonus for completing the given task before the
allotted time .

7. Keep a bus or van which pick up and drop all the employees
from their home and to their home , this make them feel proud
in the society and so they will start working more perfectly due
to such respect given by you and also it become very hard for
them to leave your organization and join your competitor .

8. You can also give free snacks or food service to them , like
those who will :
• Come early in the morning
• Will work for late hours
, will get free food or snacks . Also you can provide them free noon
snacks (like tea , coffee , biscuits , etc.) . This will make the
employees to work for more time .

9. You can give Work From Home facility to your employees , as

this will save their time and energy and also you’re your cost of
office . You can check the report of their work by integrating a
best software and if they do well then give rewards and if their
efficiency decreases then tell them to improve

10. You can sign a contract with the best performer , that if they
will stay for more than 3 years , then you will give several
financial benefits , like giving :
• 10% Emi on their car or home loan
• 30% - 40% of the total fund of their child marriage
• Retirement fund , etc.
These types of benefits promote the best employees to be with you
for their whole life .
11. Make specific goals and score board for every dept. :
• Specific goals – which have to be achieved in any case .
• Score board – for writing score of every employee from every
department .
After every month look for score board and check who have
performed (on the basis of output level) as well as compare to
other employees and make the best performing employee as the
“employee of the month” .
This make their vision clear and the person who will have high
score , he/she will be given a great reward . With this data , you
can easily conclude that in which dept. you have to bring normal
changes and in which dept. you have to bring drastic changes .

12. If a employee is doing perfect work for a long time , then

promote him by making by increasing his :
• Duty
• Authority
• Salary
, like if A employee is generating great profit and doing its work
perfectly and is capable of doing big things then he can be
promote to higher post of his department . This motivates other
employee too for increasing their efforts towards their work .

Benefits of following these points :

• These will make employees to remain in your company for
long term .
• It will also become difficult for your competitors to hire your
employees in their companies by giving higher income .
• By getting :
a. Great treatment
b. Good salary
c. Great respect
d. Skill development opportunities
e. Growth environment
, your employees will also give their 100% , which will obviously
help your organization to grow .

If there is someone who is still not doing work then fire him from
the company without wasting more time on him .
But while firing always be polite and humble with him as there are
the chances that if you terminate him with anger and insult then it
may develop a thinking of revenge in that person’s mind which
may become a threat for your business or family .

Customer’s Satisfaction Rate

Sometimes in fast expansion of business some business forgets
about that whether their customers are happy from them or not
Because a happy customers will also act as a investor for you , like
by giving you advance payment , by telling about your product to
other people , etc. , in your organization there should be a
department which is just for taking feedbacks and ideas from
customers and to execute it according to your customers choice .
For getting feedbacks and ideas there are several ways like :

1. The most important thing to check satisfaction rate is to give

some platform like :
• Website
• Chat bot
• Your main outlets , etc.
, where customers can give feedback for your product or service
and also can give some suggestions or new ideas to you , you can
also make a ‘score giver bar’ on your website or any other
platform where you collect feedbacks , and on that bar give
numbers from 1 to 10 and below it give a humble instruction to
the customers that ‘they can give score to our service , like :
• From 1 to 6 - worst
• From 6 to 8 - average
• From 8 to 10 it will be best
, and with that also write the reason for that score . Feedback is a
very important thing as it make your product or service stronger
and as customers are giving it and so if you will implementing their
ideas , it will create a loyalty in your customer towards your
company .
2. As you sell your products to the distributors , with that open
some of your outlets and sell those products on your shops ,
because by doing so you can able to collect important information
and see that what problem customers are facing while buying your
products , like :
• Their buying behavior
• Their feedback
• Their satisfaction rate
• Important touch points where you can improve
• Net Promoter Score – it refers to the marks given by the
costumers out of 10 , if it is between :
0 – 7 = Bad
7 – 8 = Average
8 – 10 = Good
These will give you a rough idea about what your customer look in
your product before buying it and you can also get satisfaction
rate and feedback for creating and updating your services and
products from the customers .

Sometimes do a meeting (individually) of all your :

• Retailers
• Distributors
• Sales team
• Employees , etc.
, who are directly or indirectly involve in :
• Selling
• Making
• Taking feedback from your customers , and discuss with
them :
1. About all the problems which people are facing .
2. How they can solve those problems .
3. After getting all the ideas from your team , select some
relevant ideas and do a pilot test (means not implementing it
on large scale but among some people , so that if the idea fail
then also you will not face any huge loss and if idea will work
then implement it) .
4. Also add the name of the person and give some gifts to the
person who have given that solution to make him/her more
loyal .
Ex- Starbucks have launched a campaign in which it have asked
people to give new recipes to them and the person whose recipe
will get more likes , they can get a free coffee in their cafe .
This created their customers as well as other people to think about
new recipe and to post it , from this idea Starbucks will not only
get most preferred recipes but also created a loyalty in those
people whose recipes have liked the most , as now there are
highest chances that those whose idea have executed by Starbucks
will always come in their outlets .
4. There are the chances that your customers are happy with your
products but not with your services , like when they sent you any
complaint or call on your customer care number , then they get
answer after a long period of time . So for solving such problems :
• Make chatbots
• Outsource your call centre dept. to 3rd party companies .
• Give them reply as faster as you can either it may be on your
website or social media platform .
, overall don’t let them feel bad neither about your product nor
services .
Expansion Of Your Company
Before expansion you should first focus on several things in your
business , like :
• Your business should be highly profitable especially with high
cash inflow (as profit can only be seen in books of accounts
but business can only survive and expanded through cash , so
cash is most important thing which you should have in huge
quantity before expansion) .

• Your sustainability in one business (while doing expansion

several people remove their focus on their main business and
so they face huge loss in that segment which is like a cash
cow for them) .

• Not adopting technology for expansion (if you are scaling

without technology then it is very risky to manage all other
businesses which will become a threat for you and your whole
business empire , so adopting technology while scaling is
must) .

• Made a super strong team (when you are busy in making

other businesses your team should so much capable and
honest that they will run your main business in your absence
too) , with other segments also give some time and
importance to your main business too (as if your main
business get default then it will affect your all other
businesses) , etc.
So overall if your business have these qualities , then you can think
for expansion :
• Sustainable with some minimum profit
• Some best and strong models and customers for recurring
• Legally your organization should be very strong
• Strong brand in market
• Local market penetration
• Very strong supply chain
• High margins (as compared to other businesses) .
• Your business have strong :
a. Models
b. Processes
c. Technology
d. Team
e. Systems
, which help it to grow even without you .
There are few ways to check the above points :
1. Make reports in which you will give marks (out of 100) to all
the departments on the basis of their performance , and
according to their marks categorize them into :
• Best – 95 – 100
• Average – 50 – 95
• Bad – below 50
With this method you will clearly understand that which dept.
need more attention :
a. Best category dept. –
• This dept. may not required so much changes , but still it
should get attention .
• You should do 4-5 meetings in a month .
• The management of this dept. should be promoted or they
should get bonus or salary increment .

b. Average category dept. –

• Here more attention should be given as compared to best
category dept.
• The problems and ideas of the management should be solved
and implemented properly .
• You should do more than 10 meetings with the management
of this dept. to change its performance .

c. Bad category dept. –

• These dept. should be given highest attention .
• You have to do more than 16-17 meeting with the
management of this dept.
• The technology , budget allocation (for this dept.) , team ,
strategies , systems , etc. have to be changed or updated .
The main thing is that , before expansion all the department
should be come in best category or even above it . Before this you
should avoid the plan of management .

