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How 5 Exercises Can Build You A Hi-Energy Body in 2 Minutes 18 Seconds a Day


THANKS. (I keep adding to the top of this as more data come in.)

The headline above was the original title for this. Then a bunch of people Including me - started having WEIRD DREAMS. So I changed it and it started selling on Ebay Under the title of -

Notorious DREAM Energy Exercise Borrowed from Princess, CIA Agent, Famous Surgeon, Ki Grandmaster, Special Forces Soldier

Then Paul says his cats RUN at him and rub against his legs but STOP and go away when he stops doing the 5 Exercises.

Then Daryl - who is 350 lbs and on disability - feels Dizzy and Nauseated for hours after doing 10 repetitions of each.

So. Be Careful. Start Slow. But make it your goal to work up to 20 or 30 reps of each exercise a day.

It seems that - ONCE AGAIN - we have stumbled and Masterminded our way into something very POWERFUL.

Congratulations! For getting this and using it to Boost Your Own Energy, Power, Electrical FORCE. It does all that and more!

PLEASE REPORT Your Results so we can all LEARN More about the Power We Are Rather BLINDLY building up inside our bodies. Like a Muscle. Or a massive Car Battery! ( ) Glenn ----------------------Ok. More Testimonial Results Pouring in. I cant Guarantee you will Attract Cats - like Paul in Ohio. BUT Something will happen! 100% Success so far except for Daryl and those who quit in 5 days or less. Glenn

(No kidding. Paul says his 2 cats run over and rub up against him ONLY when hes doing these exercises. -After the spins - during the leg lifts)

Where can we put them? Up top. Of course. ---------------------------------------------------Jerri Phone Testimonial I Double Checked with Jerri after she called me - EXCITED after 2 days of Extra Energy Exercise Practice. 1 - She jumps out of bed at 5 am now. Instead of crawling out of bed at 6 am 2 - Her body feels different. (She doesnt exercise at all.) 3 - She is eating Healthier. She feels so energized she cut out the coke and the sugary snacks during the day. 4 - I checked and a coke is 1.75 in the machine - plus snacks - she is easily spending 2 bucks a day. MORE at home - surrounded by food. So - 2.00 X 365 days = 730.00 a year is what YOU Might Save too. (EDITOR - We Cannot Guarantee your results will be the same. Everyone is different. But its a good sign, right?) ---------------------------------------------------Testimonial #2 - hi man
got your message ..thanks for calling have noticed that more women are smiling and talking to me for no reason ...fell in love for a few mintues with this beautiful redhead...hmmmm anyway , thanks for the call.


NEKKID Energy Results-Glenn Big RED Nose Hypnosis Testing Club Ezine #1932

Dear Friend,

Thanks to Bubba (name Changed) Who Has Been Testing The New MASSIVE Energy Exercises for a few weeks.

1st - He reported that Married women come over to talk - Which never happened before

2nd - Then Cute Girls Ask Him to Do Little Chores at Public Events

And Now... After 3 years of walking around his neighborhood for exercise (With NOTHING Going on) hes Got HOT Women Flashing him.

NEEDLESS to say we cannot Guarantee this will happen to you. But Bubba is not the only one this kind of thing is happening to. (Just not as dramatic.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TESTIMONIAL Dear Glenn, Thank you for showing me these WEIRD Attraction Exercises. Now that Spring is UPON Us, I'm back to doing My 7.5 + Mile run/jog/walk. It's been a LONG COLD Winter and I've packed ON a few lbs. since October.

Second week since I started walking again, Third week since I started YOUR Exercises. Last night during the Third Lap of My walk, It began to get a little dark outside. On My route, there was this house with a rectangular window facing the main road that I was on. Light was shining a bit bright from this window that is basically from near the ground to probably 5 feet or so tall. Since the rest of the area was dark, You just couldn't help but look over to see the light. I had just slowed down from a long jog at the time and was about to rest, BUT... Over to My right (where this window is,) I noticed that the blinds were OPEN. Sure, nothing UNUSUAL about that, You'd think... Now, I approach the area in the street where You can see in the window, and what do You think that I see?!? My OH My! It was a NEKKID Lady! I'm NOT KIDDING! She was FIRST looking in a mirror with Her nice butt facing Me... THEN, She TURNS AROUND and I get to see ALL of the Goods!!! Now, just to clarify, I'm no peeping Tom, nor was I planning on looking INTO the window... It was just one of those 'passer by' type things... She looked at Me and I just had a smile from ear to ear, and I put My arm Up, waved, and continued to walk. She stood by the window for a few seconds (what SEEMED like FOREVER!) and then closed the blinds...

