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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Science and Technology Education Center

Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 6015

PH Level Control using Himalayan Salt, Regular Salt

and Commercialized Antacids


Jose Virgilio Calambuhay Jr.

Norberto Dabalos III

Charisse Longos

Andrea Paula Malawi

Matthew Dune Oville

Jerel John Velarde




Ritzel Montalban




Name : Jose Virgilio G. Calambuhay Jr.; Andrea

Paula Malawi, Charisse S. Longos,
Norberto C. Dabalos III, Jerel John
Verlarde, Matthew Dune Joel P. Oville

Strand : Grade 11 STEM – Mendel

School year : 2017 – 2018

Adviser : Ms. Ritzel R. Montalban

No. of pages :

Keywords : Himalayan Salt, Regular Salt, Efficiency, pH

Level, Regulation, Acid, Alkaline, Antacid

The study PH Level Control using Himalayan Salt, Regular

Salt and Commercialized Antacids aims to evaluate the efficiency

of Himalayan salt, regular salt and antacid in regulating pH

levels as well as gain knowledge as to which of the following

afore-mentioned solutes are the most effective through

controlled experiments and observations. It was expected for

the following solutes to become as much as effective as they are

by the fact that salt and the calcium content of the antacid are

said to have pH regulatory properties. The study will utilize the

controlled experiment strategy: with the experimentation and


observation conducted in Lapu-Lapu City. From the data

gathered, the interpretation between the efficiency of Himalayan

Salt, Regular Salt and Antacid in regulating the pH level

indicates to have a significant difference before and after the

submersion of the salt solution in the solvent.

For the Himalayan Salt, the results have been found to have

a significance level of p<0.0005 therefore rejecting the null

hypothesis saying that it does not show a significant difference

between the time interval of the salt’s submersion in the


In the case of the Regular Salt, with sufficient evidence to

support the claim, p<0.0005 as the significance level, the null

hypothesis is rejected saying that Regular Salt does not show a

significant difference between the time interval of the salt’s

submersion in the solvent.

As for the Antacid, all time intervals showed a significance

level of p<0.0005 thus the null hypothesis can be rejected

saying that Antacid does not show a significant difference

between the time interval of the solution’s submersion in the


This can be understood that the three salt solution:

Himalayan Salt, Regular Salt and Antacid can be used to


regulate the pH level in the body. It is preconceived that the

antacid would be the best and most efficient in regulating pH

level, just by the fact that it was commercially-made just to

regulate gastrointestinal pH levels. But, the fact that Himalayan

salt is also had significant regulatory properties is already a

good point that it can be an alternative to synthetic drugs, and

that it has trace minerals as incentives in ingesting it.

The researchers: Jose Virgilio G. Calambuhay Jr, Charisse L.

Longos, Andrea Paula Malawi, Norberto C. Dabalos III, Jerel

John Velarde, and Matthe Dune Joel P. Oville of Science and

Technology Education Center taking the Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics will conduct the study with the

help of the adviser Ms. Ritzel R. Montalban. The research paper

contains 104 pages.



We, the researchers wish to express our sincerest gratitude,

first of all to the Lord God Almighty, for the wonderful gift of life,

knowledge, wisdom, strength, courage and perseverance; to the

persons who contributed in the realization of this Investigatory

Project and for the assistance rendered by the following:

Ms. Ritzel R. Montalban, our adviser, for her support,

encouragement, advises and guidance throughout the

completion of this quantitative research;

Mrs. Lina M. Maiso, school principal, together with the

teachers, for their full support, encouragement and


The research team, who amidst the seemingly endless

obstacles, able to successfully accomplish this kind of output;

And of course to our parents, for their abiding support,

unconditional love and understanding, and for helping us with

the needed finances to successfully do this research.


Table of Contents

TITLE PAGE ------------------------------------------- 1

ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------- 2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -------------------------------------- 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------ 6



Rationale of the Study --------------------------------- 8

Review of Related Literature ------------------------- 11


Statement of the Problem ------------------------------ 44

Hypothesis --------------------------------------------- 45

Significance of the Study ------------------------------- 46

DEFINITION OF TERMS ----------------------------- 49


Research Design ------------------------------------- 51

Research Environment ---------------------------------- 51


Research Samples --------------------------------- 52

Research Instruments -------------------------------- 53

Research Procedures------------------------------------ 54



RECOMMENDATION ---------------------------------------- 80

Significant Findings ---------------------------------------- 80

Conclusion -------------------------------------------------- 82

Recommendation ------------------------------------------ 85

REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------- 84


Transmittal Letter -------------------------------------- 97

Parental Consent --------------------------------------- 98

Informed Consent -------------------------------------- 99

Documentation ----------------------------------------- 100

Budget ----------------------------------------- 106

SPSS Documentary ------------------------------------


Rationale of the Study

In a field full of contributing factors that affect pH level, we

are facing consequences of pH imbalance. When your pH is

balanced, your body is at an alkaline state – and that’s good! It

means your body is able to buffer harmful acids and keep your

systems operating the way they should. When your body pH

balance is tipped toward acidic, your body’s systems can’t keep

up with the amount of acid in your body. As a result of excessive

acid, your body may take alkalizing minerals from your bones or

suffer from inflammation that can lead to disease. Thus, the

researchers conducted this study in order to regulate pH balance

among students, at the same time, maximizing the mineral

content of their diet.

Your body can usually handle an occasional heavy acid load

without taking too much from your alkalizing reserves. But

many of us are constantly producing excess acids, especially

through our diet. Without a way to neutralize them, your body

struggles to maintain a healthy blood pH and it can contribute to

serious health issues. The researchers solely believe that these

pH imbalance causes inefficiency on students’ productivity,


therefore, it is upright to say that there is a great need to

manipulate these factors.

According to Young, S. (2014), salt is the most important

component in alkalizing the blood and tissues. It can help

regulate the pH level and water content of the body. Salt forces

some water to stay outside the cells and balances the amount of

water that must stay outside the cells. Pink Himalayan salt is

often said to be the most beneficial as well as the cleanest salt

available on this planet today. It has all kinds of nutritional and

therapeutic properties, not to mention culinary uses. You can

use it as a healthier option to processed salt. You can also use it

to create homemade body scrubs and bath soaps, and you may

have seen or own a Himalayan salt lamp made from pink

Himalayan salt. Historically, the people of the Himalayas have

used this versatile salt to preserve meat and fish. In this study,

Himalayan salt is used to help regulate the pH level of the body.

Pink Himalayan salt contains a lot of trace minerals and

sodium, which is why it is believed to be more beneficial to the

body than regular table salt. However, according to Pine Pollen

(2017), too much salt and sodium can lead to high blood

pressure and other issues, so consume in moderation. Besides


the cognitive gain, pH balance is also relative to certain

diseases, cell functions, skin infections, blood pressure

regulation, hydration, muscle functions, and bone growth. This

relativity gives the researchers the inspiration to pursue this


Review of Related Literature

Characteristics of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt, also known as Himalayan crystal salt, is a

type of rock salt best known for its striking pink color which

comes from the natural presence of several trace minerals,

including magnesium and iodine. Himalayan salt is said to be a

very pure salt but also because there’s increasing curiosity on its

positive impacts to our health. According to Leonard (2016),

Pink Himalayan salt is chemically similar to table salt. It contains

up to 98 percent sodium chloride. The remainder of the salt is

made up of trace minerals, such as potassium, magnesium,

and calcium, which give the salt its light pink tint .The presence

of these minerals also explains why Himalayan salt tastes

different to regular table salt. Some of the mineral composition

of Himalayan salt is similar to table salt.

Himalayan salt has many benefits that can help regulate

the pH level of human body. According to Group (2014), It can

also improves your health such as Regulating water levels in the

body, Promoting stable pH balance, Encouraging healthy blood

sugar levels, Reducing the appearance of aging, Promoting

cellular hydroelectric energy balance, Aiding vascular health,


Supporting healthy respiratory function, Promoting overall sinus

health, Reducing cramps, Promoting healthy sleep patterns,

Encouraging healthy libido, Promoting kidney and gallbladder


Advocates of traditional medicine believe that processed table

salt is energetically dead, as its crystals are completely isolated

from one another. For the body to metabolize chemical table

salt, it must expend tremendous amounts of energy to keep the

body in a state of optimum fluid balance. This creates a burden

on the body’s elimination systems as water is removed from

other cells in an attempt to neutralize the unnatural, processed


Many experts have suggested that consuming as less salt as

possible is good for your health. However, there are major

drawbacks to this train of thought. While consuming too much

salt is definitely dangerous for your body, there are also health

risks attributed to a major decrease in salt intake.

According to a study published in the Lancet (n.d.), while

high-salt diets were linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular

events and death in hypertensive populations, low-salt diets

were alarmingly also connected to a higher possibility for


cardiovascular events like heart attacks and stroke and deaths

in people with or without hypertension.

From all the positive benefits of Himalayan salt, there are

also things that one may consider if in taking the Himalayan

salt. According to Leonard (2016), Iodine is a mineral that the

body requires to preserve proper thyroid function and cell

metabolism. It is present in fish, sea vegetables, dairy, and

eggs, among other foods. Iodized salt is another common source

of this trace mineral. Approximately 75 percent of households in

the United States use iodized salt, which was first introduced in

the U.S. in 1924 in a bid to reduce incidences of goiter, which is

a sign of iodine deficiency. Although pink Himalayan salt may

naturally contain some iodine, it most likely contains less iodine

than iodized salt does. Therefore, those who are iodine deficient

or at risk of deficiency may need to look for other sources of

iodine if using pink salt instead of iodized table salt. We should

be aware of this because it may affect the regulation of our

body. The plain, uniform crystals of table salt have little visual

allure, but specialty salts are more varied. French fleurs de sel

are light and flaky, while English Maldon salt has a distinctive

pyramid shape. Others have distinctive colors, such as

Himalayan pink salt with its delicately rosy hue. Himalayan salt

is sometimes marketed as having legitimate nutritional value,

though the minute amounts used in real life make that a

dubious proposition. The distinctive color of Himalayan salt --

ranging from a nearly orange salmon-like hue to a delicate, rosy

pink -- comes from a high content of impurities, otherwise

known as trace minerals. Many of these are useful or crucial to

the human body's operation, including manganese, phosphorus,

potassium and iron. Still, although these and many other

minerals are found in Himalayan salt, they're found in such

small concentrations that their effect is negligible in any

reasonable portion size. For example, the daily value for

potassium is 3,500 milligrams, the quantity found in an entire

kilogram of Himalayan salt. One obvious exception to that rule is

sodium. Himalayan salt is 97.41 percent salt, or sodium

chloride, and like table salt or sea salt it contains about 40

percent sodium by weight. Sodium is an important mineral in its

own right, and your body won't function without it. It's essential

to your muscles and nerves and helps regulate your blood

pressure and your body's fluid levels. However, it can have

negative effects when consumed in excessive quantities,

whether the source is pink salt, sea salt or table salt. It's far too

easy to eat excessive quantities of sodium, especially through


processed foods or fast food. The end result can be high blood

pressure, with an elevated risk of heart attack or stroke. People

with congestive heart failure or kidney disease should also be

wary of excessive sodium, which can aggravate their condition

by increasing fluids in the body. The good news is that if you're

grinding your own Himalayan salt, the resulting light flakes

probably add up to a bit less salt. A quarter-teaspoon portion of

table salt contains 600 milligrams of sodium, according to the

American Heart Association, while the same portion of a major

retailer's pink salt contains just 420 milligrams.

