Corporate Social Responsibilities Speech

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Good morning to those present here,

I am Sarvagnya of your class here to present different ways that enable a

company to monitor their corporate social responsibilities.

it is highly important for a company to monitor the proper application of their

social responsibilities as, well.. it just isn't responsible to start something and
leave it halfway. A corporate body must constantly measure its CSR as doing so
will aid it in gauging the viability of said action taken and allow it to make

it essentially lets you track whether or not the initiative implemented is a success
or a failure.

The first step and most fundamental step is Prior Planning.

Instead of making decisions on a whim, it is highly crucial to do some basic market

research to see how the community is likely to react to the CSR that is to be

moving on to yet another basic but absolutely necessary step, Performance


As an accountable business, it is ludicrous to just start a CSR and let it run its
course. There must be constant analysis of its functioning and impact. The data
collected will assist in giving a clear indication of the overall performance.

next, we have the greatly feared Internal audits

"Audits" are just official inspections of a company's accounts done by CAs

and It is feared because it points out weak links and pit falls of a company, be it
poor decisions and initiatives taken or even money launderers. whatever the case
may be, troubleshooting the issues identified by these regular audits are super-
super integral in managing the proper function of CSRs
somehow smoothly segueing into our a-butt-ing (which is a fancy word for "next")
stage, CSR project efficiency & sustainability reports

To be pragmatic, not all CSR plans actually go well, so monitoring the efficiency is
important to figure out if it is viable and achieves the intended results. During this
process, you might come across programs that exceed expectations and others
that just don't not work. You can then decide to direct your resources to the more
effective programs.

On the other hand, sustainability reports play into a more selfish aspect of CSR.

having said that most organizations aren't for goodwill or charity, an aspect of
obtaining returns is taken into consideration. If the CSR carries no benefit to your
corporation overall, there is not much point in continuing it. More often than not
this return is image building and goodwill

Finally, Evaluation before reimplementation

Just because a CSR plan undertaken went well once, doesn't mean it has to again.
with the constant change in trends and focus it is important to revaluate and
calculate the feasibility of the initiative in the current market.

to sum it up, once the process of monitoring and evaluating is introduced into CSR
projects, a huge world of difference can be noticed in its performance.

Thank you.


LEGO’s CSR initiatives work toward LEGO’s mission of building a better world for children. Because they
recognize that playing is not only fun but a vital tool for learning, LEGO has trained thousands of their
employees to become “Play Agents.” LEGO Play Agents help children engage in the kind of healthy play
that encourages learning and growth. Today over 3,000 Play Agents work with children in communities
around the globe to lead them in the kind of fun, creative play that develops young minds.

Helping children around the world achieve their fullest potential through education is one of Google’s
main areas of philanthropic focus. To serve this goal, Google seeks out and supports organizations that
are dedicated to expanding and improving primary education in developing countries. Since 2016 the
tech giant has provided millions of dollars in grants and human capital support to the organization
Learning Equality. Their offline app Kolibri helps level the educational playing field for children who do
not have access to the internet by giving them digital books, videos, and tutorials. Google sent a team of
their engineers to spend a month on site, providing hands-on support to Learning Equality’s product
team. Watch how Google and Learning Equality are working together to help close the education gap for

Xerox, long recognized for their corporate philanthropy, is also a leader in inspiring community
outreach. Because Xerox believes that STEM education is the key to a better future, they have partnered
with the organization FIRST (For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) for the past
25 years.

To have a positive impact on the communities it works with and in, Starbucks develops community
stores that partner with local nonprofits. The nonprofits these stores work with offer services aimed to
meet the needs of the communities they’re located in. Starbucks in turn donates $0.05 to $0.15 per
transaction to the nonprofit partner.

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