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classmate. Page No -4 CRN ot GEO Dame | Aaysh Shrestha Rodos OF Sobyect Physg Date * 2d%/03 /09 Signadort 2 Aayosh Scanned with CamScanner CPw- 04) pye Wo- 2) QE==O) BP Sipe Wavmorg of _periode 2st. Dike mation Ws an yeesespectia2? type mohen ia which bay osc Mate Fa direct an im suck 2 way thet ‘Festoring force por Kon ab do kisphacement from mean pesifion SC absay ofirected fowards mean position. Cortera fecfer— ‘ (25x { Qe yu / £ fF] G aaa Figz Compound —pende Jom 7 Covsider & compornd _pendefo- of meas ™' | free ye voiate__oboed e | hovizort a2 Bris Pessina through omt Of sospensirn 5” Wwe ar shows in a Agu, 2g J bibriom paifim | que cenbe of ayauity *G! In | perhea Dy Gefet 8y* Te dane between 5 and” uo G is 2" Support — an angle" eo thd it conte 55 Gi we Fre Pendyom ¥ du placed sRighthy taco of geevity shuts 5 ghovon im grt figorr. Pork sariys | Scanned with CamScanner 7 uA ea = = ote RS. Wer Keely nants oileavl Tat G's) Tt aeewsbhety z : Sotering derque anit Jewd to being The povelo Lom bac i 1 k At? ts evigiwad positon. 9 emevorterive ti iocqucilis avn by Te omy CQw) Tad mg hSine --- G) Pejative S55. yicate ted forpe 4 in ood oppasi dive chron be that of pigular dis pla cemend. MoT be tus wroment of ynrevba 9 eFi given ani audi be the angose accelera How Hhen TR = De - --G) Prom (1) dad CED. Le = ye De = Tage 8-H r i i.e. angler accelerabor zs divecthy paporfouag & angolar Guspldomend tad uw divected fowted mean J osifon This mean the pendidom enceudes Angolo~ cl heemewic we tion.” Com parisimm Os? Ci) with eon SG Saeed MS” = R/T fe 2s peat f tr 5) 2nf 2 sk BS ce Be ==>€p} ea. é Scanned with CamScanner TA Ds be the. uimmend viet tant’ Racy: Sbhsothen Bws paring dave agh dhe center af psa ty thes, Tet wut = CB) Camere Ke cedisy of Gye ew’) Then moment of neta abast aa ans af Sospewiay wSing pava hed ts theavem | pe eee: 2 T= mk +uQ™ 727 Cos From Cu) and Cui) Te en [rv tug? moh Oo -(-s 7 DR kr 4 pt awd z= z > Tz on / “e/g 40 am Ovid 2 This is the z Kuwe peridd of Gaposnd emda ce, PendoPon of Yensth, sree thet of simple Qensth of /yvrtent ear Poe MER Thy Ss eal sim pe PendoDom ta : Warn, Sin fice 2? ae ys _posrb™t tee Length z <2 Lis aways Greater quan dength of osc Ma fin Sons pe orel Perdelom 2 sid te rey : & Is 4 ~ ceuter o Sasay 5 Rie beyond fhe center of quasity Scanned with CamScanner ln Atvchengeats Oily of Center of seosponsian And ose Ota Bex We here, fe ered af —aompornd Pendens T= af + 2) l oe ee, mi —¢ let k*/Q =Q' ets OO opal From Ci) and CH) Te [fae . va [ebay ey T F QeICL'+ 2)LZ5 Spee yea) Woo, He Center ef osc aker wv made canter of + i 1 sus persion boy inverting He pendaQor Then Kure C9, K a a ke, = pe sa wh 5 fe Ty, sea, Q i. fom Ci) and Civ) saa. 2! re, in us 2'| Jy KE ET ee its) 3 ff Peo Gt) and QI), Te jee. contro sspomtda end ceutesot gs h Gata, Can be. jatderchange de Scanned with CamScanner al et) 2 U7 Tae persistence of gost for _sowe Ave even wen athe Ul Serre ef soon hes comed is casted xeverbecalitn 4 is _‘e coe 40 Hee woh fpbe elQerton of seve! fysm Sheer varios pay of the hall. Satine . LormoQ& For Reet Yeration me. ok Gee and &f 7 fof alsoephen in EL instant of Hue St Aen, va wret 2 - ht Y r Ts aw states shandev a reer keraber woe iy Awe Awe taken by kbe walenity of Somd # (202 ore mi btioth (yori) of te exiguead tensity after uv cat of f, Ane octginat _sesve khak the Sy Are dhe Abyos pon coe Rcient sie He orm or asl 2vad ot ™me Let Gat Be pete oF VARS soxf20er : ere Aue respec hve Brems macage vale ef Re atser phon is yen ey, Dy Sa + Ary +43 Sy te Sat$pe $y trr- Scanned with CamScanner classmate, — 8 whee ¢ is the dedad socface _ae®, 28 By statstical method, Seger shoved that fr Soma e Frae Dy an atiege clidance {4V | betucen two _ Us7 — Soteepive refMechar ,where vy usQeme of the won, —— TE uv be the vetetity of soond tn 8°, Aven hue __— bet” poe Soccemive eefdeckon = distance trevedled —_ wedacity 4 = — 4 us Cs vu _— Fe AY Seed, a se = In Hu (Su second the nomber of eQechonss 4. In A sec pre “nom ber of ve Mech * sv [Av 2 The nomber of re Mechons in ‘“€' gec 2 So & as 4 Dl] That meas the average ne. ot veblecKou jn fine “t” suk fav, E Ad ove vefiertion the fraction af Soond a diov bed 2 ® Frakes ot sound fecha = (1-& J After two ve Mechon, facken of soma retlected= (41-3 )ct-3) _ In Set ve(Dechen Fracten of Coond 1 Lect ~ Av 2G4-a) svt/4s-~Gi) ~ i—~ SS Scanned with CamScanner \ FE Te be the initial jmtapity of Sound and Te be the afler time Y secoves then iokinatty + o£ soond Tee a) svt fav 27 Gi Tig me. f / ‘ Do G0 Acerding to due defini hon of revevberakion Ree,” wPe = PO = -- Gu) Le Frm Cii:) and Civ), (1-5) Serre 107° At stanlard “fine, £= T Ang taking Loy on beth sider, ye 10 = ty CAI] + Sut koe Cre ) ra) 2.8026 Pejgs 10° au BD 2.sere x6) 4u z svt Love (1-3) fe ffs (Se > Bot Pye Aas reghecb ng [ge tage Ct > 3026 ~ (-6) x4u ~- te) se Loge (1-3) : sigher ovder a) . a -a -& “ya <- zr “Z ferny we set, - = vi) Scanned with CamScanner | Prem Cv) and Cui) T= 2.2026x (-6 ) x4v soa) =) Tt 2.3026 (-6) «Av ~330 C2s) 2 Tt on6?u, --- Ci as From (i) ant Con) » Te 9.16 = - cw Ez This gh is the Sabine’) CoemoP2) for rwberver ition be. Tre ever beration Kme depend spon the Sofone of dhe room and — dodal absorbing power €as at the he Ot. 2.? For 1+ cease Tene! 2 F O.1S¢y aS oe 1S = ong eo Ce) aes For 2°¢ corse, = TA = aay ee ay i ASF SoOw Ww for 27? case, Ts Oy cs) KS + Bea H, = Scanned with CamScanner | Bwiding C) by GH), a ac 2 Xf + Sooan say al ws TL ee asks = Tay + FOCI oe &. Ta, = Foun pp 0-1 Xs “Foden =O —- Ge) Agan CVT GH), pthied.S xs + FOOun ‘Te os ow 1s Os Tes = pocam --- iw) ah €q> Cv) Ci) _| 4.6 —T) %s 5 £00k Tw O.1 XS Fe or S| al Bo 1s -T £ 0.17 > XS Fa oy (1.s- TT)? = O-2T Fal eo 10.5 ~F#T = ort Pa oo Tt 4, 34sec ie SMS Scanned with CamScanner classoate Sustained Interference The _inter-forence pattems oRmthe screen are said to bo tained if they pemain Permanent (Hern. The condifie ee sudnivect wherfernco are 9s fo Mow) aD The fuc sovrces of fight most be coherent ‘The fwr Soveces Bre Said 42 be Coherent if dtey ennt ward VVVV\\V\\\ fontinvorshy of f ane wave Rewgth or frequeety and aon have & cowteurt hese hfforene. 