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Name ; Mohammad Rafiq

Rg: 56047
Assignment ;2
Time Slot :Sunday(08:30-11:30)
Instructor: Ms. Hafiza Marium Asif

Age of Modernism
The Age of Modernism started around the early 1900s and continued until the early 1940s.
The Age of Modernism was characterized by a rejection of traditional forms of writing in
favor of bold new styles and perspectives, as well as a fast-paced way of life. The
Harlem Renaissance, the Roaring Twenties (also known as the Jazz Age), and the
aftermath of World War I were all significant historical events of the time. The use of
stream of consciousness, abstract thought, and the expression of inner emotions and
feelings are all characteristics of the Modern period in literature.

During this time period, writers began to delve into the depths of the human experience
and its relationship to the world around us.There was an emphasis on the power of the
individual, as well as the use of symbolism to express powerful ideas and feelings. The
Modernist period saw a great deal of experimentation in both form and content, as
writers sought to create a unique type of literature that would speak to the realities of
the modern age

Famous Modernist literary figures include Virginia Woolf, Ezra Pound, Allama Iqbal, and
others. These writers paved the way for the Modernist era, and their works reflected the
changing attitudes of the time. Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, Pound's
The Cantos, Stein's Three Lives, and Iqbal's Payam e Mashriq all left lasting
impressions on the literary world.These works pushed the boundaries of literature and
opened up new avenues for what could be expressed in writing.

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