I'm wondering, since there is a FULL MOON out there, does this INTENSIFY the Effects of these Exercises? Looking forward to MORE "Fun," so I ain't stopping these exercises any time soon! Thanks, Bubba ================ ================ ACTION SUMMARY I dunno. Whats the proper etiquette for something like this? Two thumbs up? The girl is obviously looking for some kind of approval. (Bubba says she looks to be in her 20s) Thanks, Glenn

---------------------------------------------------INTRODUCTION - The REASON WHY We Can Afford to offer Video Book Buyers a 365 day 100% Money Back Guarantee is... A - QUICK START Energy Outline List - You get a list of each Step UpFront. So you can QUICKLY Start doing the 2 minute 18 seconds of easy exercises. Ok.

If You Are Like ME, You Want to Get Started Quickly.

Here is the Bare-Bones EXTRA ENERGY List That Created The Testimonials - Which we got from the World-famous Surgeon. That He got from His Korean Chi Healing Mentor. ******** (EDITORS NOTE - A Recent buyer said he was Disappointed in one of my 1-of-a-kind Info Products. I summarized the book he bought in 3 sentences for HIS convenience. And he says he expected MORE from me. MY FAULT. I should have Explained that the 3 sentences required buying and reading 3 boring books. Then simplifying the idea and testing it. What COUNTS is your Results. Not how long-winded the content is!) WHEW. I Had to get that off my Chest. Please Dont Be Up-set That Ive Tested the following Info for more than two years. Then Whittled it all down to the next 3 or 4 pages FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. The Rest of the book is where the ideas were borrowed from. AND some Money making Bonuses in the Appendix.

DIRECTIONS - (I can do 10 reps of these in 2 minutes 18 seconds)

Start with 10 reps and build up from there... (Going Fast I can go thru these in 2 minutes 18 seconds) (I have one guy in a wheel chair who is feeling better - with this. He lifts one leg 10 times. Then the other - STILL Works for him.) I - STAND NEXT to a chair - Turn or spin 10 times clock-wise II - Lie on bed or oor on your back - 10 leg lifts Goal is to reach vertical - but 45 degrees is good start III - Kneel on the bed or oor. Grab back of thighs with hands. Bend shoulders and head backwards. Arch back and forward 10 times - gently.

IV - Turn on your back. Support wgt on hands and feet. Raise navel toward ceiling 10 times V - Flip to Push-up position. Support wgt on hands and feet. Drop stomach as low as possible. Lower stomach up and down 10 times IF you get Sudden and MASSIVE Energy call me right away. So I can teach you how to Absorb it safely. (THAT is one of the steps I left out because that step is more complicated.) Glenn 410-235-6789

******** So You Can See - even the bare Bones Energy Exercise List Gives You MASSIVE EXTRA ENERGY.


Heres EXACTLY What I Do Now. Notice All the Additions to the Front and at the End. (Each step is Explained Further in the Rest of the Print or Video Book. But I wanted you to have it NOW. So You Can Start Using this.)

************** Step #1 - I Pant (Pant means short rapid breaths thru the mouth) thru my mouth Until I get a bit Light Headed from Extra Oxygen. Step #2 - Put Your Tongue on the roof of your mouth and hold it there for the entire REST of the Exercises.

Step #3 - Thru the nose - take 10 DEEP BREATHS. Step #4 - Stand next to a chair. Youll need some clear floor. Hold Your Breath and Spin clock-wise. Slow or Fast- doesnt matter. Your goal is 10 Turns on One Breath. (Im up to 20 and I do them fast.) Step #5 - Grab the chair if you need it. (Ive been testing doing the spins with my eyes closed. Or mostly closed.) Step #6 - While You Are Still Dizzy - lie on Your Back on top of the Bedspread. Or on the carpeted floor. Step #7 - Grab your butt or Thighs with your hands. (Tongue still on roof of the mouth. Breathe thru nose.) Do 10 Leg Lifts. Keep legs as straight as possible. Goal is to do more and more. Start with 10 lifts of each leg. Work up if needed. Step #8 - Roll to Your Knees. (Tongue in place.) Grab Your butt or thighs again. Arch your shoulders and carefully tilt your head back as far as is comfy. Do this 10 times. (I roll my head side to side when I bend forward. To loosen out the kinks.) Step #9 - Get into Crab Position on Hands and Feet. Stomach facing UP toward ceiling. Lift and drop your middle up and down 10 times. Your Goal is to lift so stomach is level with knees and shoulders. Work up to that. (Notice I do all this on the bed Except Spins - 1st Thing in the Morning.) Step #10 - FLIP over into PushUp Position. Assume Pushup position on hands and toes. But Raise and lift stomach up and down 10 times. (Im up to 30 reps and it Burns. Quit when it starts hurting. Build up from there.)

