1st and 2nd Sem Question Paper

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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Fall Year Progamme: BE Full Marks: 100 (Course: Engineering Mathematics 1 Pass Marks: 45 Time =: 3hrs. aera ees nn ae on ra a @s practicable. The figures in the mor gin iniicate full mers. Attempt ll the eucsons La ss Ltrs eis Be cece ice ace of sd factors y = wv 0 ya(eeiz 2). tow tat (1+)».. +(22+1)x,, +(7- wy, =0 OR x: for x2 oO 2 is contiquows at x= 1& x= 2 Does f(x) exists at these points. b) State and prove Canchy’s mean value theorem. How does it differ from Legrange’s mean velue theorem? Verify Cauchy mean value theorem for the finctions f(x) =x, (x) =x? in [-2.0] 2 a ‘State L’Hospital rule. Prove thet: lim(cotx)“"** = 1, b) Find the asymptotes of the curve +32 pay -3y 4-Day BV 3 SO z OR Find the tote] surface area of the right‘circular cylinder of greatest suxface that can be inscribed in a given sphere of radius r. z ee ae 4 letee 1 te Scanned with CamScanner 7 é it) [x%de. (by summation) iv) f3sintxcos?xdx 1 si”) 3 4. a) Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region inthe 7 first quadrant bounded above by the parabola y = x? below by the X- axis,and on the right by the line x=2 about y-axis. 8 o Find the approximate area using Simpson's and Trapezoidal rule for the area bounded by the curve'y=sinx, __the x- axis and the lines x = m2 and x= 2z (using n = 6) and compare these results with exact. == value. 5. Define eccentricity of a conic section, and derive the equation of 8 vey hyperbola in its standard form. F nas () Find the equation of tangent to the ellipse eer =1, which is 7 parallel to the line x = y+5. 6) Explain the scalar triple product. Write any three properties. If vectors 8 a,b and c. ay fee eae ar = Show that: la xb bxe exal= 0 Find the condition that the line ax+byte = 0 may be tangent to the 7 parabola y?= dax. 7. Attempt all question 4x2.5 ‘a Bind the domain and range for y = 4 — x? elf G=i-27 +k and 6=7-+27-k find the projection of @ on B ¢. Integrate: fr xe™ de nay tlh 4, Find the center, vertices and foci of the ellipse ieee x? + 10x + 25y? = 0 a4 Oo ng. mah Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester:Fal] Year 22021 Programme:BE ; Full Marks: 100 Course: Thermal Science Pass Marks: 45 Time : 3hrs. Candidates are required to as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks, Attempt all the questions. 8ive their answers in their own words 1. a) What are the differences between the cl. approaches to thermodynamics? b) In a non-flow reversible Process, related by P= v?2 Where Pj fassical and the statistical 7 the pressure and volume are 642 | is in the bar and 2 is in m3. During a process, the volume changes from 1.5 m3 to 4.5 m®. The heat added during the process is 800 I, Betermine work done and change in internal energy.” pwr. 2. a) Define quality of steam, critical Pressure, temperature and triple Oy point. oN b) A 1.6 m} rigid tank contains steam at 150°C. One-third of the 9 volume is in the liquid phase and the rest is in the vapor form. Determine: i. The pressure of the steam z Exd ii. The quality of the saturated mixture % ee iii. The density of the mixture east 3. a) Howare specific heats at constant volume and constant pressure 6 related to change in internal energy and enthalpy respectively? b) Steam enters a nozzle at 500°C and 800 kPa with a-velocity of 9 15 m/s, and leaves at 300°C and 200 kPa while losing heat at a rate of 30 kW. For an inlet area of 750 cm?, determine the velocity and the volume flow rate of the steam at the nozzle exit. w,? 1 Scanned with CamScanner a) State and prove the Clausius Theorem. b) Derive an expression of entropy change in ideal gas for polytropic process. a) Suggest on how to increase the thermal efficiency of Petrol, Diesel_and Brayton Cycles, Give at least two ways for each ele. b) A steam power plant operates on the Rankine cycle. The steam 9 3 = = enters the turbine at 7 MPa and 550°C with a velocity of pls It discharges fc the condenser at 20 kPa with a velocity 70, m/s.,-Calculate the thermal efficiency and the power produced for a flow rate of 3 7,8. kg. Js. ( Take, pump work as, 7.1 Kye and Heat supply as 3272.4 k/kg) a) Briefly explain about several laws associated with conduction, 6 convection and radiation heat transfer. Fhe b) A steam pipe 20 cm inside diameter and 25 om outside diameter ™ is covered with two layers of insulation. The thickness of the first and the second layers are 3¢eniand 1 6 cm respectively and their Corresponding thermal conductivities are 0.15 and 0.08 -~ W/mK respectively. The conductivity of the pipe material is 60 Wim. The temperature of the inner surface of the steam pipe is 400°C and that of the outer surface insulation is 25°C. Find the quantity of heat lost per meter length of the pipe. Also find out the (percentage decrease in the heat loss) with two layers of insulation compared to only first layer of insulation. 