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An ideal culture for a society:

Everyone should:

 Learn with continuous learning.

 Exercise daily.
 Practice meditation.
 Wear clean clothes.
 Cities and villages without garbage.
 Food should have equal portions of vegetables, protein and carbohydrates.
 Practice self-defence skills every day.
 Try to achieve perfection is whatever they do like Japanese.
 If one tree is cut 3 others should be planted.
 No place for religion or other superstitions.
 Scientifically well educated.
 Lots of good schools and universities.

An Ideal culture for a Human:

1. Well educated and should continue to get educated.
2. Scientifically well educated.
3. Exercises daily.
4. Knows how to cook for himself.
5. Practices meditation.
6. Eats a well-balanced diet.
7. Sleeps at least 7 hours a day.
8. Tries to achieve perfection in whatever he does.
9. Should have 7 streams of income.
10. Practices cleanliness all the time.
11. Wears clean clothes.
12. Practices self-defence skills every day.
13. Free from any form of superstition.
14. Should process multiple skills.
15. Understands that all things have its place.

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