27 Tre Ruptitoder ef wave) thoodd be egval 32 Tre _sovrces wished be mmochwma hc. u> They “ot be ven close do each ‘other, S>| Tey shortd be pomt sore or Lory metred Soorcey_ 6>| The cveen shoul! be for fam source, for maximum and minimum —jnteisity, Let vr _covsidey 5, and Se be Fwr heren+ covrcey of Rijrt which _proclace jniefacence fringe _ let pl be the pond lon seven. ope = &finel &, Suppose Y, = wt be the sae 5, PO diced be Sq yee Sin Cot 16) be the wae prdota by S. Ht vhee 6 ow the phere difference befucen waves freon Bnd & vs ¥ Scanned with CamScanner Lf LLLL LLL EEE eae) Ge—=0 fren the ese Mand Spb ataent iat “wte given by . YF ya + 24s Mind + asin Cote oJ 2» + 2 al Snot + Smut Cosh € Coot Sin 6) D Ysa Cont Ge Ssh ) tert Gab t -O tet 9 C1+ Gs) saad --- 1G) and alind = Ase --- Gu) \ Sobs Kb a5 Gi) med CH). rn G) ye A CSinet Gro + Goset Sina} 2 y= ASitot +a} --- Cv his tis the reoddant wave eg eth amplitah A. * Now pearing And adleing Cit) and Gi, A2GP°O TArtsn?d = at CO Gi 6) © ated l i iy, | oy, peokea a* C2 Qe: $7 DUAR dart C1 Gos] z Supa - 4a Cos? B -- ) es 2 diz _“sqotrt of _amplifide use cen rife Tnteaity CL) = A* a fe ol ak fost 7/2 oo ee. ar l[sintd + eo) = ar? C14 Berd cosh tsin'h) Coke. fue intensity of ware cirectLy proportioned +: # i q Scanned with CamScanner all clascnute. Foc manner intearty Cost 6-41 ee Gstba 2641 ce SF /2 > Cgn® Orin 9.4, 2,4, + - hf 2 2 ih oo bt dn. ror Cui) Cphuedite) We hae yelatian befween path aifference, Path Stl ~ Aue Prae aif. 2r rs ann 2k Path diff. = n> a allot) This is the cowl fy mad niniom radewrity pie, baght Fringe, Ber mitnimom Wi ty Ces bf 20d ne cx $f. =O or CoB 2 Cos Cdatt)mr n20.4,0,.-- r > > b6rOntt a --= Co) pe pets aiff. =X Cmead nr an c) path wh ~ Qutt) a wr - Gu) eC This ts the Condit, for minimus intenity ie. dak Artnse. Scanned with CamScanner = | Civer eq is, yt 4% C004 %-26) contemetrs > 4b ~asme (2knx — 0.048%) Comparing with, ys Ase Cot en) ve get, Anpdiavte (A) 2-4 Anooley feqaoue, = Dn vad op anf = 2 oy RA cyche per sec. Again, wane nomber , ke > o.01k 2 QR. > o.0tnK a oy eA? Oe ©.04 oo NAS - ZOOM >] Ped vo Betty of pare 2° frepety < Save Qensta ~ | oy A TEA =A pe NSN = met wu = 0~s Scanned with CamScanner - classmate, Cz—=0 5. Cee pon Je The ewblifin of every shat ed ebich He we, of any — Are greater im Wigher energy skate is called pe podetia, s Waverton — a The process by which poplation “mevesion is cexri@d oat a is cabled ophkeal pom ping, = Helen — Neo aser, S see ay - fo fn cle He-Ne en | otf miter Os A hes ede 65294 [ < U 4 EE Rear witron _ Z Ze 901s wndroet Helive Neon karen is anatomic Laser which empleys a fo Bere R psmping schome. Te ache nediom the prinfore ef 10 part of Hebien. and 1 partot Neon. Reon ahny are achue couttr and have enevyy Seveg site ble for Deven fran sitdn. Comte Kon [+ conte of glass lsche-se fobe aboth Sem Oru, and TSem i didmefer, Te toe UV Ad~ed with Helio Aad Neon gad aw the raDS 10/4 Lec fredoy LLL ITLL TELA Scanned with CamScanner classoute fey fee in the duke te produce a discharge in a 9%- Te a onsite te tigh veldaye Coke ) pew soppy, as oe fealed with “spay wsindeos orien fad at Brew iey f the anit