Whatever its nutritional strengths and weaknesses, the

primary purpose of Himalayan pink salt is to make food taste

good. At that, it excels. The iodine added to table salt -- as a

preventive measure against goiter -- lends it a harsh, chemical

flavor. Like sea salt, Himalayan salt lacks the added iodine and

therefore has a milder flavor. Their delicate pink colors also lend

a visual accent to foods, when ground at the last minute or

when flaked from a solid block using a fine grater.


Importance of pH Level

The level of pH is quantified on a scale of zero to 14. The

lower the pH, the more acidic, and the higher, the more alkaline.

Neutral pH is 7.0, the pH of water, and your level is in a healthy

range between 6.0 to 7.5. According to Merck Manuals Online

Medical Library (2013), blood that is slightly alkaline, or 7.35 to

7.45, is optimal for proper body functions. Most people with an

imbalance are too acidic, which can cause a variety of health

ailments, including cardiovascular disease, complications of

diabetes and bone fragility.

The balance between acidity and alkalinity in your body is

referred to as pH, or potential of hydrogen. Different factors can

influence whether your blood has too much or too little acid,

including food and the health of your organs to filter carbon

dioxide from your body. As John (2017) stated, achieving pH

balance is a complex process that takes place within your body,

but you can help regulate it with healthy habits.

According to the Leyman, H. (2014), exerting efforts in

balancing one’s pH level is essential as if it is neglected, could

contribute to psychological disorders like anxiety, depression,

and social withdrawal etc.


Normally, the kidneys maintain our electrolyte levels, those

of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. As Axe (2018)

had said, when we are exposed to acidic substances, these

electrolytes are used to fight acidity. High degrees of acidity

force our bodies to rob minerals from the bones, cells, organs

and tissues. Cells end up lacking enough minerals to properly

dispose of waste or oxygenate completely. Vitamin absorption is

compromised by mineral loss. Toxins and pathogens accumulate

in the body and the immune system becomes quelled.

Metabolic or respiratory acidosis results from excess acid in

the blood. In metabolic acidosis, an abnormal metabolism from

the buildup of ketones in the blood, which occurs in uncontrolled

diabetes, or overuse of alcohol or aspirin doesn't allow the

kidneys to function normally. In respiratory acidosis, your lungs

do not expel carbon dioxide properly, which might result from

asthma or pneumonia. Symptoms might include vomiting,

fatigue, breathing complications, weakness or confusion. If left

untreated, acidosis can lead to kidney failure, lung collapse and

constriction of blood vessels.

Alkalosis is the opposite of acidosis when too much

bicarbonate is in your blood, causing excessively low acidity.


Overuse of diuretics and hyperventilation can increase the

amount of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. Symptoms of

metabolic or respiratory alkalosis include irritability, muscular

twitching or cramps. Treatment involves replacing fluids to

achieve acid balance or slowing your breathing in the event of

respiratory alkalosis. alkalosis can lead to heart arrhythmias or


Foods you eat can help you achieve acid/alkaline balance.

Highly acidic foods include prunes, blackberries, chocolate,

walnuts, beef and cheese. Foods with high alkalinity include

watermelon, asparagus, spinach and olive oil. According to John

(2017), to maintain pH balance, eat a variety of fruits,

vegetables and grains that are middle alkaline or acidic and

choose highly acidic foods when you have high alkaline pH.

Hydrate with water daily, limit your alcohol use and follow

medication instructions on the label to prevent high acid pH.

Relationship between pH Level and

I. Brain Activity

Maintaining a stable blood pH is one of the most important

homeostatic duties of body in living creatures. All cells require

PH of bodily fluids to be maintained around 7.4 in order to


continue their optimal functions. According to Richardsons

(2014), the blood pH has a serious effect on all of the body’s

systems and the body uses different mechanisms to control the

blood’s acid-base balance. The blood’s acid-base balance is

controlled by the body because even minor deviations from the

normal range can severely affect the brain, arteries, the heart,

muscles, and many organs. It can contribute to overwhelming

the body leading to serious disease such as cancer or even

brain’s memory and learning abnormalities. Based on the study

conducted by Wemmie (2013), the brain needs acid-sensing

proteins to produce normal fear responses, as well as for

learning and memory. As of now, there is no simple test that

can measure the brain’s pH level. Fortunately, with the help of

Dr. Magnotta’s Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based technique

also called MR spectroscopy, they discovered that pH changes

do indeed occur with normal intact human brain function

particularly in detecting changes in the brain pH-level in mice.

The functional MRI (fMRI) currently measures the brain's activity

by detecting a signal caused by oxygen levels in the blood

flowing to active brain regions. Significantly, their team also

observed a drop in pH-level when they conducted an experiment

that activates particular region in the brain associated with


vision. The results of their study shows the idea that brain

activity can change local pH in human brains during normal

activity, meaning that pH change in conjunction with the pH-

sensitive receptors could be part of a signaling system that

affects brain activity and cognitive function. As discovered that

brain frequently undergoes changes in acidity and this is caused

by carbon dioxide gas which is constantly released as the brain

breaks down sugar to generate energy (Kwon, 2017). Using the

MRI technique, they have shown that normal brain activity can

trigger local changes in pH – until now only speculated about. It

also is able to provide insight through the use of pH imaging to

detect early signs of degenerative diseases.

II. Deprived Rest

As stated by Alexander (2013), sleep is the primary

foundation of your overall health. Not getting proper rest can

lead to a myriad of issues, and yet getting proper, restorative

sleep can be so elusive. The human body needs enough sleep

not only to improve your memory but to regulate your pH level

in your body. As stated by Scarapino (2013), sleep makes you

feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting

your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a


key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart,

weight, mind, and more.

According to Alexander (2013), one of the many, many

factors that sleep affects is your body's pH balance. pH is your

body's measurement of alkaline and acid, and too much of either

can lead to health issues. But a slightly raised level is optimum,

and getting enough sleep every night, deep, restorative sleep, is

one of the keys to keeping your body's pH up and healthy. When

you body is in a raised pH state, it is better able to fight off

infection and viruses. Your body will shed weight when you are

in a healthy pH state. Conversely, a lower pH can affect your

health at the cellular level, leaving you susceptible to fatigue,

poor sleep, poor digestion, obesity and other health issues such

as bone mass loss, kidney stones and cancer. Lower pH levels

will cause the body to steal calcium from the bones and to retain


Eating a higher alkaline diet will help keep your body's pH

levels elevated. Some dietary factors would include drinking

high pH water, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and getting

exercise. Managing stress levels is another big factor in


managing your pH levels. Besides sleep, your sleep environment

can also contribute to your pH levels.


III. Stressors

A research conducted by Brown, S. (2013) has shown one of

her patients, in the name of Lynn, whom had some several bone

problems, in which the regulation of pH balance is needed in

order to maintain the function of her bones still subject to

recovery. Thus, the said convenience research conducted by

Mrs. Brown led her into some shocking results.

After working with the Better Bones Program for several

weeks, using their Alkaline for Life diet combined with their bone

building supplement program, the subject achieved the ideal

urine pH of 6.5 to 7.5 on a very regular basis. The subject kept

careful records of her diet, supplements, and emotional state

while recording her urine pH level daily. It can be inferred from

the subject/patient that she actually enjoyed seeing her

chemistry move from a bone-depleting low pH level to the ideal

bone-preserving 6.5 to 7.5 level. At one point, however, the

subject noticed that her pH dropped dramatically. Looking back

at her records, Mrs. Brown realized that this drop in pH occurred

after a few days of highly internalized emotional distress.

Recognizing this, the research modified the subject’s stress

response and found healthy ways to cope — and sure enough,


the subject’s first morning urine pH returned to the ideal range


IV. Weight Gain

PH level is closely relative to weight gain. Many of us get so

caught up in eating to look good that we often forget to stick to

the basics and focus on our health. Without our health in line,

we won't ever achieve that dream physique anyways, so it is

always best to focus on health first. Most of us do not live the

right way. As proven on recent researches made by Thompson,

J. (2015), we eat the wrong foods; we don't get enough sleep;

we are stressed out; and we don't get enough fresh air.

Thompson, J. (2015) also added on his explanation regarding

acid waste caused by that accumulate when we consume

proteins, sugars, and starches. Acid wastes can also be

especially dangerous because they are believed to cause a

variety of health problems and chronic diseases. These acid

wastes if not regulated may cause obesity.

Obesity is at an all-time high in the United States and there

is no indication that the numbers are going to go down. Diet

products and programs abound because people are obsessed

with losing fat. According to George, C. (2016) there are over


300,000 diet books on the market. Fad diets and gimmicks are

all over television and the internet; some of which work short

term, but to lose fat you must understand the base cause of the

weight gain, which according to him, is the acid wastes of their

routinely unhealthy diet.

