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“Literature is a mirror of society”. 

Use any one of the following texts as an example to justify the given statement.

a. Daffodils by William Wordsworth

b. Shooting an elephant by George Orwell
c. The Road not Taken by Robert Frost

Note the following points:

1. Do not write the summary of the text. give relevant answer.
2. Mention the age or literary movement of the text and explain how characteristics of
the age or the movement is present in the text. 
3. Give at least two justifications (or reasons) for explaining in detail how do you think
the text is reflecting the reality. 
4. A complete answer will include:
a. The name and the background of the text you have chosen.
b. Background of the age or the literary movement it belongs to.
c. Relevance of the text with the age or the literary movement.
d. Reasons or the justification on how the text is reflecting the reality of that
5. Word Limit: 600-650 words.
6. You may use headings. 
7. Anyone who is unable to submit the assignment will be given no leverage.
8. Any plagiarized or copied (from any source) content will be given zero without
9. Any work submitted in form of a picture on a word document or any other text file
will be given zero.
10. Any work submitted using the paraphrasing tools will be given zero.
11. Any work with such intervention as all the beginning letters of the word in capital or
adding "s" in the end in order to trick plagiarism check will be given zero.

You will be marked on the following criteria:

1. The relevance of the text with the question.
2. The quality of your content.
3. Logic and reasoning for your explanation.
4. Following the word count.
5. Language

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