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Geotechnical Engineering

CE-PC 412



Student: Cueto, Ven Joe Emmanuel A.
Code: LE 1 Date Given: Oct. 21, 2021
Rating: Date Due: Oct. 28, 2021

To be able to obtain samples of soil and make preparation for labeling and storage.

Soil sampling is an important part in making an investigation of the properties of soil. Some
properties of soil like its allowable compression, shear, etc., can be determined using its index
properties which in turn are based on samples of soil.

Soil sampling is an important factor in the determination of the properties of soil. The correct
method of sampling will lead to more accurate results in the determination of soil properties and
structure. The storage of a sample, after it has been obtained, is as important as sampling itself. If the
storage is not done adequately, it will lead to a change in some of the properties of the sample. The
labeling of a sample is necessary for easy identification of the sample and to avoid confusion if
different persons undertake the sampling and testing of the soil sample. A better filing of soil samples
will also mean better control of data acquisition.

1. Soil Auger
2. Spade or Shovel
3. Pipe Wrench
4. Moisture Tight Sample Containers
5. Digital Weighing Scale

1. Clear the area of grass and vegetation where the sample is to be obtained.
2. With the use of the soil auger, dig a hole until the specified depth is reached and obtain a
disturbed sample.

3. Record the depth of each soil strata.

4. In obtaining undisturbed soil sample, a large hole should be dug but the middle portion of the
hole is not taken out.

5. Trim the middle portion of the soil until exact size is obtained. Make sure that the sides are
enclosed in a container to prevent crumbling.

LE 1
6. Place a cover or paraffin wax or other means of covering on the sample. Classify and label
the sample.
7. Place the soil sample in a container with adequate space such as canvass bags, cans and bins
for large quantities and glass jars for small samples.

8. Place a label on sample and prepare the corresponding sample data for filing
purposes. (Data Sheet No. 1)
9. Cover disturbed soil sample with petrowax or paraffin after it has been placed in
a container.
10. Plot the soil profile based on the record of each group.

LE 1
Location: Barangay Sinawal General Santos City File No: 1
Date: October 27, 2021 Sample No: 1

Sample Size: 730 grams – 0.73 kilograms
Ground Elevation Not Applicable
Depth of Sample Bottom: 0 – 5 inches
Type of Sample: Disturbed Soil
Description of Soil:

The soil in the top or outermost layer of soil is 0-5 inches. The soil is highest concentration
of organic matter like minerals particles, and water. The soil in level of
0-5inches are sandy, light, warm and dry.

Additional Remarks:

The soil in the level of 0-5 inches are sandy soil or light soils due to their high proportion
of sand and little clay. The soils have quick water drainage and are easy to work with.

LE 1
Location: Barangay Sinawal General Santos City File No: 1
Date: October 27, 2021 Sample No: 2

Sample Size: 740 grams – 0.74 kilograms
Ground Elevation Not Applicable
Depth of Sample Bottom: 5- 10 inches
Type of Sample: Disturbed Soil
Description of Soil:

The soil in the layer of 5-10 inches are highly decaying organic matter and minerals,
ranging from a greyish to brownish color. This soil consists organic matter and
decomposed materials and, in this soil, it consists such as earthworms.

Additional Remarks:

The soil texture are loamy sands, including clay loams and sandy clay loams. And in this
level, there are low water-holding capacity but are generally easier to till.

LE 1
Location: Barangay Sinawal General Santos City File No: 1
Date: October 27, 2021 Sample No: 3

Sample Size: 700 grams – 0.7 kilograms
Ground Elevation Not Applicable
Depth of Sample Bottom: 10- 20 inches
Type of Sample: Disturbed Soil
Description of Soil:

In this layer of soil 10 -20 inches the soil is comparatively harder and compact than top
soil. It contains less organic matter. In this later it holds enough water than the topsoil and
the soil have lighter brownish gray color soil due to the presence of the clay soil.

Additional Remarks:

In this soil layer 10-20 inches the soil is composed of a variable mixture of small particles
such as sand, silt and clay. It has lower percentage of organic matter and it has a small
amount of rocks.

LE 1

LE 1

In conducting this laboratory 1 I observed and analyzed the different soil layer, 0-5 inches
layer, 5-10 inches layer, and 10-20 inches layer soil have different soil texture, soil forming
minerals and soil hardness. The soil contains pieces of disintegrating rocks or inorganic
matter, water and air. The first layer of the disturbed soil, with a depth of 0-5 inches height
from the top is sandy or salty soils, considered light soil because they are permeable and
water draining type of soils. The second later of the disturbed soil with a depth of 5-10 inches
height from the top is consists of variable mixture of small particles such as sand, silt and
clay and small amount of rocks. The disturbed soil is low water-holding capacity but are
generally easier to till. The weight is heavier than the soil in the 0-5 inches because of the
compact of mixed sand and clay. The third layer of the disturbed soil with a depth of 10-20
inches height from the top is usually brownish gray, or olive gray colors. Roots are not
common in this soil and it has a small amount of rocks which are smaller in size mixed with
it. The soil can hold enough water. They all have different types, colors, hardness, weight
and texture depends on the level or depth of the soil.

LE 1

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