of dle. and marort 2 arranged entema hey. het ony» Gaeryy Aetster divag hs CHediom Font olisina 7 o —— — | tt a : efecto ~ Wo Ce Soa" De enadahon aaa I ottes - ee Energy Pevebs ot Hediem and Keon efony and befweor the BD fove Ds. train hor pC Bectric Bele a Cateade. |S Ft switched wn ——| Gbedemo-d | — : Mies oven JD4age abot dieu 2crew = Bie iia eben te APS ere ¥ pd ‘sothciond —fe_ionne a ; and ss ro docad ™ The Ge echo the ee; of ajscherse et acce for ate tower He qd) cathede =p. & SUSU A HGH? (ae ee Scanned with CamScanner Ter umees fs cfechon, have smaller wats, they here higher Le fleu'ty Bincl teaser tue Kinetic energy to ato of HeDiog Bnd ae erety prem Pte fleved Prand Pe aia fig at every 19-8-ev ard 20.1 eu Mp. Me Gueted cheliom adowd can “tho to the normal gee te boy Ara feciny bere energy f_ Nkow ato {nro qs Silvia ulhis called vesusn(® “dvavstey of erergy. Te etwergy Bead x tnd Es of Neon cowmerde with — ewergy Reet GF, and Fs of Hed TeerePre Rieon atens excited ® Devel Cian & Vy Thi tre pomping: Hecwawums eof He-Ne Lary, We bored E. aud Gof Nem ators eye metaable staty feeG re 2s the ollision go on pNeon ator eeccomoll2te in Ee eud Ge tAt ardinacy demp - Gy and & Qereds aye aparely popohated bast popohatiron pave was is acheud ween Ce te & Ee be & and Cu “ 12 Ee bh & cawerpenly fo loser ER vege. ef 533008 ——~ wD Ee FE: Serves pends fo fee Gaver frdmition of is red coer at 68p 4m, Wi2 Cad Cz borrespondy fe IR beam at wore Dewth ATSOD AP. Tre re oft fo gpowlaneoss by omitted prot CE, te & J. may Arigger Raver action. Maal Khe Neon atom i dentited by, eblaion Oth aly Rnd fresh cycle BW started, Peoces— Heye — HeX~ F eg Crane elecpon arth Reser gefou) He” tue 7 Reed” 3S Scanned with CamScanner Jeri \ Liner met clentity CH) = 52Sgm/m S25 po 100en SSB = = 0-S2Sky fon eesioh CT) = ASN Amptitde (A) > 3. Sam 4 2 g.s x40 Preq vera, Ss fmMHe Yate Poo, Wedlecty of Fray vere shing loony Sheek Kea” Shiny [ae yt Viyu = [4s V o-Ses Scanned with CamScanner And wt art 2 Dr ~ 4p ae oe & = VRE LE wae teave ling Ng -ve dae they yt Atin Cot he ) eo ye genes 7.540% 58 Qaonk + 67.56%) VV \V\V\\V\V\\\ Tac thee th nce Pract pooh ert The aevage cate at which wae fvavsport enev Pz 4 pustat - 4, 0.6256 9.2 C2n ¥7129)* a g Cg. sv tos) fp P2 9.8NW. S.2> [a terfecence Difbxac Aon Vis the rewlt of inteachon [> [tis fhe berde of of Sight goninp Fen fwo interatton ot Light Conins hl. whe beets aviginahn: Rom oliffeeat pact of From tue _cprevent cose Ane same wave Frowt wl prterRrinee Ceargey may or [rDiffrack fringes Oe at of me_aret be of the 7 the same dd SGno We, Scanned with CamScanner SLL IIL ILIA classmate. oe=9 | Franhofter: simado ad. A 7 iy ba i) 2 | s Qn == a es mal pe Je ope Ary of parables beam of Qighd Coors moma he) 35 inciebat on a cSt AR of width “dl. the difhackd rays are focsed on 4% Screen. SF R comen evs Ly where we pet ditkac tyes — -feingod > The Bigat wave fraveDing mn ethe Same creche a the trident ~Righd ware, focs at Point 'O' ro, center of the Screen» Pr the Center of | Screen 200 the vay meet Bt same Prave i-6. dheve i ne path dfemwe There fore» couptad fringe is bright called, principle manima’. The path dy fferrnw befveen fue rays fom A 2ud Bo veaching ot pornd -P 2 BN + boo from AABN, Gu? = Rv. AK =) PBN = ABSA al P BN? dime .