2. You have to check these 3 important things of 1 month and 1

year , i.e. :
• Profit – cost of production + your margins
• Cash – the real cash in hand
• Growth – increase in sales , profit , etc.
So 3 things can happen :
Case 1 - you are getting profit and cash , but there is no growth in
them , like increase in sales , clients , etc.
Case 2 – your books of accounts are showing profit , but you are
not getting real cash in your hand (which is very important) .
Case 3 – you are getting cash as well as your organization is
growing too , but in loss or at just breakeven point (where revenue
= expenditure) .

3. Before expansion , all these 3 most important factors should

be in your control , otherwise you will face a lot of problems while
doing expansion .

4. Before moving for scaling your business , you have to free

yourself , which can be done , by :
a. Using advance software, like for tracking productivity of
employees , their screen time , their performance , etc. (even
from your home) .

b. Keeping people for doing small tasks , like accounting ,

scheduling meetings and appointments , handling e-mails
and calls , etc. And with the time when your organization
grows you can hire more people with high skills .

c. Keep a P.A. , so that your personal work can be structured by

him/her . So that you can fully focus on your business work .

5. You have to make yourself legally strong , as sometimes while

expansion several time due to legal problems businesses stuck in
legal cases , which not only affect their current business , but also
affect their new business .

6. You have to make a very strong network and brand value in

market , as with this you can able to generate a recurring revenue
, this help your existing business to keep on growing and sometime
also act as a cash cow for your next business . Also remember one
important thing , after following all the above parameters , once
you expand , then don’t keep on expanding without thinking ,
instead after entering into new business :
• 1st step – become stable (by fulfilling above parameters)
• 2nd step – again scale
• 3rd step – become stable in new business
• 4th step – again scale
, and keep on following this cycle .
As several times companies just keep on scaling with debt or
funding , which at the end most of the time become a great reason
for their failure .
7. While scaling you have to focus on making your supply chain
very strong , like after scaling if your demand increases by 5x ,
then do you have distributors who can provide you raw materials
for fulfilling the demand .
Not only this for scaling you have to hire more people , need more
funds , need bigger office , etc.
If you have the solutions for all these problems , then your most of
the problems which you have to face while and after scaling will
be solved .

8. While scaling you have to remember one formula in your mind

, i.e. , “Demand of product = Supply of that product” . While
scaling you have to focus on doing marketing , but if your supply is
not increased by that proportion , then it will become a big
problem . Also if you increase your supply and not the demand in
that same proportion , then also it will become a great problem .
So both of these should rise in a same proportion .

4 ways of expansion :
a. Geographical expansion -
Let suppose you have started your business in any particular town
or city , and you have acquired huge market for your business and
now it is not possible to expand in that area , so in such condition
you can expand your market by selling your product in other towns
, cities , states , etc.
• It can be done by giving franchise to the people of other
places .
• By expanding your network , or simply by adding more
wholesalers , distributors and retailers .
Franchise model - here you just have to give you business model ,
strategies , products details and few more things to your
franchisee and your franchisee will invest its money , time and
energy .
So here your half burden will get reduced and you can able to open
your new business in some other place where you cannot
personally reach .
And your franchisee will also get ready made brand , business
model , strategies , etc. so he also open his business in less time
without the problem of creating brand or any other model or
strategies .
But before giving franchise to anyone you should search deeply
about the person/organization with whom you are dealing with
because a bad franchisee can destroy your brand and reputation in
the market , like :
• His brand reputation in that area
• His determination , politeness , humbleness and confidence
• Location of the place which he has chosen
• Great team/staff
• Legal verification from the police • Check the track record of
the person
• Financial condition , etc.
If results are good , then you can think to give them your franchise
After giving franchise don’t leave the franchisee alone to generate
profit , give them some benefits , like :
• 24*7 hours support
• Charging low or no fees for the starting 1-2 months
• Some marketing support at local level
And all the benefits which we have discussed under distributors
topic . Because franchise is a very important part of your business
success , and for generating consistent royalty income , you have
to give them support which they may require to generate revenue
of their outlet .

While doing geographical expansion you should keep several

important points in our mind , like :
1. Getting relevant information related to the people of the new
place , like :
• How your product will solve their problems ?
• Their per capita income
• Their culture and traditions
• Competition analysis
• Their thinking pattern and buying behavior , etc.
2. Get all information about :
• Paper work
• Licenses
• Rules and regulations .
3. Work only with those people (of the new area) on whom you
can trust and who have reputation in the market .
4. Always prefer hit and trial method before launching your
product at large scale , so that if it is not useful then also you
will not bear huge loss .
5. Take feedbacks from local people , so as to understand their
thinking process and buying behavior and according to that you
can develop your product .
6. Once your product start getting huge market , then only think
about starting a small or medium size plant in that area , before
that avoid this plan .

b. Increasing variety of same product –

Under this method you have to increase the product category , like
of Colgate .
• First they launched normal paste .
• Then they launched ayurvedic paste .
• Then they introduced paste of several other flavours and
varieties , like mint , charcoal , active salt , sensitive pro relief
, etc.
• Now they are planning to launch Colgate mouth wash and
• Then after some time they will again launch flavours in
mouth washes .
In this way just by selling to the same customers , they have
increased their share by adding different varieties of products .

c. Increasing product portfolio –

Under this method , instead of increasing products of same
category (like of paste) , you can increase your product portfolio ,
like once you capture a huge share of paste , then with it you can
also add different products , like :
• Cream
• Powder
• Oil
• Moisturizer
• Shampoo
• Hair gel , etc.
Here the condition is that , you have to increase your product
portfolio in the same industry in which you are working , so if you
are in FMCG industry , then you can increase your portfolio by
adding other FMCG products .
Behind this condition , there are several reasons , like :
1. You will be having several important information related to
the industry in which you are working , which will make easy for
you to analyze market demand .
2. You will have access of your readymade distributors (which are
selling your paste) , this will help you in reaching to 1000s of
customers with less efforts and cost .
3. There are high chances that your existing customers which
trust your brand , will pick your product instead of picking same
product of any new player .
4. You can easily do test and trial test and take feedbacks from
your sellers and can innovate your product faster .
d. Entering into new business –
Under this method , you enter into new market with new
disruptive product , like if you are working in FMCG sector , but
after some time you realize that insurance have great opportunity
, then you can check all the data related to insurance sector , like :
• Current market and future growth (in C.A.G.R.)
• Current competitors
• Market size
• Customer size , etc.
, and once if you think that it is good sector for you , then you
again have to do all the research (which you have done before
entering in the business) and once you start generating profits
then reinvest it in the same business . Same cycle of sustainability
and scalability will be followed here .
The biggest problem in this method is that , if you focus on
different sector then there are the chances that your focus from
your primary business may reduce which may leads to its
downturn . So you have to do extra hard and smart work for
getting success using this model .

While expansion , instead of individually :

• Entering into any particular industry or
• Launching any new product
, you can even partner with other companies by doing partnership
with them , like Maruti have done with Suzuki .

Getting Funds
Getting funding from investors is like a dream for every
entrepreneur , as with the help of funds you can :
• Grow or scale your business
• Launch new products
• Hire more people
• Reduce your debt
• Acquire new businesses , etc.
In some businesses , taking loan from banks is more profitable
instead of taking funding from investors (which we will discuss
further) .

