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classmate. Mamet Aapsh — shresdha RoM wot of Cass CR Engineering A? Schoo® : scrood ef Cngimeorivg Sobject + [hermad Scionco Date: 2038 103/44 Signore | feos Scanned with CamScanner RoQh ne et — Gems Page No-4 4a) [Ea sobstance _enists as Diqoid at the catorabon temperatne and _projore itis called a s4atwuated Digorid. [Ff the tompe atore of the Diguid ts Qouer Hrew the Sahsra on Heraperzrtore Anew enishnq prevwore it ip CaQQed either A_subconfled Vgurd e Canprene Nigel. if the Presore is qreater than satyafon prose fr the Given femperatore . Ac fhece &e three different types at Digeid slede- 5, the? Bre tnree sectiow in citam pftable, Scanned with CamScanner 1b) Pay e 0-2 6 caso 2) | Give Press wre CP) 218 bar. 1900KPa = 4.9 Pa Dryness Aeaetion, 1 = 0.35 From steam keroge be = 0.0011 6492 vg = 9.1103} Spenfe Vz vege xlu,-vs) volome, = 6.00716%52 + 0.85% €0.1103F — 6.007167 52 ) = 0.034 n*/ky PEE EEE EEL Ty Tre zevth Jaw states that vhen tus rdies have equa hi ty of fenporatere witty = thicd bedy they in bw ave equality of temperature Ith each other. This seems obyios fe os becacte ~e tre So” with Hic experiment. Recawte the princi pe Arms SVE devivable from other fear and becase it snot the fiat urd Second Jrarst of themed ynanig, precedes Boye 1c20 _ pesentation of fhermodymanicn if is im 4he CeBhed the aevth Qee of Hero ewe dlynaniSe Ty Yas is yess of fem po cature mutaure mindt - Cyem dose readhy the ed eqoality of femperttor® with the fthermemcte a bedy hh Tre rob hed we orn genes of ed do relate taper 2torss might read on AdRent mercury Thermometeys . Scanned with CamScanner Page Wo -38 Gz—=0 i aE Trae pein, Melting ‘ Kpaporet hes Triple pont —SebIim2hon h [ \ sokial \ \ \ l Agi Pet obieqren of water Pet clizgram Csobid- Biguict, Diguid- vAperr, SoXid preserve auc tempers te Phase change at _cowtand tind dermpera Pore, hemor Ft na por) tale poace sahyabior pressure Known 2 fogether puse — enist Ak such pressure _and temp” tere Fore, Tere can be _% nomber of pairs of Suc os which wher photted en P-V diarycem temp. prose and f e_obfferent phase change. The gid and gebbimdtion — eorve P-T. gives_corve Co-eniSt — adlony Co-entt along fosinn vaposr _phave dt phese Te soil ane iQ and the LiQu'd Gud vapore Dine T-C-. Dine C mekhng Lived) Seng _vaporizahon phove _covst aad Scanned with CamScanner Pase ne-4 b> || Given, VE O.4G? V2 0-18? Pe 4 pr Pz d2bar Cu exaw ste sh = 1001} P2 = 1200 t/mn FSET EA = O.4 Pa Py = Ad bar, Ts 2Sp*e 2140 KN/m? Pt 1.4 ba Ty 2 2$0°C -= 2334280 252k = oftiMPa.. . meer exemaitt,.* Prom ideal 92s egoation, me Pv RT = 1200*% 0.46 0.289 %323 zt A2dky The final fompor ative, Te = Tr Pr = Pa = 623% 87.1 12 ™ = 47.34k WE Scanned with CamScanner Gz=0 ) = Taere art _meny siniQacibier betwen heat and work . x ¢ Lil teat and ork are both transient phenomend s sy Syston never possess heat ov work, bot either or ben as Cress the cysten_beondany uhen a_system ondergeet & ee change of Y state “— iL Both — wa heat aud work ave worndaray phenomena a Both ae oma ondy at the rondery of the ee S| tees an eet reper e crosting the loooadayy, “7 wT b ay Sill you neat Gan o _cavetiel te ek: apd vice es an They cane Comer ted fom ove form fo anather - oe Rte second Jaw of Hhermaalynamiel govetss this aa yams for ne Hon - ta peek _enzine can cmt Weak fs de work. ¥ 4 Ja _phermedynami the foLbering sign conventions toe ofa neqahue when heat Te entracted from the system, 6 Oo 5 J Rios ere werk is obone by the gas Cerpansiou) i 15 posi “Beall ce pega _eshenbrvor igh dant _om the 9 ¥ 2 SH cae nent 1s supplied to the System 98 je pune ond E i ang or _s cawaches ). ie tHe een _ deny ecatvre pisos Cinternal one cry s 2 a 5 pov _is ne apve