This statistic was supported by Ogden, C. (2017) of National

Institute of Health (NIH), where ±37% of all Americans are in

between overweight and extreme obesity, in which their BMI’s

(Body Mass Index) have overlapped the normal BMI. Another

credible association () strengthens this statistical data where it

says that more than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have


According to the report of Hernandez, K. H. (2017), a

reporter from Manila Times Newspaper, Philippines is the second

nation with the least obese people. This implies that lower

obesity rate, therefore, lower acid waste level/accumulation

inside the body. Well that’s in contrary to what was said by

Perrez (2016) on his interview with the UNICEF chairman, as it

gave a staggering speech about the 400% rise of obesity in

Manila only. Similarly to the statistical data of World Health

Organization (WHO) (2013), prevalence of overweight among


children 5-10 years old has also risen from 5.8% in 2003 to

9.1% in 2013. The 2011 Global School-based Health Survey also

shows that about 13% of adolescents in the Philippines are

overweight and obese. How about the other 87%? Most of them

suffer malnutrition.

According to a report of Osorrio (2017), Philippines has

ranked down to 100th place for having unhealthy and

malnourished citizens around the world. Based on FNRI (2015),

the Philippine chronic malnutrition rate among children aged 0

to 2 was at 26.2%, the highest in 10 years. Chronic

malnutrition, or stunting rate for children under 5 years old, was

at 33.5%, up by 30.5% from 2013. From 2013 to 2015, 10% of

the stunting children increased to an average of 40%, and is

expected to increase in 2018. Now it is very alarming that

although this 40% of the remaining 87% is malnourished. In the

report of Aquino, N. (2017), although they do not have those

acid waste accumulation in their bodies, they lack essential

vitamins and minerals (traced or not) still due to their lifestyle,

and that mainly includes their unhealthy diet/food intake.

Olney, N. (2016), Country Director of Save the Children,

stressed on how the recent findings of FNRI-DOST on stunting is


becoming a major concern. "The concerning data of FNRI is

actually the worst increase in stunting in the past 25 years," he


Benefits of Himalayan Salt

There are lots findings which show the diverse benefits of

Himalayan salt in human body. These involves benefits on

different organs, respiratory system, balancing the pH level,

natural digestive aid, air purifier, better sleep inducer, skin

infections, blood pressure regulator, regulates hydration,

prevents muscle cramp, keeps bones strong, loaded with trace

minerals, element in detoxification, stimulate good blood

circulation, and even purifies the air.

There are also other researches that prove how Himalayan

salt is beneficial to health. Price (2017) has claimed some

beneficial facts of Himalayan Salt. This surprisingly involves

control of respiratory problems, balancing of body pH level,

natural digestive aid, air purifier, better sleep inducer,

Regulation of the water levels within the body for proper overall

functioning, helping reduce common signs of aging, encouraging

healthy blood sugar levels, promoting cellular energy creation,

reducing cramping (like leg cramps), improving the absorption


of nutrients from foods, aiding vascular health, lowering the

incidence of sinus problems and promoting overall sinus health,

providing circulatory support, improving bone strength, fostering

a healthy libido, promoting kidney and gallbladder health in

comparison to chemically treated table salt.

Researchers found that there is a big correlation between

salt and respiratory problems. A good example of respiratory

disease is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a general

term used for those diseases with permanent or temporary

narrowing of small bronchi, in which forced expiratory flow is

slowed, especially when no etiologic or other more specific term

can be applied. Lung Institute (2017) also defined it as a

debilitating and degenerative lung disease characterized by the

restriction of airflow in and out of the lungs. COPD is the

umbrella term for emphysema and/or chronic bronchitis. While

research is inconclusive regarding salt therapy and COPD, many

COPD sufferers report positive results from salt therapy

(halotherapy). Lung Institute (2017) stated that salt has the

following properties: (1) Antibacterial; (2) Anti-inflammatory;

(3) Loosens excessive mucus and speeds up mucociliary

transport; (4) Removes pathogens (i.e., airborne pollen); (5)


and Reduces IgE level (immune system oversensitivity). With

the said properties, the salt particles penetrate deep into the

lungs to treat damaged tissue. Sometimes symptoms subside

for up to 12 months following salt therapy. Their findings have

revealed 85 percent of mild and moderate asthma cases, 75

percent of severe asthma cases, 97 percent of chronic

bronchitis, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis cases were treated

successfully with halotherapy.

Russian researchers Khan, M. A., Chervinskaia, A. V., &

Mikitchenko, N. A. (2012) also conducted similar research and

shown Observations during 1, 3, 5, and 12 month follow-up

periods confirmed the persistence of prophylactic and

therapeutic effects of salt therapy to be positive. Zajac, J., et al

(2014) also added on their conclusion on their research

regarding salt caves as simulation of natural environment and

significance of halotherapy, that besides the health benefits,

people do not have free time for rest and activities in clean air;

moreover, stress is inseparable from everyday life, and for that

reasons salt caves become places that help to support a proper


According to Young (2014), salt is the most important

component in alkalizing the blood and tissues. For short, salt can

help regulate the pH level and maintain it to neutral level. She

also added that salt is a vital substance for the survival of all

living creatures – specifically humans. Salt helps to regulate the

water content of the body. Water regulates itself, working its

way into the interior of all our cells. It has to get inside each cell

to cleanse and extract the toxic wastes of cell metabolisms. Salt

forces some water to stay outside the cells and balances the

amount of water that must stay outside the cells. And according

to her, only salt is capable in maintaining this balance between

water content on every single cell.

According to the Journal of American Medical Association

researchers Katarzyna Stolarz-Skrzypek, MD, PhD et al (2012),

Among 3681 participants followed up for a median 7.9 years,

CVD deaths decreased across increasing tertiles of 24-hour

sodium excretion, from 50 deaths in the low (mean, 107

mmol.), 24 in the medium (mean, 168 mmol.), and 10 in the

high excretion group (mean, 260 mmol; P < .001), resulting in

respective death rates of 4.1% (95% confidence interval [CI],

3.5%-4.7%), 1.9% (95% CI, 1.5%-2.3%), and 0.8% (95% CI,

0.5%-1.1%). This groundbreaking European study that


measured salt levels in people’s urine over an eight-year period,

suggests that more cardiovascular deaths occurred in people

with low salt levels than those with higher amounts of salt in

their bloodstream. And the researchers found no correlation

between higher salt intake and hypertension risk. However,

regarding this study, Peale, N. V. (2016, February 04) published

on his website that it’s important to remember that you still

should monitor your salt intake, but salt is vital to the regulation

of blood pressure, and can lower it if “eaten moderately”.

While having a diet too high in sodium can actually leach

calcium and potassium from the body, eating just the right

amount of salt balances these minerals in the body, which

promotes healthy bones. According to we need a perfect balance

of potassium and sodium bicarbonate in our blood to maintain

healthy bones. They recommend eating mostly fruits and

vegetables; however, adding Himalayan sea salt to a salad or

cooked vegetables at night will ensure you get enough sodium in

your diet. On Teucher, B. et al’s (2012) research, efficiency of

calcium absorption was higher after a period of moderately low

calcium intake (p < 0.05) but was unaffected by salt intake. This

was supported by Lanham-New, S. A.’s (2015, January)

research, regarding the health-related benefits of a high intake


of potassium-rich, bicarbonate-rich foods (e.g., fruits and

vegetables) on disease prevention (e.g., cancer, heart disease)

have been gaining increasing attention in the literature, and

there is growing belief, from a variety of observational,

experimental, clinical, and intervention studies, that a positive

link exists between potassium-rich, bicarbonate-rich foods and

indices of bone health.

Recent studies also had shown diverse outcomes about how

Himalayan salt promotes optimal fluid hydration in the body. A

method stated in Pine Pollen (2017) suggests adding a pinch of

pink salt to meals or a drink like water, which is believed to help

the body achieve optimal fluid balance, thus preventing

dehydration. Pink Himalayan Salt due to its sodium content is

believed to help the body absorb and retain water.

Precautionary Measure(s) Before Salt Intake

As mentioned on previous related studies pink Himalayan

salt contains a lot of trace minerals and sodium, which is why it

is believed to be more beneficial to the body than regular table

salt. However, according to Pine Pollen (2017) too much salt and

sodium can lead to high blood pressure and other issues, so

consume in moderation. Always discuss all diet and supplement


regimens with your physician first to ensure they are suitable for

you; especially if you are on medication.

Additionally, too much Pink Himalayan Salt can have a

flushing effect and can cause extreme diarrhea, so use Pink

Himalayan Salt sparingly. A good rule of thumb is to sprinkle a

small amount into each 8 oz glass of water.

Antacids as Effective Anti-Digestive Disturbances in

Patients Treated with Prednisone and Prednisolone

According to the results of the study conducted by Boland, E.

W., & Headley, N. E. (1958, October), there is an indication that

the complemental use of antacids with each divided dose of

steroid is highly effective in reducing the frequency and severity

of digestive symptoms during prednisone and prednisolone

administration. The low incidence (3 per cent) for

roentgenographically demonstrable active lesions in the series

suggests that the addition of acid-neutralizing agents during

prolonged treatment with these steroids may afford at least

partial protection against the development and reactivation of

peptic ulcers.

According to Brody, M., & Bachrach, W. H. (2017), calcium

carbonate, an inexpensive, rapid, potent acid neutralizer is the


antacid of choice if care is taken to prevent constipation and if

there is no predisposition to alkalosis, depression of renal

function, or development of renal lithiasis.

Maintaining a proper pH balance can make a huge difference

in your overall health including the elimination of heartburn and

acid reflux. Poor or acidic diets can cause a pH imbalance that

can lead to heartburn and many other chronic illnesses. When

the body is acidic it pulls alkaline reserves from our organs and

bones in an attempt to neutralize the acid and maintain a

balanced pH. Antacids are weak bases that neutralize the acidity

of the stomach and its pH. The stomach is an acid environment;

antacids are very high alkalines which are at the opposite end of

the PH chart.  No area of the human body is supposed to be at

or can thrive in a high alkaline PH level.  The separate areas of

the stomach, small intestine and colon need specific PH levels in

order to digest food properly, combat bad bacteria and germs,

absorb nutrients and discourage yeast growth. According to

Smith (2010), antacids raise the stomach’s pH contents

overpowering the action of pepsin that exacerbates ulceration

due to acid. “Antacid use can lower the acidity of the stomach to

such a degree that our food sits in the stomach longer than it

should and prevents proper breakdown of the food” (SciTrition,


2010). It contains alkaline ions that chemically neutralize

stomach gastric acid, reducing damage and relieving pain.