7. Write short notes on: (Any two) 2x5 a, Irreversibility € \o" b, Refrigeration cycle ‘ ya yo are c. Black Body and Gray Body ey a 7 Scanned with CamScanner yo OO =—<_ POKHARA UNIVERSITY Year 2021 Level: B. Poeaaneae ‘Semester: Spring a2 Course: The Full Marks: 1 / lurse: Thermal Science Pass Marks: 45 f Time : Shrs. Candi . dates are required to give their answers in their ov” words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full ‘marks. Attempt all the questions. a) Define state, property and cycle. Explain the concept of quasi. 3+4 equilibrium process. tmilarities and dissimilarities between work and heat. aA 8 b) Give some si ‘A two-phase mixture of H2O saturated liquid is 1 kg and saturat pressure ‘and volume of ' ‘the mixture. ity? Prove that v= up + xUg where vs, ae 146 How do you define quali and x have their usual meanings. Define steady state flow applicatior for a nozae and boiler starting from S assumptions. nder steady flow conditions, by Aturbine operating w our, The steam enters the turbine at rature of 250°C. The mass of has a tempe! 3 kg. Determine the " ae ed vapour is a) b) 5 . Write down the energy equation 1+6 FEE with necessary ~ receives 4500 kgof 8 a velocity of 2800 steam per h bs an elevation of 5.5m and a specific ‘enthalpy of 2800kJ/kg. It leaves the ine at a velocity of 5600 m/min, at an ‘elevation of 1.5 mand @ specific enthalpy of 2300kI/kg. Heat losses from the turbine urrounding amount to 16000 kJ/hr, Determine the power to the si ; output of the turbine. a) Explain the limitations of the first law of thermodynamics. b) Define entropy ‘and prove that entropy is a property of the system. a) Differentiate between Camot cycle and Rankine cycle. \ ion ratio of an ideal Or ‘ 5 ‘ b) The compression Fa ses \tto cycle is 8, At the beginning of mnpression stroke, air is at 100 kPa and 27°C. The Becuie ss : jon doubled during the constant volume heat addition process. Determine: On wr a Scanned with CamScanner 6. a) b) 7. Write short notes on: (Any two) i) Heatadded perkgofair ii) The net work output per kg ofA!” iii) The mean effective pressure iv) The thermal efficiency ; ¥) Calculate power output (Takes Mass flow rate = 0.02 kyjs) Derive an expression for the steady state heat flow through a composite hollow cylinder along the radial direction. A composite wall made up of layers A (K = 0.85W/m°C) and B ({K = 0.6W/m°C) and the space between the two is filled with component C (K = 0.15W/m°C). The thickness of A, B,C is 10 cm, 7 cm and 20 cm respectively. What should be the thickness of A if the composite wall is to be made without C between the layers, so the heat flux through the composite wall remains constant? v a) Nusselt Number b) Refrigeration cycle c) Entropy increase principle d)_ Black body +- 7 8 2x5 Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Exam Final Internal Examination 2979 ‘SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Level BE FM Programme | Civil Engineerin PM ia Year/Part Ur a us Subject: Mechanical Worksh« Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as fr as practicable, The figure inthe margin indicates full marks, Attempt all the questions 1 What is the importance of Workshop in Civil Engineering? [5] 2 What are the safety guidelines to be followed in workshop? [5] 3 Explain the basic hand tools you used during Fitting and Sheet Metal Working? [5] 4 Write Short Notes on [10] a Lathe Machine b Drilling Machine ¢ Electric Arc Welding € Process involved in making of Soap Box in Workshop tof lurk = Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Exam _| inal Interna! Examination 2022 2002 | PACULTY OF SCINCE AND Level BE PMI TECHNOLOGY Programme BserD0ce BCE PM _| SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING [Yesr?part Tine [3s Subject Object oriented programming in CH Candidates are required o give answers In thelr own words as for as practicable The figure in the margin indicat full marks. Attempt all the questions 1. a), How object oriented programming i different from procedural programming? § Explain coping with complexity. b), Wht is satic member fancon? Write « program to count munber of objet 7 created using static member function. Explain Access specifier available in c++ with suitable examples. 1 2 b)_ Compare the following: 8 i) Message passing and procedure call ii) ‘Stack based and heap based memory Allocation What do you mean by dynamic intial example. ‘Why multiple inheritance is dangerous? Explain it with suitable examples, @ ion of object? Explain it with suitable wy 4.) Under what condition virtual base class is created? Explain it with suitable » 2 examples. we differs from inheritance? List merits and demerits of Write a program to overload + operator end use itto 2dd-twe tims objects with, ora When do you use virtual function? How it provides runtime polymorphism. 