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Marie Cruz is considered a villainess of the family. Growing up, she is labeled as a spoiled child and constantly does brash
things to make her parents notice her. She used that pretense to seek her parents’ warmth even though she’s not stupid
to know that she never will be able to receive it because in reality her parents really didn’t love and cherish her but
instead her cousin, Lovely Buenaventura, who lost her parents in at a very young age. After adopting said cousin, she
became her step-sister. Her life became a cycle of internal pain: constant comparison and obvious gap between the two.
But the biggest blow hit her after the accident of her parents when she and her cousin were both nineteen. She found
out in the documents of her parents while they’re currently unconscious in the ICU that it was written in the will that all
sole ownership of the inheritance will be given to no other than her cousin. It was the first biggest blow she ever
received. Anger and anguish brewed in her heart thus escaping to America was her last resort to escape from the
hellhole called “home”.

After two years of juggling two part-time jobs and graduating from an online rural university with a secretarial degree,
she decided that it was time to go back to her home country with two goals in mind: to take a year break after
graduating and to find a sideline job. After being fetched by her ride, she noticed while on the road that there was a 4-
year-old boy with foreign features sitting beside her inside the car!?!?


“Uhm… baby boy, where are your parents? I think you’re mistaking this ate [1]— I mean this sister for another person.” I
admit this kid is quite cute.

Curious, I want to know how will he reply so my eyes followed his every move. He crawled to my lap and started
snuggling his face in between the valley of my breasts. He positioned himself properly by using his arms to support
himself and by encircling his legs around my waist. With puppy eyes, he looked up to me with a cute smile plastered on
his face.

My god this cheeky boy.

Instead of replying, he just made some smooves that eventually will get troublesome once he grow’s up.

Sighing, I lightly scolded him. “You’re beri [2] cute, little boy; but once we get to my studio condo, you behave while I call
your parents okay? You know their number?” He nodded. Hm. I think this boy is matalino [3] but playful. Kids these

But what gave me the second biggest shock I’ve ever had was his reply.

“Okay! That’s mabushi [4] that hway you’ll meesh them. Awlsho becaush I want you to become the waifu of my
Daddiesh! Gusto kitang maging mama, ate ganda [5]!” then he laughed merrily. My jaw dropped and my eyes almost
popped out from their sockets.

“What do you mean ‘mama’!?” and wait…

This kid can also speak Filipino!?

I-I feel scammed.

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