203-Fin Aisq1

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1. Leads can be transacted in Sales Quotations and AR Returns.


2. Goods can be delivered only if an invoice has already been created and in the absence of this

3. The Warehouse tab is where you can view the items on hand, committed, ordered and available.

4. Available quantity on hand add up with committed but deducted with ordered quantity will arrive with
quantity in-stock.

5. One cannot change or delete deliveries and AR invoices that have already been recorded in SAP
Business One.

6. A lead must be converted to a customer when they buy whereas a customer must start as a lead first
before they can buy.

7. This tab is where all the specific information about the ordered items or services is entered, such as
quantity, price, item number and description.
Contents tab

8. Placing a # before, after or in the middle of the word will do a wild card search and would also show all
items that contains particular string that is used.

9. This refers to key information that describes customers, vendors, and leads as well as items that
company buys and sells.
Master Data

10. The Item Master Data consists of tab enables you to manage sales and purchase items, warehouse
items, and planning data for MRP and Production.

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