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Stress Concentration

ME 147P
Machine Design I
Stress Concentration
• The irregularity in the stress distribution caused
by abrupt changes of form is called stress
• The abrupt changes include any discontinuity or
change in cross-section of a machine member,
such as scratches, holes, notches, bends, grooves,
fillets, keyways, splines, surface roughness, etc.
• These are stress raisers which result in a
concentration of stress or “localized stress” that is
greater than the average or nominal stress.
• Consider a member with different cross-section under a tensile
load as shown.
• The nominal stress in the right and left hand sides will be
uniform but in the region where the cross section is changing, a
re-distribution of the force within the member must take place.
• The material near the edges is stressed considerably higher
than the average value.
• The maximum stress occurs at some point on the fillet and is
directed parallel to the boundary at that point.
• Comparison of stress distribution for machine members with
and without a stress raiser.

Tension(axial stress)

with stress raiser (notch)

without stress raiser Sind  S max  S o K t 
Sind  S 0   S max F
th S max  K t  
 th 
K t  theoretical stress
concentration factor
Bending or Flexure

with stress raiser (notch)

without stress raiser Sind  S max  S o K t 
Sind  S 0   S max  Mc 
I S max  K t  
 I 
K t  theoretical stress
concentration factor

without stress raiser

Sind  S 0   S max

with stress raiser (groove)

Sind  S max  S o K t 
 Tr 
S max  K t  
 J 
K t  theoretical stress
concentration factor

For values of K t , see appendix figures of textbook,

AF 8 to AF 14
Sample Problem :
Given : stepped shaft
Required : Maximum induced
stress on shaft if load is
a. Tension, F  1000 lbs.
b. Torsion, T  3000 in - lbs. F
c. Bending, M  3000 in - lbs. a. Sind  St  K t
d. Compression, F  1000 lbs. A  d2
From AF 12 : D  1.5  1.5
d 1
r  0.25  0.25
d 1
K t SCF   1.48
 1000 
Sind  S max  1.48 
  12 
 4 
 1884.39 psi
Tr 16T
b. Sind  S max  K t  Kt 3
T  3000in  lbs. D  1.5" J d
d  1" r  0.25" From AF 12 : at D  1.5,
r  0.25, and curve for torsion :
K t SCF   1.18
 163000 
Sind  S max  1.18 
  1 
c. Sind  S max  K t
I  18029 .07 psi
From AF 12 : at D  1.5,
r  0.25, and curve for bending :
K t SCF   1.34

Sind  S max  1.34

 
 3000 1
 14 
 64 
 40947.4 psi
d. Sind  S c  K t
A  d2
K t SCF   1.0For compression 
 1000 
Sind  S max  1.0 
  12 
 4 
 1273.24 psi
Variable Stresses on Members with Stress Raisers
Modified Soderberg Equation
for ductile materials :
1 Sm K f Sa
 
N Sy Sn Modified Goodman Equation
for shear : for brittle materials :
1 S ms K f S a s 1 Sm K f Sa
   
N S ys S ns N Su Sn
where : S ys  0.6 S y for shear :
1 S ms K f S a s
 
N Sus S ns
where : Su s  0.75Su
K f  fatigue - strength reduction factor
K f  1  q ( K t  1)
K t  theoretical SCF AF8 - AF14
q  notch sensitivity factor
For special materials, use AF 7; otherwise use the general equation
for q : q 
where : r  notch radius, hole radius, fillet radius, radius of curvature, etc.
a  constant for the material used
For steel :
a  0.005  Su  93ksi
a  0.0005  Su  180ksi
Note :
log a  Su
To get a, given Su  152ksi, For keyways and threads,
log 0.005 Su  93ksi use AT 13 and AT 12
log a Su  152ksi for values of K f
log 0.0005 Su  180ksi
Interpolate :
log a  log 0.005 152  93

log 0.0005  log 0.005 180  93
 152  93log 0.0005  log 0.005 
log a  log 0.005   
 180  93
 152 93 log 0.0005 log 0.005  
log 0.005  
180 93
a  10  
 0.001049
1. Problem in Lecture 7
2. The maximum pressure of air in a 20-in
cylinder (double-acting air compressor) is
125 psig. What should be the diameter of the
piston rod if it is made of AISI 3140 OQT at
1000°F, and if there are no stress raisers and
no columns action? Let N=1.75; indefinite life
desired. Surfaces are polished. Ans. 1 1/2in

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