Pros of taking funding :

• No need to pay monthly EMI .
• No need to keep any collateral .
• Some mentorship , networks , experience , etc. will be
provided by investors .
• No need to re-pay the amount (raised in the form of funds) .
Cons of taking funding :
• In exchange of money , your equity will be diluted , which will
leads to lose your control over your company .
• Getting funds is a very hard process , you may have to face
rejections from 100s of investors .
• Generally investors make your life terrible , as they just want
you to increase sales , revenue , profit , etc. and so peace and
happiness from your life will be vanished and it will become
depressed and frustrated .
• Sometimes due to investor’s pressure of earning more profit
and increasing more sales , you may have to change the
primary goal of your company .
• If you do any mistake (like launching new product , acquiring
wrong company , make wrong strategy , etc.) , then you have
to give answers to all your investors , even if you want same
strategic changes , then also you have to convience all your
investors , which you don’t have to do in bootstrapped
company .
Overall I just want to tell you , that digital and social media ,
magazines , etc. have shown the one side of startup funding , in
reality the owners of highly fund businesses are very tensed and
stressed , as they have to generate higher returns on the amount
raised .
Pros of taking loan :
• You don’t have to dilute your equity
• No control of any investor on you , your company or your
decision making power .
• You can also get subsidies by the government (as it keep on
changing with time , so for that you should contact to a C.A.
or lawyer , or visit to the government sites like
• No person can fire from you from your company , if any
mistake is done by you (yes , if your holdings are too low then
you can be fired by the investors) .
Cons of taking loan :
• You have to pay monthly EMIs .
• Interest also has to be paid on the capital amount .
• Collateral is required for taking loan .
(Debt management and financial leverage is a complex and crucial
strategy , if it is implemented in a correct way , then you will earn
great profit , otherwise you may have to bear great losses , this
strategy should be implemented with the help of a C.A. or any
financial advisor) .
There are several parameters which have to be fulfilled to become
eligible for raising fund , like :
• Great product (PSP) which should solve a genuine problem
• High ratio of paying customers
• Strong financials
• Perfect team
• Strong competitive advantage
• Crystal clear goal or objective
• Huge market size
• Futuristic industry
• Strong distribution network
• High repeat customers ratio , etc.
(Parameters vary from industry to industry) .
Once you tick all the parameters of this list , then you can make
your pitch deck .
Pitch Deck – simply it is a document which contain all the essential
information related to your business (much more which I have told
above) , it is shown to the investor for raising funds . Few points
which a general pitch deck includes are :
• Company Overview – about your company in 5-6 bullet points
• Mission or Vision of the company – the main mission of your
company for which it exist .
• About the team – it includes information about your
company’s all the team members , their qualifications , their
specific work role , etc.
• About the problems (which you are solving) – it should
contain the answers of these questions :
1. How big it is ?
2. Why it is important to solve ?
3. Who is your targeted audience ? , etc.
• About its solution and product – it answers these questions
1. What is your solution?
2. How it is different from your competitor ? 3. What are
its key features and USPs ? , etc.
• Market size and opportunity – it includes :
1. Your total market size
2. What will be its future growth ? , etc.
• About your targeted customers – every relevant information
about the customer (which we have discussed above) .
• Competition analysis – it includes :
1. Who are your current competitors ?
2. How you can differentiate from them ? , etc. • Business
Model – (above discussed)
• Marketing plan – it includes :
Your marketing channels (T.V. , social media ,etc.).
What will be your Customer Acquisition Cost ?
What will be Life Time Value of your customer ? , etc.
• Financials – it includes :
1. Current profit , sales , revenue , margins .
2. 5 years financial projections .
3. Unit economics .
4. Earning/customer .
5. EBITDA , etc.
• Ask for money – it includes :
1. How much money you need ?
2. What will be the equity dilution ?
3. What is the reason for the ask ?
4. Who are your existing investors ?
Here the important thing is that , make it very attractive or
advance level of editing , videos , images , etc. should be there ,
also include graphs , info graphics and flow charts . The points
should be short and very informative .

5 ways of startup (in terms of funding) :

1. Bootstrap – it is one of the best method of making your
business stronger even without funding . Here you re-invest all
your profit in your business only , like D-Mart have done :
• From the earning of 1st store they opened 2nd store
• From the profit of 1st and 2nd store open 3rd store
• From the profit of 1st , 2nd and 3rd store they opened 4th one
and so on .
Pros :
a. This will help you to avoid taking huge loans from banks and
funding from investors .
b. No need to give your equity to other investor for getting
c. Your company , your profit and your interest that where
should you invest them , no control of any other person .
Cons :
a. In starting , this model can be a time consuming .
(But it work like compounding , as after 10th store you will
start generating huge profit that your 11th store will open
faster as compare to other stores and as you keep on
expanding the time start decreasing and your profit start
increasing) .
b. If you re-invest all your money , then a very few amount will
be left with you , which will able to fulfill your need only .

2. Family and your savings – generally at starting time , for

starting business , people don’t have money , and at that time ,
they can take some money from their family .
Here some people will add friends and relatives too , but I prefer
you to not take funds from them , as if your business fail (which
have 97% to fail) then your relations may get destroyed .
But before that check every source from where you can generate
some money (like by doing any part time job , teaching students ,
etc.) .
Also check that what is the probability that your business will
become successful , and if you have any doubt then either manage
funds by yourself or leave the idea to execute it on your parents
money , but don’t waste their money on your experiments .
You must have a FD (done by your parents) or some savings for
you (like for marriage) which can be used , you must be having
some amount which you have saved from your job (if you are
doing any) or invested some amount in market or other schemes
from where you can arrange some money .
Pros :
a. No need to pay any interest .
b. No time limit , as you don’t have to generate any returns on
their money .
c. You will get it with less efforts (as compared to other ways) .
Cons :
a. Some parents are against business , so they can deny to give
money for your startup .
b. Losing money of parents just for your experimentation can be
a bad thing , as for that you can do any part time job for
arranging some amount .

3. Incubators and Accelerators – these are some companies

which are formed for helping the startups to grow and in exchange
they also get profit , their model is to take some equity from your
company and help you to grow to the next level and then they
either sell their holdings to other investors or company . They will
provide you :
• Offices
• Money
• Resources (like for market research , product development ,
• Mentorship , etc.
4. Crowd Funding – under this method you raise funds from
several people , these will be not that much rich like A.I. , but they
have some money which they can give to you and take some
equity of your business .
Pros :
a. No need to give huge percentage of holding to a specific
person , which reduce the power of other investors to control
your company .
b. Here less efforts are required to take funding as compared to
Cons :
a. You will not get mentorship and network which a A.I. can
give you .

5. Angel investors – these are some high net worth individuals

which have strong knowledge of business and have great
experience , so there can be 2 types of A.I. :
a. Most have them have already started and taken their
business to the next level .
b. Most investors have took investment from other high net
worth individuals and invest in different startups and provide
their investors good returns (and in exchange they take some
fees or commission) .
With money these investors also provide you :
• Mentorship
• Network access
• Sometimes big clients , etc.
Generally these investors can give you up to 10 crore Rs. as
funding and in return they will take some equity of your business
and when after some time your company grow then they sell their
equity to some other big investor :
a. If your startup grow to next level , then they will earn great
profit .
b. If your startup fail or not generated expected returns
(according to A.I.) , then they also lose their money .
For getting funding from any investors you and your startup
should have so many qualities like :
• (All the points of self analysis) , they judge you on the basis on
these points even without knowing you
• Strong motive for choosing that specific industry or business
• Crystal clear vision
• The great team
• Customer retention rate
• A product which solve a big and genuine problem
• Strong business and revenue model (of around 5-10 years)
• Huge T.A.M.S. or Total Addressable Market Size
• SWOT analysis of your company
• Strong competitive advantage
• Future plans of your company
• Strong reason for raising funds
• Easily scalable business
• Burn Rate
• A prototype (a sample of your product) , etc.
Pros :
• They will give you money around 10 lakhs – 50 lakhs (or
sometimes more) , but with it you will also get network ,
mentorship , etc.
• They help you in raising funds in future .
Cons :
• You have to dilute your equity .

6. Venture Capitalist – these are big MNCs or sometimes

investment companies , which take money from HNIs and invest in
several startups , they will invest in big startups which require
money in crore (i.e. from 1 crore – 100 crore)
Same like A.I. , they take equity and sell it at higher valuations to
other investor , company or at the time of IPO (you can understand
IPO and several important assets for investing money in my book
’16 Assets For Investing Money’) .