8 Explain it with suitable example. 6 ae What are exceptions? How they are handled in c++? b)__Whatis software component? Explain about implementation and integration of ‘component with real world example. 7. Write short notes (on any two ) 285 i} Programming in small and programming in large Interface and implementation Function and class template = Best of lusk — Scanned with CamScanner Pokhara University Level: Bachelor Internal Exam Year: 2022 4 Programmed: BE (Second Semester) BOER B CRI Full mark: 100 “ ac Course: Engineering Mathematics I ‘Time: 3hrs Pass mark: 45, Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ‘The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt al the questions. Lae Pad telnet and equation of shortest cistance Sete 8 Mp Tay 223 nF ytd 15° ee 3 ar a 43 a 5 'b Find the equation of sphere through the circle x?+y?=4, 2-0 and is cutby the plane x¢2y+2z=0 ina circle of radius 3, 7 2 a.Statand prove Eulers theorem for function of two variable, Using, a py SH, a SE LS nweosy—— Show that: x7 aa? Sania ' Find the extreme value of f(x, y,2) =x#ytez? Such that: ax #by +ez =p. 3. a.Drawthe region of integration of [{"Piyes, and findits value interchanging the a order of integration. b. Find the volume of the solid whose base is the region in xy-plane that is bounded by the parabola, y=3-x?, y=2xwhile the top is bounded by the plane z=x+1, a. Solve, Dreuay: =(1+x)e" secy 8 I-x \ ser brsolve ry" 2939: t eI Scanned with CamScanner BS a EN ae x 5. 6 arid Be AP Ay pm gach Corl copy ele pt meena 2# Tan Ted te ath ney er ye a. Solve by power series method: y"- Axy’+ (432-2) y= 0. 8 ’ Solve the following initial value problem. y'dyBy=e™, (0) and y'(Q)=1 ‘a. Define the Laplace transform of a function Using Laplace transforms, Prove the following: o (4) Lygt=t t) 2 sat aR} (i) of Using Laplace transform solve the initial value problem, 7 a a X'2 45x=6-sint, — x(0)=0,x(0)=1 7. Attempt all questions xt2y+2z=5 and 3x + 3y +2 &\ b Find the equation of sphere whose centre at (13,5) and radius 2, & Verify Euler's theorem for = x2 +y2#2, Hl + 4. Find the Laplace transform of te® . ‘The end 2.5x4=10 4 Find the equation of plane which passes through (-13,2) and is normal tothe planes Oo vl Best of luck Scanned with CamScanner = POKHARA UNIVERSITY ‘SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ‘SEMESTER END EXAM-2079 (2022) ‘Course: Communication Technique Program: BE / CIVIL /Civil and Rural FM: 100 (Candidates are required to answer in their own words as far as practicable ‘Thetigues Inthe margin indicate fll marks. Attempt all the questions. 15 4. Read the following passage and answer the questions below: 42002, Wiliam Kamamba had to drop outof choo, a hs fat ‘maize and tobacco farmer, could no longer ford hie schoo fees. But Aespite this setback Wiliam was determined to gethis edacation. He began visting a local Moray that had just opened ins old primary, school, where he discovered a tattered science book With only 3 rudimentary grasp of English he taught himsel base physies- mainly by frodying photos ond dlagrams. Another book he ound there featured ‘windimii on the cover and inspired him to try and bull his own tle Started by constructing a small model. Then with the help of ousin and rend he spent many weeks searching serap yards and found old tractor fans, shore absorbers, plas pipe and bicycle pats, which he ‘used to build the real thing For windmill blades, Wiliam cut some bath pipe in two lengthwise then heated te pices aver hot cols vo press the curled edges flat To bare holes into the blades, he stuck a nll through hala corncob heated the ‘metal red and twisted through the blades. It took three hours ‘epeatedly heat the nail and bore the holes He attached the blades toa \wactor fan using proper nuts and bolts and then tothe back axle of bicycle. Electricity was generated through the biel dyname, When the ‘wind biew the blades, to bike chain spun the ike wheel, which charged {the dynamo and sent current through wire this house. What he had built was a crude machine that produced 12 volts and powered four lights: When twas ll done, the winds wingspan measured more ‘than eight feet and sat ontop ofa ickety tower 15 fetal that swayed violently in strong gales He eventually replaced the tower with a ‘sturdier one that stands 39 feet and bulltasecand machine that ‘watered a family garden. ‘The windml brought Willam Kamlewambs instant local fame but espitehis accomplishment he was sll unable to return to schol However, news ofhis magets a mphepo- electric wind - spread beyond Mala and eventually things began to change. An eduction oficial, ‘whol heard news ofthe inde eame to vst his vilage and was ‘razed to learn that Willam had been out of stool for ive years He arranged for him to atend secondary school atthe governments expense