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Senior High School Department


Worksheet 06. Deconstructing Media

NAME: Kurt Latrell P. Alcantara GRADE & SECTION: 12E

TEACHER: Eumeirx Gwonowon DATE: April 6, 2022

General Instructions:
1. Double check your answers before submitting.
2. Submit this activity in (pdf) format.

Click (hold the CTRL Key then click) and read instructions / check the example:

A. What is your understanding / how do you define “text” in the media? (10pts)

Text in media is the content, or the context of a message from a Tv episode, newspaper,
advertisements, videos, blogs, and more, But more importantly it is a video and a photo. The
audience have no control over the message or text, however what they have in control is how
they understand the message.

B. What is your understanding / how do you define “subtext” in the media? (10pts)

Subtext is how the audience make their own meaning from the text or message. It is how they
interpret the message or text being sent in their own mind, different interpretations with the
media makers.
C. Case Study Activity
(Go to Google images and search the keyword “Philippine Advertisements 2017 or search up
to 2021 then select your preferred ad to be featured, you can also check YT lists and
screenshot the controversial TV/poster ad)

C.1 Magazine / Poster Ad: (10pts)

(Paste your magazine picture / poster image below with the URL link / avoid explicit or vulgar
posters please)

C.2 Identify / enumerate the text in your featured image / poster ad (10pts)

Milo chocolate drink, energy drink, an advertisement of Milo, showing how the drink can support
champions. Little guy is drinking milo, and the ads is showing 33% more energy.
C.3 Identify / enumerate the subtext in your featured image / poster ad (10pts)

The ads message is a energy drink for sports enthusiasts or athletes, specifically targeting the
younger generation of athletes, because of the little kid and the packaging of the Milo, most of
its target audience are the youth.

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