Important points –
1. While raising funds , always do all the paper work very carefully
, also keep a great lawyer with you , as several time due to lack of
particular document founders face a lot of troubles face (mostly by
the VCs or other directors of B.O.D.)
2. Try not to dilute more than 30% of your company and keep
maximum holding with you only as if you have low shareholding
, then it can leads to end your control over the company and
sometime you may even be fired by your own company .
3. Never get demotivated if any investor reject your company , as
there are 1000s of investors present , also take feedback from
them .
Marketing Plans
Before starting discussing about marketing , remember ,
marketing is just for customer’s acquisition , so before doing any
kind of marketing make your :
• Services/product
• Team
• Product’s design
• Manufacturing machine
• Distribution network , etc.
, perfect so as to create so many and best quality products . But
the marketing should be genuine and real , means it should not be
like 'showing something and giving something’ as this will destroy
your company’s brand and its profit .
Marketing simply means , a process to generate trust in the hearts
of your customers with the great features of your product .
As marketing is a very big concept (soon I will write a book on this
topic , which will cover several important and secret concepts
related to marketing) , so there are several steps involved in its
execution , but today we will discuss few of them , like :
1. Selecting audience – as I have told you that you have to
choose your specific targeted audience to whom you want to sell
your products and also to whom you don’t want to , customers can
be classified on the basis of their :
• Financial status (rich , middle class or poor)
• Age (young or old)
• Gender (boys or girls
• Availability (city or village)
• Language (Hindi , English , etc.)
• Traditions or culture (if you show your non-veg. product to
Jain or Brahmin community then it will be useless , or even
destructive) .
• Their thinking (modern or tradition) , etc.
Also select your :
• Influencer
• Decider
• Consumer
• Action taker (which we have already discussed)

2. Selecting a clear message – your customers don’t wants to

know about your product , they just want to know one thing , that
“How your product will solve their problem” ? If they get this
concept then your marketing strategy will become successful .
(But several times just telling about the solution is not the only
way of marketing , sometimes just a short interesting story can
proved to be more effective then selling solution , which we will
discuss further) .

3. Choosing the way of marketing – after doing the above steps ,

the important thing is that what are the methods to show your
ads. ?? As there are several methods for doing it , but here we will
discuss few of them , like :
a. Newspaper/pamphlet/ T.V. ads – these are the old and
traditional way of doing marketing , here you show your adv. and
those who watch it may purchase your product . With the time
their ROI is decreasing and they require a lot of investment , which
several times make it a loss making investment .
b. Digital marketing – digital marketing is a very big concept ,
but in short it is a way with which you can show your products
using several social media platforms , like :
• You tube
• Google
• Instagram • Facebook , etc.
Here the great thing is that in your account you can post relevant
and problem solving content related to your niche and can build
trust . After getting the trust you can also sell your products on it ,
like :
• Nike
• Sugar
• Nykaa , etc.
Here 2 things can be done :
1st – penetrate your offline market and then start selling online by
making a official page of your company by making relevant
content . With the profit coming from offline market can be used
to promote your content also , which help you in getting access to
your targeted audience (but remember , trust building is a time
taking process) .
2nd – open your page , do your personal branding (by making
content by showing your face) and once you win the trust m then
you can sell online and with your brand you can even move offline
Obviously it is a time consuming process and there are several
factors which determines your growth using this method . But if
you get success using this method then it will act as a great thing
for you .

Using this method you can select and show your ads. specifically to
your targeted audience , at very low cost . Under this method
analyzing data is also very easy , like :
• How much leads have generated ?
• From which place people have purchased more products ?
• What is the engagement rate ?
• Which type of people have mainly purchase your products ,
Also with the time people more and more will start moving to the
internet and especially on these social media platform which make
it perfect for you to select and show your product in low cost with
higher .

c. Guerrilla marketing - making 3D image of your product and

setting it on a crowded place so when people see it then they will
get little shock or surprise and they remember it for longer time
which will increase your product’s recall value .
Not only this , those people will also share it with their friends ,
relatives , etc. and it may become viral , and so 2 things can
happen :
a. People will search about your product on Google and if it is a
perfect product , then they may purchase it .
b. If they want to purchase any product of that same category ,
then there are high chances that after watching your product
on shelf they pick it instead of your competitor’s one .
Several companies which want to penetrate the offline as well as
online market , have adopted this method and the results have
shown in their multiplied revenue and sales .

d.Funny marketing – by doing funny marketing people smile or

even laugh and this make them feel to forwards to their relatives
, and if they love it then they also send it to their relatives and
this process continue .
You must have seen the advertisement of Fevikwik or Pulse , they
have made funny advertisement that people start forwarding it
on WhatsApp and on other social media platforms , which again
have made those videos viral and leads to rise in their sales and
revenue .
Obviously every funny adv. don’t get viral very easily , it also
require promotion , video and content quality , acting , etc. But
once it get viral then it will bring great profits .

e. Family marketing – if you watch any adv. of Coca Cola or

Cadbury , then you will find that both these companies have love
and care among family members . They never talk about their
taste , they tell story which is related to middle class or joint
families and hence circulated among families .
Especially Cadbury which have shown family ads in such a way
that they started replacing sweets from chocolates (on Diwali
occasion) .

f. Story telling marketing -

It is a fact , that instead of watching a 10 seconds adv. which only
tells about its features , people love watching to a adv. which
contain a story , even if it may be of 1 minute . Obviously the story
should be great , like it may be :
• Emotional
• Inspirational
• Motivational
• Patriotic
• Based on true event , etc.
You must have seen ads of Google and Samsung , which most of
the time contain emotional or motivational stories .

g.Trend marketing – when any new , unique and different thing

come in market , then it have the high chances that they get viral
, like :
• Fire paan
• Fire hair cutting saloon
• Spinner
• Any different electronic gadget , etc.
Doing hair cut is simple but fire hair cut is different , eating pan is
common thing but fire pan is different so when people watch such
videos , they share it on social media and these saloons and paan
shops get viral , now more people will come there and this
increase their profit .

h.Influencer marketing – there are several accounts and channels

are present on social media apps which make content related to
a specific niche , like :
• Fitness
• Business
• Finance
• Real Estate , etc.
If you can invest good amount of money , then you can collaborate
with them and promote your product , as they have gained the
trust of their viewers , there are high chances that their suggestion
will convience their viewers to purchase your product .
There are several Instagram pages which make memes , and they
have huge number of genuine and active followers , by looking at
this opportunity several companies started collaborating with
these pages and start promoting their products/services , like :
• Merchandise clothes
• Shoes/Sneakers
• Trading apps • Betting apps , etc.
And there are high chances that the people who watch such
content also like these things and can even purchase it too . The
main audience of these companies are those people who love to
play and earn , and by collaborating with such pages their
downloads have multiplied . You can also choose other page
according to your products or industry , like :
• Fitness coaches
• Food Bloggers
• Traveler
• Influencers , etc.

i. Premium segment marketing – if your product comes in any

category which caters rich people , then this is perfect for you . In
this type you show your product as a premium one which can
only be purchased by those people who have good amount of
money , like :
• Zara
• Apple
• Chanel
• Gucci , etc.
I am not saying you to spend crore on marketing like such brands ,
but you can bring improvement in your product which make it like
a premium product , like :
• Simple , attractive and attractive design
• Great colour combination
• Great packaging
• Great adv. video , etc.
This type of marketing will not only target rich people , but also
middle class people which will also love such products and try to
purchase .

j. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) – in this type of marketing you

create a fear in your customer’s mind , that if they don’t take quick
decision , then they can even leave a great offer , like :
• 50% off for 2nd Sunday
• Buy 2 and get 1 free , valid for today
• 5 hrs exclusive sales , etc.
Here you start creating fear before few weeks , i.e. if you want to
introduced a exclusive sale offer 20 March , then you have to start
creating a hype from 2 – 3 March , so in these 16 – 17 days a lot of
people will get ready for taking benefit of that offer .
A great example is Mi , they started showing videos on all social
media apps , which contain its phone’s great features even in
reasonable price far before launching it . This created hype among
people for that phone and when it launched , they sold more than
2 – 3 lakhs phone and generated revenue in crore .
(There are several other ways of doing marketing , which we will
discuss in our marketing book) .
If you don’t want to invest your time in finding the best marketing
method , then you can also take help from some companies like :

• Visitor Queue •
Salesevolve , etc.
These companies have readymade strategies and team for doing
marketing , so in this case your marketing will be done by some
professional 3rd party and you just have to pay some commission
for it .