Antacids such as Tums, Mylanta, Maalox, and Gaviscon also help

neutralize stomach acid. Thus, it can be used to relieve

heartburn, indigestion or an upset stomach caused by excessive

acid secretion. In the research conducted by Wang and Tan

(2007), the researchers tested different antacids in hydrochloric

acid (after diluting it to the pH of the stomach) to observe how

pH level would change and to observe what would happen to

each of antacids. The results show that antacid Tums change the

pH of the hydrochloric acid (HCl) the most and founded out that

it contains calcium carbonate which neutralizes acidity, making

HCl more basic. This proves that antacid really works in

elevating the pH level in a human’s body specifically in the


Temperature and rate of chemical reaction

Temperature is a pocket knife tool for discussion among

chemical reactions. Nowadays even Eight-Graders are being

taught of this. It’s common knowledge that the temperature of

the environment affects the chemical reaction taking place.


According to Yu (2016), in a higher temperature solution set,

H2O molecules have more of both thermal and kinetic energy,

and by the nature of how reactions occur, more kinetic energy

means more molecules bumping in to each other and faster than


Temperature and rate of chemical reaction

Temperature does not only play a role in the speed of a

reaction but also, According to Talaga (2013), has a direct

relation to the pH level in a solution. He claims that Ionization

has a linear relationship with temperature as the H+ active in

the solution typically increases or decreases with the

temperature of the same solution.


 Antacids that contain alginate are very effective at

easing acid reflux. Products that combine alginate with

aluminum, calcium or magnesium , create a foam barrier on

top of the stomach contents and protect the esophagus from

contact with gastric acid. It’s not always easy figuring out

which antacid will best help you find relief from heartburn.

There are several antacids that can help you ease your pain

that you experience. These antacids relieve both acid reflux

and sour stomach by temporarily neutralizing the gastric

acid already produced in the stomach. They are generally

formulated with one or more of the following salts: calcium,

aluminum or magnesium.

According to pharmacist Lamarre (2016), antacids that

contain only calcium carbonate provide effective short-term

relief. If, however, you take them several times a day or on

a regular basis, they can cause what is known as “acid

rebound,” a return of symptoms even more intense than

prior to taking the medicine. Antacids that contain both

aluminum and magnesium have the advantage of providing

rapid relief of sour stomach and acid reflux by neutralizing

gastric acid. Acid neutralizers generally work from 2 to 4

hours, depending on the person and the amount of gastric

acid produced.  There are different types of antacids, As

stated by Seltzer (2016), the first one is the Sodium

Antacids. Sodium bicarbonate (commonly known as baking

soda) is perhaps the best-known of the sodium-containing

antacids. It is potent and fast-acting. As its name suggests, it is

high in sodium. If you're on a salt-restricted diet, and especially

if the diet is intended to treat high blood


pressure (hypertension), take a sodium-containing antacid only

under a doctor's orders. Second, Calcium Antacids form

of calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate are also potent and

fast-acting. Regular or heavy doses of calcium (more than five

or six times per week) can cause constipation. Heavy and

extended use of this product may clog your kidneys and cut

down the amount of blood they can process. Extended use of

calcium antacids can also cause kidney stones.

Lastly, Magnesium Antacids come in many forms --

carbonate, glycinate, hydroxide, oxide, trisilicate, and

aluminosilicate. Magnesium has a mild laxative effect; it can

cause diarrhea. For this reason, magnesium salts are rarely used

as the only active ingredients in an antacid, but are combined

with aluminum, which counteracts the laxative effect. Antacids

are used to counteract or neutralize acidity, especially in

your stomach. There are different types of antacids, those

containing calcium, magnesium, aluminum, sodium bicarbonate

and calcium in combination with magnesium and aluminum.

According to Albeit (2017), the best natural antacids are

whatever provides you with an anti acid benefit. Some of the

foods, dietary adjustments and behavior modifications shown to

have a natural antacid outcome are: increase dietary fiber, eat


bananas ~ also high in potassium, drink milk if you don’t

suffer lactose intolerance, sleep on a pillow wedge to help keep

acids in stomach, drink a glass of water after your meals to

dilute your stomach acid, avoid eating acidic foods like citrus,

peppermint, tomatoes, peppers, caffeine, eat yogurt

~ supports intestinal flora with healthy bacteria for food

breakdown, eat ice cream couple of hours before bedtime,

vanilla is best, avoid chocolate & peppermint.

Antacids reduce acidity by neutralizing (counteracting) acid,

reducing the acidity in the stomach, and reducing the amount of

acid that is refluxed into the esophagus or emptied into the

duodenum. Antacids also work by inhibiting the activity of

pepsin, a digestive enzyme produced in the stomach that is

active only in an acid environment and, like acid, is believed to

be injurious to the lining of the stomach, duodenum, and

esophagus. It is important to note that when antacids are taken

on an empty stomach they provide acid reduction for 20 to 40

minutes only because the antacid is rapidly emptied into the

duodenum. When taken after a meal, (approximately 1 hour

afterwards) antacids reduce acid for at least three hours

since foodfrom the meal slows emptying of the antacid (and

food) from the stomach. It is important to discuss the use of


antacids with a physician or pharmacist, especially if used in

combination with other prescribed medications so as to avoid

drug interactions.

Aluminum Hydroxide as Antacid

There are many types of Antacids and one of them is the

Kremil S or preferably called Aluminum Hydroxide. There is a

medication wherein it is treated with this type of antacid.

According to Gasa (2017), Aluminum hydroxide is a common

over the counter drug available across the globe to treat

heartburn and various other stomach and kidney disorders such

as ulcers and gas. It can be found in medicines that contain

more than active antacid ingredient.  This comes generally in

liquid compositions and thus is better than tablets/capsules

because it works faster than the latter. Aluminum hydroxide is

taken alone or in combination with different GERD drugs like H2

blockers, proton pump inhibitor etc. as it does not prevent acid

production. So it is suitable for preliminary treatment of

heartburn only, if used alone. Increase in pH of the stomach.

Aluminum hydroxide effectively increases the pH of both


stomach and oesophagus after ingestion. In general, most

antacids like calcium carbonate can only increase the pH of

esophagus for a small amount of time, but do not show any

efficacy in the stomach. Aluminum hydroxide, on the other hand

increases the pH of not only the esophagus, but also of the

stomach, and for a longer time as compared to carbonates,

which makes them more efficient antacids and heartburn

relief agents  . Increase in gastrin secretion.

Gastrin is a stomach hormone that stimulates the secretion

of gastric acid or HCL. It also has a growth promoting role on

the gastric mucosa. Gastric mucosa is a prime factor to protect

the stomach and the other parts of the gut from the

acid secretion  . It has been shown that gastrin release in the

stomach after acidification reduces which in turn reduces the

efficiency of digestion. Experiments have suggested that when

the stomach is alkalized, the gastrin receptors become active

again to release gastrin even more to stimulate acid production

and hence promote effective digestion. This is in response to a

change in the gastric environment which is supposed to be acidic

all the time. Since aluminum hydroxide increase the pH, gastric

release is stimulated, promoting digestion and growth of the

mucosal lining, which reduces heartburn overall, and the


damages caused  by it . Increase in LES pressure. LES or lower

esophageal sphincter muscle is a prime factor in preventing the

acid flow from the stomach to the esophagus. When the

pressure on this muscle is decreased, it relaxes and gives way to

the back flow of the stomach contents into the esophagus

causing heartburn. Gastrin is a major effector hormone that

controls the pressure of the LES. When gastrin secretion is low,

as caused by the desensitization of gastrin receptors due to

constant acidic environment, the pressure on the LES decreases

and the acid refluxes back. However, it has been shown that

aluminum hydroxide changes the gastric environment,

preventing the desensitization of the gastrin receptors which in

turn stimulates more gastrin secretion. This gastrin causes

increase in the pressure on the LES which then closes tightly

and doesn’t allow the acid to flow back, preventing heartburn.

However, it shouldn’t be taken for more than two weeks without

prescription, especially if there is no positive effect of the

medication or there is any kind of side effect or allergy which is

not normally stated in the instructions of the medication.

It is also important to keep a list of all the drugs both

prescribed and OTC including any dietary supplements and

vitamins/minerals. In such a case, a doctor should be consulted


to make sure none of the other prescribed drugs react with

Aluminum hydroxide being taken for heartburn. Also, some

people might be allergic to it, so all the sensitivities and allergies

should be beforehand informed to the doctor. Any dietary

instructions should also be confirmed by the doctor before

consumption of this medication. In case if a dose is missed, it

shouldn’t be compensated by taking a double dose the next time

or to take the missed dose at an un-prescribed timing. It is

advisable to leave the skipped dose and proceed with the normal

dose at the prescribed timing normally, or to consult a doctor if

the medication is being taken with other chronic GERD drugs. All

these drugs do not contain just aluminum hydroxide but a

mixture of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide in various

ratios, to increase its efficacy to treat preliminary cases of

heartburn.  Some other drugs might contain other antacids too

in combination to the ones stated above while some could

contain drugs like proton pump inhibitors, used to treat chronic

GERD. Thus, the composition should always be checked before

purchasing the drug over the counter or without prescription.

The side effects of this drug are mentioned in the directions

given by the manufacturer. These generally include diarrhoea,

constipation and loss of appetite, weakness and tiredness. Any


other side effect such as allergy hives, fever, rectal bleeding or

worse should be immediately reported and the consumption

should be stopped.  The drug is known to react with certain

antibiotics, vitamins, ketoconazole and other chemicals. It also

reduces the absorption of certain drugs in the stomach, making

them less efficient. So no drug should be taken in combination

with aluminum hydroxide unless prescribed by the doctor.

Aluminum hydroxide is also known to affect the phosphate levels

in the body so it should strictly never be taken without 

prescription by kidney patients.

As stated by Alanid (2016), Aluminum hydroxide is an

effective antacid, providing immediate relief from heartburn for

a longer time. In general, its consumption is safe for adults and

pregnant women provided it is not combined with any other

drug or in any other disorder without prescription. Directions for

use provided by manufacturer are always to be taken care of

before consumption for better and problem-less treatment of

low level heartburns. In case of chronic GERD or prolonged acid

reflux, a doctor should always be consulted.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the efficiency of Himalayan

Salt, Regular Salt and Antacid in regulating a solutions’ pH

balance among pH-controlled solvents. Specifically, this study

seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the pH levels of the solvent:

1.1 After 30 mins.

1.2 After 60 mins.

1.3 After 120 mins.

2. Which among the solute is the most efficient in regulating

pH level?

