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Definition of Review Text

Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie,

video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like
a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance,
such as a live music concert, a play, musical theatre show or
dance show.
Definition of Review Text

You can also write reviews in the form of review text for goods or
services. For example, you write reviews about car brands,
skincare, wedding organizers, and many more
Purpose of Review Text
 Provide new information in the form of product descriptions,
evaluations, and criticisms for readers or the general public.
 Explain in detail regarding the quality, advantages, and
disadvantages of a product or work.
 Apart from the general public, this type of text will affect the creator,
author, or owner of a product. If the author provides a good text
review, then indirectly they have promoted a work or product for
 As a medium for providing input on products/publications made by
creators, authors, or owners. This of course can be a provision for
creators, authors, and owners so that they can produce an even
better product/work.
Generic Structure of Review Text

 Orientation : Background information of the text.

 Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or
recommendation. It can consist or more than one.
 Interpretation : Summary of an art works including
character and plot.
 Summary/Conclusion : The last opinion consisting the
appraisal or the punch line of the art
works being criticized.
Generic Structure of Review Text

 Orientation : Background information of the text.

In the orientation, you must introduce a product/work that will be

discussed in the audience. Starting from what the name of the
product is, who made it, its history, functions and uses, or a
general description of something to be reviewed.
Generic Structure of Review Text

 Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or

recommendation. It can consist or more than one.

Well, the evaluation paragraph generally contains advantages,

uniqueness, quality, and what do you think is striking about a
work or product. For example, if you make a text review about
skincare B for acne-prone skin, then state what the ingredients of
the skincare are, how the packaging is, then whether it is effective
for curing acne, and so on.
Generic Structure of Review Text

 Interpretative Recount : Summary of an art works including

character and plot.

paragraphs containing the author's views on the work or product

being reviewed. So, in interpretation you can also make
comparisons or show comparisons with other similar works or
Generic Structure of Review Text

 Summary/Conclusion : The last opinion consisting the

appraisal or the punch line of the art
works being criticized.

In this case, the author can also add criticism and suggestions for
the owner, creator or author. In addition, this section serves to
confirm to the audience whether a product/work is recommended
for use or not.
1. Using simple present tense

 Simple present tense adalah bentuk kalimat dengan kata kerja yang
menunjukkan suatu aktivitas di masa sekarang. Karena tidak
bersifat terikat oleh waktu, maka review text sangat cocok untuk
menggunakan tenses yang satu ini.

Contoh kalimatnya begini:

 Aroskin Retinol Serum is a serum clear gel texture that feels thick on
the skin. Even though it's thick, it's not heavy and tends to
absorb quickly. In addition, this serum is fragrance-free so it
doesn't emit any scent.
2. Using adjectives

• adjectives pada review text memiliki tujuan untuk

memberikan gambaran tentang keadaan sebuah produk
atau karya pada pembaca.
• Contoh dari adjectives seperti bad, good, expensive etc.
• Kalau melihat contoh pada poin 1, yang
termasuk adjective adalah thick, heavy, and fragrance-free.
3. Focus on specific participants

 Specific participant adalah sesuatu yang memiliki objek

tertentu, ia tidak bersifat umum dan hanya ada satu.

Nah, karena review text mengulas tentang suatu produk atau karya,
tentunya objek yang dituju pun bersifat spesifik. Contohnya kamu
ingin mengulas film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of
Madness, judul film tersebut tentu hanya ada satu, kan? Contoh lain
adalah novel Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata, and many more.
4. Using long and complex clauses

 complex clauses adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas satu independent

clause serta satu atau lebih dependent clause/subordinate clause.
 Independent clause adalah inti kalimat yang bisa berdiri sendiri. Sementara
itu, dependent clause adalah klausa yang bergantung pada kalimat inti.
Nah, biasanya kedua klausa ini dipisahkan dengan tanda koma (,) untuk
membentuk sebuah complex clauses. Selain itu, ditandai juga
dengan conjunction atau kata penghubung. Kita coba ambil kalimat dari poin
nomor satu:

Even though the texture of aroskin retinol serum is thick, it's not heavy and
tends to absorb quickly.

