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what business will you create and why ?

Before building a business plan, every

entrepreneur needs to conduct a feasibility analysis in order to assess the potential success
for their future business. In order to do so, you will be required to complete numerous
analysis, which at the end of the project will create a portfolio, comprising all the relevant
information for the feasibility analysis regarding your business idea. Your business idea and
feasibility analysis must be a product or service that could be sold to students at UCA.

I plan to create a business that sells affordable, ready-made meals to students at UCA. The
idea is to provide students with nutritious, delicious meals that are both affordable and
convenient. The main benefit of this business is that it would make it easy for students to
access healthy meals that are easy to prepare and cost effective. Additionally, this business
could also provide students with a variety of meal options and recipes, in order to give them
more control over their food choices. In terms of the feasibility analysis, I will need to
consider the market demand for such a product, the potential competitors in the area, the
financial resources needed to start the business, and the best strategies for maximizing

Why this business idea? Support your proposal with personal experience and literature
review ?
Market Analysis
- Primary Research (questions in appendix, Results in the reports)
- Competitive Analysis (SWOT / Matrix)
- Trends
- Customer profile

Market Analysis:

Primary Research: In order to gain a better understanding of the market for ready-made
meals, I conducted primary research by conducting interviews with UCA students. The
results of the interviews indicated that students are looking for convenient and affordable
meal options, as well as healthy, delicious food. Additionally, students expressed a desire for
variety, indicating that they want to have control over their food choices.

Competitive Analysis: In order to analyze the competition in the market, I conducted a

SWOT analysis of the potential competitors. The results of the analysis indicated that the
competitors are mostly large companies that have a strong presence in the market.
Additionally, the competitors offer a variety of meal options and have established delivery
systems. The main strengths of the competition include their established customer base,
their variety of meal options, and their efficient delivery systems. The main weaknesses of
the competition include their lack of customization and their higher prices.

Trends: The following trends have been observed in the ready-made meals industry:

• Increasing demand for convenience: As people become busier, they are increasingly
looking for convenience when it comes to meals.
• Growing demand for healthy meals: Consumers are becoming more health conscious and
are looking for meals that are nutritious and delicious.

• Growing demand for variety: Consumers are looking for a variety of meal options in order
to have control over their food choices.

• Increasing use of technology: Technology is increasingly being used to make it easier for
customers to access ready-made meals.

Customer Profile: The target customers for this business are UCA students. These customers
are looking for convenient and affordable meal options, as well as healthy and delicious
food. Additionally, they are looking for variety in order to have control over their food

write Industry Analysis

- Industry size and growth
- Fragmentation of the Industry - PESTEL analysis
- Porter’s 5 Forces analysis

write here :

Industry Size and Growth: The ready-made meals industry is growing rapidly, with an
estimated growth rate of 6.7% from 2019-2026. This growth rate is due to a number of
factors, including the increasing demand for convenience and the need for healthy,
affordable meals. Additionally, the industry has seen a surge in demand due to the
pandemic, as people are increasingly looking for convenient ways to access food.

Fragmentation of the Industry: The ready-made meals industry is highly fragmented, with
many small businesses providing a variety of meal options. Additionally, there are many
large companies that dominate the market, such as Blue Apron and Hello Fresh.

PESTEL Analysis: The following are the PESTEL factors that may impact the success of a
ready-made meals business:

Political: Government regulations and policies related to food safety, nutrition, and labeling
can affect the cost of production and the operations of the business.

Economic: The cost of ingredients and labor, as well as the demand for ready-made meals,
can impact the business’s profitability.

Social: Social trends, such as the increasing demand for convenience and healthy meals, can
affect the demand for ready-made meals.

Technological: Technological advancements, such as online ordering systems and delivery

services, can make it easier for customers to access ready-made meals.
Environmental: Environmental factors, such as the availability of local ingredients, can affect
the cost of production and the sustainability of the business.