3. Is there any significant difference between the solvent’s

pH level before and after the test?

3.1 Acidic Solvent

3.2 Alkaline Solvent



H0 - There is no significant differences between the solvents’

pH level before and after the test.


Significance of the Study

Research is the best way to find solutions to medical issues

and problems to set standards for medical practice. The issue

that has been observed in the imbalance of potential Hydrogen

level on teenagers has been rampant and affects their lives

together with the hormonal swings. These recurring issues led

the researchers to conceptualize a study that will answer the

curiosity in identifying how to regulate these pH levels. The

results of this study will therefore, benefit the following sector;

Students – This research will give additional knowledge

towards students’ pH levels, and how they’re supposed to react

with this pH imbalance through proper and adequate salt,

coconut water and regular water intake, together with the z

variables that may improve pH balance;

Residents – Additional knowledge will be gained when

they are presented with information about the pH regulatory

capabilities of Himalayan salt and may even present it as a


Medical Schools – Medical schools will be able to

incorporate results of this study into their medical practice

curriculum to further create medical advancements by having


more research conducted regarding how to further exemplify the

benefits of Himalayan salt ingestion.

Medical Practitioner(s) – This study aims to target

highly on medical practitioners regarding their perception on

treating diseases by killing it instead of regulating its

environment. The study aims to add knowledge that diseases

just like chronic illnesses can be prevented by regulating some

factors, in a nutshell, by taking off the suitable environment it

needs to grow; we can inhibit its growth.

Community – The Community will be benefited in a way

that they will be informed about the disadvantages of

imbalanced pH level on the body. In addition, the community

may gain knowledge about the importance of regulating pH

balance through home and non-synthetic remedies. This study

will also manifest different schools, in particular the Science and

Technology Education Center Senior High School, that their

students might be undergoing acidosis or any kind of pH

imbalance, and thus needs an equivalent reaction to modify its

adverse effects. Young people will also be more informed about

the perceived health benefits of the Himalayan salt and its

diverse usage as natural remedy.


Department of Health (DOH) – This study will benefit

the Department of Health by giving awareness about the diverse

usage of Himalayan salt as a natural remedy.

Future Researchers – This study certainly add future

knowledge to medical field as well as amateur researchers. This

study will serve as a guide to future researchers who are

particular in knowing the diverse effects of unbalanced pH level

and its correlation on occurrence of diseases. This study will also

serve as a guide to the next generation of researchers of

medicine particularly in gastroenterology.



To fully understand the terms used in this study, they are

defined operationally:

Acid - a molecule or ion capable of donating a hydron (proton

or hydrogen ion H+), or, alternatively, capable of forming a

covalent bond with an electron pair. A substance with a pH level

less than 7.

Acidosis - caused by an overproduction of acid in the blood or

an excessive loss of bicarbonate from the blood (metabolic

acidosis) or by a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood that

results from poor lung function or depressed breathing

(respiratory acidosis).

Alkaline - a basic, ionic salt of an alkali metal or alkaline earth

metal chemical element. An alkali also can be defined as a base

that dissolves in water. A solution of a soluble base has a pH

greater than 7.0.

Base - a molecule or iron capable of accepting proton from any

proton donors. A substance with a pH level higher than 7.


Himalayan Salt - is rock salt or halite from the Punjab region

of Pakistan. Commonly used in cooking, in place of other table

salt, and in brine.

pH - stands for power of hydrogen, a measurement of the

hydrogen ion concentration in the body.

pH Regulation - The process of operating in living organisms to

regulate the concentration of hydrogen ions and preserve a

viable acid-base state.



Research Design

This study will use a quasi-experimental research design

applying the quantitative approach with pre-test-post-test

experimental design in data analysis. Experimental research

design describes and investigates the solvent’s pH level, and the

significant difference between the solvent’s pH level before and

after various time interval of different solute application.

This study will use non-parametric approaches in data

analysis to the 20 samples of each variation, to be done in STEC

(Science and Technology Education Center), Lapu-Lapu City.

Research Environment

This study will require an experimentation to be conducted in

a particular location in Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City, wherein the

temperature is within the range of 25ºC to 30ºC. This is because

according to Bhattacharjee (2015), the rise of temperature is

associated with increased molecular vibrations, upon increasing

the temperature, the observable [H+] also increases due to a


decreased tendency of Hydrogen bonds thus leading to a

reduction in the pH. Additionally, he said that in order to

neutralize the pH level at 7 the temperature must stay at 25 ºC

in this way, the pH level of the solution will be minimally

affected. The researchers also conducted the experiment at a

home set-up. However, the results may vary if the

experimentation was conducted in a laboratory. “The results

may not be as useful if they generalize beyond the experimental

setting of the research study” (Merrell et. al, 2014).

Research Samples

The researchers will utilize the non-probability sampling,

specifically the purposive sampling to gather data from the


The study will need a total of 200 samples; with a total of

40 samples for Himalayan Salt, 20 of which are acidic samples

with pH level of ±4.00, and the other 20 samples are alkaline

with pH level of ±9.00, , 40 Samples for Regular Salt, 20 of

which are acidic samples with pH level of ±4.00, and the other

20 samples are alkaline with pH level of ±9.00, 20 of which are

acidic samples with pH level of ±4.00, and the other 20 samples

are alkaline with pH level of ±9.00, and 40 samples for Antacid


Solute, 20 of which are acidic samples with pH level of ±4.00,

and the other 20 samples are alkaline with pH level of ±9.00,

and must meet the following criteria: 1) must be free of

detectable contaminants and pollution; 2) pH-modified samples

using the pH tester; and 3) aren’t expired samples.

Research Instruments

The study will conduct pre-test-post-test experimentation

which has three sub-questions to be analyzed mainly: 1) What

are the pH levels of the solvent?; 2) Is/Are there (a) significant

difference(s) between the solvent’s pH level before and after the

test?; and 3) Which among the solute is the most efficient in

regulating pH level? The researchers will use a red, electronic,

portable, lightweight, Yieryi digital pH tester with plastic

materials, video cameras, voice recorders, field notes,

transcripts, test tubes, Caro and Mari plastic measuring spoons

(15 grams), plastic measuring cups (250 mL), and droppers for

the materials, Aluminum Hydroxide as the antacid because

according to Gasa (2017), Aluminum hydroxide effectively

increases the pH of both stomach and oesophagus after

ingestion, regular salt, and Pink Himalayan Salt for the solute

and 2 liters of Nature’s Spring alkaline water (±9.00 pH), and 5


liters of Coca Cola as acidic water (±4.00) for the solvent. Most

importantly, the researchers controlled the room temperature at

25 ºC with the use of a 5-year old white manually controlled

Sanyo air conditioner.

Statistical tools such as non-parametric Friedman’s K-

Related Test Analysis and SPSS’ Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

analysis will also be used for precise results and inferences. It

will also present the Transmittal Letters, Parental Consents for

the Researchers; and the Informed Consent Form as well as

transcripts, solution sheets and video documentary.

Research Procedures

After acquiring the approval of the research topic and

formal permission from STEC Senior High School Department, as

well as the specialized panelists’ permit and the research

adviser, the researchers will proceed to the gathering of the

data needed focusing on the profile of the samples to be used

and their chemical reaction. A modified standard pH level digital

tester will be used to measure their pH levels before the

application of the solute and after various time intervals in a

controlled environment, maintaining the temperature at 25°-30°

degrees celsius, specifically after 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and


120 minutes. This is because according to Bhattacharjee (2015),

in order to neutralize the pH level at 7 the temperature must

stay at 25 ºC in this way, the pH level of the solution will be

minimally affected. The solution shall be agitated for 30 seconds

to firmly dissolve the solute. For this, the researchers are

allotting more or less than two (2) months to gather all the data

needed and analyze it using the appropriate statistical tool –

non-parametric Friedman’s K-Related Test Analysis to know

whether there is a significant difference between the test

sample’s pH level before and after two (2) hours of submersion

to various solutes, G-power in selecting the number of samples,

and SPSS’ Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test analysis, to gain

knowledge in which specific time interval does the significant

difference appear. To compare the over-all difference, the

researchers will be averaging the after one-hundred twenty

(120) minutes of submersion and compile them in a table for

raw analysis. The data collected will be coded and interpreted by

the researchers. Crafting of the conclusion, recommendations,

and proposed improvements will be done after results of the

data have been analyzed and examined. A 5-minute

documentary video will also be prepared based on the concept

of the problem, findings and conclusion and will include an


interview to a nutritionist dietician by profession to gain

knowledge whether this research is legitimately significant or



I. Gathered Data for Acidic Solvents

Table I.I.

0.4004 Molar Concentration

Before 30 mins. 60 mins. 120 mins.
4.00 4.86 4.97 5.04
4.00 4.41 4.43 4.44
4.00 5.22 5.23 5.21
4.00 4.38 4.54 4.38
4.00 4.54 4.65 4.54
4.00 5.11 5.32 5.09
4.00 4.76 4.88 4.66
4.00 4.76 4.98 4.57
4.00 4.37 4.48 4.26
4.00 4.71 4.92 4.67
4.00 5.23 5.32 5.11
4.00 4.36 4.57 4.26
4.00 4.62 4.74 4.53
4.00 4.73 4.84 4.62
4.00 4.76 4.88 4.67
4.00 5.27 5.48 5.17
4.00 5.13 5.24 5.02
4.00 5.02 5.14 4.82
4.00 5.29 5.31 5.19
4.00 5.34 5.45 5.04

Table for Regular Iodized Salt - NaI


Table I.I. shows the gathered data for regular iodized salt’s

chemical reaction with acidic water for up to 120 minutes. The

data was recorded in intervals in order to garner more accurate

data and will be interpreted using non-parametric tests.

Table I.II.