wher deuperatere 420 (internal ‘ . = 3 ener phy. a) Scanned with CamScanner classoute. aie Sega cea Incase of Steam engine, rp y Qin =sAmoort of heat Supplies to stan Sw lbooifer t dem finace Wa F Awoont of ark required te compres) wader to brifer pres. * Weediest 2 WosyerWae Ck), HE Weer oot = Qin —Qpoe 7 I) Incase f com preyer “We ee a Kh ht cs J « (72.42, 4 5) Working of Nozzle | > A vez290 otifises a presse drop te Predoce an increase im_ the kimehc energy aE the floid, Rooncey : 4 i 4 Doicd_ aot om —— — r Scanned with CamScanner | ee ee Bisel esl CNTR Yile et oie oe aig 2108) aoe Hees 7 é i | |? The tertge velocity of lov throvgh 2 no22ve is high, rr — The Steady fos Seer sy egsaton gives: \ Points fo nee hone the Fisic” spends only 2 short time in the norrle. for_ this vetjon Jit may be alsomed phak there ye iwefheent dime for heat onergy te fDod inte or vet of the fleid cluring tts passage through the nerefe, te, QSO. iD Since 2 nerzhe hes ne moving partt pne work energy vill be _pranfeved fo or fom the {vid 0 4 poses fhrough the alee weer \ hh ahechachaslasbatmentsb: She Reco HVD Podenbal energy is genera Dy small enor te 66 neDec ted. \ \ Hence the eqoahor becomes Nash | com [dacs ts (-G= ¢,")s] Oo. ff hs) f SH] Oflen (, is _hepbigrbbe compart wrth C, . In ther case pea the egoation become, t fi fo foals of ni fies fe oem [ fhich) + fay Br et Me ih) 62 Ge f tl ~ he) 09 Scanned with CamScanner The ideal and ached processes A an Acliabaht norrfe, The _porpse of @ rorrbe is to pmduce 2 high T sFrezm sve let 4 PDvid Hear 206 im _ferms “of onerdy, oA Darge kinetic energy, at the prpewe of the fhoid prenore -The cleesiqn yarizbles are f jhe tame ay for a forbme! Pi, T; and & A nerrde is vsvall, assomet de be adiabane 50th that dhe idead preeces Wan _isertepic — preceu from _cdate th stake, as Show in Ag. with the producBon of velocity es. Tha reel peocen is reevers:bOe, oth fue emk Shake ef having a "Darser entropy end &@ Smaller enit velecity Ve effciony "it debntel _ Tee nroz2We rims kine KC of fee y orresponding energies Rez2le ano simple dfovitos ite ne roving parts As d resold ne22le efficiency may be very high [a_Som mary ica Of, © 99 0.39 te lelermVe the efftiene. “y of a device faat Carnes ot precasy (rather fam a 7 cy she) we compare the Actal _perBemance fo nat would be achieved im 4 relate bet we define! cloak precere. Scanned with CamScanner Faye ers =f [#2|| So Seton = 1: SPC | yy 2d hy = TREY), vu, = 0.00107 er Psat = 9.6 kPa tis St 3S MPa, As0°C hs 2 3333.2 Sx 2 9.0054 C.V_ Pomp rev Adiabah'c -We 2 hi-hs Sees Since — incom prerb Ve His eater fe kad wok 4, 9107 (3500-§.6) Meh Ay SSS) SAN - dp =v, (Pr PJ=0-° cid ate =3.$26 Dh zh Me tee Ge 3 -S2¢ = 151.95 Dh = Dore Que hy he 23339,0-194.55 cv. Bode 4 3 aes Fhinha 3 Su 2S | CN. Torbire we SOM =e UAT Ky f pe +x, 09-5261) Tha = 221K 2-1? 22025. WRI M6 Scanned with CamScanner classmate Paye No 1 © Hayete = net hk = be sve) [ous 123 -3-S) /3145.3 6 0.35 hh vw Gb? [Working ot Heat Pomp ancl Refrigerator A_clevice such 44 refrigerapor designed fo mre head frou 2 coke re gion aval franster it te hot region , is essential Sy z heat engine in reene a fo Dowsing” erdrg Fler howy + Pe Qe i Ao -T region A sedrigerator peonsisthe of a fluid Pompeet thoy a cLased System jinvoboes 2 hoy S#p Proce Step 1: The floid paises theoge A nor2be and enjanh info 2 Lo Presse aven «Similar to the oy and disvide tones oot of 9 fue endtapatien Sn ” ees Soin This is” Sarena By tm adia bate On p2rgen. t Scanned with CamScanner Page No- 14 OC classmate 0) | = ae Sep? ° The coon 924 is in theemed eodact with the tanec se Coapertwent of the fide 1 thet op ar boat is 2 4 Aeawfeced tout fom athe Feidgo . 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