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Formula - a set of algebraic symbols which represents mathematical facts, laws or principles.

Formula Transformation – the process of rearranging the variables in an equation for you to change the subject of
the formula.

“Solving literal equations" is another way of saying, "taking an equation with lots of letters, and solving for one letter
in particular.

One of the most important and useful ideas in mathematics is the idea that two variables may be related to each
other. This idea, known as proportion or variation, finds frequent application in physical sciences.
PROPORTIONS - This is a relationship between two quantities where they increase or decrease at the same rate. In
other words, when quantity A changes by a certain factor, quantity B will change by the same factor
1. Direct proportion is one in which an increase of one quantity results in the increase of another in the same
2. Inverse proportion is one in which an increase in one quantity results to a decrease in another quantity.
3. Direct square proportionality is one in which one quantity increases faster than the other quantity.
4. Inverse square proportion, one quantity decreases faster than the increase in the other quantity.

Triangle - is a closed plane figure with three sides. - The three sides are usually presented as a, b and c, and the
angles opposite these sides A, B and C respectively.
Angle - can be defined as the figure formed by two rays meeting at a common end point. An angle is represented
by the symbol ∠. Angles are measured in degrees, using a protractor.

Right Triangle - A type of triangle that is most useful in studying physics. It has an angle equal to 90º. The 90º angle is
usually considered the angle C. The side opposite it, side c, is the hypotenuse. The other two sides, a and b are called
legs of the right triangle.
Acute Angle - Is an angle whose measure is greater than 0° but less than 90°

The length of one side of a right triangle may also be found by applying the Pythagorean theorem. One of the best
known mathematical formulas is Pythagorean Theorem, which provides us with the relationship between the sides
in a right triangle. A right triangle consists of two legs and a hypotenuse. The two legs meet at a 90° angle and the
hypotenuse is the longest side of the right triangle and is the side opposite the right angle.
>In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.

Our first step in using Right Triangle Trigonometry is correctly labeling the sides.
Hypotenuse – the longest side of the right triangle.
Opposite and Adjacent – the other two legs of the right triangle
>To label these sides correctly, you will need to focus on one of the acute angles
Three Basic Trigonometric Functions:
sinθ = opposite/hypotenuse
cosineθ = adjacent/hypotenuse
tangentθ = opposite/adjacent



Scalar Quantity - quantity that is described by a magnitude only.

- Speed, Area, Volume, Time, Temperature, Mass, Density
Magnitude - number and unit

Vector Quantity - quantity that is described by a magnitude and direction.

- Velocity, Force, Acceleration, Work, Displacement, Pressure, Momentum
A vector quantity is represented by an arrow.
Arrowhead – indicates the direction of the vector.
Length – represents the magnitude of the vector
Tail – represent the origin of the vector.

Vector Representation - a vector can be represented by placing an arrow over the symbol.
Two common reference frames:
1. Direction guide
2. Cartesian coordinate plane

Direction Guide Cartesian Plane

Example Solution:
Resultant Vector  is the combination of two or more single vectors. When used alone, the term vector refers to a
graphical representation of the magnitude and direction of a physical entity like force, velocity, or acceleration.

GRAPHICAL METHOD - The graphical method of adding vectors A and B involves drawing vectors on a graph and
adding them using the head-to-tail method. The resultant vector R is defined such that A + B = R. The magnitude and
direction of R are then determined with a ruler and protractor, respectively.
The following steps will guide you in finding the resultant vector using graphical method:
1. Choose an appropriate reference frame and scale for the given vectors.
2. Draw vectors one after the other using the head to tail fashion. Meaning, you have to draw the first vector starting
from the origin at the reference frame, then the succeeding vectors are drawn starting from the head of the most
recent vector drawn.
3. For the resultant vector, draw an arrow connecting the tail of the first vector and the head of the last vector
drawn. Measure the length of the arrow and determine the angle using a protractor. Determine the direction of the
resultant vector based on a chosen axis.

PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM METHOD - This method is applicable in finding the resultant for any two given vectors
which form right angle with each other.
a. Construct a vector diagram of the given vectors.
b. Connect the tail of the first vector with the head of the second vector forming a right triangle figure.
c. Solve for the magnitude of the hypotenuse of the right triangle using Pythagorean Theorem.
d. Solve for the value of angle using trigonometric functions and determine the direction of the resultant using a
chosen axis.

ANALYTICAL METHOD - Also called mathematical method, has advantages over the graphical and Pythagorean
Theorem methods because it can be used even if there are several given vectors. It does not depend on measuring
tools, hence, it is more convenient to use and gives a more accurate answer. Another good point of this method is
that you will almost always deal with right triangles which require simple calculations.
a. Draw each given vector and show its components.
b. Determine the magnitude and direction of each component by using trigonometric functions.
c. Find the sum of x components
d. Find the sum of y components
e. Use the result obtained in steps c and d to determine the magnitude of the resultant vector by applying
Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometric functions.
f. Check your answer by making a graphical representation of the given vectors (optional)
The sum of two or more vectors is represented by a single vector called resultant.
• This vector may be found by using graphical method, Pythagorean theorem method, and analytical method.
• To add two or more vectors that are perpendicular to each other, the Trigonometric functions and Pythagorean
Theorem can be used.

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