and brought journalists tothe fam to see the windmill: Then a Story published in the Solow! Dally Mail caught the attention ofbloggers. ‘hich in trm eau the atention of organizers forthe Technology Entertainment and Design conference In 2007, Wiliam spoke athe TED Global conference n Tanzania and got a standing ovation. Businessmen stepped forward with oes to fund his educatlon and project, and with ‘money donated by them he was able to puthi cousin and several {lends back into school and pay for some medical needs of his faa ‘With the donation, he also drilled a borehae ora well nd water pump ‘nhis village and installed drip irrigation nhs father's felds. ‘The water pump has allowed his family to expand its erops. They have abandoned tobacco and now graw maize, beans, soybeans, potatoes and peanuts. The windmills have aso brought bi lifestyle and health hangs tothe other ullagers."The village has changed lt’ William ays. Now, the time that they would have spent going to fetch water, they are using for doing other things. And also te water they are drinking is clean water, so thereis less disease’ The vilagrs have also stopped using kerosene and can use te money previously spent on fuel to buy other things. Wiliam Kamswamba's example has inspired other tuldren inthe village to pursve science Wiliam says they now sce that if they pu their mind to something they can achieve itIthas changed ‘the way people think he says. Questions: 1 How the liveliood of thevilagers changed after the construction of windmil? 2. Whichis the pivotal incident occurred in Wiliam’ life that gave rise to the fame? 3. Describe the process of building the wind 4 According to Wiliam, whatis the mantra of success’? 5. Giveasutabletileto this passage. Scanned with CamScanner 2 Answer any three ofthe following questions" _3xS=_15 ') Whatis beauty? What are the feminine features of beauty for women? Why stot for men? 1b) Whatieironial inthe story "A story ofan Hour"? ts it psychological reading? What do youthinkeabout the death of Kies Mallard? (9: Whatisthe theme of the poom “Letter from the frcign grave"? 2B Why wisdom savas necessary along with knowledge! Discuss ‘wth example ‘9 Isthesclence boon or bane? Highlight some major dichotomies ftseience andes nvention. 3 (a) Suppote you ae the president ofthe Engineering Student's ‘Council (ESC), POKHARA UNIVERSITY, drafta clear notice with agenda Stmmoning te monthly meeting on rst Friday of next month 7 by Write letter to your mobile phone service provider at Pokha Complaining about the poor quality of thelr services. Include problems nd slo suggestions te improve @ ‘4Ca)Make note afer reading the passage. 7 {Garry Golden sts na smal eae in Broly New Vork. tn front of him, ‘Sheets uf pape with diagrams liter the able. He rapidly skotches trans, ta and highways ashe explains his ideas. Garry Golden has one [passion transportation. The selence of howto move people from place Xo place fascinates him Hespends his days sting the relationships between cars, subways, ‘and trans. Buthe' most exited about imagining the way these Felatonshps will change in the next 20 years Golden ea fuurce Futurists are sclntsts who analyze the way the ‘world i today and use that information to make predictions about what ‘the world willbe ike inthe future. In this way, they are the opposite of| historian, whe try to better understand the present through studying the past Futurists hope that by maldng senile predictlons about the future, we ean make better decisions today. ‘Some futurists study the environment. Some study human society. Golden focuses on the study oftraneportation. He earned his graduate degree in Future Studies from the University of Houston Living in Houston fr those two years changed the way he vowed trancportation inthe United States ‘Many publi transportation advocates disike Houston. They argue the citys too sprawling (Itean take more than three hours to drive from one | sid ofthe cyt the other during rash hour) and that here are ough bases and subways, However Houston was source of Inspiration fr Gelden. » tferentatebotwoon Personal nd Business Letters. Thnk about the basic letter format and highlight the clamentsofatusinezicter. 7 5.8) Prepares brief proposal on infrastructure development project i ‘yourtilsge. 8 by Write a dserpton of recent landscape of Pokhara andits vic? _Ggdprenare ne manuscript force akon Lande cused by i threatening heavy equipments Le dozer use and ts effectn ‘ural context ol 1b) Write cover letter applying forthe post of Cv Engines in _Deaaltola Hdroprojet Sankhuwasabha. 8 7.(9) Transform the following sentences as indeated in brackets sgh (0 The math eacher suggested that Rahul should be separately (American) 10 Ith the rt cass movies have ever watched. (lang) Li) “Tid ties as tole” Gndrect speech). 