Legal: Laws related to food safety, labeling, and nutrition can affect the operations of the

Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis: The following are the Porter’s 5 forces that may affect the success
of a ready-made meals business:

Threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants is low due to the high barriers to entry,
such as the need for specialized equipment and resources.

Threat of substitutes: The threat of substitutes is low due to the lack of comparable
products in the market.

Bargaining power of customers: The bargaining power of customers is low due to the low
switching costs associated with ready-made meals.

Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is moderate due to the
availability of suppliers in the market.

Competitive rivalry: The competitive rivalry is moderate due to the presence of several
competitors in the market.

write 5 - Organisational Requirements

What do you need to be able to operate your business. Finance is not discussed in this part.
You should think about skills, knowledge and equipments that will be essential to create and
operate your business.

write here :
1. Business plan: A business plan is an important document that outlines the concept, target
market, strategies and financial projections for the business. It should include detailed
research on the current market, competitive analysis, marketing plans and financial
projections. This will provide the foundation for the business and help to ensure that the
business is successful.

2. Kitchen/Cooking Space: In order to prepare and store meals, a kitchen or commercial

kitchen space is essential. The kitchen should have all the necessary equipment and
materials to safely prepare meals, such as a stove, oven, refrigerator, and food storage and
preparation areas.

3. Food/Ingredients: A reliable source of ingredients and food items is necessary to create

the meals. This could include fresh produce, canned and packaged goods, spices, and other
4. Packaging: Appropriate containers and packaging materials are needed to store and
transport the meals. This could include meal-sized containers and bags, ice packs, and
insulated containers for shipping.

5. Staff: A team of experienced and skilled individuals is needed to prepare and manage the
business. This could include cooks, kitchen staff, delivery drivers, customer service
representatives, and marketing personnel.

Part 2

Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyze the feasibility of creating a

business that sells ready-made meals to students at the University of Central
Arkansas (UCA). This report examines the market demand for such a product, the
potential competitors in the area, the financial resources needed to start the
business, and the best strategies for maximizing profitability. Sources of information
used for this report include interviews with students and faculty at UCA, online
research, and direct observation of the local market. In order to conduct this
research, surveys were sent out to students and faculty at UCA, interviews were
conducted with key stakeholders, and observations were made of the local market.
The limitations of this research include the small sample size of the survey and the
limited availability of data on the local market. Despite these limitations, this report
provides a comprehensive overview of the feasibility of creating a business that sells
ready-made meals to students at UCA.

The Market Sector

The market sector my business is targeting is students of the University of Central Arkansas
(UCA). This population consists of around 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students,
according to UCA's 2019-2020 enrollment figures. The majority of the student population is
aged between 18 and 24, with a smaller proportion of students aged 25 and over.

Current Market Analysis

The current market size of students purchasing ready-made meals is relatively small,
however it is growing as people become more time-poor and look for convenient, healthy
food options. The market is also affected by external factors such as the current pandemic,
which is likely to reduce the demand for ready-made meals as students spend more time at

Key External Influences

The performance of the ready-made meal market is influenced by a number of external
factors. Political factors such as government policies, taxes, and subsidies have the potential
to affect the market performance. Economic factors such as consumer spending, exchange
rates, and inflation can also influence the market performance. Social factors such as
consumer attitudes, lifestyle changes, and demographic changes can also affect the market.
Technological factors such as advances in food production and packaging technology can
also influence the market performance. Finally, environmental and legal factors such as food
safety regulations, consumer protection laws, and sustainability concerns can also affect the
market performance.

Marketing Trends
Recent marketing trends suggest that convenience and health are two key factors driving
the ready-made meal market. Consumers are increasingly looking for healthy and
convenient food options, and the ready-made meal market is responding by offering a range
of healthy and tasty meals. Additionally, the use of technology and digital marketing is
becoming increasingly important, with companies using social media, mobile apps, and
other digital marketing tools to reach their target markets.