4. Reviewing the results – after adopting and executing any type of

marketing method , the important step is to check the ROI which
you have generated from that method , like :
• Money invested for executing that method
• Increase in sales or revenue through it
• Time required to generate expected returns
• Overall efforts of the team of your company
And compare the results with each other so as to conclude that
which strategy have generated more ROI .
Once you get the perfect method , then execute it consistently for
whole year , as due to high competition your customers can forget
you soon , so if you keep on showing product then you will also get
consistent growth . But that doesn’t mean to show the same adv. ,
as with time you have to change according to the trend or taste of
the customer .

General Business Steps

There are several steps which is made and used by several well
established businesses in their journey , here we will discuss few of
them . But before stating those steps , we have to keep some
factors in mind , like :
1. It will require great efforts , , time , sleepless night , hard and
smart work and skills to genuinely establish a good business .
2. No matter how intelligent you are , for making a strong
business a lot of patience and time is required .
3. These methods will help you in getting an idea , that how a
business plan is created , but implementing these in the same way
will not guarantee the success , because a lot of factors have to be
considered for making plan , like :
• Product
• Industry
• Targeted customers • Market situation , etc.

Steps :
 Find a problem .
 Check about its customer size and are they ready to pay
for its solution or not ?
 Check which businesses or people are solving that
problem and how they are doing it and do their (your
competitor’s) S.W.O.T. analysis .
 Make a perfect solution or product for solving that
problem .
 Then introduce a prototype (a sample of that product
with its main features that can solve the main problem) .
 Give it to some people who comes under your targeted
customers .
 Once you get positive response from the market , then
make some plans (which include your business models ,
competitive edge , etc.)
 Take feedback from them and re-innovate your product
accordingly .
 After re – innovating your product to the final one ,
introduce some of its units to few retailers and give them
extra benefits more than your competitor + some scheme
for customer acquisition .
 With great design , quality , packaging and reasonable
price there are high chances that customers will start
purchasing it (it can take few months to come in profit ,
but at this time you will have job to cover all the
expenses) .
 Once you product start getting demand , you have to
further give some offers or schemes and re-innovate it , to
attract more people .
 After facing different and very tough problems , your
business will come at break-even stage .
 Then with the passage of time , by doing a lot of struggles
and with more efforts it will definitely come in profit too .
 Once it become profitable , then instead of wasting your
profit , re-invest them again in your business only
(especially in making your product more better by
understanding your customer’s demand) .
 By again and again re-investing your profit in your
business only your net profit , sales and company will
start growing at good rate . Re-investing also means to
hire good employees for noncore activities and few for
core one , doing marketing product innovation ,
converting feedbacks into feed forward , etc. , also at this
time you can leave your job and do your business as full
time .
 With these also start making a 2nd line of team which will
do your all the work , and so you can focus on doing other
core work .
 With the time you have to focus more on your :
• Employees
• Existing and new customers
• Product and its features and objective for its existence
• Market trend and customer’s changing demand , etc.
 Once you think that you have generated a good business , by
reinvesting your own money , then you can go for external
funds or loans .
(Loans can also be taken at starting phase , but it can be a very
risky thing , as you can get stuck in the debt trap . As several
businesses have failed just because of excessive loan or funding) .
 If you think that you are done with the local territory , then you
use expansion methods (which we have discussed above) , also
you can take your business online .
Several times people start their social media account or YouTube
channel , build their personal brand , and once they generate good
revenue and their online brand , then they launch their products .
Obviously it have its own pros and cons (which we will discuss later
in our other book , where you will get to know about more than 25
successful business models with other important information
related to them) .
Also you can start your business as a trader , and by selling the
products at very low cost , you can generate strong distribution
channels .
Once when you identify the gap or the problem which customers
are facing (related to the product you are selling) then you can
make your own brand and start selling it without getting identified
by your competitors , current manufacturers , other traders or
wholesalers , so that :
• You will not get unnecessary personal competition .
• Even if you get fail then also you can continue your trading
with business , and again when you get new opportunity ,
then take its advantage .
(We have not discussed all those hard work , failures , rejections ,
struggles , losses , frustration , depression , etc. which you will
definitely face in this journey , also you can take 2-4 years for
coming at break-even point , so be mentally and financially
prepare for that) .

Few Terms Related To Startup

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) – it refers to the first product of
the company which include main features (which solve the
problem) , it is launched to get the feedbacks from the costumers
and check its demand .
Average Revenue Per User – it refers to the profit which company
earn from its each user . It Is mainly used by telecom , e –
commerce and media industries , which mainly depends on
subscribers and users .
Customers Acquisition Cost – it refers to the amount of money you
spend/customers for adding new one .
Alpha Testing – it refers to the testing of the product by the
internal team to check its and quality and to get feedbacks and
then it is improved accordingly .
Beta Testing – after alpha testing , the product is re-innovated and
given to the some existing costumers for getting feedbacks directly
from the main users .
Conversion or Sales Funnel – it refers to all the steps which you
take to convert your targeted audience into your customers .
Unicorn – it is a company which have crossed the valuation of
7,000 crore Rs.
Business Plan – it is a written document which provides a
description and overview of your company’s future . It mainly
explain your organization’s key goals and how will you achieve it in
future .
Customer Relationship Manager – it refers to the software that
helps you to interact , build or manage relationship with your
existing and potential customers .
Market Penetration – it show the percentage of your target
audience to whom you sell your product/service .
Market share – it shows total size of market acquired by the
company as compared to its competitors .
Let suppose there are 100 people who wear jeans , 30 of them
wear Denim jeans and 15 of them wear the jeans of X company ,
so here :
• Market Share of X – 15%
• Market Penetration of X – 50%
Market Research – it refers to the methods and techniques which
are used to gather relevant information related to the company’s
target audience .
Valuation – it refers to the real worth of your company . It is
determined in 2 ways :
a. Pre – money valuation – estimated value of your company
before it receive any funding .
b. Post – money valuation – estimated worth of your company
after a round of funding + the pre money valuation .
Cash flow – it refers to the movement of money in and out of your
business , higher inflow is good for every business whereas higher
outflow is bad , as it shows higher expenses or bad money
management of the business .
Cap Table – it refers to the names of all the shareholders and their
holdings (in %) .
Employee Stock Options (ESOPS) – it refers to the stock which is
given to the employees of the company , so when it get listed on
exchange then they (employees) can sell it or when new investor
invest in that startup then they can sell it to them .
Churn Rate – it refers to the no. of costumers which you are losing
every month .
Pivot – when a startup makes a quick and radical shift in its :
• Business model
• Product/service
• Target Audience , etc.
Aqui – hired – when any big company acquire other startup ,
especially for great team which they have built (which have great
skills and knowledge) , then such acquisition is known as aqui –
hired .
Value Proposition – the value provided by the startup to their
customers , through their technology , service , etc.
Key Performance Indicators – these are the metrics by which
startup judge their performance , progress and targets . Some
common KPIs are :
a. Monthly/Annually recurring revenue
b. LTV (Customer’s Life time Value)
c. C.A.C. (Customer Acquisition Cost)