Step #11 - HOW TO ABSORB The Energy. Doing this at least ONCE a day creates MASSIVE AMOUNTS of Extra Energy with all kinds of WILD side effects. a - Priapism - An erection that will not quit.

b - Vivid Dreams that you Remember. (Ive been chased by a blonde girl in 3rd grade. Had 4 women buy me a squirrel dinner. All kinds of nutty stuff.) c - Animal Attraction - 4 men so far. (Including me) Have had women come up and do or say something STRANGE. Plus the one guy who Already does pull-ups and lifts wgts. These exercise released PENT UP Potential in him and women are RUSHING at him. Including the 20 year old neighbor Who Flashed him NEKKID thru her window. So.

#11 - The ABSORB or Sublimation Exercises.

PART I - ABSORB Exercise - Sit straight up on bed. Feet flat on the floor. Tongue still on roof of mouth. Shoulders back. Hands gripping tops of legs. A) THEN Raise both shoulders up to ears. B) THEN take deep breath thru the nose. C) THEN Lower both shoulders D) Then EXHALE thru the nose. A,B, C, D above is one Repetition. Do this ten times. And You Are Done.

PART II - The BIG GUNS - Sublimate Energy Exercise. (At some point you may Build up SO Much Energy it spills over. You Feel a Bit Crazed. Heres how You Absorb that.) A - You stand up - hands by your sides

B - You Slowly bend over at a 90 degree angle. Exhale all the air out of your lungs as you bend. C - Then you straighten up. Put Both hands on your hips. (STill holding your breath.) D - You Push down with your hands and feel your shoulders lift up. (Still holding your breath) E - And You HOLD THAT until you run out of air. F - You Take a Deep Breath or two. And Repeat A thru F - FIVE TIMES. This really works. I use it as a last resort when the 1st Option cant hold the Energy Explosion Back anymore.

Ok. Both the Bare Bones Exercise and my ADDITIONS Are thousands of years old. Ive Just Collected them from Different Mentors. Tested them and Compiled them all in The Same EXERCISE. Why do You Need The ABSORB or Energy Sublimation Exercises? Our Modified Version is TEN TIMES More Powerful. Youll Literally BOUNCE OFF The WAlls...If You dont do Something to Control it. So heres where all this comes from and what we think each step ADDS to the Energy Equation. ================================

EDITORS NOTE - The Following Are All the Video Book Chapters. Then the Print Content Below.





CHAPTER #1 - Napoleon Hill Says HIGH Personal Energy is Vital To Your Personal And Business Success A - What Napoleon Hill says is the Most Powerful Source of Energy he Discovered in his Interviews of the most Successful People in the World. Dr Hill says highly sexed, Hi Energy people are the most successful. Makes sense. Without ENERGY wed all stay in bed.

B - How to Take Your Blinders off so YOU Can See This Energy in Action all around You. Napoleon Hill ALSO says that in order to see SEX ENERGY Effects Open your eyes... a - Basketball games - cheerleaders b - Football - female fans c - Rock and roll bands. (All of them say they started playing music to get girls) d - Watch the men at school. The guys at work - in front of women. e - At a dance or at a bar - Things get more blatant. ================ C - ACTION SUMMARY Napoleon Hill says that SMART women - use Sex Energy to Motivate and Reward the man of their choice. Tom Hanks - is almost tearful when he talks about his wife.

Dr Hill talks of the need to Sublimate and Use SEX Energy to accomplish things. Rather than waste the energy in harmful pursuits.

See BONUS Strategy #1 - In The Appendix Section ================================ CHAPTER #2 - EXTRA ENERGY with No Negative Side Effects - Why Im SO Enthusiastic About My Own Results.

