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SUBJECT NAME – Export Marketing

MAIN TOPIC NAME – Foreign Trade Policy of Quad

Sr. No. Name of the Student Roll No. Sub-Topic

1 Aksa Reji 01 QUAD’s China Factor
2 Sai Ganesh Ahire 02 Formation of QUAD

3 Mansi Mangesh Avhad 03 Important Decision taken by QUAD

4 Sanika Sanjay Bapat 04 India and the QUAD

5 Suraj Shankar Bavdane 05 Primary Focus Areas

6 Aditya Pramod Bhoir 06 India’s Trade Agreement

7 Siddhant Bhimraj Bidve 07 Indo Pacific Economic Framework

8 Manav Bijani 08 Is QUAD success or failure


Aksa Reji
QUAD’s China Factor
China has territorial disputes with many countries. They consider Quad
as a tool to contain China, as a result the Indo Pacific region has been opposing
the formation of QUAD since the very beginning China believes that Quad was
formed in order to form an Asian NATO in which these four countries are trying
to form a military alliance. But this criticism was rejected by all four countries
Former minister Jaishankar had said that NATO is a term for cold war where as
QUAD reflects the era of globalisation. QUAD’s main focus is World security,
supply chain, climate action and cooperation Technology. Australian countries
says that QUAD was formed for freedom of navigation and overflight and
maritime security.

Sai Ganesh Ahire
Formation of QUAD
Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD) is also known as Quad. It is a
strategic security between four nations. India, Japan, Australia, United States.
occurrence of Tsunami in the Indian Ocean which leads to form alliance among
the nation for disaster relief efforts.
In 2007 prime minister of Japan established Quad. But in 2008 Australia left the
alliance the motive behind the Quad is to keep the sea route free for military
or political influence. It is a strategic grouping, aimed at reducing the Chinese
The Quad leaders exchange views on contemporary global issues and look
forward to handle the situation. India, US and several other world powers, in
recent times, have been talking about the need to ensure, a free, open and
thriving Indo-Pacific because China rising its military power

Mansi Avhad
Important decision taken by QUAD
Maintaining a functional, efficient supply chain can be a never-ending
task for some companies. Supply chains are inherently complex and face many
issues and challenges along the way. While supply chain inefficiencies may
seem like a business problem, it is, in fact, largely a customer problem. To
customers, it rarely matters what the cause of a delay – they know that they
paid for express delivery and they did not receive their parcel in time. There
are some industries where this might not necessarily be relevant, such as gold.
However, even most gold supply chains eventually become customer-facing.

Sanika Sanjay Bapat
India And QUAD
In 2015 & 2018 India launched Security and Growth for all in the Region
(SAGAR) concept and Indo Pacific Ocean Initiatives (IPOI). In 2019 India hosted
QUAD 'Counter terrorism table top exercise' (CT-TTX) in Delhi. India is
deepening its ties with the QUAD members like Australia and Japan.
Is the QUAD good for India? Joining QUAD has both advantages and
disadvantages. The QUAD will make India a preferred destination for
investment especially after covid 19 outbreak. India also has to face some
challenges i.e., tensions with China

Suraj Shankar Bavdane
Primary Focus Areas
The spirit of the Quad is focusing on a free, open, prosperous and
inclusive Indo-Pacific region. The group’s primary objectives include maritime
security, combating the COVID-19 crisis, especially vis-à-vis vaccine diplomacy,
addressing the risks of climate change, creating an ecosystem for investment in
the region, and boosting technological innovation. In recent years, that vision
has only strengthened our resolve to reckon with the most urgent of global
challenges together.

Aditya Pramod Bhoir
India’s Trade Agreement
This part India’s trade agreement say about India's trade flourished,
spices, muslin were traded from India to the outside world. We may also give
example of silk route that passed through many countries of Asia and Europe.
Chinese pottery, spices, silk also travelled from India and South East Asia
through these routes. Examples of regional trade agreements include the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Central American-Dominican
Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), the European Union (EU) and
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The interim Economic Cooperation
and Trade Agreement signed between Australia and India on marks a
watershed moment.

Siddhant Bhimraj Bidve
Indo Pacific Economic Framework
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework was launched by United States
President Biden in Tokyo on May 23, 2022.The Indo-Pacific Economic
Framework is relied on four pillars namely tax, anti-corruption, clean energy
and data and privacy. So far, India has agreed to three pillars relating to supply
chains: tax, anti-corruption and clean energy, but the fourth pillar on data and
privacy is yet to be completely agreed upon. Except Cambodia, Laos and
Myanmar, other Southeast Asian nations are a part of the IPEF. It is a good
start in the sense, that in spite of this initiative being launched on the side-lines
of a Quad summit, most Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)
countries did agree to be a part of it. IPEF allows Asian countries – 13 in all to
sign on to individual initiative.

Manav Bijani
Success and failure of QUAD
The quad nations consist of united states, Japan, India and Australia. The
four pillars of successful project deliveries quad are quality, utilise, accomplish
and design. relatedly, specific issues in each Quad country have heightened
doubts about their relationships with China, as well as its commitment to the
rules-based order. To outline a few: In Australia, there’s the subject of Chinese
influence in politics and universities. For India, there are face-offs at the
border, the effect of One Belt, One Road and the China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor on its strategic landscape, and China blocking its Nuclear Suppliers’
Group membership. Like this there are many issues where quad countries
support each other.

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