Important Learnings
I know that getting only the theoretical knowledge of doing
business is not sufficient to do establish a successful one , as with
that you should also have some practical knowledge and
experiences .
But by learning from the mistakes and experiences from successful
people , it will become easy for you to learn faster even without
facing any financial or time loss .
Whereas if you just learn from your mistakes and experiences ,
then it will take more than hundreds of years to learn several
things , which is obviously , not possible .
So here are few learnings which you remember while starting or
doing any business , as these may either reduce your monetary
loss or time loss :
1. If you have invested huge :
• Amount
• Energy
• Time
• Manpower
, in a specific business or product , but still if it is not becoming
profitable or not able to give you returns in long term then you
should stop that business or that product .
It is correct that great things take time to become great but
sometimes due to this thinking we keep on investing everything in
making a specific product or business successful but after some
year when we realize that it is of no use then we will only have
regret to do ,and nothing else .
And if you lose your money then it can brought back but once if
you lose your time it cannot be brought back , then no matter how
rich you are .
Yes I know that time bring experience which is priceless but if you
invest your time in a developing a high growth or futuristic product
or business then with experience you will also earn great profit .

2. After starting any business or while doing any business ,

reinvest all or 80% profit in your business only . Because several
time when startups get funding (or huge profit) , then they spend
it on several unnecessary things , like :
• Either make or take expensive office at high rent .
• Purchase unnecessary and expensive furniture .
• Avoid doing any negotiate while purchasing raw materials .
• Hire extra employees even on high salaries , etc.
Just because of such useless expenses they don’t have sufficient
funds for facing any unexpected problem or for doing further
expansion .

3. ‘Never give up’ , it is a very simple and common quote , but

these 3 words have too much power in them , because if you are
doing business :
• By making useful product
• Catering huge and specific targeted customers
• With great strategies , (and all the above discussed points)
Then there are high chances that it will give you great return in
future , the only thing you should have is high will power and
strong determination .
Obviously you will definitely get 1000s of problems in your
business journey which will convince you to stop working on it , but
this is the main challenge that you have to face and tackle .

5. Always start with one business and with one product (which
solve big problem of huge customers) and focus on making it
successful and after it become strong and start generating great
cash then only you can do these 3 things :
• 1st – introduce new varieties of that product .
• 2nd – increase your product portfolio .
• 3rd – enter into another business .
As several time people start 2 – 4 business at a time and so they
fail or remain average in all of them .
Also some people start 1 business and if they don’t get profit in
starting weeks or months then they change their industry and if
they fail in that business also , then they again change their
industry , so this is also a wrong thing as in this way you will never
give time to make your business to start generating profit or even
come at break-even point
Yes , if it is sunset industry (coming downward industry) or if there
is no scope of growth in that industry then you should change it .
But do great research before entering in any business (so that you
don’t even have to change it just because of no scope or no
growth) and once you complete your research then just keep on
doing your work with your 101% power and knowledge .

6. If you are doing anything in which you have never worked or

experienced like if you want to :
• Training your employees
• Make marketing plan
• Hire people at large scale , etc.
, then always hire a professional of that particular field , like :
For training your employees hire the best trainers . As several
times internal staff is given the task to learn the concepts and
train the employees , which is a wrong method , as here the
quality will be low and there will be huge time and money will get
wastage in getting knowledge regarding that skill .
Several time we avoid hiring or contacting these firms or
professionals just to save our little bit money , but that is totally
wrong because if we do that work in which we are not perfect then
the output will also be not that much perfect and so it will hinder
your growth , then it doesn't matter how much you have saved
while avoiding these firms or professionals because now you have
already lost the opportunity of earning great amount of money
and great brand which you can easily get by contacting to
professionals .

7. In business (especially at starting phase) take small but fast

steps , because if you try to take big step at once ,then there are
high chance that you will fail and may lose your :
• Confidence
• Ability to take risk
• Motivation to do business
• Good amount of money
• Several resources
, and due to which it will become very hard for you to retry ,
financially or mentally .
But if you take small steps in start and if you :
• Win – then your confidence , money , experience and
motivation will also increase
• Lose – then you will lose few money , confidence and motive
of doing business .
But taking small steps doesn’t mean to do all your work slowly and
leave the big opportunities , as there is a basic concept :
• All the thinking work , like making strategies , business
models , etc. should be done calmly .
• All the execution work , like making goods according to SOPs ,
etc. should be done at highest speed .
Because today is the time for fast movers and not the first and
slow movers , so all those who move faster and keep on innovating
their products/services have higher chances of getting success
from those who just enter into any market first .

8. After starting business if you think that you have to change

your way of doing business , like :
• Team
• Technology
• Business models
• Products
• Strategies , etc.
Then don’t let come your ego or laziness come in between your
innovation path , as there are so many people who don’t want to
adopt changes just because they have invested huge time , energy
or money in making these things , so they don’t want to invest
more resources again and when market change these people will
always face huge losses .
Not only in business , you also have to keep on upgrading your
knowledge with time , because with great knowledge developing
some great product or strategy is also possible .
So the main thing is that :
• Make future proof plans so that you don’t have to change
your plan again and again
• If it is necessary to change them , then also don’t waste a
single second and start making new plans .
But changing doesn’t means that you should start changing
everything at the same time , means do everything in a systematic
way , because if you try to change everything at the same time
then due to lack of focus on individual department you will
increase the chances of business failure , like first focus on HR and
make it perfect then focus on sales department , then accounting
department and step by step make all of them perfect .

9. If you want to make a successful business then you have to

make yourself free from the business , which can only be done
when you create a great team under yourself , means you have to
hire great people who can run your business even in your absence .
But in starting due to lack of profit don’t focus on creating second
line team , instead first make your business stable and profitable ,
and once it start generating great profit and become big enough ,
then only think to create a 2nd line team .
10. Before launching any new product or entering in another
sector always do great market research and that should be
strongest research through which you can identify everything
related to your product and other factors which influence it .
But doing 100% research and then only start anything is not
always a good decision , yes we should do research but if we keep
on doing research till we get 100% information about that specific
thing , then there are the chances that our competitors will launch
their product first and capture highest market share .
So the main thing is that do great quality research , but after
getting 70% - 75% strong information start making plans
according to them because once you start execution then you will
automatically understand that what changes you have to bring in
your product by getting signals and feedbacks from customers .
11. Everyone in your business or related to your business want to
earn good profit or income , like your :
• Distributors and Retailers –
a. Higher margins
b. Higher inventory turnaround
c. Highest sales
d. Huge customers at their shops , etc.
• Employees –
a. Good salary
b. Bonus
c. Allowances , etc.
• Investors –
a. Highest ROI
• Customers –
a. Good quality products
b. Affordable prices
c. Extra discount , etc.
So if you build a ecosystem , in which everyone can get what they
require , then everyone will start giving value to your business and
the chances of your business to grow will increase too much .
Never think profit a wrong word , infact everyone in this world
work only for their profit or salary but it all depends upon you that
how much return you can give returns to others , higher the return
you will give to others , higher the return you will get from others .

12. Consult a lawyer and C.A. and do all the paper work for
making your business legally strong and also make some
documents if you are doing any contract so as to avoid any future
problems and keep some copies with you and put them either in
bank locker or at very safe place so that in future if any legal
problem occur , then also these papers can be easily be accessed
by you .
Make all licenses and compliances related to your business so that
you can able to take advantages of incentives , tax benefits and
schemes which is provided by government to the business man .
Also check that whether you have copyright and trademark of your
business or not and does your company’s name or logo is similar
to any other company or not and if you have such problems then
try to solve it as fast as you can .
If you have established your name and after that time you came to
know that you may face such problem then also without any
further delay change it , so that in future if your company become
unicorn then also you will not face any problem like that , I know
that this is a very bold decision to make , as it take money and
time to aware about your new name to the customers but this is
very small expenditure as compare to that which you will face in
future .