A - FOOD ALLERGIES - This is all the Exercise I get. Tomatoes, white potatoes, baking soda, flour gives me terrible arthritis - my joints ache too much to walk or workout. (Two weeks of pain if something sneaks thru at a restaurant.) B - 138 Seconds a day and Im STRONGER - I may limp a bit off and on. But at age 55, 150 lbs - I Often tote two 5 gallon buckets of water 20 yards down hill to the garden. C - My fingers are stiff some days. But This Winter I Discovered I could shovel snow for 2 or 3 hours. From sitting and typing most days to snow shoveling. I was tired but not sore. D - A Giant Oak Tree fell at the farm. After 5 hours Swinging an Ax. I Slept like a rock. But felt fine the next day. Not even a twinge in my muscles. ACTION SUMMARY BEFORE - I used to wake up screaming when I rolled over cuz my arthritis was so bad. AFTER - Now Ive Got MASSIVE Extra Energy. And a lot less Arthritis pain. All from 2 minutes 18 seconds of ancient Asian, Korean, Chinese exercises a day. ================================ CHAPTER #3 - What Bart Did to Get Such Fast Results in just 24 hrs. The magic is in the details. A - He felt like a Banana Bart says he suddenly craved bananas. B - What he takes nutrition-wise Bart is also eating Flax Oil/Low Fat Yogurt - so he has some basic Nutritional Support Beyond Man made vitamins. C - The # of Reps seems to be his secret. 5 in 24 hrs!

Bart inspired me to try more. So I did 2 in a row. Ten reps each. Then 3 in a row. Then 4 in a row. THATs When I started having WEIRD dreams! D - ACTION SUMMARY #1 - YOUR SUCCESS - Good news for you when 60 yr old men can do this short 2 minute 18 second exercise 5 times in 24 hrs. Btwn Bart and me. Hes 61 and Im 55 with all kinds of food allergies that give me Arthritis. IF we get such quick results. There is hope for you too! ================================ CHAPTER #4 - The Only 10th Level Female Grandmaster - A Special Way to Breathe from 10th Level Grandmaster Kim... A - I Watched and listened as Grandmaster Kim got a woman in a wheel chair to Breathe then break a board with her hand. B - She is the Best in the world at using Ki Energy to heal C - What happened to the ENERGY When we added her breathing exercise - UP FRONT. D - ACTION SUMMARY #1 - How Everything Changed - ramped up - after we ADDED Special Oxygen Breathing onto the FRONT end.

================================ CHAPTER #5 - Erics Dancing Feet - Exactly What He Did A - Since Each person is different - Their Results and how they DO these Exercises will Change. How You Benefit from the differences. B - How Eric Breathes and Turns simultaneously C - How this is different from Holding your breath D - ACTION SUMMARY - Since Eric doesnt exercise or walk. Why we think one body part at a time will GET ENERGIZED! #1 - How Were Experimenting on Eric. Next Step is to move Energy up his legs. ================================ CHAPTER #6 - Special Forces EYE ENERGY - The TIP We Got From A Special Forces Guy Who Jumped Out of Planes at Night - over 100s of Countries over a 20 year Career. A - Bills Energy from the Eyes Claim B - Bills African Tribe Lion Story about The Natives and Eye Energy C - How We Tested this in The MASSIVE Energy Exercise D - ACTION SUMMARY - What Worked Best. #1 - When to open and when to close your eyes.

================================ CHAPTER #7 - Backwards Results - Chris from Florida Says he Did The Exercises Backwards. Out of order.

A - He still felt some kind of WEIRD energy in 10 hrs B - Exactly what he did C - One Repetition a day D - ACTION SUMMARY - Why you do not want to do the exercises out of order - on a regular basis. #1 - Each builds on the next #2 - Several mentors Claim doing ONE Part wrong is damaging - long term. ================================ CHAPTER #8 - World-Famous Surgeon Gets In Trouble - The REASON WHY This Famous Doctor asked us to Keep his name Secret is MONEY. A - How He Uses MASSIVE ENERGY to Heal Patients over the Phone B - How Patients Get Well BEFORE Surgery C - How Patients in the waiting room teach These 2 Minute Exercises to The patients of OTHER doctors. D - ACTION SUMMARY - His UNhappy fellow Surgeons are losing a FORTUNE in drug and surgery profits at the hospital where he works. Why he doesnt want other surgeons to know were TEACHING Ebay Buyers around the world to BOOST ENERGY and Reduce pain. ================================ CHAPTER #9 - PART I - WHIRLING DERVISH Energy Discovery. How My Research with Rumi Spin Power Doubled the Energy You Get From our 138 second A Day Exercise System. A - The result when we tested spinning alone B - The result from breathing while you spin