1.0268 Molar Concentration

Before 30 mins. 60 mins. 120 mins.
4.00 4.35 4.40 4.45
4.00 3.68 3.70 3.79
4.00 4.62 4.71 4.75
4.00 4.39 4.42 4.50
4.00 3.98 3.53 3.59
4.00 3.77 3.84 3.92
4.00 3.98 3.45 3.57
4.00 3.94 3.47 3.58
4.00 3.73 3.83 3.96
4.00 4.53 4.59 4.69
4.00 4.57 4.60 4.87
4.00 4.67 4.69 4.82
4.00 4.60 4.75 4.98
4.00 4.37 4.49 4.67
4.00 4.10 4.28 4.48
4.00 3.89 3.97 4.31
4.00 4.42 4.48 4.61
4.00 4.30 4.50 4.67
4.00 3.87 3.95 4.10
4.00 4.00 4.20 4.34

Table for Himalayan Salt - NaCl

Table I.II. shows the gathered data for Himalayan salt’s

chemical reaction with acidic water for up to 120 minutes. The


data was recorded in intervals in order to garner more accurate

data and will be interpreted using non-parametric tests.

Table I.III.

0.7697 Molar Concentration

Before 30 mins. 60 mins. 120 mins.
4.00 6.73 6.90 7.09
4.00 7.04 7.22 7.59
4.00 6.36 6.47 6.67
4.00 6.98 7.03 7.65
4.00 6.60 6.93 7.22
4.00 6.52 6.70 7.00
4.00 6.66 6.82 7.13
4.00 6.78 6.92 7.03
4.00 7.14 7.30 7.42
4.00 6.34 6.53 6.79
4.00 6.72 6.80 7.28
4.00 7.14 7.24 7.77
4.00 6.17 6.30 6.67
4.00 6.99 7.11 7.29
4.00 6.91 7.07 7.26
4.00 6.60 6.79 7.00
4.00 6.89 6.95 7.06
4.00 6.17 6.20 6.68
4.00 6.80 6.98 7.24
4.00 6.20 6.41 6.70

Table for Commercialized Antacid (Kremil-S) – Al(OH )3


Table I.III. shows the gathered data for Antacid’s chemical

reaction with acidic water for up to 120 minutes. The data was

recorded in intervals in order to garner more accurate data and

will be interpreted using non-parametric tests.

II. Interpretation of Data for Acidic Solvents

II.I. Test Statistics for Himalayan Salt Solution

Table II.I.I.


for H0

Difference 19.734 0.000193 Reject There is

Between sufficient
Himalayan evidence to
Salt and reject null
Time hypothesis

Significant Difference between the Chemical Reaction of Himalayan Salt

Before and After 2 Hours of Submersion

Table II.I.I presents the Friedman test statistics for the

overall Himalayan salt solution’s chemical reaction with acidic

water. This data has two possible outcomes, namely the null and

the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis suggests that


there is no significant difference between Himalayan salt and

time intervals, while alternative hypothesis, on the other hand

suggests, that there is significant difference between the

Himalayan salt solution and time interval.

With a Chi-Square (X2) = 19.734, number of samples (n) =

20, degree of freedom (df) = 3, and a significance level (p) is

0.000193, therefore the test statistics for Himalayan salt

solution suggests that there is a significant difference between

the time interval of the salt’s submersion in the solvent, given

that p < 0.05 in order for to have a significant difference

between the two, meaning, there is sufficient evidence to reject

the null hypothesis.

Table II.I.II

Variable Himala Himala Himala Himala Himala Himala

yan 30 yan 60 yan yan 60 yan yan
– – 120 – - 120 – 120 –
Himala Himala Himala Himala Himala Himala
yan yan yan yan30 yan 30 yan 60
Before Before Before
Chi Square - - -
-2.763b -1.793b
Value -2.13 1.829b 2.017 3.922b

0.033 0.00008
P value 0.067 0.006 0.073 0.044

Decision for Reject

There is enough evidence to reject the null

Significant Difference between pH in Individual Time Intervals

Table II.I.II shows the significance levels of each time

intervals. This table ought to develop an interpretation and know

which specifically among the time intervals does the significant

difference between the Himalayan salt solutions occurs.

Using Wilcoxon signed ranks test, the intervals between the

beforehand application of the Himalayan salt and its chemical

reaction after 120 mins., as well as the chemical reaction of

Himalayan salt between the 60th min. And the 120th min.

distinguishes the specific significant difference time interval for

the Himalayan salt to react the most. With the significance level

of 0.006 for beforehand application to 120 mins. of submerging,

and a z-value = -1.829, therefore there is sufficient evidence to

reject the null hypothesis. The same goes with the chemical

reaction of Himalayan salt within 60 – 120 mins. of sumberging,

where p < .017, and its p = <.0005.

II.II. Test Statistics for Regular Salt Solution

Table II.II.I.



Difference 53.273 0.000000 Reject There is enough

Regular evidence to reject
Salt and
Time null hypothesis

Significant Difference between the Chemical Reaction of Regular Salt Before

and After 2 Hours of Submersion

Table II.II.I presents the Friedman test statistics for the

overall regular salt solution’s chemical reaction with acidic

water. This data has two possible outcomes, namely the null and

the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis suggests that

there is no significant difference between Himalayan salt and

time intervals, while alternative hypothesis, on the other hand

suggests, that there is significant difference between the

Regular salt solution and time interval

With a Chi-Square (X2) = 53.273, number of samples (n) =

20, degree of freedom (df) = 3, and a significance level (p) is

0.000000, therefore the test statistics for regular salt solution

suggests that there is a significant difference between the time

interval of the salt’s submersion in the solvent, given that p <

0.05 in order for to have a significant difference between the

two, meaning, there is sufficient evidence to reject the null


Table II.II.II

Variable Regular Regula Regula Regula Regula Regula

30 – r 60 – r 120 - r 60 – r 120 – r 120 -
Regular Regula Regula Regula Regula Regula
Before r r r 30 r 30 r 60
Before Before
Chi Square -3.921b -3.921b -3.921b -3.939b -2.945c -3.776
0.00008 0.00008 0.00010
0.000087 0.000088 0.003
8 7 8
P value
Decision for Reject
There is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis

Significant Difference Between pH in Individual Time Intervals

Table II.II.II shows the significance levels of each time

intervals. This table ought to develop an interpretation and know


which specifically among the time intervals does the significant

difference between the Regular salt solutions occur.

Using Wilcoxon signed ranks test, the intervals between the

beforehand application of the Regular salt and its chemical

reaction after 120 mins., as well as the chemical reaction of

Regular salt between the time frame of 30 to 60 min, 30 to 120

mins, 60 to 120 mins. All but one interval, 30 to 120 mins,

showed a different result. Nevertheless, this can be elucidated

that Regular Salt works immediately after 30 mins. With the

significance level of 0.006 before the application of the salt

solution to 120 mins. of submerging, and a z-value = -3.921,

therefore there is sufficient evidence to reject the null

hypothesis. The same goes with the chemical reaction of Regular

salt all throughout the time of submerging, where p <.017, and

its p = <.0005.

II.III. Test Statistics for Antacid

Table II.III.I.



Difference There is sufficient

60.000 0.000000 Reject
Antacid evidence to reject
and Time

Interval null hypothesis

Significant Difference between the Chemical Reaction of Antacid Before and

After 2 Hours of Submersion

Table II.III.I presents the Friedman test statistics for the

overall Antacid solution’s chemical reaction with acidic water.

This data has two possible outcomes, namely the null and the

alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis suggests that there

is no significant difference between Antacid and time intervals,

while alternative hypothesis, on the other hand suggests, that

there is significant difference between the Antacid solution and

time interval

With a Chi-Square (X 2) = 60, number of samples (n) = 20,

degree of freedom (df) = 3, and a significance level (p) is

0.000000, therefore the test statistics for Antacid solution

suggests that there is a significant difference between the time

interval of the ’s submersion in the solvent, given that p < 0.05

in order for to have a significant difference between the two,

meaning, there is sufficient evidence to reject the null



Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid

30 – 60 – 120 – 60 – 120 – 120 –
Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid
Before Before Before 30 30 60

-3.921b -3.920b -3.921b
Value -3.921b -3.920b -3.922b

P Value
0.000088 0.000089 0.000088 0.000087 0.000088 0.000088

Decision for

Interpretation There is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis


Significant Difference between pH in Individual Time Intervals

Table II.III.II shows the significance levels of each time

intervals. This table ought to develop an interpretation and know

which specifically among the time intervals does the significant

difference between the Antacid solution occurs.

Using Wilcoxon signed ranks test, the intervals from

beforehand application of Antacid until the 120th min. shows

significant difference with at least p<0.0005.

III. Gathered Data for Alkaline Solvent

Table III.I.

0.4004 Molar Concentration

Before 30 mins. 60 mins. 120 mins.
9.00 8.72 8.38 8.41
9.00 8.70 8.41 8.22
9.00 8.66 8.40 8.16
9.00 8.70 8.40 8.19
9.00 8.69 8.39 8.37
9.00 8.71 8.41 8.20
9.00 8.67 8.37 8.16
9.00 8.70 8.40 8.38
9.00 8.66 8.36 8.34
9.00 8.71 8.41 8.20
9.00 8.69 8.39 8.37
9.00 8.66 8.36 8.15
9.00 8.68 8.38 8.17

9.00 8.71 8.41 8.37

9.00 8.68 8.38 8.36
9.00 8.66 8.36 8.15
9.00 8.71 8.41 8.39
9.00 8.70 8.40 8.36
9.00 8.66 8.36 8.32
9.00 8.69 8.39 8.18
Table for Regular Iodized Salt - NaI

Table III.I. shows the gathered data for Regular Salt salt’s

chemical reaction with alkaline water for up to 120 minutes. The

data was recorded in intervals in order to garner more accurate

data and will be interpreted using non-parametric tests.


Table III.II.

1.0268 Molar Concentration

Before 30 mins. 60 mins. 120 mins.
9.00 8.64 8.76 8.87
9.00 8.48 8.55 8.61
9.00 8.41 8.47 8.52
9.00 8.45 8.47 8.49
9.00 8.52 8.56 8.58
9.00 8.62 8.64 8.69
9.00 8.48 8.52 8.54
9.00 8.57 8.61 8.63
9.00 8.51 8.55 8.57
9.00 8.60 8.64 8.66
9.00 8.48 8.56 8.58
9.00 8.57 8.59 8.64
9.00 8.39 8.47 8.53
9.00 8.40 8.44 8.46
9.00 8.56 8.58 8.60
9.00 8.63 8.71 8.81
9.00 8.49 8.51 8.56
9.00 8.50 8.54 8.59
9.00 8.48 8.50 8.60
9.00 8.57 8.59 8.61

Table for Himalayan Salt - NaCl

Table III.II shows the gathered data for Himalayan salt’s

chemical reaction with alkaline water for up to 120 minutes. The

data was recorded in intervals in order to garner more accurate

data and will be interpreted using non-parametric tests.