13. Your first product will never be your final product , so before
launching your product you have to make it with great research
for preventing failure , as when customers start buying it , then
they give you signals and feedbacks and with these you can
update and re-innovate it , these 2 are most important things in
business as by taking and analyzing these signals and feedbacks
you have to innovate your product , its service , its availability , its
look , etc. according to the customers . And you have to do all
these things as fast as you can , because if your competitor got
these signals then it will become a big problem for your company .
After updating if you still face failure , then just look whether that
product is a PSP and future growth product or not and if yes , then
don’t feel demotivated , because if you are making a genuine
problem solving product with futuristic scope , then soon it will
become a great part of your revenue .
14. Always do a meeting once in a month with your management
and do S.W.O.T. analysis of your company , so that you will
analyze all the weak and strong points of your firm and act
accordingly .
While doing a meeting you have to take care of some important
points , like write about the topics which you will going to discuss
with your team and give that list to all your team members with
whom you will going to do meeting and also tell them that on
which topic individual team member have to :
• Do research (like about product , market trends , customer
behavior , etc.)
• Collect and analyze data
• On the basis of the collected data make a report
All the information should be data driven , means it should be
made with the help of previous year data and surveys , also check
any event related to your project in business history and if there is
any related event or project occur then check its failure reason and
try to avoid it so it will become more accurate .
A very important point which you should take care of is that if
there is not that much topic for doing meeting , then you should do
it on some online app and keep it short like for 10-15 minutes ,as
spending time and money unnecessarily is not good for business
financials .
After getting the result from the meeting the execution speed
should be the fastest so that you will always remain 2-3 steps
ahead from your competitors .
15. Sometimes we get 1 or 2 that type of competitors from whom
it become very difficult to compete , so in such situation we should
collaborate with our competitor company . Yes , it is very difficult
to do , infact there are the chances that in some cases it may be
impossible , but from this you and your competitor both can
increase their profit .
If you can’t do this then also there is no problem as there are
several companies which have destroyed their competitors with
the help of their great team and knowledge , so you can also do
this .

16. Always be up to your promise or words , like if you promise

any customer , retailer , investor , etc. to deliver quality , best
service , low cost or free delivery , high margins , high returns , etc.
then you have to do it in any how because a successful business
man has a quality that he always do what he had said .

17. Always keep a culture in your company that no matter on

which post a person is , he/she has the power to correct the senior
management , it means there will be no ‘junior or senior’ thinking
will exist within the employees and anyone can give advice to
anyone and it depend on the person that whether they should
execute on the given advice or not , as from this rule if a security
guard have a great idea , then he can also tell you which may
increase your profit .
18. Always focus on making your personality perfect , like your
dressing sense , hair , beards , etc. perfect , spending on face is like
an investment because if you look like a successful person then in
return your clients as well customers will get impressed by you
more faster , but it also doesn’t mean to buy expensive clothes and
accessories , instead buy reasonable things but use it in such a way
that it look perfect .
With that always make your communication and sales skills
perfect because a person with great communication can able to
talk to all its employees , investors , clients , etc. and easily impress
them for doing work with him or to clear every disputes among
them , as several businesses and startups have failed just because
they are not able to communicate with their investors , employees
or with any other important person .
With sales skills a person can able to crack more deals and sales
with their clients and can easily expand his business easily as
compared to those who don’t have such powerful skills .

19. Always write your all the strategies on a paper and also write
that what you will be going to achieve from it , by doing so your
failure chances decreases because when we write something then
our goals get clear and in future if you want to change something
in your plan then it will become easy for you to change as now you
know that for what reason you have made strategies and now for
what reason you are changing it .
20. Never think that luck is not an important factor , as several
time just because of luck only business get great deals , like FedEx ,
which was once on a way to file bankruptcy , but its owner put few
of its company’s money in the betting and luckily win lakhs and
saved his company . Here I am not saying to do betting , but here I
am just saying that several times luck matters a lot , but it also
require hard and smart work with great knowledge to become
successful .

21. Remember one thing , time is very important thing , so never

waste it on doing micro or small tasks , instead hire a person who
will do all such micro tasks for you and you can invest your saved
time in doing more productive work , also give that person to the
access of top softwares , tools , etc. so that he can do it more
effectively and efficiently .

22. If you are doing business with your family members like father
, uncle , aunt , etc. and if they give some wrong idea or do wrong
think which you know is wrong but they think it right , then instead
of arguing with them , first check perfectly , that whether you are
right or wrong and if you are right and your family member is
wrong then do a meeting with that member and show all the data
to the member and convince them very politely and peacefully to
reject their idea as it will lead to loss to their business .
If that member still don’t get agree with you then make a group of
intelligent people which should not be from your family , and the
work of this group is to partially check that whether the idea or
any activity which is related to the business is right or not , and if
not then they can easily tell that faulty person to correct it .
With that also make a legal document for all family members
(including you) which are working with you in the business , and
write all the necessary things in it , like :
• How much salary they can take in 1 month ?
• How much stakes they individually have in the company ?
• Who will be their main leader which will take necessary
decision at some problematic situation ?
• What are their specific goals and departments ?
• If any member will die , then who will take his place ?
A great road map is necessary for all the members as well as
employees , so that no one can take right of other one , you can
also add several other terms or points which you have to look
according to your condition .

23. Every business in the world have some main customers which
plays a very important role in increasing the profit and sales of the
business , so always keep the data of your main customers and
protect them from your competitors by providing them extra
facilities , like fast service as compare to others , providing them
something extra product from they have ordered , great offers ,
discount , etc. and make them think that they are very special for
you , so that it will become very hard for them to shift to your
competitors .
24. If you ever get a chance to get any free or paid knowledge
which is directly or indirectly related to your business always try to
take it , it may be any course , webinars , seminars , books , etc. as
these will help you in increasing your knowledge and so you can
either increase your profit or decrease your loss of your business .
There are the chances that several people will say to you that ,
‘start your own business , learn from your mistakes and then only
you can able to establish a successful business , there is no use of
reading books , seminars , webinars and courses’ .
So for this take 2 cases :
Case A –
Where you will start your business by taking advice from some of
your friends (which have not done any business or they are doing a
average business without any vision) , with only bookish
knowledge , and learning only those things from your surrounding
which normal business have learnt in their life and then start your
business .
Case B –
Where you will take best and genuine courses , read business
related books , take seminars and webinars of successful business
owners and execute all your learnings .

So according to you in which case the chances of becoming

successful is high and in which case chances of getting success is
low ???
According to me in case A there will be higher probability , because
here you have gained several important concepts of business and
learned from successful people knowledge and experiences .

25. In some specific industries where quality matters a lot , your

competitor companies start selling their products at low cost
and low quality to increase their sales and profit , so now in
this situation you will be having to 2 options :
Sell below their price by lowering your quality standards and keep
on doing that to compete with them , which will leads to fall your
brand value and in long run it will increase the chances of failure
of your business .
You can keep up with your quality and make it more perfect by
adding new features and sell it on the same or on little bit discount
(if necessary) to the customers , there are the chances that for
some time your competitors will sell more products than you , but
in long term due to bad quality customers will again come to you .
So never copy your competitors instead make strategies to defeat
them .

26. Never think your any competitor small because there are
several startups which have started in garage and today they
have turned into MNC’s , so if you came to know about any
startup which may become your competitor in future then
make strongest strategies to destroy it and if it can’t destroy it
, then try to acquire it (as now your future competitor have
also destroyed and also you have got ready made strong team
and business) and if you cannot acquire it then you have to
make a great counter strategies against them (also against
your current competitors) .

