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Faculty of Electrical and Computer engineering
Department of computer engineering

Object Oriented Programming

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Chapter one : Get started

o What is computer?
o What is object oriented programming?
o Why java?
o The Java Language Specification, API, JDK,
and IDE
o Designing Good Programs (SE life cycle)
o Object oriented fundamentals
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What is computer ?
 An electronic device that stores and processes
 Works under the control of a computer program,
a set of instructions that tell a computer what to
 Includes both hardware and software
 Hardware is the physical (electronic and mechanical
components) aspect of the computer that can be seen
Software is the invisible instructions that control
the hardware and make it perform specific tasks.

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Type of software
 Application software refers to programs
designed to provide a particular task or service,
such as word processors, computer games,
spreadsheet programs, and Web browsers
 System software includes programs that
perform the basic operations that make a
computer usable. For example, operating
system, which contains programs that manage
the data stored on the computer's disks.

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Hardware component

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Flow of information

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What is object oriented programming?
Is a programming deals with a
collection of interacting objects
An object can be: -
 a physical thing, such as a Car
a mental thing, such as an Idea.
a natural thing, such as an Animal
an artificial thing, such as an ATM.

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Why java ?
 BCPL -> B -> C -> C++ -> Java
 BCPL was developed in 1967 by Martin Richards as
a language for writing operating systems software
and compilers. Ken Thompson modeled many
features in his language B after their counterparts in
BCPL, using B to create early versions of the UNIX
operating system at Bell Laboratories in 1970.
 The C language was evolved from B by Dennis
Ritchie at Bell Laboratories and was originally
implemented in 1972. It initially became widely
known as the development language of the UNIX
operating system.
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was created in 1991
by James Gosling of Sun
Initially called Oak, latter was
changed to Java because there was
already a language called Oak.
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What is Java Technology?
 A programming language

As a programming language, Java can create

all kinds of applications that you could create
using any conventional programming
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What is Java Technology?...
 A Development Environment

As a development environment, Java technology

provides you with a large suite of tools:
– A compiler (javac)
– An interpreter (java)
– A documentation generator (javadoc)
– A class file packaging tool and so on...
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What is Java Technology?...
 An Application and Runtime Environment

Java technology applications are typically

general-purpose programs that run on any
machine where the Java runtime environment
(JRE) is installed.
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What is Java Technology?...
 Deployment Environment

There are two main deployment environments:

1. The JRE supplied by the Java 2 Software
Development Kit (SDK) contains the
complete set of class files for all the Java
technology packages, which includes basic
language classes, GUI component classes,
and so on.
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What is Java Technology?...
 Deployment Environment…

2. The other main deployment environment is

on your web browser.
Most commercial browsers supply a Java
technology interpreter and runtime

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The Java Language Specification

 The Java language specification is a technical

definition of the language that includes the syntax
and semantics of the Java programming language.

Reading assignment : Java language specification @

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 API (Application programming interface) is a class library

 Containspredefined classes and interfaces in a package
 The Java language specification is stable, but the API is still
 API->package->(class, interface, exception, etc.)
 JDK (Java Development toolkit) consists of a set of separate
programs for developing and testing Java programs, each of
which is invoked from a command line
 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software
Editing, compiling, building, debugging, and online help are
integrated in one graphical user interface

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Designing Good Programs (SE life cycle)

 SoftwareEngineering is the process of designing

and writing software.
 The software life cycle refers to the different
phases involved in the design and development
of a computer program

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OOP fundamentals
1. Feature of OOP
 Portable :-
 running on different platform (window, Linux, Mac,
 Java is different from other programming language
because, it both compiled and interpreted.
 A file with .class extension is contain a byte code.
 Byte code is machine language of the java virtual
machine ( java VM).
 Java include a set of class library that provide basic
data type, system input and output capability.

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Feature of OOP cont…
 Platform :-
 is hardware or software environment in which
program run.
 are a combination of OS and hardware, but java
platform is software-only platform, this is why it run
on d/t platform.
 it contain two components, JVM and API

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Feature of OOP cont…


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Feature of OOP cont…

 Simple and small :- easier to write, compile, debug, and

to learn
 Secure :- java securities API provide cryptography,
public key infrastructure, secure communication,
authentication and access control.
 Multithreading :- high degree of parallelism (concurrent
activities through API ). But, other language provide
sequential control (one action at a time)
 Object oriented
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package and import
 Package :-
 is a directory that contain library. library is group a number of
related classes and interfaces
 Packaging is decrease class colliding, promotes code reuse, and
 categorizing and managing the external API
 Packages named java. or javax. are reserved
Example package bit.fece.ce;
 Import :-
 is a java keyword used to include other file from another
package into current package.