Table III.III.

0.7697 Molar Concentration

Before 30 mins. 60 mins. 120 mins.
9.00 9.29 9.24 9.19
9.00 9.10 9.12 9.14
9.00 9.05 9.08 9.11
9.00 9.14 9.18 9.13
9.00 9.09 9.20 9.15
9.00 9.18 9.22 9.17
9.00 9.11 9.14 9.09
9.00 9.20 9.27 9.15
9.00 9.24 9.22 9.17
9.00 9.19 9.23 9.18
9.00 9.06 9.09 9.04
9.00 9.08 9.15 9.10
9.00 9.14 9.18 9.13
9.00 9.17 9.24 9.19
9.00 9.27 9.31 9.16
9.00 9.13 9.16 9.11
9.00 9.24 9.27 9.12
9.00 9.25 9.29 9.14
9.00 9.21 9.25 9.11
9.00 9.10 9.18 9.11

Table for Commercialized Antacid (Kremil-S) – Al(OH )3

Table III.III. shows the gathered data for Antacid’s

chemical reaction with alkaline water for up to 120 minutes. The

data was recorded in intervals in order to garner more accurate

data and will be interpreted using non-parametric tests.


IV. Interpretation of Data for Alkaline Solvent

IV.I. Test Statistics for Himalayan Salt Solution

Table IV.I.I.



Difference There is sufficient

60.000 0.000000 Reject
Himalayan evidence to reject
Salt and
Time null hypothesis

Significant Difference between the Chemical Reaction of Himalayan Salt

Before and After 2 Hours of Submersion

Table IV.I.I presents the Friedman test statistics for the

overall Himalayan salt solution’s chemical reaction with alkaline

water. This data has two possible outcomes, namely the null and

the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis suggests that

there is no significant difference between Himalayan salt and

time intervals, while alternative hypothesis, on the other hand

suggests, that there is significant difference between the

Himalayan salt solution and time interval

With a Chi-Square (X2) = 60.000, number of samples (n) =

20, degree of freedom (df) = 3, and a significance level (p) is

0.000000, therefore the test statistics for Himalayan salt

solution suggests that there is a significant difference between


the time interval of the salt’s submersion in the solvent, given

that p < 0.05 in order for to have a significant difference

between the two, meaning, there is sufficient evidence to reject

the null hypothesis.

Table IV.I.II

Variables: Himalay Himalay Himalay Himalay Himalay Himalay

an 30 – an 60 – an 120 an 60 – an 120 an 120
Himalay Himalay – Himalay – –
an an Himalay an 30 Himalay Himalay
Before Before an an 30 an 60
-3.925b -3.923b -3.921b -3.960b -3.935c -3.985c

0.000087 0.0000880.000088 0.000075 0.000083 0.000067

P – Value
Decision for H0
There is sufficient evidence to reject the null
Interpretation hypothesis

Significant Difference Between pH in Individual Time Intervals

Table IV.I.II shows the significance levels of each time

intervals. This table ought to develop an interpretation and know

which specifically among the time intervals does the significant

difference between the Himalayan salt solution occurs.

Using Wilcoxon signed ranks test, the intervals between the

beforehand application of the Himalayan salt and its chemical

reaction after 120 mins., as well as the chemical reaction of


Himalayan salt between the 60th min. And the 120th min.

distinguishes the specific significant difference time interval for

the Himalayan salt to react the most. With the significance level

of 0.006 for beforehand application to 120 mins. of submerging,

and a z-value = -3.923, therefore there is sufficient evidence to

reject the null hypothesis. The same goes with the chemical

reaction of Himalayan salt within 60 – 120 mins. of submerging,

where p = <.0005.

IV.II. Test Statistics for Regular Salt Solution

Table IV.II.I.



Difference There is sufficient

58.860 0.000000 Reject
Regular evidence to reject
Salt and
Time null hypothesis

Significant Difference between the Chemical Reaction of Regular Salt Before

and After 2 Hours of Submersion

Table II.II.I presents the Friedman test statistics for the

overall regular salt solution’s chemical reaction with alkaline

water. This data has two possible outcomes, namely the null and

the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis suggests that

there is no significant difference between Himalayan salt and


time intervals, while alternative hypothesis, on the other hand

suggests, that there is significant difference between the

Regular salt solution and time interval

With a Chi-Square (X2) = 58.860, number of samples (n) =

20, degree of freedom (df) = 3, and a significance level (p) is

0.000000, therefore the test statistics for regular salt solution

suggests that there is a significant difference between the time

interval of the salt’s submersion in the solvent, given that p <

0.05 in order for to have a significant difference between the

two, meaning, there is sufficient evidence to reject the null


Table IV.II.II

Variables Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular

30 – 60 – 120 – 30 – 30 – 120 –
Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular
Before Before Before 60 120 60
Chi- -3.925 -3.923 -3.921 -3.985 -3.935 -3.698
P-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002
83 83 88 23 74 17
for H0
Interpreta There is no sufficient evidence to reject the null
tion hypothesis
Significant Difference Between pH in Individual Time Intervals

Table IV.II.II shows the significance levels of each time

intervals. This table ought to develop an interpretation and know

which specifically among the time intervals does the significant

difference between the Regular salt solutions occur.

Using Wilcoxon signed ranks test, the intervals between the

beforehand application of the Regular salt and its chemical

reaction after 120 mins. has the same results as with the

Himalayan salt submerged into the alkaline water. All of the

following intervals displayed at least p<0.0005. Therefore there

is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.


IV.III. Test Statistics for Antacid

Table IV.III.I.



Difference There is sufficient

48.480 0.000000 Reject
Regular evidence to reject
Salt and
Time null hypothesis

Significant Difference between the Chemical Reaction of Antacid Before and

After 2 Hours of Submersion

Table IV.III.I presents the Friedman test statistics for the

overall Antacid solution’s chemical reaction with alkaline water.

This data has two possible outcomes, namely the null and the

alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis suggests that there

is no significant difference between Antacid and time intervals,

while alternative hypothesis, on the other hand suggests, that

there is significant difference between the Antacid solution and

time interval

With a Chi-Square (X2) = 48.480, number of samples (n) =

20, degree of freedom (df) = 3, and a significance level (p) is

0.000000, therefore the test statistics for Antacid solution

suggests that there is a significant difference between the time


interval of the antacid’s submersion in the solvent, given that p

< 0.05 in order for to have a significant difference between the

two, meaning, there is sufficient evidence to reject the null



Variables Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid

30 – 60 – 120 – 60 – 120 – 120 –
Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid Antacid 30 Antacid 60
Before Before Before 30

Chi - - - -3.923b - -1.573c -3.851c

b b
Squared 3.921 3.922 3.328b

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.001 0.116 0.000118

P - Value
88 88 87

Decision for
Reject Accept Reject

There is
There is no sufficient
There is sufficient
sufficient evidence evidence
Interpretation evidence to reject
to reject the null to reject
the null hypothesis
hypothesis the null

Significant Difference Between pH in Individual Time Intervals

Table IV.III.II shows the significance levels of each time

intervals. This table ought to develop an interpretation and know

which specifically among the time intervals does the significant

difference between the Antacid solution occurs.


Using Wilcoxon signed ranks test, the intervals from

beforehand application of Antacid until the 120th min. shows

significant difference with each at least p<0.0005 except for the

30 to 60 mins. time interval and the 30 to 120 mins time

interval. However, most of the results are below the p<0.017

and only one exceeded the p., during the 30 to 120 mins time

interval, therefore there is sufficient evidence to reject the null


V. Solvents with Solution After 120 mins.

V.I. Solvents’ Average in Acidic Solvent

Himalayan Salt Regular Salt Antacid

4.48 4.76 7.13

The table V.I. shown above is the average of 20 samples of

each salt solution: Himalayan Salt, Regular Salt and Antacid

after 120 minutes of the solution’s submersion in the acidic

solvent. We can infer that after getting the average score of the

solution, Antacid works best in regulating the pH level of the

acidic solvent with 7.13 pH level then Regular Salt with 4.76 pH

level and lastly, the Himalayan Salt with 4.48 after submerging

it into the solvent for 120 minutes. 7.31 – 9 / 2 times 100 =


V.II. Solvents’ Average in Alkaline Solvent

Antacid Regular Salt
9.15 8.67 8.28

The table V.II shown above is the average of 20 samples of

each salt solution: Himalayan Salt, Regular Salt and Antacid

after 120 minutes of the solution’s submersion in the alkaline

solvent. We can infer that after getting the average score of the

solution, Antacid works most inefficiently in regulating the pH

level of the acidic solvent with 9.15 pH level then Himalayan Salt

with 8.67 pH level and lastly, the most efficient in regulating

alkalinity, which is, the Regular Salt garnering a basic 8.28 pH

level after submerging it into the solvent for 120 minutes.

VI. Acid-Regulation Efficiency

From the gathered data, the most efficient acid neutralizer

was seen to be the antacid, next to regular salt and lastly,


VI.I - Regarding the Himalayan salt, it can be inferred

that with an average of 4.33, there is only an 11% efficiency

rate and is therefore relatively slow in regulating acidic water.

VI.II – Regarding the regular salt, with an average of

4.76, which is relatively higher than the previous reading, it can


be inferred that it has an efficiency rate of 25.33%. This

efficiency rate is still relatively lower knowing the fact that we

need at least 28% efficiency rate to somehow neutralize the


VI.III – Taking the Antacid into account, with an average

pH level after 120 minutes of 7.13 pH, therefore we can infer

that there is 99.47% efficiency rate and is so-far the most

efficient rating that we could have for a solute.

VII. Alkaline-Regulation Efficiency

From the gathered data, the most efficient alkaline

neutralizer was observed to be the regular salt, Himalayan salt

comes in second and antacid took the last place.