27. While doing any business , launching any product , doing any
deal or doing any business related thing , always think
negative . Yes , no positive only negative , because if you think
negative then you will always make 1 or 2 backup plans and
you will never hope of getting success at once and so you will
never quit even if you fail . But if you think positive then you
will always think that your first business , product or deal will
be going to become successful and so if it doesn’t happen then
you will easily get demotivated and quit quickly .

28. Before investing your huge money in starting big business ,

always start with small business with a particular niche ,
gender , any unorganized market , community , etc. .
Once when you make your business strongest in that particular
type , then think for further expansion . As with small investment ,
if your business doesn’t work , then also you will not face any huge
loss .

29. Always keep relations from :

• Police
• Politicians
• Bureaucrats
• Some powerful people , etc.
Which may help you in future to resolve any matter . Some people
may think that ‘doing corruption is wrong and everyone should do
business very honestly’ , yes you should be honest with all your :
• Customers
• Clients
• Investors
• Employees and all the other people who are directly or
indirectly related to your business .
But doing business in our country is already very tough due to :
• Several worst policies
• Corruption
• Slow speed of govt.
• High tax slabs , etc.
And if in such situation if you want to do business without any
strong support and with honesty , then there are highest chances
that you will face huge problems in your business journey (as
compared to normal ones) and you might get failed too .

30. Before visiting to any new and big client , do a brief analysis of
that specific client so as to get important information
regarding them . By doing so chances of cracking the deal
increases because once your client start thinking that your
thinking is similar to them , then they also start feeling
comfortable and start getting feeling of similarities with you ,
which indirectly increases the chances that they will do deal
with you .

31. In business there are something which you should never tell
anybody , it doesn’t matter how close or trustworthy people
they are because there are several people who will become
your friend just for getting some main formula or strategies
due to which you earn a great amount of money from your
business , like :
• KFC owner never tell anyone about their secret spices due to
which they can able to make delicious food .
• Coca Cola never tell their secret syrup to anyone due to which
they can able to make great soft drink .
It is not only any product which you should hide , instead you
should hide your business strategies , business model or any other
thing due to which you have created a great monopoly in your
industry .

32. Don’t become salesman who just keep on selling their product
to everyone without understanding their customer’s need ,
instead become a person who understand and listen to the
customer and then sell their products .
Your 80% time should be utilized in listening customer’s problems
very carefully , asking questions related to their problems and in
making relation , and 20% time should be utilized in selling your
products to them for solving their problems . So be a good listener
and then only sell your product according to your customer’s need

33. Cash and profit are totally different things , no matter how
much profit you can calculate in your books of accounts , but if
you are not getting cash then in within some time you have to
shut down your business .
If your business don’t have high margins but high cash flow then
you can easily run your business , launch new products and even
expand your business easily due to high cash inflow .

34. People say that whenever you go for a meeting , then always
dress up perfectly means wear great and branded clothes ,
premium watch , shoes and goggle , yes this is correct to wear
but only with clients who are very rich , as this type of outfit
will leave a good impression on the rich client and also
increases little bit chances for you , in cracking the deal .
But there will some people which will not that much rich and they
don’t have so much money to spend on these premium products ,
so in this case you also should come only in that manner in which
that client is coming , like :
• If he is coming in simple jeans and shirt then you should also
go in jeans and shirt , because this thing will make your client
feel comfortable and leave a good impression on him .
• If he is wearing simple clothes and you are wearing branded
clothes then he will feel very awkward because of his
simplicity .

35. Always do insurance of your factory or office , as this is a very

basic thing which everyone knows , but several times they
forget to do and so in future if they face any problem in which
their office or factory face any loss due to fire , theft , any
climatic condition , etc. then they unnecessarily have to face
extra loss which insurance company can recover , also before
signing insurance paper always check all the T&C and every
line of the contract , that whether that contract meet all your
needs or not . Not only insurance paper but always read and
check all paper before signing to avoid any future problems .

36. While advertising any product the ads or brand should show
positive sign , like during the marketing of Nano car , instead of
calling it reasonable car company called it a cheap car and this
had made that marketing a negative one , because in Bharat
most of the people use car to show their success but a cheap
car will badly affect their status and therefore the project Nano
have failed , also it should not against any community , gender
, profession , etc. , in short always show some positive things
which make your brand more strong .
There are the chances that you may be thinking for doing new
campaign marketing which may make a negative image of your
company , so in such situation always do great research and
surveys so that you will get a clear idea that whether you should
do that specific marketing or campaign or not .

37. Some people start business just because :

• They are getting frustrated from their job .
• Everyone is starting their own business .
• They want to get treatment like a boss , etc.
But these are the stupid reason to start , as with such objective
95% chances are that you will fail and end up in bearing huge
losses . Also you have to work 10x times harder than job , because
here you will not have 1 employer , instead you have deal with :
• Customers with different level of demands and behavior .
• Different employees , especially in giving them training .
• Different unexpected problems and troubles , etc.

38. Always keep a lawyer and C.A. , as they will help you a lot in
solving your legal issues , also before starting any new work ,
consult them related to all the paper work , like :
• Making contract for co-founder , partners , investors , etc.
• Checking the trademark and copyright related to your
organization’s name or logo .
• Maintaining all the corporate and HR documentation .
• Tax related laws , etc.
39. Remove the word perfection from your life , as people think
that either do the work 100% perfect or leave it , but with this
thinking it will become very hard for you to grow , because you
have to continuously innovate processes and products and if
you wait for perfection then your half life will finish in finding
the perfect time , idea or product to start . So give your 101%
and keep on innovating according to the market signals .

40. Never depend on any one for your work , like any particular
employee . Because if he understood that you are depend on
him , then he will start denominating you , like by :
• Asking for more salary .
• Demanding extra paid holidays .
• Never taking your permission before doing any work , etc.
And by looking at that particular person other employees will also
start becoming indiscipline .
So for avoiding this always make processes and systems , so that if
the employee threaten you to leave the job , then also it will not
create a big problem for you because now you have systems which
will help you to train your new employee more easily and quickly .

41. Remember , if you are entering into any new business , then
instead of just investing a huge amount of money in
manufacturing the product , always give more priority to :
• Making personal brand
• Creating strong distribution
Because there are several people who have invested huge money
in making the product (even without doing any market research)
and due to lack of P.S.P. , brand or distribution , their inventory is
keep on increasing , and at last they end up in bearing huge losses
. Sometimes these 2 factors can be avoided , as if you are creating
a product which have huge demand or which genuinely solve a
great problem of huge number of paying customers , because due
to Demand > Supply , it become easier for businesses for sell their
product , like demand of masks in corona virus .

42. Doing mistakes is not wrong , but repeating the same can be a
wrong thing , so to avoid it you should write all your mistakes
and learnings (after doing that) in any particular document , so
that whenever you take any decision , then you can cross check
that whether you are repeating any or not .

43. By saying never give up doesn’t mean , that taking out the
screw from hammer , I mean that if your idea is legal and great
, but your efforts are not correct like , your :
• Strategies
• Management
• Team
• Cash flow
• Marketing plan , etc.
, is not good , so in these cases you have to change it . All over I
just want to say that if you are failing then change your plan but
not the goal .

These are the most important points which you should not ignore ,
when you start your business no matter how much books you have
read , which great college degree you have , how much you know
about business , how great product and team you have you will
200% face huge challenges , failures , rejections , losses , etc. and
obviously you have to fight from them .
There are several other topics too , like :
• Partnership
• Private Ltd.
• Limited Liability Partnership , etc.
, which you can ask from any lawyer or C.A. (because we are
discussing few core concepts related to business ,which , if applied
perfectly , will definitely help you) as above mentioned topics are
theoretical topics which can be explained within few minutes .

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