9) He put some sugar into the tea. (yes/n0) 1) Have you seen the movie? (passive) 1) Trans(orm the sentences as indicated in the Brackets. s |) Mosquitoes cause malaria and this is wel knows. (complex) 4 Only Hindus are admitted complex) 1) The fact that he is silent proves his guilt ( simple) iv) Iam lad that he has recovered from the illness (compound) ‘He ran the race but injured his eg (simple) ? List any_7 important string handling 8 functions. Also write a program to print the following pattern. eis oe * ye * + b) Write a program to sort N elements of an integer array in ascending 7 7 order. 5. a) Does a function return multiple values? When and how a function will 7 / return multiple values, illustrate with suitable examples. b) Write a program to pass the elements of an array toa function usinga —g “pointer. of) Scanned with CamScanner 6. a) Why do you need a structure? Explain in detail how a structure differs 7 ~* from an union with suitable programs. b)_ Write a program to read the name, author, and price of 200 books ina — library and store the information into file “library.dat". Also print the book name and price of those books whose price is above Rs.350. 7. Write short notes on: (Any two) 2x5 3) Static, local and global variable b) Multidimensional Array c) String Handling Functions 0122 “#5 6 Feb a 4 ee 3. 5 se aeta2 3 & é : g242e 6.6 43 4 pres, eek . et G =D sty ( but p + ye REG \n ss a(t at + eS a S43Ley 7 45324 a7 = Yee tw lea? . ae aes ie aan Jue ee HAT ¢ acid] 3 2 6 2(2)* . al < ; Rat Coes 5 iss 244 ali 4 ate a34y : atjl7 427 eS a3 i ut Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semese: Fall Yer 2001 Progamme: BE Fall Maks: 100 ‘Course Enginering Drawing Pass Maris: 43 Tine 3h Candidates ore required to give thelr ansmers in their own words afar cs proticable. The fires in the margin indica fll marks. Atenpt al he questions. "Const costed tne tangent (crossed belt type) between two cicles 14 ‘ving al 20 mm and 15 mm and cere to centre distance between then is 70m a 2A ciel lamina, of 60mm dmeter. is inclined at an angle of 60" othe 14 Fi while a diameter of pra to bsh the HP andthe VP. The cenze ‘tte amina ie 0 mm fom the VP and 40m from the HP Draw the ron {nd the op views ofthe lamina held inthe ven postion. 2. Dw the complet onbograpie views ofthe piven eject (Figure). 30 Fiver) 4. Draw he compl orgie ang showing he cuneaineseeon 18 ofthe solid for the figure shown in (Figure ~ 2 Assemble the given parts of Universal Coupling Fgwe-3) and daw {ul sctonl font view. Hep Figure 3 Scanned with CamScanner on Assemble the given pans of Serew Jaek and da tf ction font view in Figure). ae tye ee Beeanecl| Scanned with CamScanner 2 POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester Fall ‘Year: 2001 Propane BE Fall Mas: 10 (Course: Base EleiealEngnering Pass Maks 45 Time Shs. Candas are requledogive ther arers inter own word fr ‘a prctche The figares In the margin nce all marks Atte the questions. 2) Describe in trie the genertn, ansmislon, distibuion and le of 7 ler ia Morden society. 1) What reise? Otain hex sins ad tl eet g ihe aedmstntnn OR ey OA Be 2 ass eS Wing super poston rm, fd he cue wing in 29 8 eaten ws raat ee Rap J «0 20 wT vi Fy 1b) Compute the average and eectve vals and peak for of given 2) Two impedances (154) and (51) are cones insetias 7 Des oy saggy. Fu ope ao ee power sparen orerandpoverfadorof ec 1) Two inpedaee given 21-1 55)0 and 22-68) ” a cmon amma te Cet Sea gph te bah cate a ew as ier. 19 What are the advantages of thee phase ove single pue oc 5 Jysn? Explain te measurement of three phase power by wo areinjoined inde a = nm Scanned with CamScanner warmeter metod. 1) Three equal tuaving resistance $ apd inductive usned 6-1 we connected in dela and sar"eomected stem. = i cute (Gi) “Power consumed inath eases. eee rmav ase camer ee i ON, te ae oper ‘S.C west (LY side S.C): 32V, 304, 2007 Fade ‘parameters of equivalent circuit & refered to HV side and LV Se ee ra ge era Ree es acon Heri arere as Scanned with CamScanner ied POKHARA UNIVERSITY Internal Assessment Program: 8.€ (civil civil and rial) ae Sub: Chemistry time: 3 br Attempt all the questions: Ha Define buffer solution rive Henderson Haselbale’s equation for acdc lle solution. A buffer solutions prepared by mixingO.1 MNH,OH and 0M NH(CLFind out the pH ofthe solution after ‘addition of 0.001M HCl. [Pkb “or NHOH =4.74), a” (6) What ls electrochemical cel? Write three applications of electrochemical series. Calculate emf of2n- Cucell at 25°c. 2nls) / 2n°%(0.16) // Cu.75M) /cu (5) where standard reduction potential values are Zn/2n* .76V and Cu/Cu'? =+0.34y (8) tion energy and electronegativity. Discuss variation of ionization energy in periodic ™ b) What are transition metals. Write their three characteristics. Why transition clements have variable Oxidation states ? Explain, (8) 3) Explali the pnneipie o- es spectroscopy with ifs two applications, ME enn saa ') What is paper chromatography? Explain setting of cement. @) 4.2) Explain the mechanism and stereochemistry of unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction, Write two differences betwee: SN1 and SN2 reaction. ” b)Define carbocation and fre cadical. Describe optical stereoisomers and peometrical stereoisomers. (8) 5.2) What are condensation polymers? Write dowih preparation, properties and uses of Teflon (7) +) What are thermosetting plstics? Explain vulcanization of rubber and write its advantages. (8) 5. a)What are lubricants? Give ay three characteristics of good lubricants, Give methods of preparation of TNT and TNG, a 'b]Whatis hard water? How cars be hardness measured in laboratory? @) 7.Write short notes on: (any tye} (245=10) ‘a)Aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction bJOzone layer depletion Water poitution, its effects and preventive mezsures Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year 12021 Programme: BE Full Marks: 100 Course: Engineering Mathematics II Pass Marks: 45 Time : Shrs. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1. a) Prove that the lines =* == = = fehon Also Obtain the equation of the plane containing them, OR Define the shortest distance between the lines i in space. Hind the gee and shortest distance between the lines = = x Find the equation of the sphere having circle x2+y?+z?=9, +22=5 as a great circle. Also determine its radius and center. @) State and prove Euler's theorem for homogeneous function of 7 three variables with degree n. b) What do you mean by local maxima and minima? Find the dimension of rectangular box, open at the top, of maximum capacity whose surface is 432sq units 34 4 gap? “sy a) Evaluate the integral J J 0 y/4a dxdy changing into polar 7 2 x+y co-ordinates. b) Find the volume bounded by the z=0, the cylinder x+y? = 1 and the plane x+y+z=3. 4, a) What do you mean by Bornoulli’s differential equation? Solve 7 Band = x° cos? y. eee. ee b) Find the general solution of y"-4y'Hy-64+2 using variation of parameter method. 4 1 y3 Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Year: 2021 Programme: BE Full Marks: 100 Course: Chemistry Pass Marks: 45 Time —: 3hrs. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1. a) Buffer solutions are important part of the industrial and biochemical 8 processes. Explain with an example why pH ofa buffer solution does hot change significantly on small addition of acids or bases. A buffer solution contains 0.2M ammonium hydroxide and 0.2M 7 ammonium ‘chloride. What will be the pH of resulting solution when 1 ml HCI is added? pKb for NH.OH is 4.75. Consider total volume of buffer solution is unchanged after adding HCI. b) Define Galvanic corrosion? Explain the mechanism of rusting of iron 7 in terms of both chemical and electrochemical corrosion. 4 ‘What is the concentration of Ni? in the cell at 27°C, if the emf is a 0.601V? Ni(syNi* (2) // Cu?*(0.75M) /Culs) UL Standard electrode potential of Nickel and Lead are -0.24V and 0.13V respectively. s 344 2. a) Differentiate between electron affinity and electronegativity? How clectronegativity varies on moving across the period and on 3 descending down the group. b) What are transition elements? Explain the following features of 444 transition elements with examples. “ i. Electronic configuration ii, Atomic radii JHA; Define carbonation. How are carbocation stabilized? Write any two 2+2+4 methods of formation of carbocation. b) State and illustrate mechanism of Markovnikov's rule. 1 Scanned with CamScanner le a) What are the silicone resins? Explain the types of silicone with their 8 uses. = ice 2 b) Explain the mechanism of additional-polymerization. How natural 4 7 rubber is different from synthetic rubber? a) Write the principle of Chromatography. Write the important 345 applications of thin layer chromatography. =e b) Define cement. Explain its manufacturing process. FF 45 a) Define water pollution. Write causes, effects and control measures of 3+5 water pollution. b) Discuss about the air pollution caused by oxides ofnon-metals 2 34+4 Write short notes on: (Any two) 2x5 a) Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) b) Thermoplastics and Thermosetting plastics. 2 ¢) Soil pollution 4 © Libre B coNOPRE ne x De Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring, Year 22021 Programme: BE Full Marks: 100 Course: Engineering Mathematics Pass Marks: 45 Time —: 3hrs. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1. a) Define Continuity and Differentiability of a function f(x) at 8 .. Show that the function f{(x) defined by oe x whenl 0\x b) Find the asymptotes of given curve x"(x-y)’-a'(x"+y”)=0 8 o OR " Find the total surface area of the right circular cylinder of greatest surface that can be inscribed in a given sphere of radius rn 3. Attempt any three: ‘x+sinx ' a) Evaluate: {> — dx. 5 dx 5 4sinx+ 3 cosx +13" 0g 2) Evaluate: f Scanned with CamScanner 2 = ; 4) fer dx (Using summation Method.) 