VII.I – Concerning the Himalayan salt from the data

gathered, with an average of 8.61, there is only 19.5%

efficiency rate hence it is comparatively slow in regulating

alkaline water

VII.II – With respect to the regular salt, with an average

of 8.27, we can deduce 36.5% efficiency rate based on the data

gathered and is considerably higher than the efficiency rate of

the Himalayan salt.


VII.III – Last but not the least, the Antacid with an

average of 9.14 showed an efficiency rate of 7% which is

noticeably slow than its efficiency rate in acidic water.




Summary of Findings

I. Acid-Regulation Efficiency

From the gathered data, the most efficient acid neutralizer

was seen to be the antacid, next to regular salt and lastly,


I.I - Regarding the Himalayan salt, it can be inferred that

with an average of 4.33, there is only an 11% efficiency rate

and is therefore relatively slow in regulating acidic water.

I.II – Regarding the regular salt, with an average of 4.76,

which is relatively higher than the previous reading, it can be

inferred that it has an efficiency rate of 25.33%. This efficiency


rate is still relatively lower knowing the fact that we need at

least 28% efficiency rate to somehow neutralize the acidity.

I.III – Taking the Antacid into account, with an average

pH level after 120 minutes of 7.13 pH, therefore we can infer

that there is 99.47% efficiency rate and is so-far the most

efficient rating that we could have for a solute.

II. Alkaline-Regulation Efficiency

From the gathered data, the most efficient alkaline

neutralizer was observed to be the regular salt, Himalayan salt

comes in second and antacid took the last place.

II.I – Concerning the Himalayan salt from the data

gathered, with an average of 8.61, there is only 19.5%

efficiency rate hence it is comparatively slow in regulating

alkaline water

II.II – With respect to the regular salt, with an average of

8.27, we can deduce 36.5% efficiency rate based on the data

gathered and is considerably higher than the efficiency rate of

the Himalayan salt.


II.III – Last but not the least, the Antacid with an

average of 9.14 showed an efficiency rate of 7% which is

noticeably slow than its efficiency rate in acidic water.


From the data gathered, the interpretation between the

efficiency of Himalayan Salt, Regular Salt, Antacid in regulating

the pH level indicates to have a significant difference before and

after the submersion of the salt solution in the solvent.

I. Chemical Reaction with Acidic Solvent

For the Himalayan Salt, the results have found sufficient

evidence to reject the null hypothesis saying that it does not

show a significant difference between the time interval of the

salt’s submersion in the solvent.


In the case of the Regular Salt, with sufficient evidence to

support the claim, the null hypothesis is rejected saying that

Regular Salt does not show a significant difference between the

time interval of the salt’s submersion in the solvent.

As for the Antacid, all the pH level between the time interval

showed a significant difference thus the null hypothesis can be


This can be understood that the 4 solutes: Himalayan Salt,

Regular Salt and Antacid can be used to regulate the pH level in

the body. It is preconceived that the antacid would be the best

and most efficient in regulating pH level, just by the fact that it

was commercially-made just to regulate gastrointestinal acid pH

levels. But, the fact that Himalayan salt also had significant

regulatory properties is already a good point that it can be an

alternative to synthetic drugs, and that it has trace minerals as

incentives in ingesting it.

II. Chemical Reaction in Alkaline Solvent

In terms of regulating the pH level in an alkaline state, the

interpretation between the efficiency of Himalayan Salt, Regular

Salt and Antacid indicates to have a significant difference before

and after salt’s submersion in the solvent.


For the Himalayan Salt, the outcomes are found to have

enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis saying that

Himalayan Salt does not show a significant difference after 120

minutes of submersion in the solvent.

With reference to the Regular Salt, all pH level between time

intervals showed a significant difference and can support the

allegation that it does show a significant difference and can

regulate the body’s pH level therefore rejecting the null


Lastly, the Antacid which has only two time intervals that

does not reach the significance level can be presumed that it can

regulate pH levels of the body except between the mentioned

two time intervals and can reject the null hypothesis that it does

not show significant difference before and after the submersion

of the solution in the solvent.

With this, it can be acknowledged that the three salt

solution: Himalayan Salt, Regular Salt and Antacid can be used

to regulate the pH level in the body. It is assumed that the

Regular salt would be the best in regulating the pH level since it

has the highest efficiency rate than the Himalayan salt in both

variations: (1) Acidic pH; (2) Alkaline pH.



In this research, the researchers were able to put up only

20 samples for every 250 mL of solvent and was unable to put

up a variety of concentration due to financial constraints. Thus,

it is recommended by the researchers to do experimentation

with varying molar concentration in order to see whether there

is a significant difference if the solution get more concentrated

and vice versa.

The use of a digital pH level tester in testing the various

pH levels is a time and commercially viable alternative compared


to the use of Litmus paper as it provides a numerical value and

increases accuracy to improve calculations.

The experiment be done with samples of a number greater

than 30 to increase accuracy during treatment and making it

viable for parametric test analysis.

The researchers also recommend the option of doing live

experiments, to humans, where the subjects' pH level are

recorded before and after the intake of the solute.

The researchers would also like to recommend analyzing

the overall factors that may affect the pH level, in that way, the

future researchers would be able to manipulate all the z-

variables and yield more accurate findings.


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Basak, Lapu-Lapu City

September 19, 2016


Warm Greetings!

The undersigned students are currently finishing their Quantitative Research

work at Science Technology Education Center (STEC), Basak, Lapu-Lapu City. In
compliance for the requirements of the course, the undersigned students are now
working on the research entitled,

“Efficiency in Regulating Body pH Balance Through Himalayan

Salt, Regular Salt, and Commercialized Antacids”

In this connection, the undersigned students are asking your permission and
approval to conduct their study within their Academic premises and perform an in-
depth discussion interview with their respective qualified scientists.

Rest assured that the findings will be utilized for the improvement of
the welfare in general and will benefit the society having unbalanced pH
levels to have more alternative in case of acid refluxes.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Jose Virgilio G. Calambuhay Jr. Charisse L. Longos

Andrea Paula A. Malawi Matthew Dune Joel P. Oville
Norberto C. Dabalos III Jerel John Velarde

Recommended by:

Research Teacher

Noted by:


STEC SHS Principal


Basak, Lapu-Lapu City

Instruction: Please complete the following, sign and return to:.

Ms. Ritzel R. Montalban, STEC Research Teacher

Name of student: _____________________ Age: ____________

Name of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________

Address: ___________________________________
Mobile: ____________________________________

Family Doctor ________________ Doctor’s Tel No: _________________

Does your child suffer from any medical conditions/allergies that the teacher/ coach should
be aware of (including any current medication)
Please provide details of medication that must be administered:

Emergency contact details: (If different from above)

Name: _____________________________ Telephone no: __________________

Relationship to child: ________________________________________________

CONSENT (please read carefully)

a) I agree to my son/ daughter taking part in the Field Work/Immersion in partial

fulfillment of the Research Course Work to develop the independent and critical skills of the
b) I confirm to the best of my knowledge that my son/ daughter does not suffer from
any medical condition other than those listed above.
c) I fully support the research undertaking of my son/daughter through minimal
financial cost and through my attendance/presence if so desired.
d) I consent to my son/ daughter traveling by any form of public transport, minibus or
motor vehicle by land or water in the course of gathering research data.
e) I understand that the teacher/school accept no responsibility for any untoward
incident, damage or injury caused by or during attendance based on the attached schedules
of the field work/gathering data.

Signed ………………………………….....................… (Parent/ Guardian)

Date: ……………………………
(Append approved transmittal letter, budget costing, and field schedule
Basak, Lapu-Lapu City

Please consider this information carefully before deciding whether to participate in this

Purpose of the research: To evaluate the pH level regulatory efficiency of Himalayan salt,
regular table salt, and commercialized Antacid.

What you will do in this research: If you decide to volunteer, you will be asked to
participate in the data gathering through experimentation, with your permission, we will be
conducting documentaries and some experiments in your grounds. You will not be asked to
state your name on the recording.

Time required: 5 hours


No risks are anticipated.

Benefits: This is a chance for you to tell your story about your life and experiences
concerning a family relative diagnosed with autism.
Compensation: No remuneration but you will be provided with snacks.

Confidentiality: Your responses to interview questions will be kept confidential. At no time

will your actual identity be revealed. You will be assigned a random numerical code. Anyone
who helps me transcribe responses will only know you by this code. The recording will be
destroyed as soon as it has been transcribed. or when my final paper has been graded, or
when my dissertation has been accepted. The transcript, without your name, will be kept
until the research is complete.

The key code linking your name with your number will be kept in a locked file cabinet in a
locked office, and no one else will have access to it. It will be destroyed. The data you give
me will be used for the Action Research I am currently writing and may be used as the
basis for articles or presentations in the future. I won’t use your name or information that
would identify you in any publications or presentations.

Participation and withdrawal: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary,

and you may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study without penalty or loss of
benefits to which you may otherwise be entitled. You will receive payment based on the
proportion of the study you completed. You may withdraw by informing the experimenter
that you no longer wish to participate (no questions will be asked). You may skip any
question during the interview, but continue to participate in the rest of the study.

To Contact the Researchers: If you have questions or concerns about this research,
please contact: JOSE VIRGILIO CALAMBUHAY, STEC SHS, mobile number 09323554820

The nature and purpose of this research have been sufficiently explained and I agree to
participate in this study. I understand that I am free to withdraw at any time without
incurring any penalty.

Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________

Name (print): ________________________________________________



pH tester


Measuring spoons

Himalayan salt

Coke (1 liter)

Water (pH9)

Measuring Cups

pH Buffers


Pilot Testing of the pH Tester


JV Calambuhay, research leader, together with Andrea

Malawi prepares the materials for the experiment


Resources/Materials Estimate Cost

Nature Spring – 80 X 4 Php 320

Coke- 1 liter – 40 X 7 L Php 280
Himalayan Salt – 2 packs X 500 Php 1,000
pH tester Php 2,000
Buffer Php 500
Antacid tablets – 110 X 5.75 Php 632.5
Butong – 25 X 5 Php 125
Fare (2 months) Php 200
Tools – bond papers, fastener, folder, Php 700
printing & photocopy

TOTAL Php 3,837.5

Prepared by:

Norberto C. Dabalos III

Name and Signature

Approved by:


Research Instructor

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