Introduce the brand – mission statement/values and products/ services

Our mission is to provide affordable, ready-made meals to students at UCA UK. We strive to
create meals that are both nutritious and delicious, using fresh, locally sourced ingredients.
Our meals are designed to be convenient and easy to prepare, so students can focus on
their studies while still enjoying delicious and healthy food.

USP (Unique Selling Proposition) - brand identity/signature

Our USP is that we offer healthy, convenient meals that are both affordable and delicious.
Our meals are made with fresh ingredients and are designed to be easy to prepare. We also
offer a variety of meal options that cater to a range of dietary needs and tastes.

Target customer / customer profile – segmentation and demo- graphics

Our target customer is students at UCA UK. Our meals are designed to meet the needs of
busy students, who may not have the time or money to prepare their own meals. We also
offer a range of meal options that cater to different dietary needs and tastes.

Key competitors – plot your brand and key competitors on a Price / Style Matrix, circle your
brand and key competitors
Our key competitors are other meal delivery services that cater to students at UCA UK. We
are positioned at the mid-range of the price/style matrix, offering affordable, yet still
delicious meals.

Product - categories, signature key pieces and prices

We offer a range of meal options, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Our
signature key pieces are our breakfast bowls and sandwiches, as well as our range of healthy
snacks. Our prices range from £2-£5 per meal, depending on the size and ingredients.

Place - Multi-channel retailing, national and international presence – number of stores and
which brands are they located next to
Our meals are available online, through our website and social media. We also have a
delivery service that delivers our meals to UCA UK students. We are located next to other
meal delivery services, as well as supermarkets and convenience stores.
Search Engine Results Page (SERP) – Screenshot the search engine results page and analyse
the brands SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) results
Our website is optimized for search engine results, and we have a strong presence on major
search engines. We are also active on social media, which helps to drive more traffic to our

SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis

of the brand including the micro and macro environment

- Affordable and convenient meals
- Variety of meal options
- Fresh and locally sourced ingredients
- High quality and delicious meals
- Limited distribution channels
- Limited geographical reach
- Increase distribution channels
- Expand geographical reach
- Introduce new meal options
- Competition from other meal delivery services
- Changes in consumer tastes and preferences

Part 4

Content Marketing
We will create engaging content such as videos, billboards, TV ads, and online ads to spread
the word about our ready-made meals for students at UCA Uk. We will use visuals that
appeal to the target demographic and emphasize the convenience and affordability of our

Digital Marketing
We will use social media to reach our target demographic and build relationships with them.
Our posts will include engaging content such as recipes, discounts, and giveaways. We will
also use mobile marketing tactics such as text messages and push notifications to inform
customers about our products.

Direct Marketing
We will use customer relationship management strategies to nurture our relationships with
customers. We will send emails and leaflets to customers that are tailored to their interests.
We will also use SMS messages to inform customers of our products and services.

Affiliate Marketing
We will reach out to bloggers and websites that specialize in student-friendly products and
services. This will help us reach students who might not be aware of our offerings. We will
offer incentives and discounts to affiliates who refer customers to us.

PR Activities
We will host a launch event to introduce our products to the public. We will also work with
celebrity influencers to help spread the word about our products to their followers.

Marketing Plan
We will create a comprehensive marketing plan that includes calendar dates for each of our
proposed marketing activities. We will also discuss the financial implications of our
marketing campaign and create metrics to measure its effectiveness.

This report has provided an in-depth analysis of the market sector for ready-made
meals for students at UCA UK. Through the research conducted, it was determined
that there is a need for affordable, ready-made meals in the area, and that there is
an opportunity for a business to capture this market share. By taking advantage of
the current market trends and key external influences, our business can create a
successful enterprise that offers ready-made meals to students at UCA UK. With the
right marketing strategy and product offering, our business can reach the desired
target audience and achieve success.

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