4. 9a) Find the area between the curves x -y? and 2y"= - x+3 7 b) Using Trapezoidal & Simpson’s rule. Estimate the integral 8 f £ + with n=4 subintervals and compare withthe exact : value. 8 5. a) A tangent to the parabola y? = 8x makes an angle of 45° with the straight line y = 3x + 5. Find its equation. Find the equation of the hyperbola whose focus, directrix and eccentricity respectively are (6,0), 4x-3y =6 and 3. What is conic section? What is the eccentricity of an ellipse? 7 Derive the equation of ellipse in standard form. Find the equation of straight line through (2, -9, 5) and parallél=7 to 2i +57 + 6k. BP) Find the equation of plane through the points (2,4,5), (1.5.7), -1,6,8) (using vector method) ee 6. a) 8 7. Attempt all questions: a) Find the domain and range of y = 257 3 b) Find the arc length of the curve y=.x? from x= 0 to x=2. 25 @) Find the vector projection of @ onb if@=3i-j+Kand 7° B=27+j-2k. d) Find the radius of curvature of the curve y=4sinx-sin2x at a xe 2 Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor ‘Semester: Spring, Year 2021 Programme: BE : Course: Programming in C Full Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 45 Candidates are required to Time: 3hrs, ive their Wiher as practicable. Wve their answers in thei ir own words as far Sa" The figures in the margin indicate full marks 24/69 "8 Attempt all the questions, x 7 What are the properties of good algorithm? Write an algorithm and 8 1. ye What is software? What are the types of software? Explain. ~ draw flowchart to find the sum of n natural numbers. 2. a) _ What are variables? Explain different types of data types in C. 2 bY Write a program to print following pattem. 8 18445 —~ 1234 123 ' 12 : a a , Differentiate between entry and exit controlled loop with suitable 7 program. ‘ : b)- What is an array? Write a program to enter values in 3*3 order matrix 8 and compute the sum of odd elements. : 4, “a)Define string and string handling functions with suitable examples. 7 rp fare functions important in programming? How are arguments assed to the function in C? flos ; iS: a) What is call by value and call by reference? Explain with suitable 7 Bin Weave Dynamic Memory Allocation is better than Static 8 mory Allocation? Explain various functions related to DMA. i; 6. a) “What i piointer? Write a Program to read ‘'n' numbers and find third 7 ar) ong n numbers. largest aha Pes the records of n students (name, roll no, grade 8 Ny, Write a pipe ) and store it into a file named student.txt and display the & ne pate students whose university is Pokhara University. E es on: (Any two) Nested Structure member 3¢); ay records 0! 7. Write short not a) Accessing - bp) Structure vs union » SDLC $n Scanned with CamScanner POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester Spring Year: 2021, Programme: BE Fall Maks: 100 ‘Course: Cmmunication Testi Pass Marks: 45 Time + Ths Candidates ae required tiv thr answer in ther own words ax fr ‘es precticcbe The figures in the margin inet fll marks. Attempt ll the questions. 1. Read ie folowing passage and aswer te questions given below: ‘Asmat evlzaton advances an he supply of eval goods an sents increases, man's nets corepondingy mil. Adveing Plays hey rl in hs neverending oes of simulating the pubes tear cert podotsan trey promoting sales ero nit tas, net reed new neds alr sppose, where were none ‘efor A fanilar examples tenor zone rare andes novely, tow an chigutos andrea negensiv neces. Moe een he tclevision et as undergone te ane tasfomation While some pple sould deny th levision i ees, he fa that television et re {rand ina maar of westerns shal sanwers ta peter or tser degre the eed fe by mos of people for enerinment and iors. A prot serve or commodity hate pubic ees and hows tnd tens of eure Tol ful We np here sume tha in sch sues, dering would be of rinrinpoance To sme extent hiss truest packers, vegetable and ult overs, and diy operators spend Iesoniverisingforinsanc, ban mautctres, of igre, igus cosets nd the tems ois pe One eer hand te competion that ex betwen al bran mars tht he supplies of such bse neces fod, cating, and hing must advertise te wares 1 Sy in busines. Signifeaty, he indy that spends mast on ersng tus out product wich aime evenjone comides resi. ues 2) ow does mars ed incase? 1) What ole des avers payncrening a ei? ©) How does produet ‘sll iseiP? 