C - BEFORE - Grandmaster Kim Breathing and slow turning D - The FINAL RESULT - How we captured the Raw Energy and Added it onto the front of our 2 minutes 18 seconds a day exercise. ================================ CHAPTER #10 - PART II - Imagine Yourself as a Campfire. What do you need to BURN BRIGHTER? HOTTER? To Become a HUGE BonFire? A - Since Your Body is already burning All We Need is more Oxygen. B - How to know when you have Too Much or Too Little. C - How I Got Light Headed and Dizzy when I Did Exercise #1 and Held my breath. D - ACTION SUMMARY - How We UPPED The Power By Adding Grandmaster Kims Breath technique. ================================ CHAPTER #11 - Yoga Master Heals People By Draining the Negative Energy from their Auras. A - Only Recently Has Science Proved Chakrah points in the body are connected by microscopic electrical Conduits. B - We Tested A Way to Connect and Move Electrical Energy DURING the 5 Exercises. AND Got More Energy! C - How Robert Heals people in his house. D - We Do Exactly what he tells his patients to do as they lie on his floor. ACTION SUMMARY #1 - Grandmaster Kim Breathing #2 - When to Stop and when to turn

#3 - How to Plug in Your Electrical Chakrahs to BOOST Electricity Production in Your Head and Upper Body. #4 - How Dizzy Energy Skyrockets The Impact of the REST of the Exercises. ================================ CHAPTER #12 - How To USE Extra Energy - Retired CIA Agent Told Me How He Used His Personal Electrical Energy to Defeat His Enemies. And Help His Friends. A - How Randy Borrowed 12 Grand from a friend - turned it into 233,000 Smackers in 6 hours of Texas Holdem Poker at a Casino. B - How the High Rollers Back Room is Set Up To Intimidate players. C - Why Randy Smiled at the hidden Cameras. Asked for a new deck of cards. Asked for but didnt drink any of the drinks he asked a cocktail waitress to bring him. D - What he did and said while the other players and Extra Security Guards were distracted to WIN 233K and walk out. ACTION SUMMARY What Randy Learned Winning 10K at on-line Poker While Posing as a Pretty Blonde Girl from Texas... (The avatars at the virtual table) That he Applied in a real Casino situation. ================================ CHAPTER #13 - How A Chinese Princess Helped Me ADD ENERGY to My Ebay Auctions with Feng Shui numbers. A - 138 is energy and water B - 158 is money over water C - 528 is some combination of the other two

D - ACTION SUMMARY - Why Her Great, Great, Great... Grandfather Had Feng Shui Rewritten so Others couldnt Use it to Become Emperor - as he had done. How Weve Added Feng Shui to our Energy Exercises. ================================ CHAPTER #14 - DANGER - BEFORE We Learned the two Energy Sublimation Exercises... A - DANGEROUS - Why We Didnt Talk about this in our sales letter. While rounding up testers - several got Scared. B - DANGEROUS side effects I experienced C - DANGEROUS Energy Levels - And WEIRD emotions I felt D - ACTION SUMMARY Why it took us so long to Create a SAfe Version of This Product. ================================ ================================ BONUS CHAPTER - NO Guarantees - But Ive Personally Experienced PAIN RELIEF. Others have too. A - The Exercise that stopped my back pain. B - My joints feel better C - My headaches from food allergies slowed - then almost stopped. D - What I Notice About My PAIN if I skip a day. ================================ ================================


Video Bonus #1 -

C - ACTION SUMMARY - We Interviewed the owner/seller of a 23 million dollar business Who Successfully Uses This Napoleon Hill Style ENERGY for PROFIT. #1 - How Twice a Week Beer and Wine Parties Built a Business to 23 million dollars in two years. #2 - My interview with the junior partner. How he worked 24/7 trying to sell people as fast as the company owner. What happened when he adopted this specific kind of party too. ------------------------------------------------Video Bonus #2 ACTION SUMMARY - How To Profit from Extra Energy... Public Speaking - THREE (No Extra Cost) WAYS A Top Salesman Makes Millions Selling his Stock Investing System Despite the Economy. a - Speech, Sale & Quick Phone Follow Up - Using Napoleon Hills POWER Idea. b - I Know All These Details Cuz I coached a Client up to #1 top producer for the Guru in his Stock investing system. And YES - She applied Napoleon Hill style Energy with a shovel.


Video Bonus #3 ACTION SUMMARY - What Grandmaster Kim and Dan Kennedy practice as far as salesmanship... #1 - What I learned watching Grandmaster Kim Sell #2 - What she and Dan both do - before they sell. #3 - Grandmaster Kims Quick Pre-heat Sales System. And how you can adapt it for yourself. ----------------------------------------------Video Bonus #4 FOR PROFIT Case Study - How A Doctor in New Port Virginia Makes Millions by Working on Patients - for Free. #1 - How He Reduces Pain #2 - Why Energized/Prospects in LESS Pain run to his office for more treatment.

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