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Developing Assessment Task:

Conventional Form
• Structure of the Conventional Assessment Task

Introductory Materials
The STEM can be a question to be answered, an
incomplete statement to be completed, or a
directive to be followed (e.g., “do this,” “write
this,” “solve this”).
The RESPONSE is the task we require our students to
do. Either we ask them to supply the answer or let
them select the correct response.
Introductory Materials
• These verbal descriptions, pictorial representations,
paragraphs, and the like can be referred to as introductory
material. It should be clear that not all assessment tasks
require introductory material.
Parallelism of the Different Conventional Test
Multiple-choice, True-false, Fill-in-the blanks, and
Matching type
Guide for Writing a Higher-order multiple
General Rules for writing
Matching Type
Faults of Matching type
Suggestion for writing a True-False Test
Suggestion for writing a Completion Type Test
1. If at all possible, items should require a single-word
answer, or a brief and definite statement. Avoid statements
that are so indefinite that they may be logically answered
by several terms.
a. Poor item: World War II ended in ___________.
b. Better item: World War II ended in the year ___________.
2. Be sure the question or statement poses a problem
to the examinee. A direct question is often more
desirable than an incomplete statement (it provides
more structure).
3. Be sure the answer that the student is required to
produce is factually correct. Be sure the language used
in the question is precise and accurate in relation to the
subject matter area being tested.
4. Omit only key words; don’t eliminate so many elements that the
sense of the content is impaired.
a. Poor item: The _____________ type of test item is usually more
_____________ than the _____________ type.

b. Better item: The completion type of test item is usually graded less
objectively than the _____________ type.
5. Word the statement such that the blank is near the
end of the sentence rather than near the beginning.
This will prevent awkward sentences.
6. If the problem requires a numerical answer, indicate
the units in which it is to be expressed.

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