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Script for Big Wizard Presentation

Good morning one and all present here I am Deepti jain from
eco-friendly woofie. Today on the behalf of my team I am
here to present our start up idea for pet. As we know that now
a days mostly everyone like to keep pets. And when they
keep pets they want to make them look fashionable. But they
do not get something that fulfil their wishes . So to solve their
problems we tried to know what is available and what is
needed to do this. While doing this task we got to know one
more problem which gave us idea to solve both the problems.
The problem was that the seamster have to throw a lot of cloth
material when they design something for anyone . Our idea
was to design clothes and accessories according to their needs
and wants . By this idea we will use waste clothes , make
customize clothes and bands , make eco-friendly customized
beds and to add a social cause we will be giving free beds and
clothes for street dogs to inculcate people to help street dogs .
Features of are idea our that they are chemical free , cheaper
than other companies etc . There are many companies doing
this type of work that are pet smart , Petco , chewy etc Eco
Friendly woofie believes that - My pet my heartbeat of
life .By telling this I thank you for your precious time .

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