EXERCISE 3.1-3.5, ASSIGNMENT - Math in Modern World

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| rere 31 1) Both foul and Queenie are hoppy ~ ph4 | 2) Paul plays the guitar provided that he is happy: (ee. P. | 3) IF Pal is orgy ond ploys the guitar, then Genie is nat hope ne (pr) Sead | 4) MVL = Hark is English or Lem is German, 5) ~L = Lemis pet German CY MOL = If Mark is English then Lem i¢ hot Germen. T)MN CHL) =Mock is English ovd Lem is het German. 3) Mv (~ ML) ~Mark is English ov if Mark is not English then Lem is Gevman. Ge ok To Dah od [coi Boe — 4A GS eS | Ekertse 2 pata) av (pve p P| 4 | @Gveavp) pe Pe | Si: [ea if fT palieed lis le lperee [tet i 5) (Sp) M~w9) peli if T d Fin bik trath fly he gen certs steely qivaeat ~ No 1) pV(qAr) and Cpa AC Vr) ofa feo) | [r [a fr | Grenacw))| fi oF 2) flr F F F FIFA fF 5 iLF F \F [F | T [T | i Cie Te T | | Do(~ >4) ond pq ‘| Telaliee=n] (else) reqs ee ES re Lea Een | (PUrS| Tae [FT it. eortel [iia F/B Til Elseer lalate Fi } TIT} iF | | | | From bth tth fably the gute stefenes is tat Telly epivent. — No | 3) ~ lphq) and (vp) OO4) feta Te (pA) [ela [eave j, (Resin Foliage Pec st [cat (RT |) el a a Tip een el ita a liar om bath Trdh fobley the gyn stofencis is lejicaly equivderts- Yes WP x is on odd idee ten is On odd inter” Negetion: f ” Jt xis a odd integer, the is not an old integers s [Rome Mark dames L Badd [ \s/yefie BUE~1n | ‘Exerc 2.4 | ‘WIR « quadei lateral & pot a reclongle) then ib isehebia square.” Converse: “IF it ig not Squart, then a quadrilateral ig neh | a rectangle.” Inverse" f & quedtikterel is a recangle, then if is a Square.” Contra postive: ft it is @ Square) then a quadrilateral ig a rectangles” “Troe” | \ ay if yesterday ie not a Wednesday Jj then tomorrow i¢ pct o Frida " Converse: IP tomorrow is not a Friday y then yesterday i not Ves laverse “If yosterlay is Wedeesda y Then tomorrow is ae x | Contrapesitve: “If Tomorrow is at ] then yesterday is W vedas | “False “ | I Hume Fak Jane + Baile | BuO learyrhus RSC dh 2 oe | Bren 36 DMAWD = lacey Semkes anc Liam do vat drink alechol. WiVvetD ~ Hloery Smoke or if Hacry do not sinoke the Liam do deick alcohol | 3) pAlva) q | Cpa) Le [4 | Chay ceva) as | See (ce | Sea eae iF wo \wianges ave similar , then their Correspoding Side are peogttont Uouivalect Disjundive Form: =F dwo Irhanes” conresporting Gides are net proportional J then he Triangles’ ave ct similar, ” “Po square male 4 ig Singular the det (A)=0.” Negation’ a IP a square watriy 4 is not Sing lag the deh) +0.” Pe ee ee | Faye No pVCpha) awd pore rot legiclly eqivaleat because pV Up) | is twe when p is folse and q ts true) but p is only tre when pig tre be Yes = (p99) awd Corp) 4 are logical equiveleat becavs | if p's False awd gis true, then both statements are i te. 124) a» Invalid ~The first premise Is false becawe if you watch @ movie thot T vant doesnt mean J will come with your The Second | prenise is abo false heving the Same Yeasonng vith the \ Firsh In Cendosion the argurnent is intl boing soil thet Iwill come with you is fale. be Valid ; ‘ | "The ocoumeat 1s valid because. all statements Coinclde with | each other. |f you do not cord after the dve dake, | the ou Shot pay lke thy fe fre Ther in conclusion you will not pay charges is true then the | argument is valid. Cs \nvalia S. ie i wae false because you liking Oranges ove ote er tke the cake. The fe pecnise. Ic asp me Viking the cake dees nat mean you will vit ee ln Cue fhe Satements ave not tive and the argumeat is invalid

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