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Vocabulary Session
Match the synonyms
1. Rich 1. Inquisitive
2. Expensive 2. Witty
3. Shy 3. Unattractive
4. Ugly 4. Furious
5. Exciting 5. Dreadful
6. Angry 6. Well-mannered
7. Curious 7. Industrious
8. Polite 8. Reserved
9. Amusing 9. Dear
10. Wicked 10. Evil
11. Hard Working 11. Wealthy
12. Stubborn 12. Obstinate
13. Terrible 13. Uninteresting
14. Sad 14. Thrillin
15. Boring 15. Unhappy

2022 English Cpurse 3

The Needle Tree
There were once two brothers who lived at the edge of a forest. The elder brother was very
mean to his younger brother. He ate up all the food and took all his brother’s good clothes. One
day, the elder brother went into the forest to find some firewood to sell in the market. As he
went around, chopping the branches of tree after tree, he came upon a magical tree.

The tree said to him, ‘Oh kind sir, please do not cut my branches. If you spare me, I will give you
golden apples’. The elder brother agreed, but was disappointed with the number of apples the
tree gave him. Greed overcame him, and he threatened to cut the entire trunk, if the tree didn’t
give him more apples. The magical tree, instead, showered upon the elder brother, hundreds
upon hundreds of tiny needles. The elder brother lay on the ground crying in pain as the sun
began to lower down the horizon.

The younger brother grew worried and went in search of his elder brother. He found him laying
in pain near the tree, with hundreds on needles on his body. He rushed to his brother and
removed each needle with painstaking love. After he finished, the elder brother apologised for
treating him badly and promised to be better. The tree saw the change in the elder brother’s
heart, and gave them all the golden apples they could ever need.

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Reading Session
My name is jane smith. I’m from London. I’m photographer. I.m 25 years
old. My favourite colour is red and my favourite number is 5. I like taking
photos and travelling. I don’t like watching TV. I got a Car. Her name is
1. What is her name ?
2. Where is she from ?
3. What is her job ?
4. How old is she ?
5. What is her favourite colour ?
6. What does she like ?

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Plural Nouns + Be
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Look at each noun. Is it singular or plural? Choose the correct answer .

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Write the plural form.

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Complete the sentences. Use a or an and the words from the box.

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Listening Session
please use an earphone for listening session and listen carefully.

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Look at the map of Britain, Please
listen and write down the people’s
names next to the place where they
come from.

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Thank You

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