4) Why do Tike manufacturers of BSeteS, Fguory and cosmetics ‘spend more on advertising their products) ©) "The motor ca once rare and costly NOV now an ubiquitous and relatively inexpensive necessiy’- Explain Answer any tre questions ofthe following a 2) "Science is the enemy of mankind” Argue for or spin he 1b) Pretend that youte the director of Social welfare organization of your company. Write 2 memo tothe Saf inforing them about 5 days trinng in increasing efficiency of employes. ©) Whats the central theme ofthe poem Let fiom Foren Grave 4) hr tnoiegeate pope meses wie? Give our eso wih » Meco of Doran R= 2) Read he flog ext ad summa ins oe fr of is 8 oars Technical eduction, te academic ad vsti peprton Stiens fj ioling pied sence snd modern chy iT empath andestdng aod pci appleaton of tn prc of sce an materi, rae tha the etnmen of Prote hmana ails at pope he cone of eras ‘ict Teal econ ajc ie pepsin galt ecipton ate cad hve led cas at Brow static arenas rains Pepe empaed fequcly called tceicas Tewaleaion to from pros cieston, wi les major empiss upon he thea unending, nd ile a ied of et mater Sie cule rato prc nutes ee fs sec, engeeng law or meine. Techclocptos se tial ina wide ange fl along azo tness Mnlaaion comps und an ete, sion Exvoanent adresse mirgenet apc at ab ind Sei and Heath and ede: tia educate re ‘responding spines anaes Teh eaalon bypealy fed In postighsiol carla hat a wo ea in nth re not esd oe oa scars eps nda feed ia wide vty oan, suche etl ste oer Cols vost shot, nd earcaleesan estes Scanned with CamScanner » a) » » » a » » Pretend tht youre the directa of ssl welfare organization of your company. Write @ memo tothe sa informing them about § ays ‘raining in increasing efceny of employe. [A reputed mepr-enginerng company is seeking for quaifed Competent and dani ean forthe post of il engineer Wee anapplction and prepare a tarda resume fo the post Prepare a mamscipt of a technical tlk on the tpie “Unploned Uttanization in Nepa: Challenges an Slo” Initia you have Been ivi submit propel on “Contesting Seminar Hall of ABC Coleg Prepare abe proposal using the flowing hin, (ins: cover page, introduction, objectives, estimated cont, expected berefis, work plan) = Imagine that your company neds ¢ Hotel wih spicaus and well qupred halt orgarize a national conference of engineers net month ‘Wit an ingity leer ta hotel specing your requirement and engin th cot be pai. ars Imagine that you ae the Seeretary ofa lub. The 10* meting of your chub was Bld on 10 Jly 2022 Wate the mines of the meeting suming the flowing agenda: Minutes of te previous meting, 10.02 Appointment of an ator forthe co's sui report. 1005. Parchasings apap forthe eb we. 1004 Amangng cs general meeting 10.05 Organising char show fr fund rs. 1005. AoB Wte a technical description on anyone of the flowing produ (Use rd, pars, incon se, and enlsion) Laptop Vv i) Motrite ii) Mirseope ‘Transfom he following a directed in the bracket. 1) Ieha been suggested that she shou forget er past AmLEYS i) The thieves have 1 be caught by him (Active) i) Shuthe doce. wil you? ite) » iv) One sold ot gore is pret’ vin (BE) Hay, go down and bring a glass of water for me, (polite) Tearsfom the folowing sertenessindeted eo) 4 Hard work sees fr yout ge FEMn Campoend ) Thoow ate san ncigetstudentSimp) +») Shewil goto the cinema and wath the movie (Simple) | Myrseach explores the su of plain ci ipo a Scanned with CamScanner 7 POKHARA UNIVERSITY 2. 2) $100.9 fee acta hn on a 300 N back aged On Mt Loe tor Steer Spe Year Tce ple The carice o ion sweet oh or epee BE Ftv 100 te pea 05 anu = 0.20. Deine Wl (Coase: Apt Metis Pests Socket val ton Cans re reed get nverin tion word for cee ‘The wer nthe margin indice fl mars Aten al the question, 1. 3) A square fountation mat supports the four columns with the eine the magnitude and pot of LT he foe lade trig shown, De pplication ofthe resus ‘Write down the wes of I. Find the forces in different member of ts. ) Cable AC is 20 motes lon, andthe tension in tht cbl is 23.5 IN. Determine (the 3. abd component ofthe free exe by the cable on the anchor Ci the anges 88, an 9, defining, the dies 1 ofthat force, 3. 8) Find the co-ordinates of centroid of the composite aa fom 75, reference ofX and Y axes. Scanned with CamScanner and Y aes sing the metodo ct interstion having Ho mass. Ips besween block A and inclined plane is 4 (0.6, Determine the aeclertion ofeach bloek an tension in exch cord. a 300%, 6, «) Two blocks A and B having mass 300 kg and 900 kz 9 1) Find te moment of inna ofthe tea bounded by cave about X75 respectively Hart fom ret, The pulleys are frictionless and 4.) Wit down sbout the ites types of supports. Dr SFD and 3+ [BMD of th given beam Insel shown in gre and also” 12 a a 1) A soa bob of mss 5 kis atached oa svngotlength2 mas 6 eae a t shown in figure Its allowed t revolve ina bron cleat re ‘constant peed of ve. Determine thetesionin he sing and 2 {eee = ed - j 5 tiene ma re ae j wee ea ean eee 1 eye oy one tent perborate gee WEE peice Heat a tenn s ih ihon 4 seca mine he de veloc, 1D) comes SReeP and scope of Applied Meshancs Te fn and rics of HVA of he pat, oortnate system and its type = ©) Couple and is property .oeee ; Sree a eh ci ‘ Scanned with CamScanner

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