Sama Ingerris Vocabulary

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compiled Sinama Vocabulary: central Sinama-Ingerris/ Inggeris Sinama Central Sinama-Ingerris Vocabulary

abati wake. wake. ahaggut verb. cold. ahagpay adjective. cold (food). ahatul adjective. hard-working, industrious. aheka adjective. many, much. aheya adjective. great, large, big. ahibuk adjective. noisy. ahp adjective. good. ai interrogative pronoun. what? akayog adjective. thin, skinny. akosog adjective. strong. aku pronoun. I, me. alallay adjective. slow. alamma adjective. weak, sickly. alanu adjective. clean. alaat adjective. ugly. alingkat adjective. beautiful. alisu adjective. lazy. almmi adjective. dirty. almmok adjective. fat. amandi verb. shower. amangan verb. eat. ameya verb. accompany, go with. amole verb. to go home. anangis verb. cry. anganad verb. study. angastol verb. angry. angay iterrogative pronoun. why? angnda verb. see. aningk verb. sit. anulat verb. write. apasu adjective. hot. apddi adjective. hurt. asannang adjective. peaceful. asarap adjective. tasty. asso adjective. full (with food). asusa verb. worried. atau verb. know. atoa adjective. old, aged. atggol adjective. long (time). B - b bagay noun. friend. balikin verb. repeat. -bi possessive pronoun clitic. yours. bilahi verb. to like. buwanin verb. pass. buwattingga interrogative pronoun. how? ilu pronoun. that.

ina noun. mother. iya pronoun. he, she, him, her. K - k ka pronoun. you (singular). kabtangan noun. sentence, phrase. kam pronoun. you (plural). kami pronoun. we, us (exclusive). kasusahan noun. problem. kaa pronoun. you (singular). kaam pronoun. you (plural). kinaru adjective. sleepy. kinaasean noun. pity, mercy. kita pronoun. us (two people), we. kitam pronoun. we, us (more than two), -ku possesive pronoun clitic. my. L-l lahat noun. place. laha noun. blood. langog noun. joke. lapal noun. word. lingantu adjective. hungry. lullun adjective. pure, fully. M-m ma preposition. at, to, magbk verb. meet. magblla noun. cooking. magsukul verb. thank you. maingga interrogative pronoun. where? makajari adverb. possibly. makapagkil introduction, introduced. mbal no, not. mbo noun. grandparent, grandfather, grandmother. minsan conjunction. even if. mma noun. father. N - n -na possessive pronoun clitic. his, her, nakura noun. boss. nanam noun. taste. ni preposition. to. nihulasan adjective. sweaty. -nu possessive pronoun clitic. your. paghinangan noun. workplace. pagkakan noun. food. pahali-hali verb. rest. pasal conjunction. about. pasd verb. enter. patta noun. picture. patnnaan verb. to reside, to stay. pikilan noun. thought. pila interrogative pronoun. how many?, how much?

verb. go.

English - Central Sinama A - a about pasal accompany ameya age umul aged atoa angry angastol at ma B - b beautiful alingkat because sabab big aheya blood laha boss nakura C - c clean alanu closed tambol cold ahaggut cold (food) ahagpay cooking magblla cry anangis D - d dad dai dirty disease E - e eat amangan enter pasd even if minsan F - f fat almmok father mma food pagkakan friend bagay full (with food) fully lullun G - g go p mma dai almmi saki


go with ameya good ahp grandfather grandmother grandparent great aheya H - h

mbo mbo mbo

hard-working ahatul he iya her iya -na him iya his -na hot apasu how many? pila how much? pila how? buwattingga hungry lingantu hurt apddi husband hlla I - i I aku industrious ahatul introduction, introduced J - j job joke just K - k know L - l large aheya later gana-gana lazy alisu life umul long (time) atggol lose taraug M - m many me meaning meet mercy mom mommy mother much my aheka aku hati magbk kinaasean ina ina ina aheka -ku atau usaha langog sadja


N - n name news no noisy not O - o old one only open ours P - p pass buwanin peaceful asannang phrase kabtangan picture patta pity kinaasean place lahat possibly makajari problem kasusahan pure lullun purpose gawi R - r really receive repeat rest S - s see angnda sentence kabtangan she iya shower amandi sickly alamma sickness saki sit aningk skinny akayog sleepy kinaru slow alallay still gi strong akosog study anganad sweaty nihulasan T - t taste nanam tasty asarap thank you magsukul toongan tasambut balikin pahali-hali atoa dakayu sadja ukab -ta -tam n habal mbal ahibuk mbal

that ilu them siga sigam they siga sigam thin akayog thought pikilan to ma ni to go home amole to like bilahi to reside, to stay patnnaan truly toongan U - u ugly alaat understand tahati us kita kitam kami V - v very W - w wait tagad wake abati we kita kitam kami weak alamma what? ai when? sumiya where? maingga who? sai why? angay wife hnda word lapal workplace paghinangan worried asusa write anulat Y - y you ka kaa kaam you (plural) your -nu yours -bi toongan


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