-- GJ (2 path__oitfertnce is equa to the ate fog) oe apt flven pout P vill be tre pitrou. of mimimen tpiesity pe, KH ASind = 2A Scanned with CamScanner “aed | Pe In fis care thes 04 is clividedl into oo epsak pach 7-2. the we te ware Tewt vy divided Fe inte AC and DC , nel if the path diffetne@ bef ween Ka Ire wee fom A and B SS ey, path difference from fp md C will be Fi/p wae Pe path difennC @- betwen sane from Band ¢ wild be A/2+ fs dhe! poimt im Copper N20" f et Ae the coxreypondiny gant ww Gover halt of bc, dhey inter foe dordrcfvety Bret correnpending psivt wt we dak Sinidachy TF the path dif@ 22), then we can divide vhelo warefrond, inde UU eyoal pact so lay He woman vealtimg GE ccveen aS foe Hint + indeus ty. Ta geneva © foe dark” Gingo, IENOnPul 2a 2 ocd Geen? 72,500 2¢ 9D tf ve divide fhe whelo waefort inte 28,7 4-- choo of te ware Canced each other and remaining ene venfoeros He bright - frince and cov rehpo ndny point wif be bight, ‘In spoeedl for _brighd fine, AGAO. 2 Caneq)y -- Cw) nz 1283, 2 Lek Ya be the pst of a > winima aud be the dadance between SMH Bad seven Whey fom ACPD, Tin Ba Yam == Cy) (eer Sme4R 6 Tara (Sea On ee Scanned with CamScanner ae Mele | ff ff classmate % = — Fom Ci) and Cu) | EV On DA 2i--. Cv) and On? Y, =. PGs) Proms C vi) ancl Cui)” “oe iy) °F Ya ee a ee) a Tre. dlifference befveon two censecufte minim ya irate ee PB pi(ortddAn = nJd’p =B a Jd Pp: Chet -n3 =B a > 6 > AD. t oaC lw!) oJ oa Daily for ahime ost? fun costerahro waned nt fee aiffer om x = C2daetAd = 1a) dD Scanned with CamScanner » Civ) avd (9) dyn = Cu) Bren eg” Civ) ted (0) elf Cont 3 = Cone Ad - - Gd) | ee SS a es a ee | & \p Lantrzt- n-) =B 2d BD Boi AD oe Gi/ d The width of Confeal manima is the dittawe between the first minims on esther side Of central Anima [fcc be He dance _of Aint minima hom couder Ay as of seeen dreous width of - ceuteal vanime © Zot bot « = AD /Y Central wid th = 2AD Ld Sb? Time _wdepordem| Schvodingors egos fen, ue the pettoBal otis He fuch of space ve, t ven with the position onky> tre sthradinge! eq% weg te SimpDifel by semaving 2B fence do ey The ve dimenjonad Penefon P of an onreshicted by parbcDe 24 be &ordten jn tee form, Ve BRIE PANO Ae = —— / Scanned with CamScanner B whee Po = fe ~_1 PX mat 1 means Wp is He produce of 2 pantin lepeufout- donB™ Po Rud R_pme dependent" foncfm @ “a+ Diteen ating ea" CG) wx. fon we eT) AP one ed dh a ‘| {2d ee EB ans OD Sina dat | gh Cl ents & met, Dgzim el pffere nba Bag 5 et Cw) ~~ wi | eR 1 Lp ee ~j) and Cv or aedee ay 4 ek = TAS : Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner =a \ oo se + lu Ce=0) ¥ =0 a aut ED - 7 Three forme indopawent Schrodine epuehen. o L 6.62 - Sope . Rost tance R= PL _ A - Lx A = Vodene <= cost ef RJAL 4 OA +O 4A BL ~ DA Cromericably) Lo B= ee _ A ~ AR ~ B2 , OA- AL (2xO.L)zON Weare > Z bf 2 7A z 7 + 0. UZinetuee in revitance 11 foond., ~ N “~ *, “ i. ss & \

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