 Pada contoh di atas, terdapat konjungsi even though yang artinya “meski”
dengan fungsi menunjukkan pertentangan. Umumnya, tekstur cairan yang
kental akan sulit untuk meresap pada kulit, akan tetapi serum dari Aroskin
mampu menyerap dengan cukup cepat.
5. Using metaphor or idiom

 metafora adalah kata atau kelompok kata dengan arti

yang bukan sebenarnya, melainkan sebagai lukisan yang
berdasarkan persamaan atau perbandingan.
Misalnya seperti ini:
Aroskin claims that their retinol serum product can brighten the
face within 1 month. I think it's wrong, because the serum can
make my face compete with shiny glass in just 2 weeks.
 Tujuan dari metaphor tersebut adalah untuk membuat teks
lebih enak dibaca, sekaligus bisa mempengaruhi audiens
bahwa serum yang diulas memang layak untuk dicoba.
5. Using metaphor or idiom

 Sementara itu, idiom adalah serangkaian kata yang tidak bisa

diartikan secara harfiah.
Contohnya adalah sebagai berikut:
I think this music can make a lot of people feel as snug as a
bug in a rug.
 Kalau secara harfiah, snug as a bug in a rug artinya adalah
nyaman seperti serangga di permadani. Padahal, makna yang
sebenarnya adalah “senang/nyaman”.
Review of
Top Gun Maverick

• Top Gun: Maverick is a 2022 American action drama film
directed by Joseph Kosinski and written by Ehren Kruger, Eric
Warren Singer and Christopher McQuarrie, from a story by
Peter Craig and Justin Marks.
• The sequel to Top Gun (1986), the film stars Tom Cruise as
Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell reprising his role from the
original, alongside Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm,
Glen Powell, Lewis Pullman, Ed Harris, and Val Kilmer. Top
Gun Maverick released in the box office on May 27, 2022 by
Paramount Pictures.
Review of
Top Gun Maverick
• This film tells the story of the great naval aviator of more than 30 years,
Pete Mitchell who is assigned to lead his juniors on a mission. Pete only
has less than three weeks to make all his juniors have the skills and
strong mental to carry out the mission.
• The mission that must be carried out is quite dangerous, so the juniors
must have jet maneuvering skills and also high concentration. The action
of chasing fighter jets in the air is one of the stunning displays and the
main attraction of this film.
• The most unique fact of this film is about Tom Cruise operating a real
fighter jet. At first, he was skeptical about this project, but the production
team twisted Tom Cruise's arm by sending him to the Naval Air Facility in
El Centro (California) to ride an F-14 until finally he was convinced to
take this film.
Review of
Top Gun Maverick
• Reportedly, Top Gun: Maverick managed to earn Rp 11 trillion and
became Tom Cruise's most successful film. I think they really
deserve it. This film not only emphasizes the skill side as a pilot,
but there are stories of family, love, friendship, competition, and
friendship. This film deserves to be the best film in 2022.
• If you are a person who likes action or adventure genre films, then
this film will amaze you. Tom Cruise's expertise in "playing" fighter
jets amazed the audience. You will have a great experience if you
watch it in a 4D cinema.
Analysis language feature of the Top Gun Maverick Film

1. Simple present tense

Top Gun: Maverick is a 2022 American action drama film
This film tells the story of the great naval aviator of more than 30 years
2. Using adjectives
Have the skills and strong mental to carry out the mission
The mission that must be carried out is quite dangerous
3. Using specific participant
Top Gun: Maverick is a 2022 American action drama film
Top Gun Maverick released in the box office on May 27, 2022 by Paramount Pictures
Naval Air Facility in El Centro (California)
4. Using long and complex causes
At first, he was skeptic about this project, but the production team twisted Tom Cruise's arm by sending him to
the Naval Air Facility in El Centro (California)
5. Using metaphor and idioms
The production team twisted Tom Cruise's arm by sending him to the Naval Air Facility in El Centro (California)
Let’s practice!

Task 1
Please make a review text what you want with generic structure!

Task 2
After you make a review text with generic structure, please write
down the analysis of language features of the text!
Let’s Practice!
Please read the text and answer these questions below
based on the text!
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