 It .
use a period ( ) to separate each package structure

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Indentation and comment

 Indentation :- is process of aligning a line of code

according to a class or a method that contain line of code

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 Comment :- Java supports three types of
 /* multiline comment */ : The compiler ignores
everything from /* to */ . The comment can span
over multiple lines.
// single line : The compiler ignores everything
from // to the end of the line.
Javadoc or Java documentation comments(/**...*/)
Example :- /** the following method is perform <B>
maths </B> operation */

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Java keywords

 Keyword :- is a predefined reserved words for java

program and they are not used as an identifier
abstract continue for new switch
assert*** default goto* package synchronized
boolean do if private this
break double implements protected throw
byte else import public throws
case enum**** instanceof return transient
catch extends int short try
char final interface static void
class finally long strictfp** volatile
const* float native super while
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 Identifier :-
 is a unique name given to a particular variable,
package, class, interface, function or label of class in
the program
a series of characters consisting of letters, digits,
underscores ( _ ) and dollar signs ($) that does not
begin with a digit and does not contain spaces.
 Example :- variable identifier

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 Class :-
 is a building block of java application
 is a blueprint from which objects are created
 define a set of objects which are similar in terms of
attribute, association and functionality
 only one public class per source code file
 a file can have more than one non public class
 class name must be CamelCase contain more than one
 Note: if there is a public class in a file, file name must
be the same as the name of public class
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Class cont…

 Syntax :-
package [package name]
import [other-Package]
[modifier (optional)] Class [class-Name] {
modifier fields-Name ;
Constructor method (optional)
normal method
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Fields and Data type
 Field :-
 is a variable or data associated with programs such as
string, integer, array and object
 also called instance variable (fields)
 names should be in mixed case
 Represent state of an object
 are a place where information can be stored while a
program is running
 their value can be changed at any point in the program
 Data type :-
 isexpress a type of fields
 E.g. string, integer, float, Boolean,…

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 Constructor :-
 is a function called during the creation (instantiation) of objects
 its name must be similar to class name that contain it
 has no return type
 Ifyou don't define a constructor for a class, a default parameter less
constructor is automatically created by the compiler
 The default constructor calls the default parent constructor
(super()) and initializes all instance variables to default value
 possible to create more than one constructor with d/t parameter

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 Method :-
 is a function called during setting a value to fields or getting
a value of fields and performing d/t operation
 it may called setter or getter
 may contain an argument or not
 represent the behavior of the object
 Name is must be mixedCase if contain more than one word
 Syntax :-
Modifier return-Type method-Name (){
// body method

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 Object :-
 is an instance of a class/type
 has a (current) state and behavior
 Student, blackboard, chock, chair, and other are objects
 Example :-
a dog has state (name, color, breed, hungry) and behavior
(barking, fetching, and wagging tail).
 Students have state (name, age, sex) and behavior (eating,
studying, learning)
 new keyword is used to create class instance (object)
 this keyword is used in constructor and method to assign value to
fields of class i.e. referring fields in the current class
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Creating reference to object
from the new operation :-
instantiates an object of a particular
class, and returns a reference to it
This reference is a handle to the
location where the object resides in
Student stud=new Student();
Student stud2=new Student();
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by assignment :-
duplicate reference to the object (and not to
a copy of the object).
Student stud1=stud;
N.B. After the assignment, the value of
stud1 is the same as stud. A reference to
same Student object.

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by cloning an object.
new reference to a copy of the object
two copies of the object exist with
independent references
Changing one object does not
automatically change the other.
Student stud3 = stud.clone();

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Passing object as parameter
When object is passed to the method,
actual object is not passed, instead
object reference is passed i.e. memory
location of an object is passed
In the body of called method new
object my created or parameter object
can be used as it is.
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Object as UML
 UML representation of an object
Class name
e.g. Student

List of fields
e.g. name, age, sex,…

List of methods

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Out put


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