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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Miaray, Dangcagan, Bukidnon


Activity Sheets
NAME: ___________________________________________ SECTION: ________________

3rd Quarter (Module 1)

Lesson 1: Patterns Development

Activity 1: #StaySafe. The following catchphrases are known today. Read each question closely and write your
answers in the opposite column.

1. What does the phrase mean?

2. How did it start?

3. When do we say that it’s safe?

4. Ways on how to stay safe.

5. Has your life changed in this time of

6. Why do we need to stay safe?

7. Does it help resolve the crisis on pandemic?

8. How do you get people think, behave and act

the way you want them to?

Activity 2: K-W-H-L Chart. Complete the following KWHL Chart.

Patterns of a Written Text What I Know What I Want to What I Learned
Know after the Lesson
1. Narration
2. Description
3. Definition
4. Exemplification/Classification
5. Comparison and Contrast
6. Cause and effect
7. Problem-Solution
8. Persuasion

Activity 3: Write a short narrative describing your personal experience that changed your life. Limit your
sentences by observing the following: Write 1 topic sentence, 1-4 sentences of background information, 2-4
sentences to start the story, 3-5 sentences to present the conflict, 1-3 sentences to resolve the conflict, and 1-2
sentences to provide a conclusion.
Activity 5. Mingling Venn. Make a Venn Diagram and fill in the missing data which compares/contrasts printed
book to an e-reader/e-book. Use critical thinking and select only relevant information based on the topics from the
following list.

Activity 6. Problem Solving. Complete the graphic organizer below based on the given example on problem-
solution text.

Activity 7. Examine carefully the pictures found on your module (Activity 7. What’s More). Then, identify their
cause and effect. Write your answers in complete sentences.

Effects: 1.



Lesson 2: Properties of a Well-Written Text

Activity 4. Arrange the following words (Activity 4, page 22) in the appropriate order to form a well-structured

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 5. Write here your answers from Activity 5: What’s More on page 24.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________

10. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 9. Punctuate Me. Add punctuation marks to the following sentences when necessary.

1. My three favorite foods are pasta pizza and ice cream

2. I need to call Sonya Tomas Bong and Korina about the party
3. Karen wants to go to the farm yet her sister Krsity does not like farms
4. We will go to the grocery store for we are out of food
5. Baras Rizal is my favorite place to visit
6. The sister told his brother of course I will pick you up
7. Today is Monday December 11 2017
8. Im sorry I didn’t understand what you said
9. Unfortunately my favorite flavor of chips was sold out

Activity 10. Capitalization Practice. Identify the letters that should be capitalized on your module (Activity 10:
What’s More, page 30). Write your answers below.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 13. Writing Activity. Write an essay about a time when technology made your life more difficult. Make at
least three paragraphs including the introduction, body and conclusion. Using one whole sheet of paper, write
your essay in a cursive manner. Your output will be rated based on the rubrics shown on page 32.

Lesson 3: Explicit and Implicit Claims in a Text

Activity 3. Synthesizing Your Learning. Answer the following questions based on your learning. Be specific in
your answers.

1. Why do you think it is important to learn implicit and explicit information in reading and writing? Cite
examples to support your answer.
2. If you were to express yourself in writing, which among the two (implicit or explicit) would you use? Or
would you choose both? Cite examples to support your answer.
3. Write 3 examples of implicit information and 3 examples of explicit information. Provide explanation for
each example.


a. __________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________


a. __________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 4: Claim of Fact, Claim of Policy and Claim of Value

Activity 2: Making Claims on Issues. On the space provided, write 1-3 sentences on the various issues to support
your claim.
1. Taxation to Online Sellers
2. Restoring Death Penalty in the Philippines
3. Social Media as a Replacement to TV and Radio in Getting the Latest News
4. Animals Need to be Free
5. Red is a symbol of Strength

Activity 4. Read the passage on your module (Activity 4: What I Have Learned, page 22). Then, fill out the given
Table with statements extracted from the passage which will point out to claims of fact, value, and policy.

Claim of Fact Claim of Value Claim of Policy

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